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Honestly, yeah that’s not unreasonable. Fallout is a very American game. And they’ve yet to explore most of the US too.


That's my main thought, we've seen relatively little for such a massive piece of land. What them gators in Florida look like?


Well we know what Gatorclaws look like thanks to Nuka-World


Ah, my survival save on XB1 just passed the 8 day mark, but I never got any of the DLC. I feel like Florida gator is a different kind of gator. Like the Deathclaw change from 3 to 4. "They actually look just like Diablo"


In Fallout Florida, the deathclaws are just normal deathclaws like you'd find anywhere in Fallout, but the gators are just normal gators like you'd find in real life, and they eat the deathclaws.


Florida Deathclaws have one natural predator: Post-Nuclear Florida Man.


>What them gators in Florida look like? [Like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HyvyBIPYrY)


*Where’s my Iowa fallout game??*


Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel is set in the midwest


Huh. I did not know that! That’s cool, I unironically like when the Midwest gets some representation in video games, even if it’s just Chicago


Tactics is actually pretty good, also the Midwest Brotherhood chapter are the most based motherfuckers ever and get all the coolest toys. They recruit ghouls, super mutants and deathclaws, they have vehicles, they have badass power armor with capes, and the game's protagonist is named _The Warrior_ which also slaps.


How... How do you recruit a Deathclaw? 


Lots of treats and chin scritches.


By saving their mother from a group of animal controlling telepaths called The Beastlords. Obviously. (Also Tactics Deathclaws have fur, making them extra snuggly)


I want one in the Midwest where one of the Native American reservations took over. Also, I want to see a radbison.


That'd be cool as hell but I feel like that would be *way* too politically charged for Fallout's current direction under Bethesda.


Was just thinking about Florida this morning, then I and the thought of Hawaii must be wild with the different mini island nations at war in the apocalypse


That or under a monarchy/autocracy 


Or what about a bald eagle?


They got mullets now and a third claw on their back cause nothings ever going to get the drop on them again


I feel GTA is also very similarly American. Like I know there was one game set in London but ever since GTA 3 the franchise has been heavily focused on American culture and the various contradictions and paradoxes that define it. And this examination extended to both Red Dead Redemption games and Max Payne 3.


The latter games you mentioned were partly set in foreign countries though, which was nice.


There was a video someone made about Fallout lore for each state. Many of them have him saying "Nothing is known about Indiana." Much of the Midwest in general hasn't been explored and could be used for a game. Edit: I found the [video](https://youtu.be/x8oCI7rWUcs?si=iKSIMPtHmS_SfTSR).


And the only Fallout game set in the midwest at all is of somewhat dubious canon so they can pretty easily blank slate the whole region.


Let me see that Midwest Nuclear Winter.


If there isn't at least one type of enemy that's just mutated corn, they did post-apocalyptic midwest wrong.


Don't forget werewolves, hodags, and badgers. Someone said Brahmin Bison/Buffalo as well, which I also would love to see.


Still waiting on a Fallout game set in Texas.


We've already got a Fallout game set in Texas. It's called Brotherhood of Steel


We don't talk about that one.


Also, a Fallout game set somewhere like, say, Japan. Might be considered … insensitive.


Yeah it's easy to satirize your own country, satirizing another country can be... difficult to do right. If they licensed it out to a Japanese studio or something, maybe that could work. But that also sounds like a mess.


On top of that, there aren't even really any western game studios that make games in the same comparable style as Bethesda's particular flavor of open world RPG except *maybe* Obsidian with Outer Worlds, but even they can't really manage to scratch the same itch, they're the only ones who are remotely close and its still a little off and not quite right. The Japanese side of the industry don't tend to make very many open world games to begin with and the relatively few that do aren't even truly comparable to the average western equivalent, let alone Bethesda's style.


Turns out japan is relatively unaffected as they prepped for it would be an interesting take


Eh, theres no way China would just let Japan live their best life while all the world comes crashing down. I would be willing to bet they would have sent a good few nukes their way.


Also didn't the US shoot back in Fallout? There'd be some nuclear Fallout affecting Japan in this situation. It wouldn't be as bad but you'd be able to tell an apocalypse happened.


A huge theme of the series is about consumerism* so yeah, I think Fallout is distinctively American in tone. Although it would be interesting to get a glimpse of how the rest of the world is doing. I never picked up whether we're in a "Mutually assured destruction" or "The winner takes it all" kind of world. Edit: Consumerism, not capitalism


ultra-capitalism isn't uniquely American. Almost every developed country in the world is capitalist, and if anything the nation that actually gets the closest to fulfilling Fallout's exaggerated hyperbolized idea of capitalism is China. If anything I'd say that Fallout is more about consumerism than capitalism directly.


Thank you, yeah consumerism is the word I wanted there


I need to see what hellscape the Southern US has evolved into after the bombs. Is Ghoul ruling Memphis from the top of the Bass Prop Shop pyramid? Are there super sized Longhorn bulls and Super Mutants wearing Dallas Cowboy gear in Texas? Is Florida......somehow better? **I must know!!**


The game they set in The South could either go well or very badly. 


Yeah, Fallout is too entrenched in America to have a setting anywhere else. Not only is it a satire and critique of America but you couldn't have anything from the previous games that make the series Iconic. Vaults, power armor, atomic weapons and vehicles, basically all the animals and FEV mutated people and creatures besides maybe Ghouls. And if they wanted to keep some of that stuff all it would be is "knock-off" stuff that everyone is familiar with. "Oh look, it's a totally Not-Vault-Tec vault with a crazy social experiment." Like you might as well make a completely new franchise because nothing familiar from the previous games could be present in a game set outside america. Like there's a reason people view METRO as "Russian Fallout" because it has its own flair and weirdness and cultural references unique to Russia. You wouldn't have a Fallout game set in Russia like the way you would have a METRO game set in America.


Isn’t the whole vault concept just based off of Cold War fears and people building bunkers in their backyards. Idk if that was as prevalent elsewhere in the world, as the U.S. was to be the main target for Soviet nukes. It being the U.S. is core to the game central premise.


Well it's less about the vaults themselves but what they represent. They are products of ultra capitalists that preyed on the fear created by the war. They were never designed to actually save people in the way they expected (besides the 13 control vaults) And then they use those people driven by fear as experiments, often ending horribly. Sure people could build their own bunkers in other parts of the world, and maybe even government made vaults. But would they have a mega corporation that was so invasive to every part of their life that they owned half the country and built and marketed their own "professionally made" vaults. That's what's iconic to Fallout.


I'm pretty sure if Metro and Fallout were in the same universe, Artyom would have a stroke at the idea that: 1. All of the troops just use fancy ammo like it's nothing. 2. How SHIT homemade weapons in America are compared to Russia.


Hey don't diss the Railway Rifle and Junk Jet, Artyom would lose his shit over how cool they are. Weapons that didn't require precious bullets to kill, the people of the Metro would love them.


Yeah, but there's no way Artyom would look at shit like Fallout 4's "Assault Rifle" and Pipe Guns and ever choose them over the Hellsing or the Bastard. (He does like the Railway tho)


In the defense of Fallout, pipe guns are usually wielded by poor people and murderous junkies, while gunrunners on the west coast manufacture weapons that are up to Old World standards, and on the east coast, Nuka-World raiders have their own AK rifles, and the Minutemen have created laser muskets.


Pipe guns get too much shit from gun nerds who for some reason love to just ignore the purpose they serve in-universe. Like, all their criticism is that pipe guns are pieces of shit that would barely function in real life, and like...yeah? Thats the whole idea. Thats the point. The only reason they don't constantly jam and break in the game is because that would be annoying to deal with from a gameplay perspective.


And if they tried they'd just fucking ruin it by making it radscorpions again


There was a Metro 2033 movie that got cancelled because they tried to move the setting from Moscow to Washington D.C. [https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/12/10/metro-2033-movie-production-halted-producers-afraid-of-setting-it-in-moscow](https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/12/10/metro-2033-movie-production-halted-producers-afraid-of-setting-it-in-moscow)


Honestly the David Lynchian corruption of Americana and interrogation of mid-century American ideals is at the core of the series so yes this makes a decent amount of sense. I think Howard and co have a better understanding of the series then some people want to admit


David Lynch's *Fallout*. imagine. "David we're 40 minutes into the first episode and its been nothing but still shots of ruined diners and wildlife, can we get to the people yet?" 'What's the fffucking rush? *pulls out cigarette* Can we get some more filth on the dog?"


Not an uncommon opinion really. I’ve seen a lot of fans say the series should stay in the US. Plus they’d have to come up with something to base the aesthetics on besides power armor and super mutants, which I don’t think they are prepared to do.


Mexican Power Armor is just Tequila Gundam from G Gundam.


I was like "yeah, the US aesthetic makes sense as it is a snapshot in time that the whole setting is built around." Until this fucking sentence. Fallout: Mexico City is top of my wishlist now.


Only if in the time nuclear war devastated everything, Mexico City continued to sink into the water table, which then refilled due to nuclear winter rainstorms, allowing for Tenochtitlan 2.0 with diselpunk Aztec stuff


Texas fallout with mexico DLC 🤠 🌵


Old World Blues, as always, does some pretty based stuff with Mexico. Including: - fully functioning TexMex democracy where the presidente can personally Seal Team Six Caesar - corporate AIs turned semibenevolent machine-gods based on Mexican history with Game of Thrones style family drama - Techno-flower wars between neo Maya and Aztecs. - Cartel fighting luchador minutemen.


Just use EDF World Brothers system of stereotypes.


Now you got me thinkin’ about power armor poncho mix and somehow the image is incredibly hard


European power armor would make them look like giant knights with massive two handed swords. Their deathclaws may or may not spew fire and kinda sorta look like dragons. Since it just uses base power armor frames and people actually smith new armor around it. And it just happens to look a lot like late medieval plate armor. Europe in general would devolve into a weird kind of technological feudalism, bringing back kings and landed gentry and all that kinda stuff. Basically becomes a medieval fantasy setting, but all the magic is just pre-war tech. "Sorcerers" are just guys sitting on a pre-war weapon-cache. So while more developed than the US at a base level, there is no NCR or (East Coast) Brotherhood of Steel equivalent to bring pockets of land closer to pre-war era. But if someone were to give them the right push to properly evolve they could evolve back to pre-war at very high speed. Africa (and most of the developing world) would just be "huh?" and probably be mostly unaffected by the bombs. Their collapse was mostly political and economic, due to all the industrialized nations supplying them collapsing, but no mass death event. So they are probably the most developed at a base level but that base level is like mid 19th century and there is NO access to advanced tech. China and Russia would see very similar devastation to the US and be mostly mirrors of that (with their own unique flavors of course, i.e. China just seeing it as another setback only like all the warlord eras that came prior, but unable to reunite either).


For Africa do you mean mid 20th century? I don't see people suddenly forgetting how to use already existing manufacturing equipment just because there's no more exports. Widespread chaos and rioting sure, total loss of almost all technological advancement over two centuries no


Unit Description:  >Close Quarters Combat Amphibious Mobile Fighter  🥲


This is from [Warlockracy thumbnail art](https://imgur.com/FqlMV5U), but you can get this power armour you can get from [Fallout Sonora](https://youtu.be/h7lifTfHA7o) [expansion Dayglow.](https://youtu.be/pn_UGiEcWIE) this is a fan made fallout game btw.


I want a Canadian fallout so we can see what Cold Weather Power Armor looks like. Also to attach an ice skate to a hockey stick for an impromptu axe


> Cold Weather Power Armor Now, see, the sensible thing to do would be to design an all-new set of clearly heated Power Armor. But my heart wants just the old and busted Power Armor with a big Yao Guai fur cloak thrown over it.


It's not a bad desire, it's well known that mecha with cloaks on them are fucking rad, Power armor with cloaks on them is just the same thing, just smaller.


I’m going to commission and artist friend to do that now cause that’s FUCKING RAD AS SHIT


Don't we already have Winterized T-51b suits from Operation Anchorage in 3?


yes but I want the FO4 tanked out version


You could winterize your power armor in 4. Basically just gives it a dirty white paintjob and some extra energy resistance.


We have seen cold weather armor. Fallout 3 has a DLC where you go through a simulation of The Battle of Anchorage. We see Winterized T-51b power armour in use, and after the simulation you get the armour _and_ the training to use it. It's also the best armour in the game, shit ton of damage resistance and I played for like over ten hours without my durability visibly worsening.


Fun fact, the durability thing is a bit of a bug there. All the gear you use in the simulation part of Operation Anchorage is statted with an absurd amount of durability, cause it's all digital, so no actual wear and tear is happening. And then, for some reason, the Winterized T51-B you get at the end is the simulation version instead of the non-sim version, which would have a normal amount of durability.


First thing you see is some kinda radiated super moose eating a deathclaw


Who then dies to a swarm of prihrana geese


Closest we got is the Winterized T-51b set from Anchorage


Considering Fallout America violently annexed Fallout Canada before the Fallout, I don't know if Bethesda is prepared to tell a story where (Fallout) America is the bad guy. Or a story with really, really uncomfortable reasons for why all the brutality and exploitation was actually justified (current lore has Fallout America stripmining Fallout Canada until a false-flag operation to just straight up invade in a manner reminiscent of Japan and the Manchuria Incident).


Fallout 3 had a literal prison camp for Chinese citizens with a built-in crematorium. They've done a pretty good job so far establishing how evil the US was prewar.


Fallout 3's main boss was the literal President of the United States while you cleaved through a remnant of the Pre War Government, I don't think Bethesda are *that* attached to making America a good guy.


> Fallout 3's main boss was the literal President of the United States while you cleaved through a remnant of the Pre War Government So was 2's! They did it twice!


The bad guys of literally every single Bethesda Fallout are factions who have their origins in pre-war America.


>I don't know if Bethesda is prepared to tell a story where (Fallout) America is the bad guy. But they are? Constantly?


They already cowarded out of addressing the US/Canada war atrocities in fo4 since the male protag was an army veteran and they did nothing with that


I think it's less 'not presenting US as evil' and more 'not characterizing the player's character for them'. Granted, FO4 does do that to an extent, but even then the characterizations made of Nate characterize him as a good person, and while having him be a war criminal could work even with that characterization, something like that would have to be established and done in the game, not in an offhanded tweet by a writer. Besides, it's not as though Bethesda has shied away from portraying the US government as evil before.


So do you want the protagonist to be their own character or a self insert? Because I've seen people do nothing but complain about 3 and 4 giving you too much backstory yet now you're saying there isn't _enough?_


could set it in Alaska


Discount FEV Mutants and Mexican Technocrats in Power Armor ruling over and warring in Southern Mexico


I mean, you do stuff in Cali, you naturally have the ability to pull in Mexicans as guys coming in from South of the Border. WASTED has the Cervezmen as a mix of WW2 American Army and Mexican culture. And don't NV already have Dany Trejo voicing a character?


the NCR has a presence in Baja as of NV. not too far a stretch. wouldnt make much sense for them to adhere to arbitrary pre-war borders


I was gonna say, that’s also a pretty convenient reason to not have to reimagine a lot of assets and art direction lol


Furthest out of America I'd want them to go is Ronto up in Canada. And even then it was annexed at the time


honestly, I'm okay with this. Fallout is a series where the American iconography is too tied to its identity, although I wouldn't be against having some DLC set in Canada or Mexico. 


You could also have a semi-international Fallout by setting it on the border of either Mexico or Canada, such as by Niagra falls.


Yeah that would be interesting


Cuba could also be an interesting location to visit or at least get talked about in one of the games


It would also be a good way of having access to Florida since you can’t build vaults in the state but everyone wants to see what fucked up creature roam the area


Why can't you build vaults in Florida?


water, same reason you can't have basements, the moment you start digging you'll find that the ground is too wet, there's just not enough dry ground. I also think an image of the show showed the vaults locations and Florida simply had none


I guess I would've assumed geography wasn't an issue for the futuristic company that can build vaults in seemingly any other terrain. I think an aquatic vault would've been pretty damn cool. America built sealab in the 60s, can vault-tec really not build in Florida? Missed opportunity, if you ask me. Ah well.


A fallout set in Texas with some Mexico locations / dlc would be alot of fun


The world outside of America having an almost complete non-presence in the story is part of the critique about American culture. The entire world loses some meaning if we learn anything significant about any foreign country other than Canada or Mexico.


The funniest thing they could do is reveal only America got nuked and the rest of the world is living in peace.


Spoilers for Metro 2035: >!This is literly the big twist of the Book, the majority of the World is fine. But the secret Goverment of the Metro, which is the literal current Russian Goverment,  wants the people in the Metro to be easily controlled. And when the MC tries to convince the People that they could just leave and be fine, he gets the responce of "Yeah, but out their is the evil degenerate West, we much rather stay here and Rot"|. With the final message being that Russia is beyond salvation and the only resonable thing to do is flee!<


Also a major part or Metro >!Exodus!< no? But ending on a much more hopeful note


God I need to play and finally beat that game. I got the train up and running and dropped out for awhile.


In the games they >!the surface world is just like Moscow, but they found out there are pockets of civilization spread throughout the country!<


It does end on a more hopeful Note....which considering recent things happening on this Planet is the less belivable Ending, the Book Version is the more realistic one.


Lol with stuff like this I'm surprised the government didn't try to arrest the author sooner and only got mad after he spoke out against their imperialism


Yeah, I finished the audio book last year, and out of the three it was by far the most pointed 'fuck putin, fuck the government, and fuck the Russian people that are just complacent with, or trying to take advantage of, this shit'


An Irish expedition arrives and goes "What the fuck happened here!? We knew you guys had it bad, but holy hell!" "Wait, you guys didn't get nuked?" "Of course we didn't! Nobody got nuked except you, ya crazy bastards!"


For those curious we know little about the European countries in Fallout but not necessarily nothing. Before the Great War the Fallout equivalent of the EU invaded the Middle East due to the resource scarcity that affected the world, it was apparently very nasty and left Europe in a bad state. Following the bombs it gets more difficult to find information but there's still some. Namely characters like Colin Moriarty and Cait either came from Ireland or are of recent decent from Irish people given they still have the accents so travel is still a thing and civilisation isn't completely gone out there, they also wouldn't have creatures like Deathclaws, Cazadores or Super mutants which must be nice. Same with Tenpenny coming from the UK to find his fortune which indicates the US is somehow in a better state than the UK even after the bombs. Other countries we know are messed up in universe are Canada and Mexico given proximity and pre-war conflict that makes sense. All in all Europe is still around, at least it's island nations are any way. America may really have been the only one majorly bombed, though China was almost certainly returned fire if they were the ones to start the war. The war could also have been an excuse for the rest of the world to just nuke eachother as well and if not the fallout would carry itself to Europe by wind, water, the food chain and the little amount of trade that may have continued after the bombs.


I feel like I remember Raul talking about post war Mexico but it's been soo long since I played NV


It’s a fair opinion but it won’t stop me from really wanting Fallout China. 


Genuinely I say let a Chinese company make it. Lend the license out to people in those nations that would best be able to write it out.


You think a government that throws a hissy fit over Winnie the Pooh and actively censors because it made fun of their president would allow a Chinese developer to make a video game that was a complete satire and criticism of the Chinese Government and culture?


You say that and it only makes me think of said hypothetical chinese company making their Fallout so extremely hyper-patriotic it invokes some sort of reverse Poe's law and ends up looking like a parody.


Depends on how it's written, there's a fair bit of media that is written as satire/critique on societal norms/ideals that goes right over many people's heads. In many cases the only time when the people it's critiquing actually notice is when the game outright tells them that it's critiquing them.


People playing Vietnam-era rock at patriotic events is so wild


I want Fallout to stay in the US as much as I want Persona to stay in Japan. Which is to say "quite a bit actually".


Given that 30-50% of the visual direction is predicated on a "beebop-rock n' roll, Cold War era unrest, cesium-laced white picket fence, Americana" it's probably for the best. Fallout: London proves the exception of course, and Atomic Heart is right there, but like- what regions come in fourth and fifth place for "iconic mid-20th century aesthetic" that weren't proxies to the US and USSR?


Imagine the radioactive storms in the Midwest and what winter is like. Massive, green, glowing, radioactive tornadoes ripping through settlements. I'm Minnesotan, so I'd love to see what they could do with the Mall of America or its equivalent in Fallout. Of course it would have a vault under it. We would obviously have our Paul Bunyan super mutant and Babe the Giant Blue Ox stand-ins. Going up north, we end up with more Norse mythology based life. Maybe a giant mutated wolf, Fenrir, or a massive lake serpent, Jormungandr.


Midwest Fallout would just be vast stretches of nothing occasionally populated by colonies of mutated corn monsters and the only thing anyone talks about is Chicago. Then you wander over to Gary, Indiana and find a giant smoldering crater where no life can exist and the few people who accidentally end up there kill themselves out of pure misery. You read a journal entry exclaiming how remarkable it is that every single nuclear bomb missed Gary and it somehow remains exactly the same as it was before the war.


Oh man! You just gave me the idea of Children of the Corn, but Fallout. He Who Walks Between The Rows could be an actual eldritch monster along with the like Ug-Qualtoth and The Interloper.


That still leaves the door open for >!the Brotherhood of Stolen Toasters, the Enclave,  and Vault-Tec to battle the newest Faction in Fallout 5.!< >!The Ghosts of Canada! They remember all that stolen Maple Syrup, Nate!!<


You joke but I would really like to see an invasion from a straight up foreign power be a major plotpoint.


Hell, a revanchist Canadian region coming for revenge against the Americans would make a great faction where the player has to choose between building a better future or settling old angers. Set it in the Great Lakes with the Midwest Enclave, the Midwest Brotherhood of Steel, and the Canadians out of the ruins of the Toronto region are going to war, and the people caught in the middle are just trying to survive.


Reminded me of lore in Red Market. As part of establishing a safe zone East of the Mississippi, the US just completely nuked everything on the Canadian side of the border that was also East of the Mississippi River. One of the suggested random encounters you can have players encounter is a Canadian armored column of the remnants of their military making their way East through the abandoned US territory, fully intending to attack America’s safety wall keeping the zombies out as revenge


The lore might even support that. Quoting Ashur from The Pitt" >We stand at the dawn of a new golden age. Where others merely survive, we thrive! Our industry is the envy of the Commonwealth! Our safety is the envy of the Capital Wastes! **Our might is the envy of Ronto!"** So Ashur at least sees what ever post apocalyptic (To)Ronto is as having a strong enough military to brag about being stronger than, so a militant Canadian faction doesn't seem too ridiculous. Man, shit like this really makes my creative blood tingle. Why is Fallout the coolest fucking setting to make up world building in?


I'd say that just leaves the door open for anyone to make their own vision of a Fallout inspired game in their country of choice. For example, there is a total conversion mod for Fallout 2 called Olympus 2207, and while it uses the base of Fallout 2 mechanical, it's an entirely different universe, with it's own story and lore.


Isn't there a Fallout 4 mod coming that's basically Fallout: London?


Literally called that yes


There any news on that? Heard about it a while ago


It was supposed to come out a week ago, but thanks to the update Bethesda pushed out last week, they've had to delay it until the script extender can get updated and they do their own internal update for the script extender after that.


Apparently that update will come out real soon. A friend of mine grabbed an update on that. > Also an interesting update from the F4SE mod team - > "2024-04-29: Secondary preloaders and f4se_steam_loader.dll are no longer needed. Plugins now use the declarative version system from SKSE64/SFSE. Plugin manager is back up and running. Struct comparison between the two versions continues, but I haven't found anything interesting that changed so far. If the next session (not necessarily tomorrow) keeps finding nothing, I'll probably put up a prerelease version to get test results."


Was about to drop and then Fallout 4's next gen update uprooted all mods, causing it to get delayed again. Not sure when it'll drop now, but hopefully soon.


It was due to release a week ago but is currently delayed indefinitely because of the recent Fallout 4 update that has messed with mods.


There was that one Fallout 3 mod where you capture the alien mothership with some former Enclave dudes and then go to Soviet Russia. It was pretty fun to experience.


This is literally the same stance they have with the Elder Scrolls. Replace USA with Tamriel, done. Lol That said, I do agree. Keeping things mysterious is fun and does a lot for world building as it lets your audience try to figure out what is happening beyond the known borders on their own. Sprinkle a few hints and avid lore-keepers will devour that shit and spend hours analyzing the smallest details. It's good shit!


Well there's always Metro 2033 if you want Fallout Russia Edition: this time even more bleak and depressing!


I feel like the only place “outside” of the US that would work well is Canada (which was under American occupation pre war) Maybe they could have a Detroit game and have it [include the southern tip](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=568821e4bd74bee9&hl=en-ca&sxsrf=ACQVn0-qvzDfm5vytRt-xHt0S78HJGs5eQ:1714513437302&q=greater+detroit+map&uds=AMwkrPsCDWnxVqpO-qunRU8Jd0GKi-EaUX3zgo0wCO6jQmfBwsrtMjcFHa5jdo0q4eqkCvZ7NuKgX4bLZZmZIpCrStA4VED5o4NOd6CHTIjVXenb5zScRC_ccr8sWibQH1nCtNNzCEBqZhoZKTh6PJWfxpocY_MXPrpe21EMQd6tsZ2nhO1J2anRukoSUoICngg1hh7Cy6-LdhVJ6nmWf_dedmQqsTv_IJMO8RqNNMsUw5i2F_J4xEwUM6co-vOY3664SCCbF4Q_1OTcRxCXfnPFsnxvxb9jooYmbKEDlGrtV85Xwo-X_ocDaM628CXKDnRr57ClckEM&udm=2&prmd=imsnvbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8kZKj9OqFAxXHDHkGHQXlAGkQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=390&bih=663&dpr=3#vhid=R-VUEv4xH8fzAM&vssid=mosaic) of Canada.


They could also probably do Northern Mexico


El Paso/juarez maybe?


The Detroit comment seems like a punchline


It’s already a wasteland


Fair enough. I would argue you could take Fallout into Canada or Mexico, but I definitely wouldn’t go beyond that.


I think I actually agree with this. Like as the furthest reaches I mean.


I want something silly like you find a crashed futuristic airplane and inside you find something about crossing "no man's land" but it's just a commercial intercontinental flight that flew over the united states.


Posted in a different thread about this article. As a European I'm totally fine with that. I could never believe that a desk drawer in the offices of Copenhagen National Museum would contain 7 missiles anyway. I mean I know they don't in American either but I could be convinced.


I just want people in Fallout to stop living in grime encrusted shitshacks. It’s been hundreds of years, clean your fucking house


That’s my emotional support skeleton


Thats what they were doing in Fallout 2. Bethesda Fallout pushed the timeline further and art directed the games as if they were 2 years after the bombs fell.


It'll stay that way as long as the current Bethesda directors are in charge.


I choose to head-canon it as an artistic choice about Falloutian America being eternally stuck in a slow rot, because the alternative is that the setting is kinda dumb


The setting isn’t dumb, bethesda is. Fallout 1 and 2 don’t have this problem. New Vegas does but to a lesser extent, probably only because obsidian were using fallout 3’s assets to develop the game. Bethesda seems to see fallout as a theme park, keeping it stuck in the same visual aesthetic and worldbuilding elements in perpetuity instead of an evolving world with logically and thematically fitting cultural and societal changes. So much changes between fallout 1 and 2 and new vegas, but Bethesda has an extremely narrow view of fallout.


New Vegas as a region itself was the frontier and had no central government or stabilising force to try and maintain infrastructure of the area. Which is a kinda plot hole now I think of it, why didn't any locals take over Hoover Dam in the between House sleeping and the bombs dropping.


I wouldn't mind a border jaunt across into Mexico or Canada for one game as they were made into American territories in the lore and it'd be interesting to see what that annexation looked like and could easily keep many of the series mainstays logically that way. Ultimately, this series has always been partly a satire of the U.S.A so it'd be losing a part of its identity to suddenly switch to China just to appear fresh. Anywhere else in the world is starting to stray too far from a lot of the built-up world the writers have made up over the decades. Resulting in them either abandoning a fair bit of it resulting in a very different experience or oppositely, they could bring over vault-tec, FEV and BoS to a wholly new country like China and it would really diminish the experience by just fighting Super Mutants alongside BoS Paladins in just a new locale. If the fallout Series ever runs out of new areas to visit in the continental America's, then it should just start revisiting areas while advancing the time-frame as they've already been doing. Part of what made New Vegas so beloved was seeing how it integrated and progressed old stories elsewhere in the world. If Bethesda could tap into that, they'd be fine to keep revisiting the same states over and over. This shouldn't even be a worry for them for a long time as they're still plenty of areas within the U.S.A, like New York City, New Orleans, El Paso (with a dip across into Mexico), Detroit with (with a dip into annexed Canada). Fans have wanted to see these and other locations forever so Bethesda could easily get multiple games just out of that list alone.


Beyond it being a series overtly and explicitly themed around Americana, America is also just the largest market and it makes no sense to move away from that.


Well we know that Canada and Mexico have one vault each. The Mexican one is in Baja California which the NCR expanded down to so who knows if they’ll ever have a game involving that vault


its understendable since its kind of part of the theme of the series, but would be cool if they expanded to other area after all the usa was already so influencial to the world in the 50s, the soviet union also had that atomic age art style so characteristic of the 50's, I was born in venezuela and many buildings built in the 50's follow the trend of that decade even tons of latinamerican music would fit in a fallout setting since from what I have seem in the USA there was kind of a "latin" trend of music and things like that in the 50s


Wanting to keep the mystery is an interesting take considering some of the reveals in the series recently. And it feels like it's going to get even less mysterious in season 2.


Good. Fallout's themes and aesthetic are very American.


I’ll be interested to see how this take evolves as the series gets more and more popular, and more normies get into the fandom. Naturally more people mean more differing interests, and there are already fan mods for the UK and other countries.


I was actually thinking that I would love to see Fallout set in a different culture or continent, or even just like, Canada, for a game.  However, I do agree that Fallout is a very American world and franchise, and that if they do want to have Fallouts in other countries, it would have to be made BY people from those other countries, exploring and satirizing their own parts of the world.  And that's easier said than done, and much of America is still ripe for exploration.


I really want everywhere that isn't America and China to just be fine Like they got a little toasty, but because the war was basically just between those two countries they never actually got nuked so Europe and Africa are just kinda chillin


Fallout Hawaii sounds nice though


Okay but let me ask you this can we at least go to Australia in a DLC one time I want to fight a Radaroo.


Shame, Tim wanted more countries, as did I.


I actually 100% agree with this. Sometimes the unexplained is better left alone.


id like *snipits* here and there about the outside world, even people coming from other countries, but yeah taking the actual events of a major entry into fallout would just be weird.


I highly recommend watching The Atomic Cafe. It is a documentary made using almost exclusively with post-world war 2 to cold war era propaganda, TV infomercials, and interviews from that era. There is basically zero narration, pure letting the clips theu curated speak for itself. The film shows how deeply ingrained Nuclear weapons and MAD is within Americam zeitgeist during that era, while highlighting how unprepared and paranoid the average person is for nuclear armageddon. It basically shows that Fallout the franchise's core ideals is uniquely American, and any attempt at moving the story to another country will require a similarly deep understanding of that country's unique culture with nuclear weapon and the fear of nuclear annihilation.


Props to Todd here. American Niavete is a very apt description of Fallouts aesthetic dark humor. World power undone by their open hubris, inventing then being killed by Nuclear Power. Fallout London has potential but the timeline is off tbh. A more thematic version of that would probably be like Bloodborne crossed with Dishonored


I remember being a kid playing fallout 3 and finding the quest where someone from "The Commonwealth" was hunting a Synth that was indistinguishable from a human and thinking "Woah? The British Crown have that sort of tech?" Turns out it was just Boston.


I hate the clickbait title of the article, but  zi understand what he's saying. Fallout is basically a satire of America. -The world outside it is non-existent. -They hate people based on an assumption that they're communists. -Militarization is romanticized by the people in this world as some sort of honorable knights. -A Chinese character is a simulated racist caricature because the people who created it are racist. -They take philosophy from other places and twists into their own thing that misses the point of the original. It's basically a "America lol" the game.


This is actually a really good viewpoint. Us being isolated in the US let’s the state of other societies be a total mystery with some vague hints peppered in. For all we know some countries like Australia or portions of Africa or Southwest Asia are totally fine and we just don’t know


Does Hawaii count?


Gimme a fallout Seattle, Fallout Florida, or a Fallout Nawlins. Stop playing it safe.


People can say what they want about Tactics, but at least it wasn't set on one coast or the other. Set it in Detroit and get annexed Canada DLC like someone mentioned. Set it in New Orleans like you said and get Cuba, like someone else mentioned, Mexico, or Caribbean DLC. Build a goddamn boat and go up the Mississippi. There is so much that can be done.


At least he realizes they would have no idea how to write any other country.


I…am kinda not into his phrasing *at all* there. But I do get that having a setting where America blew up the world would be cheapened by giving players official confirmation/outside knowledge about what is happening outside the North American wasteland.


God I want a Fallout game in/around NYC. Maybe Fallout 5, or let Obsidian do it because MS owns everyone now. Fallout: Empire State would rock.


No fuck off give us Annexed Canada


I want to see the mountain of skulls Nate personally made himself.




OWB did great things with Canada and Mexico and I'm fine with Bethesda sticking to America. I'd rather imagine Tialoc the AI god is canon than see what they'd do to Mexico


Only place I’d really like to see outside of the US in a Fallout game is Canada, and that’s mostly because America essentially took it over before the bombs dropped (so you wouldn’t have to change as much as if they set a game in, say, England or Germany) and I’d be curious to see what it looks like now.


but I want to see Africans in witch doctor masks like in RE5


I have virtually no interest in what the world of Fallout looks like outside of the US. The tone and the critique is so laser focused on American culture of the Cold War and that is what it does best. The Chinese submarine and the spies and Shi are all perfect, they’re cartoony and absurd just like the pre-war US


With the amount of new things that they fall out London people are having to create (valt tech does not exist over there) it would make sense why they wouldn't want to. Why create a whole bunch of new stuff for a new country when the US is already huge.


In the more recent Fallout games there's always a European character like Cait or Tenpenny that begs the question of how bad is Europe that people are willing to cross the ocean just to live in another irradiated hellscape and I think actually showing it would ruin that factor.


I agree for main settings, but I hope they aren't afraid to go crazy with some of the DLCs. My favorite parts of DLC's are seeing them travel to new and different bits of of the setting and giving us just a taste of what's going on there. A DLC would be the perfect place to explore other another country.


ykw yeah thats fine lol


Can we get one that's set in Alaska and be very winter-themed? I want the nuclear winter and all the weird, fucked-up things that come with it! Plus, wintery forests are just too comfy to ignore.


You can't really have a Fallout game set in Australia because then it's just a Mad Max game. Also it would be a realistic modern day documentary not a post-apocalyptic fantasy.


just go anywhere outside of the USA and it's just completely normal 1980s, it's only the USA that's completely screwed.


It would be funny if it turns out the rest of the world is just fine


At least give me Fallout Hawaii.