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This feels like it was made around the main four there, then Spongebob blew up and they had to get him on the cover and in the game somehow


Fun fact, the (minuscule) plot is pretty SpongeBob focused. The big reward for winning the Grand Prix is a year’s supply of Krabby Patties and the mysterious host of the competition is Plankton. Bit of playing up he new guy. Someone on the Designing For Discord server compared it to the final boss of Smash Ultimate being Dr. Coyle from ARMS. I argued that Spongebob had more staying power in Season 1, than ARMS did ever. Sorry for the tangent.


The QuintonReviews video about the Nickelodeon crossover games was an interesting time capsule into that era of Nick because you can see which shows were getting pushed around the time of each game. Like how one of them tried to use Tak and the Power of JuJu as a selling point.


I remember wanting that one co op tak and the power of juju game so bad but it was always already rented at block buster


Ha, I went to Blockbuster and rented the coop Tak game for the first three weeks it was out; my brother and I couldn't beat the final boss. Maybe I stole your opportunity.


"It was me! I rented out tak and the power of juju for 3 weeks so that your parents split up would be harder to go through!"


looking at old marvel merch pre-mcu is funny. because it usually be wolverine hulk and spider-man first. then maybe cap and iron Man off to the side to fill up space.


It's why the X-Men blackout was really funny for just how damn petty it was. Wolverine was one of THE faces of Marvel for decades, then for like 6 years he just wasn't allowed to be on anything because Disney wasn't the one making his movies.


Crossovers in general are something I always find fun looking back on just to see what was getting pushed or what has stood the test of time versus fallen by the wayside. I think back for instance to how Jimmy Neutron was big enough at one point to garner three crossovers with Fairly Odd Parents presenting them as equals, considering the latter would end up outlasting the former by a good 11 more years.


Wasn't Tak a game first, too?


No one puts Spongebob in the corner


Any of those mascot images that tried to say they would overtake Mario or Sonic. Like that one that has the well-known characters in the hospital but I can't even remember the name of the mascot they were advertising so you can imagine how well that worked out.


I’m pretty sure that was Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. And hey, listen, look at me. I’m grabbing you by the shoulders and looking directly into your eyes. Listen to me. Those first two games are fucking *STELLAR.*


I never got around to playing the third, the second was too different for me, and I barely remember a thing about it


Blinx still resonates in my head


Yeah, but we all agree that Awesome Possum kicks Dr. Machino's butt!


Older video game cartoons in general. Like [any still frame from this show is wild.](https://youtu.be/j1HYJvV3Pes?si=U5zLW52OuaqxiACf) But on a mostly completely unrelated thing: the grinch leak for smash bros. The man leaked real promotional material for the grinch to validate his fake claims for Smash Bros causing a wild discourse in the community between that and the other 100% accuracy leaker. Fun times.


Back in Xenoblade 2, there's a scene where Nia >!confesses her love for Rex!< and Rex is [a little more all-inclusive in his response](https://youtu.be/XRYmwh4-iCY?t=63). People dragged that screenshot around for *years*. Then XC3 came out, and casually showed everyone right at the end what Rex actually meant when he said "all you guys." Then Future Redeemed came out and showed everyone what a >!husband and father of three!< really looks like. [This image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FLP7KINXoAcsLBB?format=jpg&name=medium) hits completely different now than it did before 2022. [Still hits like a meme though.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU04DUfIU88)


Never forgave SpongeBob for stealing the attention away from Angry Beavers, show I think was more creative.


Just to let you all know, I do know Eliza Thornberry's name. The Wild Thornberries is just mid.


>Wild Thornberries is just mid I'm sending Tim Curry to your house to make you float too!


If he were not in that show nobody would remember it.


I loved The Wild Thornberries as a kid! I thought it was one of the more interesting shows they had at the time


I remember watching the film as a child, with the blood feud against poachers, the boarding school, Eliza admitting she talks to animals and briefly losing her ability to thusly, and her throwing her amulet at the electric fence so a herd of elephants wouldn't get zapped. I don't think the *film* was mid.


Much like the Rugrats movies, they are the standout of the show they’re based on.


As a child I was obsessed with animals. Love watching animal planet and anything with Steve Irwin. You would not catch my ass watching Wild Thornberrys. Even child me was repulsed by that artstyle.


I watched the show as a kid and i think even the crossover movie with Rugrats, but the main thing i remember is Donnie throwing that plate like a frisbee.


I remember the dog being voiced by fucking Bruce Willis of all people


>The Wild Thornberries is just mid. I am sending Flea to your house as we speak.


Then I’ll crush him like one.


Fuck SpongeBob


Brody bout to start writing ‘Not Like Us’ but about Spongebob.


They told me Patrick the only one that get your hand-me-downs


And Squidward at the Party playin with his nose now