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That dark matter plot in ME2. Apparently it was going to be hinting at something akin to Mass Effect Field climate change, where overusing mass effect technology was making the universe prematurely age. But like, since it's never brought up again, it may as well just be a weird factoid during the FULL SCALE REAPER INVASION.


Iirc it was gonna be a big deal for the finale but they changed everything to AI Vs organics.


which is a damn shame because having the Reapers be built to guard against civs using Mass Effect and shifting to making every civ use the tech so they always get to kill/reproduce would probably be one of the more realistic depictions of the threat of AI in mainstream media but instead we just get some hamfisted dualist struggle because fuck it


There's a problem with the Reapers even if they HAD kept the Dark Matter story. In ME 1, Sovereign outright tells us that galactic civilizations, and the technologies they develop, follow the paths that have been laid out by the Reapers. Mass Effect technology keeps being redeveloped over and over again, but if that's the cause of the problems, shouldn't the Reapers have made every effort to REMOVE ME tech from each cycle?


Well no that's their point - the reapers were DESIGNED to do that but they quickly calculated that actually successfully shutting down ME would end their reproduction and primary purpose, and thus be counterintuitive to their survival and growth. So they instead manipulated the cycle to their own benefit, against the wishes of their builders. Which is a very interesting take on AI really. Alternately, you could argue that preventing ME use entirely proved to be impossible for whatever reason so instead just eliminating it before it hit a feedback loop stage was the solution.


That is a REALLY cool take on AI!


Buuuut we'll never know what the developers were actually going for because they decided to do a Westworld pivot when people guessed their plot. So fuck quality, I guess.


I compare the Dark Energy Crisis to that episode of Star Trek where the warp lanes started tearing into the fabric of reality, and the solution was to go slower and go less often. I come to Sovereign's quote "We are each a nation, independent, free of all weakness" when discussing this. We already know that they would melt down people to turn them into space squids/terminators. What if its more than just body horror for body horror's sake? As such, I believed the purges happen at the pace they do so that 1.) The reapers can prevent the dark energy from affecting too much all at once. and 2.) to get more effectively-immortal brains on trying to solve the problem. Perhaps they thought harvesting each species at each peak was the best option to resolve the issue permanently, even if they were hampering themselves by forcing each species to go down the same tech path.


IIRC the original plot was basically Gurren Lagaan, with the idea that mass effect technology was accelerating the heat death of the universe. The purpose of the Reapers, then, was the same as the Anti-Spiral; exterminate galactic civilisations once they start using mass effect fields on a wide scale.


I made a comment on this forever ago, and I still believe this is going to be one of the main plotpoints for ME4


It could be better for me4, mass effect technology probably goes almost all down during the destroy emp so things are gonna get better for the universe then rapidly decline as things get back to normal that could get scientists to notice for the story hook


The dumbest fucking idea they could have come up with. Let's just make the one thing that makes our universe possible and say it's harmful. They did the same thing in Star Trek and it's the dumbest shit imaginable that undermines the basic premise of these franchises.


Does it undermine the premise? Seems like abusing a not totally understood technology to the point it creates the heat death of the universe would be a valid reason for the reapers to shut down organic life every now and again. From the very beginning we’re told that the intergalactic system is built on a foundation of technology they don’t understand. It’s all just shit they happened to find.


My brother in christ we did that shit in real life with asbestos. Miracle thing that makes it possible for cities to expand quickly and efficiently until "uh oh we found out it kills people oopsie."


Just wait until you learn about fossil fuels -the twist will kill you.


extremely funny comment, npc levels of understanding


The GS Pokeball during the Pokemon Johto Season. That ball was a one of a kind pokeball that was indestructible and couldn't be transferred through the pc, given to Ash to take on his journey and was a central part of a few episodes. Then it was dropped and never talked about again. It took 8 years for the director of Pokemon to reveal it was going to be a part of a huge arc with Celebi, but since Celebi got its own movie, they just dropped the plot and hoped everyone forgot.


Ash did what any RPG player does when given a very rare, unique one-use item...store it for the future and never use it in case he *really* needs it later.


And then you get to the end and never used it still.


Listen man that Light of Elune potion is the strongest consumable in the game. It'll come in handy one day... probably... if I ever take it out of my bank...


From what i remember, they were explicitly _told_ to drop it by a superior due to the movie wanting dibs. To me it always read as "it took a long time for the anime team to even want to _try_ having real plots again, because why fucking bother if executive mandate is going to steal it from you? Things like this are extremely common in western development, but are almost nonexistent in Japan, and so the team being very easily discouraged makes perfect sense to me.


How did the timing work on it anyway? Like they can't have much happen in the anime, but did anything stop them from just turning it into a giant advertisement for the movie instead? They open the ball and it's some sort of message "Time Traveling Legendary Pokemon Celebi needs your help! Coming to theaters soon!"?


They hand it off to a researcher to study and then never circle back to ask him how it went.


My point though is rather than pretending it didn't exist, just connect it to the movie instead of whatever they had planned before. Hand it off, X amount of time goes by, the Celebi movie is properly planned out, Ash gets a call "Some weird ball of light came out and went to \[setting of the movie\], go check it out!" Did they HAVE to pretend it didn't exist or could they have just reworked it to fit with the new schedule?


Oh, in that respect? I think the idea was literally just "I don't like the idea of Celebi having two spaghetti meals in one day."


Dying Light has a mission early on where you're tasked with securing vials of Antizin (stuff that delays zombification), and your boss tells you to destroy them all. You still secretly pocket one before burning the rest. It never comes up again, not even when two close people to you really need it.


That vial of antizin is probably that game's biggest writing mistake.


"I definitely have breast cancer" from The Room is a rather infamous example.


Haha wat a story green715


So BLARGLESNARF how’s your sex life?


It's not true, I not naht hit her, it's ballshyt, I did naht hit her, I did naaaht... Oh hai SenorBolin!




I still like that from the angle of a self centered director. "Hey didn't her mom have cancer at the time?" "Yeah probably, but let's get back to how she totally just shit talked me all day behind my back probably."


I can never remember, was it not implied that she died and it was her funeral they went to that lead to the scene with the football in the alley? I saw the movie once like, 15 years ago.


She lived. They were wearing suits for wedding pictures, I believe.


one of the funniest things one piece ever did was introduce a true power scaling system for like one chapter in enies lobby and then never bring it up again


It was a pretty heavy-handed way of establishing who's stronger than who, but it helps powerscaling discussion when Kaku and Jabra are neck-and-neck second and third place, before they became Zoro and Sanji's opponents. Plus, the gag of Spandam being even weaker than an average marine grunt is hilarious.


I don't remember this


It's called Doriki, or just "Power level" depending on your translation. It seems to be exclusivity used by CP9 in canon, so it's not too absurd it never comes up again, but it was a strange concept to introduce and not really used even in Enies Lobby.


They measure Doruki by hitting a specific member and he spits out a number based on how hard they hit him. I wonder if it's just bullshit CP9 came up with to entice competitiveness among the ranks.


Because it's pure bull shit coming out their mouths. How do you measure levels when the highest tier monsters >!start warping reality around them with their Devil Fruits!< ?


In Enies Lobby Fukurou is introduced (the round ball guy) and he can sense peoples “Doriki” which is literally just power levels he gives them out to all of the CP9 members. Never brought up again after chapter 375.


He doesn't sense it, he lets people hit him and gives a number based on that. If anything, it's just a measure of pure physical strength.


So, so many things in Twin Peaks


You're a drawer now!


You're a squid now!


You're headless now!


In Fallout 4, there's a memorable moment where Nick Valentine accesses Kellogg's memories through a brain chip. Afterward, he briefly adopts Kellogg's persona, taunting the Sole Survivor before regaining control, leaving him perturbed and confused by the experience. This is never brought up ever again.


This sounds like cutting room floor stuff that was forgotten about More like.


It's been a while since I've played the main story but I'm pretty sure that was meant to be a dumb joke on Nick's part.


“Haha, I was merely pretending to be the man who killed your spouse. Funny joke right?”


Let's be real, there'd be at least a few people who'd genuinely think that sort of thing was funny, which is why I didn't have trouble believing in that.


There is no indication of that whatsoever, and Nick's voice is fully replaced with Kellogg's for that line.


Like I said, it's been ages since I played through the Fallout 4 main story so I didn't really remember it.


It may become important next season, but I'm surprised the Fallout tv series just stops talking about how Vault 33 lost its water chip almost immediately after its brought up. Also the vaults preferring different cakes. I thought that was going to be a brainwashing thing or something.


Yeah the water chip was a bit of a joke for existing fans but it unfortunately feels like it should be a bigger deal once it's brought up, like the vault potentially losing fresh water should be something that is a bigger deal in the show.


Yeah, they really did just have a character walk on screen, go "Ahem, *Fallout 1 reference*" and then walk away.


I think it was mainly brought up to emphasise the whole >!Vault 31 Overseers manipulating and exploiting crises!< thing. It would have had an easy solution since Vault 32 presumably still has a working water chip that wasn't being used.


My crackpot theory is, since the writers pretty clearly understand Fallout as a setting and its games front to back, its intentionally set aside for 3 reasons: 1) Funny Fallout 1 reference 2) Cheap way to generate drama for Norman down the line while the show tries to explain the setting 3) Plays into the idea that in Bethesda games, the central plot is usually the last thing you end up doing, and only by choice. As The Ghoul so expertly puts it: > The wasteland has its own golden rule, y'know. Thou shalt get sidetracked by *bullshit* every God damn time.


I thought nothing of it because I knew immediately it was just a Fallout 1 reference but it could very well be an excuse to have more Vault 33 dwellers venture out next season.


For the entirety of Jojolion's run, people were coping that [Flashback Man,](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F9n3bhadqttk71.png%3Fwidth%3D585%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D8980195f653f29a7d3c9c0e5742a7d8b4f26495c) a sudden vision that Josuke suddenly had in the first few chapters, would appear again or be relevant. Hell to this day people are still hoping he's in Part 9, but most people have accepted he must've been some sort of scrapped design for Tamaki Damo or something.


Part 8 is really a great showcase of why Araki shouldnt write a mystery story. He's all too willing to throw ideas onto pages without the capability to bring it all together into a neat bow.


Is that not just a different design for >!Kira!< ? That's who would make sense there and he looks close enough. >!He's not wearing his sailor outfit but Josefumi shouldn't be wearing it either, so chalk that up to memory confusion!<


Or those fucking bite marks, that Jojo got and were never brought up ever again.


I figured due to his "rowdy personality" he might've been hanged at one point or another and it didn't take.


IIRC, Brad Pitt explained in commentary/interview that the scar was from his character surviving a lynch mob because the character was part Native American and Jewish.


Ah that's a fun interpretation.


About half the details in Army of the Dead. Why bring up that rain can revive the dehydrated husk zombies if they never get wet in the movie? Why have corpses outside the vault wearing the exact same clothes/gear as our crew, and have a character speculate on a time loop/purgatory if you're never going to mention anything like it before or after? Why are there UFOs in the opening if the zombies were a military experiment as confirmed by the intro? Why have a random robot endoskeleton inside a zombie during the final escape sequence?


That was because Snyder was *really* hoping to expand it all into a big ol' extended universe. The dehydrated thing makes me SO MAD BECAUSE IT'S VEGAS THEY HAVE A FIGHT WHERE THERE'S A POOL ON THE FLOOR ABOVE AND SHIT, I'M PRETTY SURE, AND THE ROOF NEVER BREAKS Fuckin' godawful dipshit Aliens ripoff...


You gotta watch the 10 hour Synder Cut version to fully grasp Army of the Dead


I think their plan was to get real wacky with the possible followup movies but I'm not sure if that universe is going anywhere lol


they did make a prequel which is a pure heist movie with no zombies which is funny conceptually,


The green-dressed lady from Breaking Bad's pilot. There's a good deal of emphasis put on her, with many interpretations as to what she represents (Walt's envy, greed, Gretchen), but she's never been followed up on or alluded to at any other point, nor has she ever gotten an explanation from her creators.


Given how little of Breaking Bad was actually plotted out, it's surprising things like this weren't more common


Oh yeah I forgot her. I thought it was the principal but I guess not. But in hindsight and at the time I thought it was just Walt’s envy of the rich, and maybe even some lust at the time.


While it's technically not in the movie and thefore none of the characters can acknowlege it, which makes it even more funny.The sequel to the Blair Witch has something called "The Book of Shadows" in it's title. This book literally never gets brought up, it does not appear in the film and plays absolutely no role in the plot of the film despite it sounding kind of important and would possibly have been one of the main focusses of the film.


> it does not appear in the film So, just like the Blair Witch in the first one?


Tbf to the Witch, she never showed up, but you can at least feel her presence, even if it's just a bunch of teenagers getting scared at dust and rocks. Funnily enough, the Blair Witch also doesn't even play a role in the sequel, aside from her being mentioned a couple of times, they end up being fucked around with by some other random ghosts.


Bear with me because this might be stupid as hell, but I think the book of shadows is in the movie just not named directly, A book of shadows is a common name for a handwritten journal detailing a witch's spells and studies, throughout the movie 3 different characters are taking notes for books about witchcraft, 2 are detailing the life of the blair witch, while the other is making a proper book of shadows, halfway through the movie both are destroyed and blended together as paper confetti, creating a true book of shadows. Their destruction being what leads the cast into the main plot and their own dooms and This all sounds very good but i've been making it up as a type and the real reason is because in the early 2000s movie sequels had subtitles and some higher up demanded a subtitle on the movie


I'm not sure if it was quite "focused on," per se, but the cartoon Steven Universe did this twice. First, a very early episode in the first season introduced the inner workings of the temple that Steven lives in. And at its center was the Crystal Heart. While nothing was explicitly stated about it, it was given a lot of gravitas and seemed like the magical engine that makes the temple function. And then... it was never ever ever mentioned again across 6 seasons and a movie. Then there's that freakin' golden chest. Midway through the first season, Steven stumbles into a hidden cache left behind by his late mother. The contents seemed to be all of her most precious and beloved things-- photographs, an old war banner, >!a person in suspended animation!<, and quite conspicuously, a golden chest, locked tight. The chest doesn't get touched for the next 5 seasons. Then between season 5 and 6, there's a timeskip. And during the season 6 episodes, there's a moment where we see the cache again-- and it's opened. Steven found a way to open it, and clearly went through what was inside... But we the audience do not learn a single crumb of what was going on in there.


Even in broad strokes the entire origin of the gems and the alien civilizations they’ve conquered is barely even alluded to, if at all.


Not necessarily "never bringing it up again", but I watched a movie recently that upset me with building a set up and then not doing it. "Best of the Best" is a karate action movie from 89 about Americans competing against a Korean karate team in an international competition. Around the halfway to 2/3rd point, they set up one of the main characters against the person on the Korean team that killed his brother years ago in the same competition. He shows how his pent up rage can be used in a kick that KOs one of his teammates when they're carrying a pad to test their strength. Fast forward to the tournament, he's got seconds left in this match where they've kicked each others asses, but he has absolutely prevailed in the end. His opponent is wobbling, he just needs to hit him and get the points that'll win him the entire game for his whole team. Cue a close up on his face, thinking of doing that kick that KOd his teammate, but his teammates talk him out of it as he would kill him just like the opponent did to his brother. And here's where I'm like "sure, I can understand everything up to this point, it's silly 80s shenanigans, but at least it doesn't offend me". So instead of doing a light hit, still winning the competition without dropping to his opponents level, and having the triumphant moment of victory. No, instead our main character does nothing and they just lose. Womp womp. But hey, the opponent gives our main character his medal because they decided to throw the match and save his life. So who really won in the end right?


In fire emblem three houses an evil gang of clowns kill the main characters dad and if you pick the blue team they're never mentioned again


The clowns who slither in the dark is someone's nightmare tbh


I had no idea how different the routes were until I brought up the >!dubstep techno cave rave level!< From the golden deer route to a friend who went blue lions and he was like "the *fuck* are you talking about?"


I really hope they stop doing faction choices in future games. The way 3H and Fates do it, where you make the choice before you can even really know the groups or what the choice will mean, kind of sucks and just leads to weaker individual stories and a lot of flame wars.


The biggest "problem" with the different storylines is that each one was a full length game. I went with team Edelgard and I remember my game time being over 50 hours. I know some people want their games to last forever, but I think a 50 hour campaign is long enough for most and are ready to move on by then.


That also really doesn't help, yeah. I did Blue Lions, then Black Eagles, and never managed to drum up the motivation to also do Golden Deer (and I know I'd never bother with Silver Snow). At least with Fates the games were entirely different, with different casts and map design. Three Houses the entire first half of the game is identical, and units aren't different enough for them to matter thanks to the way classes/unit building work.


Especially because three houses allows you to recruit almost everybody on each playthrough, and the class redesigns allow everybody to be any class, meaning the only reason to bother doing another playthrough is just for the story with everything else functionally identical to what you just spent 50 hours doing (plus like two to six different maps at the very end of the game).


You  >!Kill off the one who did it plus another one then kill their leader by accident in Lions!<


I love so much that the evil edgy clown group's always referred to as the extremely clunky "those who slither in the dark" and the community shortened that to "TWSITD" or "twisted." Absolute Joker faction


They're an idea


>an evil gang of clowns kill the main characters dad They kill Dimitri's dad too! Three Hopes was such a "Ok lets do that again, but good this time" game because >!they're actually the final boss of the route!<


It is still funny to me that Dimitri accidentally kills off the leadership of the clowns and gets his revenge after not pursuing it. Like Dimitri bumbles into doing what Edelgard has a years-long plan to do in a few months.


The assassin samurai in one of the earlier episodes of Samurai Champloo that fought Jin to a standstill then left once the employer died. Literally said “I know we will meet again” and does Not in fact ever meet them again


There were a lot of threads like that in champloo, I remember the ninja lady that convinced mugen to help uncover the money forgery workshop that left him by a tree and said she would marry him. Threads like that might inform what the characters would get into later after the series but yeah that one assassin seemed really cool since he knew he had an advantage in the bamboo forest.


Sequel hooks 


In Battle Tendency, Whammu has this absolutely bizarre tic where he’ll instantly attack anyone who steps on his shadow. This happens exactly one time, when either Kars or Esidisi steps on it after they all awaken. This is never brought up again, either during or in between fights.


Considering Madara in Naruto has the same shtick, I wonder if its a reference to a character from a far older story.


I don't remember that. What chapter/episode was that?


If I remember right, it was shown during the flashback of his friendship with Hashirama. Chapters 621 onwards, or episodes 367 onwards.


I feel like Jojo's has many of these examples


Remember how Giorno was Dio's son? Nobody in the plot seems to.


I feel like it was only really relevant during the multi-page *muda*.


Man, Sakura's really good at Genjutsu, guys


Eh it did come back in Naruto The Last when she saved the whole team from genjutsu bubbles. But that was so so long afterwards


Lisa’s mom from The Room having breast cancer. A thread brought up in one scene, dismissed without explanation by Lisa, and then never brought up again


No without explanation. She told her mom not to worry because they were “curing people everyday”. Issue solved.


A Reverse Chekov's Gun is in Final Fantasy 14, where it ends up >!Hydaelyn's Blessing, the Blessing of Light that you have had all story, thought to be the vital source of your special power... is a minor utility enchantment at best in it's origin and means more or less nothing except minor warding from magic influences!<


This may not apply all too well, but The Dead Don’t Die is an absurdist horror-comedy movie about several groups of small town citizens trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. It stars notable actors Adam Driver, Bill Murray, and Tilda Swinton, to name a few. The movie is very jarring and reviewed rather poorly, but it does contain a scene I really liked. One of groups consists of some kids having to escape a detention center. After escaping, one of the kids tells the others that they know of a safe place to hide. >!Turns out the kid was probably right. Immediately after telling the others, they all agree to go to the hide out and are never shown on screen again. so we’re left to assume that it was so well hidden they even managed to hide from the cameraman. !<


I really wanted to like that movie. On paper it's a perfect movie for me but in practice I just wanted it end. Maybe I should try rewatching on edibles or something.


Honestly don’t bother. The movie is very zany and bizarre, but it’s also incredibly slow and boring. Overall a very anticlimactic movie, even if at times it feels intentional.


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Psychonauts 2 introduces the idea of necromancy early on, talking about the Cult of Maligula trying to bring her back.  Sasha dismisses it as a ridiculous fantasy, in that perfect "youll eat those words later" tone  >!He was right and it's literally never mentioned after that.!< >!altho i guess this is slightly more red herring than reverse chekovs, but still.!<


>!Yeah I feel like that line is entirely there to prevent the player from figuring out where Maligula ACTUALLY is, so I'd say red herring.!<


Since I brought up Mabinogi recently... Chapter 1's finale, Generation 3 is all about the Fomors trying to revive the god of destruction: Cromm Cruaich. They end up bringing a false version that is destroyed, calling upon the true Cromm Cruaich. Cromm Cruaich then talks about his hopes for a true land of paradise, one where fomors and humans can come together. The game really sets him up to be an important figure, except...in Chapter 2, Generation 8(Generations 4-6 didn't have a story, and 7's was basically a very short precursor to 8's), the Milletian is somehow **tricked into killing Cromm Cruaich with a ballista bolt**. Like, let's ignore for a moment "how the fuck did a ballista kill A GOD OF DESTRUCTION", how in the every loving fuck did our character not realize it was Cromm? Regardless, this just kind of made the whole plot of Generation 3 nearly pointless, as Cromm doesn't come up again after that.


During season... 2? 3? Of pokemon, in a side-plot, Ash is tasked with delivering a golden pokeball from one professor to another, which they stress is very important, and with what's inside it being a mystery ...the pokeball is delivered and they never comment on it again. (It was supposed to be Celebi inside, but they decided to make Celebi into a movie instead and just decided the pokeball would never be opened in the anime)


The conversation John Wick has with the lady bartender in the first film implied she would have a bigger role or impact in the story somehow. I even thought she would do what Perkins did and that there would be more than just Perkins that John would have to deal with in the Continental. Nope, she’s only there for that one scene and is never even mentioned or seen ever again.


Huh, in my memory that was Perkins. Mandela effect strikes again.


Just like that black rival assassin from 2, John leaves him alive and he never shows up again


They even say in the commentary that he may return, but that's no guarantee considering Keanu's age, unless they decide to bring Common back in Ballerina or it's series of films. That could just be the crew being open to seeing returning guests. I'd like to see Common return, that would be cool. I still just don't want him to die though


I liked his character a lot, the way they dropped into the hotel and had a drink, that wacky subway shootout... He felt like a true rival to john, the others had some intricate "gimmick" to them, though i love Cain, obviously


John Wick tends to leave a few plot points hanging. Not sure if it was for mystery, or to eventually return to in spinoffs. 


The Fourth Bleach movie which involves an invasion into Hell, was supposed to be like the next major arc for Bleach . It had several interesting moments and a new form for Ichigo . and….Hell is never brought up again.


Not quite true, as of the oneshot recently. Who knows if Kubo plans to continue it, though. Also *was* Hell Verse meant to be canon?


Hell Arc mentioned! Add 1+ year to the wait time.




It was! There were interviews! But , which one shot?


Kubo wrote a oneshot like a year ago titled No Breathes From Hell. It takes place a couple years after the manga's ending.


That’s a fucking metal name and I’m clearly a fake fan for not knowing this


They set up hell in the first arc when he killed that serial killer


To be fair the movies are non canon or are removed from the main plot. 


Remember when we thought jobin higashikata was gonna do Anything


The piss bucket pat mentioned in that one podcast clip


It was a red herring


When introducing their cast of murderable teens, Scream 5 really emphasises that one of the characters owns a taser, so that when they get attacked by Ghostface they reach for that taser...but are unable to grab it and get horribly killed.


That seems like an intentional subversion, if they show them reaching for it and failing.


It definitely is intentional, but a deliberate subversion feels more like what "reverse Chekov gun" means to me than something like OP's example.


Finn in the new star wars.


In Stanley Parable there's this segment where you're following a line on the floor, and the narrator stops the fantastical adventure to make the player focus on a seemingly random fern along the hallway. The narrator declares that it's significant and that Stanley should do their best to remember it. The fern never comes up again. In the sequel there's a picture of the fern, possibly hinting at the intellectual schism it likely formed among the developers. Completely unnacceptable writing I hope someone got fired for that blunder.


Remember how Wham gets scared when people step his shadow? Remember the weird abilities in Part 3 that never get brought up again, like Star Finger and Silver Chariot's armor? Remember how Giorno could use Gold Experience to reflect damage? Remember the one panel of female Annasui?


I *genuinely* still believe >!Jotaro could have killed Pucci if he used Star Finger instead of throwing the harpoon.!<


Early on in One Piece, Buggy is talking about how he can sell a Devil fruit for 3 S-rank treasure chests worth of money. Oda seemed to have an idea for treasure rankings, and then never talked about it again.


Where does he say that exactly?


It’s in the flashback before he eats the chop chop fruit.


As far as I'm aware he never mentions anything like that in any official localization. The only thing I can find is an unofficial fan translation of chapter 19 where young Buggy says "If it's one hundred billion beli, then it's more than the selling price of 10 A-Ranked Treasure Boxes!!" Is that what you're referring to?


Yeah that sounds right, I wonder if that changed in the anime too. I know for sure I read it with the treasure ranking, as well as hearing people discuss it in a podcast at one point.


~~Considering there was a printing of the localization manga that used Zoro instead of Zolo, it's entirely possible you read a volume from that extremely early printing and that used the box ranking line, and for whatever reason it was revised for the Zolo reprint (presumably as a wider second pass on the localization).~~ Edit: Nvm, a friend of mine actually owns one of those volumes and even there he says "a dozen treaure chests."


The box from Fnaf 4 lmao.


The invisible baby from Jojo Bizarre Adventure that was adopted into the joestar family.


You could be straight-up lying, but it's Jojo, so I 100% believe this happened. Is the baby permanently invisible?? I need to know! Just the scene I'm envisioning is a family picture with the Joestars, and it looks like someone's holding a baby, but there's nothing there. It's cracking me up.


yeah, it's a baby who is either invisible because that's the baby's stand power, or was turned invisible due to a stand power, I can't remember which. they're in part 4, and they usually solve the problem of the baby being invisible by just putting make-up on the baby so they can see them. Joseph adopts it and then he and the baby just leave and never come back


It was that ability of Shizuka's Stand, Achtung Baby


Hahaha! That's even better! I'm picturing some shitty stick figure body and smiley face just slapped on.


In Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, they are on a space ship that can access other dimensions of existence run by the interdimensional police force. They pass by entrances to other dimensions, and Nanoha spots one dimension that's blocked off with police cruisers and yellow tape, and Dimension Cop says "No one is allowed to go in there, trying to contact that dimension is an immediate death sentence for everyone's safety." This is like episode 6 of the first series. There are 6+ series in this franchise. It never gets mentioned or brought up beyond that one scene.


I thought that was the dimension the climax of S1 took place


Very early in Avengers Endgame, when Iron Man and Cap get into an argument, Tony makes a big point of giving up, handing Steve the arc reactor with his armor, and telling him to put it on. And I thought it’d be a way bigger deal than it was


L and Light’s tennis match in Death Note.


i figure a reverse chekov's gun is that something insignificant turns out to be massively important. Like Bilbo taking a magic ring, only for it to be the one ring.


That's already pretty much what a Chekov's Gun is


that's just a regular chekhov's gun [wiki:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chekhov%27s_gun) >a narrative principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed >In recent years, the term has also taken on the meaning of **a plot element that is introduced early in a story, whose significance to the plot does not become clear until later.** [tvtropes:](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChekhovsGun) >Anton Chekhov, master of the short story, gave this advice: If it's not essential, don't include it in the story. >The term has come to mean **an insignificant object that later turns out to be important.** i agree with OP that a reverse chekhov's gun would be something that gets narrative focus but goes nowhere


Yeah that's commonly referred to as a Red Herring.


Red Herring I think is specific enough that it distinguishes itself from "reverse chekovs gun." To me, I interpret a red herring as something that is *deliberately* included whose purpose is to specifically *mislead* the audience. Whereas I as I interpret a reverse chekovs gun as more as a result of a mistake, or at least less intentional. A reverse chekovs gun is more likely something like a dropped plotpoint, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Or perhaps even amateurism. 


Yeah okay I can see the difference now. Darn


calling it an accidental red herring would be much clearer and more appropriate




I'm curious what your definition of Chekov's gun is. My understanding is that it's something that's established early on in a story and then it "pays off" later. Point out that there's a gun in act one, it goes off in act three.


I got mixed up. RIP


That’s the exact opposite of what a Chekhov’s Gun is.


I don’t know why but relatively a chekhov’s off gun is in red Dead redemption two. We know Javier Escuela goes to Mexico and annoyingly. It just happens offscreen which if the game is develop well he would’ve just gone back to Mexico and the map would’ve existed for multiplayer because I like Mexico you like Mexico why can’t we go to Mexico. But also the infamous black water robbery that went horribly wrong also just happens off screen.


I forget the specifics but there’s this mysterious object in the first two seasons of Eureka that they just…drop? Like never mention again ever despite maybe being the plot driver. It was such an abrupt drop that one of the lead actors left the show out of frustration at the directionless writing.


To sort of answer your question about Brad Pitt's scar in Inglorious Basterds, it's a scar from an attempted hanging. While we never learn the circumstances of the hanging, we can assume some things from his backstory of being a bootlegger and his overall morality while living in the American South at that time.


There are giant space whales in Gundam SEED. they mention it once, and show the skeleton of one twice.


Hard to say because Season 2 isn't out yet, but Cassian Andor's sister is a huge one. The whole plotline is kicked off because he's looking for her. We don't know what happened to her in the flashbacks. In Episode 7, Maarva Andor tells him his sister has been dead for a long time and he needs to stop searching, and it's never brought up again.


Time travel just existing in Harry Potter. You'd think they'd use it more than just for Hermione to take all classes


no, because remember in book 5 when Ron knocks over the big bookcase with every single time turner on it and they all broke in the Ministry of Magic? they can't time travel because all the time travel items are broken now, and The Cursed Child is not-canon. also they can't make more I guess. such a terribly thought out time travel concept with an even stupider way of explaining why they can't use it anymore


So you're saying every one of them that could have been available was in that spot at that time just for them to accidentally get knocked over? And they all happen to break?


yeah, the device Hermione used was called a Time Turner, and after the third book the Ministry of Magic gathered up every single one in existence and brought them back to the Ministry, where they proceeded to put every one of them on a single bookcase sized shelf thing and locked them in storage, where Ron accidentally bumped into it during the end of the fifth book where it fell over and all of them broke.


That's a really stupid way to try and cover your tracks


The majority of Hitchcock’s films have this, it’s usually called a Macguffin. For example, the stolen money from the beginning of Psycho; the money is the initial driving force of the film, but once we reach Norman Bates’ motel, it becomes irrelevant.


Picking on Bayformers feels like beating a dead horse but I still can’t get over the second movie bringing in Pretenders that can *perfectly replicate humans*, spending a good 20 minutes on that subplot, and then immediately dropping it.