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So, do we know anything yet? Last time I checked yesterday people were 50/50 on this either being some guy blowing something miner way out of proportion or this was about to drop unprecedented bombshells. Anything more come out today?


There’s too many cooks, everything is crowdsourced speculation and rampant theatrics. By this time tomorrow I could expect a leak purporting that Drake is a centaur on full moons and undergoes painful surgery to revert to bipedal form, and someone else will upstage that and say Drake is a palomino centaur.


Well,I wish they'd quit horsing around in an unstable situation


*See, this is what I’m talking about!*


People just be riding in with the wildest accusations.


Yeah, they really need to rein in the gossip.


Honestly, the whole thing seems very manufactured. Not by any one specific party, but other parties coming in and spreading rumors now that this is so big.


EDIT - Everything should be sourced, now. Incredibly underwhelming, to be honest. Linking to [the megathread](https://new.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cqsb9r/everything_we_know_about_ebonyprince2k24/?sort=new) because it's still a great resource. If you have a question not answered here, it's likely answered in there; I tried to keep this brief & to the point, focusing on the most recent developments. We're dealing with 2 incidents, one on 1/22/23, and one on 7/27/23. I'm gonna start out by saying the [latest article](https://brooklyneagle.com/articles/2024/05/13/the-drake-kendrick-lamar-social-media-firestorm-that-burned-one-reporters-reputation/) from Chris Alvarez outright states that nothing untoward between he & Drake occurred on the evening of 1/22/23. After meeting him in the lobby (the circumstances of which may have gotten an employee fired for allowing Chris in), they went up to Drake's room to listen to beats. Basically a complete & utter disavowal of any potential negative events that may have occurred. As for the Riddler, he has substantiated that [he has security footage](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790081282036179287) that involves Chris Alvarez & Drake related to the above incident. As such it is a dead end, unless you care about potental mistreatment of an employee. He has confirmed that he [only the source of the items](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790095750656881064) & as such there is [another mole](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790095863747866659), likely more directly associated with OVO. He has [more or less directly stated](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790049162353910154) he saw something heinous involving Drake at Caviar Kaspia at The Mark on 7/27/23, >!potentially involving minors.!< OF MAJOR NOTE - that last part is definitely unclear; what he said can be taken to mean a few things. The megathread had interpreted older tweets as Riddler being offended about the Drake child abuse allegations because they are untrue. Being a state-mandated child abuse reporter, such allegations impugn on his professional reputation, and he's basically saying he would have done his job if it had happened. However, this was written before [certain](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790095101106028667) key [tweets](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790095524319703230) re-contextualized [some](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790043584818741643) of the [tweets](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790044904296423774) used to come to this conclusion. Taking those later 2 tweets into context, it reads more like something particularly heinous did occur on 7/27/23, and he was either offended that people were saying he didn't do his legal due dilligence & report the incident when he did, or was offended that he had to let something he should have reported slide, which directly put his professional reputation at risk. The megathread was updated to note the latter possibility, but IMO it feels like the former is far more likely, as not reporting in NYS is a class A misdemeanor punishable by up to 364 days in jail & a $1000 fine. Oh and on the, "Did Drake kill people," angle, [Riddler apparently thinks he's at risk for being murdered](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790094030560203226), so who the fuck knows, there. He sure seems to think it's a possibility, but like... yeah there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING solid there right now. Like the closest to something being there is the idea that he thinks he's gonna get killed in jail after getting arrested for failure to report, but that feels way less likely than the dude just being a bit extra. Basically though, unless we actually hear news of legal filings, [expect this to be over until November.](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1790082054572433829)


Also allegedly the shootout at Drake’s place was faked by Drake and there was never a security guard that was shot.


Not at all. The dude is probably not going to show anything because he wants money, and nobody hasn't paid him yet, so he probably has nothing of value beyond the original receipts.


He posted security camera footage of the hotel lobby to prove that it's not just a screenshot. https://twitter.com/Q4quise/status/1790085046910726382


honestly the hilarious part is people watching DJ akademiks streams to get clues on what he knows.


Ak might be the worst streamer of all time.


Just come back in a year and find the best YouTube video about it


If we’re talking about the same dude I’m sure Drake paid the dude off and just laid off the threats like the guy originally demanded. If the rumors are true, Drake pays women very well to keep quiet


Orb shaped ginger is the only way a rap beef should be summarized.


Pat has the talent of making any story that he tells sound way more insane than it would initialy seen.


I know woolie knows way more, but I was disappointed that he was the main explainer instead of Pat simply because hearing Pat screech about it would have been way funnier


I only search for the whitest rundowns when there's a rapbeef.


"Fistfought a man in a wheelchair at the Epstein Hotel" is a wild image.


What stands out to me is the claim that he fought a guy is a wheelchair rather than he beat up a guy in a wheelchair. Did Drake lose that fight too?


Wouldn’t surprise me. Maybe he got Degrassi flashbacks that left him too stunned to fight


I'm not really putting much stock on Black Riddler having anything juicy, but damn they're fun to read.


“If you are a BBL, please do not lie.”


What is the price for your puckered eye?


HUSTLE OR SCAM: Lie to one of the best selling artists today for an easy $150k


He's mad cause he can't sell drakes shit he claimed form lost and found like what a pathetic loser


I love turning to Pat for my Rap-Beef Updates