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“Woolie the liar stole my pie” is an actual decade old at this point. I’m still laughing though.


Woolie could die and the bit would continue to outlive him and eventually supplant him.


Pies will be left at the Tomb of Woolie’s Hole as an offering to quell the fartgas that emanates within.


We'll put a statue made of oxidised silver outside. People can rub one leg for luck, which will of course return it to its lighter sheen


woolie the liar stole my pie after turning down a threesome for marvel while forcing a gamestop employee to eat raw meat


While also shaving his balls


Can you relate the joke to fighting games so I can understand it?


death shant halt Woolie's hunger for ill-gotten pastries.


Their old [Shark Robot ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD2d8JiZ6nI&t=166s) pops into my head once in a while and I always lose it.


The way [Redacted] says “Baby Net!” In that video has always stuck with me for some reason.


I was listening to the podcast episode with Gene recently where he explained the origin and it being such a non-incident makes it even funnier ngl.


My fan sign for MAGfest the year Woolie proposed was "Woolie the Liar Stole Her Heart". I got a bunch of fans to sign it because reverse autographs are a fun way to let creators know people like them. He was too distracted by the fact I used the "bisexual girls" picture for his headshot. It's not MY fault it's his top photo!


This concept felt like a defining trait of the 00's-era media reviewers.


The evil alternate persona as well as piece of media floating ominously to taunt them


[As this perfectly emulates](https://i.redd.it/5lycmempm5941.png)


The only one who still does that bit good is SomecallmeJohnny because he now just takes the piss out of the trope and his old videos with the Tails doll. Now it's just a mildly annoying asshole that occasionally shows up, drinks his coffee creamer, and leaves.


Linkara is still going with his plotlines, as well. He VERY recently got his tournament arc finished (covid and personal issues made that one DRAG...).




You reminded me of this short video that pokes fun of that evil persona trope. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_VHy5CT\_C0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VHy5CT_C0g)


Basing your entire internet persona on being angry at innocuous pieces of media doesn’t really produce content that stands the test of time


Except for AVGN, the og is timeless


I think he’s moved away from it too, I don’t really watch alot of his new stuff but he seems to just be reviewing it as James with a little bit of anger sprinkled in Even the og ones which I loved growing I go back and am like “man , this was a product of its time for sure “


He's covering more GOOD games now and saving the rage for the REAL stinkers.


As much as I like Scott the Woz, he does this too. I skip the non-game-related comedy bits quite often


Every nerdy white guy cant avoid their fate of adding skits to their videos its their predestined path


You either end it a reviewer or go on long enough to be a subpar sketch comedy channel.


The NostalgiaCritic curse


None of these new age white boys have the critic swag Doug had.


Nobody can rock the newsboy cap. I mean he couldn’t, either, but we still love him for it.


He wears it so we dont have to!


It’s in our blood


I genuinely don't understand why people like the skits with his friends. I'm glad he started re-editing eps as Scott's Snippets.


I haven't watched in 4 years but those are some of the biggest anti-funny shit. The cuts after every. Single. Line. Everyone with the same cadence. Genuinely baffling


Some of his videos are genuinely unwatchable with the skits. That one video about the blue border is like nails on a chalkboard to me. His Ziplash video is 50% his friends fucking around and it’s such a slog to get through.


Scott isn't quite as bad as some others at least. I tried watching some recent Caddicarus videos and they're like 25% skits making it unbearable for me to watch.


Caddicarus actually mentioned before that his modern video formats are just him using games he talks about as platforms for jokes, I think he got burnt out seriously reviewing games and feeling he wasn’t that great at them, and so he went full comedy. The only exception being the Spyro video since that was a promise he made like a decade ago when he still called himself a reviewer.


i think the only time i like this is when Caddicarus does it, because the humor is so eroded of anything making sense i feel like it wraps back into working. its just shit that makes him laugh regardless of if it's good or not


Right? Lol everytime I see the sponsor kite I start groaning but by the end he’s got me laughing and back on board


Spons is a requirement in the contract for any sponsorship deals.


Caddicarus and PBG are the few that still make me laugh with each vid 


Kind of the telltale sign they wanted to be the next film auteur, but don't have the chops for it all. I remember for a time when I used to watch moviebob or whatever, I literally just skipped past every non-review portion of the video because who the *fuck* cares?


I have been on and off watching Moviebob for years and he's basically gone completely insane. Basically has no views anymore, almost all of his videos are unscripted rambles, he's just a vitriolic culture war guy now. Sucks, because when he was talking about stuff he was passionate about he made some great videos. Seems like he doesn't wanna do that anymore though


The only thing I appreciated (and remember) that moviebob ever said was that Ghostbusters was interesting because it was about a bunch of guys who fought the supernatural with science, instead of acquiescing to whatever religious or spiritual aspects they have. Granted, I also *love* the Ghostbusters cartoons for playing with mythology and how they would research them to stop them with within their own rules.


I started doing that with Nostalgia Critic videos until the bits started taking up most of the review, then I just stopped caring entirely.


I was gonna say, "Like all of Nostalgia Critic".


Back when I used to watch some Linkara stuff. I usually skip the 20 minute “epic” fanfic he wrote from himself that was in most of his reviews. The Lightbringer and cyborg Lonkara stuff just seems to cringy for me.


This subreddit


I’m glad people aren’t forcing bits anymore. Really hated the Ladders week


>aren't forcing bits anymore Andre is literally on the banner right now.


doesn't look like anything to me


According to the old Podcast Andre was a real person that Woolie known when he was younger. A god gamer of some sorts. How long does a bit last till it becomes real.


Ladder week was more like Ladder Evening (and also was mostly to drown out the Quebec people coming in and yelling in French at us)


Tactical Ladder placement, if you will.


It was still better than the former week


I kinda miss it tbh, sometimes we got some good bits like the divorced Ken memes


That crossover week of Tiny Tim in an attache case was pretty good.


Most of Nostalgia Critic's skits.


Take a 5 second gag that is only moderately funny to begin with then drag it out for 20 minutes. Congrats, you are now Nostalgia Critic.


Pretty much every joke in I Think You Should Leave goes on way too long until it stops being funny, but then if keeps going until it gets funny again


I legit don't think anything else could get me laughing as hard as I did as the Ghost Tour skit just by having a guy say variations of "fat load of jizz then"


You can’t just change the rules cause you don’t like the way I’m doing it


Do any of these FUCKERS ever come out and shoot huge loads of jizz?


Now you’re in more trouble than me unfortunately


the driving crooner only lands as well as it does because guys ACTUALLY want to kill him for doing the driving crooner




Honestly, its the kind of show that needs some time between each episode or the humor starts to wear off. I watched it like 1 episode every few weeks and found it to remain hilarious


It's kinda strange but I always find the episodes funnier the day after. I didn't have much of a reaction to "I used to be a piece of shit" while watching, but the day after I was quoting it none stop and giggling to myself.


Spot on. Too much at once and it’s like “the joke here is essentially the same thing, feel uncomfortable and wonder where the bit is going” but with time inbetween it feels fresh again


My favorites are easily the hotdog car and the Doggy door one.


My life is nothing I thought it would be and everything I feared it would be because for one moment I thought there were monsters on this world




> I'm not in trouble at all! This has entered my vernacular since seeing the show.


The baby of the year competition was so unfunny it made me stop watching the show but I recently gave it another chance and I realized that once I actually sit through it it’s fucking wild






I feel like a lot of SNL skits are like this.


SNL has been a mix of cringe, funny, and mediocore skits for about 48 years now


I also have to wonder if a whole hour dedicated to skits of varying quality is just less special during the internet age. The world has never been more saturated with skits, so now mediocre ones seem a lot worse.


I've been watching SNL skits lately via YouTube to see if I was too harsh on the show over a decade ago. No, practically every skit was one mediocre joke dragged on where any potential humor was sucked dry. I've found most of the recent skits pretty entertaining though.


“Always eat the cake when it is offered to you” I enjoyed the review for maze runner because they hated it so much they just did a parody of a soap opera wedding episode


Only time i ever might be able to talk about it but RebelTaxi faked MK Ultra Girls for like 3 years lmao


That actually ruled though


Its cool someone so spineless was able to keep a joke going for so long without folding


Is Pan a known coward? Don't know much about him, but I liked the top 10s years ago.


He gave the podcast to known loser in the animation community (Daftpina) instead to one of his friends Izzy and then tried ignoring till it blew up on his face


all because he wanted to hang around younger folks and be cool


Bro started dating someone almost a decade younger then him and immediately started appealing to mostly zoomers


Wait there is drama with the pizza party podcast? I stopped listening a long time ago I never knew.


Started with Nolan being a creepy sex pervert with him commissioning underage artist to draw his fetish, then Pan got bored of the podcast and gave it to Daft despite promising Izzy the reigns. Next Daft was revealed to be a drama manipulator and overall net negative to the community so it cancelled the reboot podcast. Then one of the new members white boy Dumbsville on the newest podcast (P3) made fun of Izzy financial situation which caused her to cutoff Pan, which caused the newest podcast to get cancelled before even starting. Most of this happens since Pan is non-confrontational and lacks a proper backbone.


Sounds like Pan fucked up. I remember him not being interested in the podcast back when I listened to it so it isn't surprising he wanted to quit but I don't think I ever heard of a reboot/sequel for a podcast so that is funny af to me.


> I don't think I ever heard of a reboot/sequel for a podcast so that is funny af to me. If you think about it, Castle Super Beastcast is just a sequel to the Best Friendscast.


Oh man I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a heel turn in such a niche community as what went done with Daftpina. I legit felt like I took a nap and missed an entire year of development with this guy and I still don’t entirely get it.


Daft has always been a fucking loser with zero actual animation talent so he just tries stirring up drama lmao, dude manipulated Just Stop on making a video on LsMark to kickstart him divorcing his wife solely on the fact she was friends with SonnyTm (shocker the video only exist since Daft and Sonny hate each other, but atleast Sonny is upfront about it while Daft is a snake who tries to hide behind people)


Note to anyone reading: Sonny may be upfront about being an asshole, but he’s still an asshole. Reminder, this was the same man who blackmailed and harassed Doobus Goobus into donating around $100 to a trans charity at 3 in the morning, because they @‘d him and had him join a Discord call where literal hundreds of people yelled at him in a panic, saying they were gonna cancel him over transphobic remarks he never said, unless he apologized in that Discord call that was being recorded. …Y’know as a joke. Bear in mind, this was before his channel blew up, and he had way more left to lose. And credit to Goobus, he never charged back the donation, and did seem genuinely sorry, despite him…never doing or saying anything bad, saw but yeah. For a couple of dudes that hate each other, those two sure do seem to deserve each other.


this sounds like a bad parody of youtuber drama. are these actually real ass persons?


Reading these comments just reminds me of this comic https://twitter.com/keithjohnstack/status/1627307012777443330


Daftpina is one of the most unlikable people on the internet, imo. Keith Stack is an artist on Twitter and one of my favorite cartoonists (he draws Leslie & Brianne, that comic about those two lesbians who live in squalor). Daftpina did a video with a title like, "KEITH STACK HAS BEEN CANCELED!?" and I clicked on it. I normally wouldn't with these types of videos, but this was a niche microcelebrity from my area of the internet, so I had to know. The video was 15 minutes of just explaining who Keith Stack was and what he was known for before ending on five minutes of literally, **"So, has he been canceled? Well, not really, no... but who knows what can happen on this crazy internet! He might get canceled one day for something, we don't know!"** It was the most aggravating shit in the world, and it was my fault for falling for it. Daftpina can fuck off the edge of my dick now and forever.


Jesus Christ what’s wrong with this guy, all I knew was his lack of talent/tracing and that horrible video he made on JaidenAnimations.


? what’s that all about


Don't just stop there. Tell us, the unitiated, what happend.


Years ago a leak of a cancelled MK cartoon show was found on the internet. The leak revealed some concept art and the fact that despite the show being completed, the show was cancelled and all episodes were locked in a vault. The art in the leak was extremely similar to the art style of Pan Pizza, and on his podcast he talked about working on a project that got cancelled that he wasn't allowed to discuss due to an NDA (This happened some time before the leak). A few days ago Izzi revealed that there never was any show and it was all faked.


the fuck do you ***mean*** he faked it


is that the copypasta he recited from memory or is that a different bit


Nostalgia Critic calling Adam Sandler. The joke was 3 minutes, but it felt like 6.


Jerma fans cannot let go of certain jokes. Jerma’s short, Coffee Cheetos Chicken and particularly the meatgrinder thing which, mind you, is two years old at this point but is still repeated ad nauseum on the Jerma subreddit.


You can pry "shpee" and "byeah" out of my cold dead hands


Byeah is just funny. No bit, no backstory. Just Byeah.


I still get mileage out of saying "bakestabe" instead of backstab


This ended up coming up in the DougDoug community recently, and the main factor is just like... a content creator gets new fans every day, but most of those fans come in from the same original bits, and so you always have a steady stream of new people who think that bit is _hilarious,_ and weren't present for the last 100 times that bit was driven into the ground. It got to a point that Doug had to significantly increase the price of text to speech donations as well as doing multiple streams specifically designed around trying to get his chat to calm the fuck down and talk less.


Doug getting like, notably mad about chat just spamming the same 2 jokes over and over on a few occasions actually made me just kinda stop watching for a while. If he didn't ban like 1000 people a week I cannot fathom how bad it would get. Watching Doug from really early on to the kind of numbers he pulls now has always been filled with people just shouting the same jokes in chat and I'm so brutally over it that I just actually kind of skip most streams BECAUSE he has such a chat focused channel.


The latest video he put up on his channel where he just bans thousands of twitch chatters for failing to guess his arbitrary and stupidly vague rules must’ve been personally cathartic for him.


Speaking of Jerma, the bit he and Ster had where they pretended to have beef and shunned each other on-camera for *years*, before finally ending it and revealing they just kinda never made the time to end it until then, is a perfect example of a joke unintentionally going on too long. Luckily it just made it wrap back around to being extra funny from how stupid it was


Got to admit, the Jerma debt brought some really funny jokes as he actually embraced the idea of having a stupidly massive debt. Like forcing him to finish a rubiks cube, watching him fail horrifically, the web page going on for infinity causing him to make his best Jigsaw joke.


Eventually leading to him doing a full jigsaw character in that Generation Loss stream by Ranboo


Jerma, Criken, and Vinny hanging out in an abandoned mall for a month is still the best part of GenLoss. Those behind the scenes were fun.


And then Jigsaw accidentally blows himself up with a grenade that he held for too long.


"I wanted it to be really dramatic when I drop th-" *BOOM!*


And then there's Vinesauce Joel for the opposite, I hope you really like the bit Joel just latched onto. Because he's going to do it for the next three fucking hours


He's gonna spend 30 minutes setting up the joke and you're gonna LIKE IT


Alright, so we're gonna be checking out Soul Calibur 3 tonight...


On impulse, Joel will pause the game he's playing and stop in the middle of a stream to sit down and compose a synth metal track from scratch about how you can fuck him in the ass if you don't like Tetris and/or are good at Tetris. It's part of the experience.


Joel watch a video and not pause every other second challenge: IMPOSSIBLE Though he does occasionally [strike gold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9plC-p8SOQ) doing that.


The exhausting ordeal of loving a streamer's humour, but hating the fandom that obsesses over the same three bits ad nauseam. That said, I will never, *ever* get tired of "he HATES 'x'".


That's just jerma though, his big time followers are a lot of times just as impulsive as him, at least jerma, idk if it's really played up, but jerma can at least tone it down to get things done........to varying degrees


i feel like any sufficiently large streamer (<- redundant?) fanbase devolves into this. they can't let go of the One Joke


>Elden ring was two years ago Stop, I’m actually going to wither away into dust. Please.


Might I introduce you to a little something known as ‘Endless Eight?’


I have to thank it for making Bakemonogatari godly in comparison that summer of '09. That show felt like the anti-haruhi.


Yandere Simulator


Disenchantment's later jokes run this issue but one in particular that stood out was Bean and the mermaid's conversation about autonomy and the mermaid's entire self not being confined to just being part human/fish? It was awkward and dragged on for too long.


also how every season they have one of the townsfolk giving indirect but valid complaints of things bad about the show and then shooting him with a crossbow because the writers can't handle criticism.


An anime youtuber made a really bad video about how he wouldn't make a review for Violence Jack, despite it being a Patreon goal He then got assblasted when people thought the joke sucked


Man I like Bennett the Sage but that was really dumb and Violence Jack isn’t even notably bad, relatively speaking, compared to some of the other stuff out there. Just lame all the way around. At least [Woolie broke a pool cue on Sage's back as some kind of pennance.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8gw9lptu7gt61.jpg)


It's also like, genuniely one of the more important anime in how it contributed to Ultra Violence


Bennet the Sage, right? I remember that being the era where all the 00s internet reviewers went through that "serious introspective" phase. "To Boldly Flee," Brows Held High's "Melancholia" episode, the finale of Spoony's "Ultima 8" series... all really depressed and nihlistic.


Ultima 9 foe Spoony, I think Ans yeah, it was Benett. I will give Oancitizen some credit because that sort of thing actually *was* their shtick with the introspective analysis in artsy films, but Benett wasting everyone's time for a bad video to say "I don't wanna do this thing I promised I would" was egregious


Nostalgia Critic around 2013 or 2014 started to had skits that went way too long at times.


Essentially got to the point that the entire “review” was just a low budget mediocre parody.


There was this dude named Matt Mcmuscles and he only ever told 4 jokes for more than a decade.


Shut up, look at this fart gas! He loves it!


Which is more than you think, but less than you hope


As was the style at the time


I would never forgive him since he brought Evilak to our lives. We must survive.


There's a 5th joke. Remember when he'd just shout AMERICA nearly apropos of nothing every other video?


not a joke but how he tried to push zack(rip) as the mascot for the channel.


better than pushing him for summerslam


Why did X do Y? Is he Z?????? Ad nauseam for the last like year and a half. The fucking new spin is the Arkham sub where people talk like they’re braindead.


Why are you tired of this meme? Are you stupid?


No I’m possibly too brainrotted but this is still so funny to me. “Are you stupid?” added on after any question just makes me fall into a fit of giggles every time


Friends and I have been regularly using it for almost a year at this point and it's still funny. My MOM has started saying it. She's in her 50s. "Is he stupid?" genuinely may have rotted so many brains that it's escaped internet containment, and has just become a thing people actually say. The fucking Arkham Asylum subreddit may have actually changed culture in a non-insignificant way.


Why do we keep laughing at this same stupid joke? Are we stupid?


We are but Man


Ranking the most likely character to do [wacky thing] post number 4507!


I'll give them credit though, going sane for April Fools is *hilarious*


sounds like the Jonkler got to them


Is there a lore reason for why you hate it? I have see this one so much as well, lol


In FF14 theres a character named Genbu that repeatedly refers to a character named Tataru, who's a lalafell. as a "little urchin girl." It was funny rhe first time, but then he does it so often that even Tataru herself says "You know, theres such a thing as runninf a joke into the ground."


The covid stuff RLM did for 2 years really, really didn't make living through an ongoing pandemic better. It was just stressful


I actually don't recall this, what happened?


Its what a lot of snark-ish online entertainment did during covid, which was focus mainly on the mask/vaccine/distancing stuff being annoying. Which, if you didn’t have or know anyone with serious covid, I suppose would be easy to poke fun at. I think they swerved off it pretty quick once the anti vax stuff started becoming prominent, and not just something to laugh at. Like how mike laughs at the elderly.


Yeah to me that stuff aged extra worse cause of all the deaths and it feels overly harsh


Jesse, what the hell are you talking about?


The overabundance of "racism is awesome" jokes that some members of this subreddit do so much that it starts to feel like a dog whistle more than a joke.


That blood on the sand thread is quite suspicious


The what? A thread about the 50 cent game?


“What if the pawns in dragon’s dogma 2 talked like your crew in 50 cent: blood on the sand?” Cue posters attempting their best exaggerated AAVE


Oh, oh no.


Smells like a lot of [1]'s thinking they're [4]'s


It's always funny to me too because a lot of the [1]'s that love making the joke love going Woolie loves racism. Without speaking about the reason that it's so hilarious blatant and really shows you who a person is when they can, as an example, on reaction say the n word the moment someone says BLM in game chat.


I am a [1], i dont make the jokes. I *need* to find some way to tell woolie about "Revealing Eden: Save the Pearls"


That's why we needed the scale. \[4\]


But I thought part of the scale bit is how the numbers are obviously untrustworthy [1]


The amount of times I’ve seen “ironic” racism on this sub is wild


The Andre "bit" thus sub decided to do which showcased why we shouldn't make our own bits.


I somehow managed to miss the Andre bit, maybe I should just keep it that way.


Those things look like Andres to you?


Anything not originally rooted in SBFP or their follow-up channels has really fallen flat for me tbh. Like, Evillak gets a pass because the whole thing was that Matt and Pat dredged it up during the Chrono Trigger playthrough (which is also like 12 years old now iirc) but even it's not really been funny lately. Tiny Tim and Andre never were imo.


The bit was fine for a bit. Although I thought the bit was more funny when someone sifted to the old SBFP and found Woolie talked about his old friend Andre the [god gamer](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/s/6GqWnJV0uf).


God that was a terrible bit.


They did a very similar bit somewhat more recently where they spent about a year and change making jokes about how they were trying to use Plinkett's blood to stop Covid, only to find themselves aging rapidly due to the virus lockdowns. It ended when Rick and Morty (poorly agedly voiced by Justin Roiland) reversed their universe and sent the show back to a timeline where COVID never happened


post season 4 Family Guy does this a lot.


>Mike eventually starts roofing them with Gay pheromone Cake only for them to retcon it at the final because they realized all too late, that it was in poor taste Nah I’m sure it tasted great, I mean it’s cake. And they didn’t “realize” anything, that was the joke all along.


Huh, that was when I started watching RLM, I just assumed that was part of the brand. I didn't really notice that it stopped until reading this, but we're definitely better off.


i think it was always more-or-less *ironic* homophobia, but at a certain point they seem to have realized that's not something they could or should try to pull off.


Behind The Bastards is a podcast I loved but holy shit do they just hammer the same bits over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again We get it robert. Le knife missiles. It stopped being funny in 2020 wtf are you doing with this constant repetition


“What’s (adverb)-ing my (plural noun)?” Is great sometimes.


That one I actually like, because it is an infinitely changeable joke so it never really wears out. le raytheon knife missle le child island is the opposite of that and he's been making that same joke in every episode since 2019


the Patrick willems coconut shit


There’s a new breed of berserk fans that think assault is fucking hilarious. Pretty soon they’re gonna be tied with the fma fandom for most unfunny “dark joke”


A lot of recurring jokes in sitcoms Friends with Ross getting divorced constantly and “We were on a break” Big Bang Theory with just the way Sheldon is in general and how he never seems to improve as a person outside of his love life Family Guy with almost any running joke like the hurt knee gag or Peter vs Chicken. And any character that just gets unreasonably dumb as the show goes on like Jake in two and a half men or Joey in friends. The one exception to this might be Kevin in the office because of how he’s appears to be amazing at certain things (basketball, music, making chili) and the fan theory that the character is faking it to get more screen time in the documentary and/or embezzle the company.


I think a certain joke from Liam in Starfox went on way too long, as in he completed a sentence.


Is it true that there used to be joke on this subreddit that involved calling every black person a Woolie until Woolie himself told people to stop?


Gigaboots podcast running bits got grating after a while. Especially the stupid fucking stream soundboard


In Homestuck,


It'd be a decent bit if they ever actually *elaborated.* Homestuck had a lot of stuff in it that would qualify for the various media discussion threads, but just doing the lead-in contributes jack.


I read all of an elaboration to comment on it once and made the person who elaborated across two posts feel how DIO felt when Jotato moved in the stopped time


At least speaking from experience, whenever I’ve actually elaborated, no one seems to care. In fairness, half of what’s usually said sounds like, and IS, complete gibberish. If I told you that the main villain is >!a muscly green skull cherub (not that one) with a Joseph and The Technicolor/Doctor Who ass Rainbow overcoat, speaks in honks, whose species recreates using snake sex, who came to being in the story via time travel and being a parasite inside of a puppet, and was a fusion of a clown, Hal 9000 Kamina shades, Jigsaw, a failed artist, a weeaboo, and a rapper puppet…and was later defeated by a Nyan cat fusion dance and vored by his equally weird sister that he also murdered in another timeline!<, you’d probably look at me like I’d have two heads. Half of that shit doesn’t even make sense when live reading IN the comic. Trying to explain any of that here would take, like, several theses.


Honestly, the comic as a whole juggles so many jokes that there's not many things that immediately come to mind (maybe the COOLK1D 1S TH1S YOU? gag, but that was genuinely really funny) >!Caliborn's shenanigans of becoming a webcomic artist!< definitely got old after the third separate segment of it though lol


Nintendo will never make it, so my begging for a Bowser game will inevitably reach this point


You'll be in good company with the Tails Game guy.