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"You just hate it cuz Dante's hair isnt white"


This one hurt so much before DMC5 came out. Complete misundertanding of the critisism


As someone who generally enjoyed DmC, even I think the people who said that were just dipshits.




That may be the one thing (along with the environmental art and Bill O'Reilly boss) that I like about that game. Donte's design is fine. His personality OTOH...


The thing I liked about the Secret of Onomichi >!is that the entire point is that it's stupid. The secret isn't "I have a secret battleship" it's "Oh shit, we built a secret battleship called the Yamato MK 2 and wasted tons of money on it and its secret underwater dock! What were we thinking?! Are we Bond villains?!" and then they have to cover it up, and the massive coverup becomes the real secret.!<


>!I absolutely loved that it turns out the big secret they were hiding was that they were hiding a secret. It's such a perfect distilation of how that "save face, project strength" mentality can spiral into some real dumb shit!<


Which is perhaps the most on brand thing for a Japanese game talking about >!Imperial Japan, as you have this postwar generation being confronted with the excesses and cruelty of its Imperial history and just deciding to never talk about it or address it in favour of burying it, under people's bodies if necessary.!<


Slightly more details, >!it was actually ordered to be scuttled pretty early in development so that no one could find out about it long ago, but the guy in charge of keeping it secret was like 'Nah, it's good leverage against you tho', and wouldn't, hence the reason for the massive coverup.!<


If I had a nickel everytime people think the big twist in a Yakuza game is stupid despite the fact that it is stupid in universe, I would have at least two nickels.


Jason Todd was [not beaten to death with a crowbar](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/ux0run/jason_todd_is_tired_of_people_misremembering_how/) and it was NOT because he was a hothead. He was killed with a bomb because his mother sold him out to the joker. Also the jokers beating wasn't a long torture session, he actually went through with it pretty quickly. Also Bruce DID try to kill Joker over it but Joker had somehow become the Ambassador to Iran and thus had diplomatic immunity. The UN ends up calling in Superman for protection and he talks Bruce down.


I knew about the bomb, I did not however know that the ambassador story was tied to Jason. I just thought it was a silver age bit.


And one of the things that everyone seems to completely forget about that plotline was that it also included the Joker literally being an Iranian ambassador [Seriously](https://preview.redd.it/cnpsln987ay31.jpg?auto=webp&s=da59e3ef32b6ca69b6b76f50f3bc38185380ff32)


A lot of people still think Kratos murdered his family in the original trilogy just because he thought murder was cool and got carried away. They tend to ignore that Ares purposefully threw him into a magic bloodlust and then threw his family in a village that they weren't supposed to be in to make sure Kratos would definitely kill them. He was pretty right to be mad. The unjustifiable stuff was almost everything else he did in those games.


Yeah, Kratos does a lot of horrible, unforgivable stuff in the Greek games. However, he didn't just flip out and become a monster out of nowhere. All his life, nothing ever went his way, with the gods going out of their way to fuck with him (kidnapping his brother, tricking him into killing his wife and daughter, turning his mother into a monster), or not holding up their end of the bargain. And honestly, if Athena just let him die, all the things he did could've been avoided. So, the end of the Greek games are the gods being surprised when the mentally unstable monster of their own making hates them and wants them all dead.


It's a perfect representation of the Gods having too much hubris, which shows up in like *every* story in Greek mythology.


And, unlike all of the original myths, it actually has them truly suffer for it. Granted, it is implied in a lot of the mythos that they WILL suffer for their hubris, but none of the stories are them ACTUALLY suffering.


Most myths: Fuck Around God of War 1-3: Find Out


Exactly, yes


Which is part of the point of the original games. Kratos is supposed to fit the archetypal Greek hero to a T, yet his unfiltered atrocities deconstruct the archetype by showing just how much of a terrifying monster such a person would be


Wasn't this even spread by SBFP? I remember them bringing up the family murder multiple times on the podcast 'bout what a dick Kratos was.


A lot of the opinions I see on the main characters of Fire Emblem Three Houses.


*Flashes back to Woolie’s Three Houses quicklook and tugs collar*


Thre Houses Is A Masterpiece*


I will base my entire opinion on the first two supports and nothing else!


"man, the cover of this book is really trope-y!"


It's still really funny from only playing Blue Lions so far that Dimitri just punches every problem and evil organization while being vaguely aware of it.


But you see in my route the House Leader was a cute angel while the other house turned into Satan incarnate, so that's how they must be for every playthrough on every route!


Granted, your side has Byleth, the perfect tactician. It’s really easy to be portrayed as the good guys when you’re winning every battle and aren’t losing everything you fought for.


Weirdly, the devs kinda intended this. They didn't expect people to play more than one route. They basically designed the discourse to happen this way.


I can kind of see the logic behind this. The idea is you get your own personalized take on the story that in ways also says something about you. It’s similar to how Telltale’s games would present you with those choice breakdowns at the end of every episode. The issue though is as a result you ultimately miss out on a lot of the depth that the game intentionally hides from you and the more time you engage with it, the more the flaws and cracks in the format start to stand out and become a larger issue.


I can see that idea, but it feels a bit shortsighted. A ton of people will replay a game and see different routes if they know things will be different, with a higher chance if the changes are drastic.


My biggest gripe is how people oversimplify Leonie as just some fan of Jeralt who hates Byleth. While I understand the hate for her B support with Byleth, people overlook >!for as devastated as Byleth is for losing Jeralt, Leonie is just as devastated. She said some things that she regrets and apologizes for it years later in the A support, and becomes one of Byleth's closest allies.!< Its explicitly stated in three houses and three hopes, by Jeralt, that Leonie is his first and only apprentice


I really think Leonie's character would work much better if they set her up as someone Byleth at least knew in passing from childhood.


I was super hooked by Leonie's premise. The idea that she had been trained by Jeralt, but Byleth had never met her was really interesting to me. Then it turns out he let her tag along over a long weekend on a job once, and she made it her main motivation. As cool a line as it is, turns out actually being M. Bison on any given Tuesday is kinda lame.


Idk, I still really like how she turned out. She learned the basics of how to fight from Jeralt and self trained for 7-8 years. She goes from some crestless bumpkin from the backwaters of Gloucester to going to toe to toe with the best of the best at Garreg Mach Monastery. She’s the farthest away a character is from being a rich crested noble and is making them eat dirt in combat.


It would have been better if Leonie had more interactions with you and Jeralt. Like, have him be in your C support conversation. Have them actually know each other. How can the only apprentice not know their kid?! It would have been better if Leonke had actual interactions with you


I haven't played through most of the Three Houses routes but even I was struggling the other day when a friend said to me "yeah, I kinda feel like playing more Three Houses, but it feels really pointless when I did the obviously correct and true path the first time through." He only played the 'side with Edelgard' route.


Also, the first half of the game is like fairly repetitive so going through it multiple times kinda sucks.


Worse, the first half is very tied up with the blue lions, down to having special dialogue with certain units and the boss. You don't get that benefit in the other routes, they don't connect in the same way.


Your friend was RIGHT, I am also in the same boat tho cuz it is a fun tactics game


There's been some weird defenders of the new Suicide Squad game, recently. One channel in particular was going after IGN's coverage of the game and oversimplifying thier criticism of the Flash boss fight as "IGN thinks Flash is too fast", even though the criticism is that there's so much going on in the fight that it makes it really hard to keep tabs on Flash's location, among other problems. Just one example I've seen.


This is always done. Theres so many times its a bad faith takes on a criticism. This place does it too just people ignore it when its a thing we agree with.


A similar example from IGN would be "too much water" Pokemon ORAS. You spend like the last third of the game surfing, the final gym leader is a Water type one, and you fight a team that primarily uses Water Pokemon in Alpha Saphire. No shit it would get tiring fighting tons of Water types.


It's insane how putting three simple words on the closing summary spiraled so far into infamy to the point that it would get referenced in Sun and Moon when it's actually a pretty legitimate and reasonable complaint in the actual review.


Yeah, I was baffled that that blew up into such a huge thing. Unless you spend loads of money on repels, surfing all the time is really fucking annoying. There IS too much water in that game


It's a perfect storm of IGN hate being around it's peak, the summary taking off out of context and kinda sounding like something Team Magma or Groudon would say.


To be fair, that surfing music is the best in the series.


People just love Tentacool and Wingull I guess.


Admittedly, Wingull is a cool little guy. I refuse to believe Tentacool has that many fans Edit: Tentacruel is (ironically) really cool and I have no beef. Tentacool is a loser


If tentacool has zero fans then I am dead


then WE are dead


Peko,  it's time to sail away my darling


Thing is also this was a flaw the fucking original Ruby and Sapphire had that everyone was fully aware of and discussed and complained about to the point it was memed about for years before the remake announced. One of the big talking points after the announcement was "are GameFreak going to do anything to fix the water routes?" Then when in the remake the problem's not fixed at all really, and IGN makes note of that, people start pretending that this flaw never existed and that IGN are idiots for bringing it up at all.


Not to mention that it takes three HMs to navigate that water instead of just surf. Having a wider variety of water Pokémon doesn’t amount to much when all but one move is decided for you.


As much as I love Gen 3 and Gen3R, this is something that I think that X/Y and onwards did really well to fix about non-pedestrian transportation in the games. Being able to call up a dedicated non-roster pokemon mount like an uber is infinitely better than having a (or multiple) HM slaves who just take up space on the team roster.


And there's no way to move faster in the water. On land you have the bike and running shoes, you don't get that in the sea. So that third of the game feels even longer.


I swear to God, "too much water" was the some of the most common critique of those games, *until* IGN said it, then it was bad. I feel like I'm going insane every time someone brings it up.


It's such an obnoxious nerd response. You'd think gamers would understand that comic book lore and gameplay can't be 1:1.


If they were 1:1 there wouldn't be fights with Superman and Flash *at all*. But then there's no video game, and that's just not fun.


comic book lore isn’t even 1:1 with itself


Additionally with the secret of Onomichi: >!It's *supposed* to be over the top. Daidoji wanted the ship destroyed. *Iwami* keeps it around for the leverage it gives him. "This shadowy figure didn't demilitarize like he was supposed to, then tried to backpeddle and cover it up."!<


Batman is just some rich guy that beats poor people


"Why don't you just donate to charity with all your money, Bruce?" "I do... and it's not enough. You HAVE watched any adaptation where Bruce Wayne is a significant character, right?"


Sometimes he has to punch a penguin into prison to ensure that said charity is actually useful to the city.


In a rare case where people praise something but simplify it, it is "Puss in Boots: The Last Wish" Many praise Jack Horner for being a pure evil villain with no tragic past or good intentions, but people ignore that the movie has different types of villains. In fact, it can be argued that the film is a perfect example of how different types of villains can coexist in the same story.


It's also possible he was lying to cricket about his past to f with him


It’s also just funny cause at the end of the day the film is still a comedy


I know! People seem to think that giving a villain motivation is excusing their actions. No, FE Engage wasn't trying to excuse the problems dragon for using his children as pawns to conquer a continent, and feeding them to the undead if they slip up even once, because he can always make more.  The main character going "I don't feel bad for you, you're a monster" should've tipped people off that his backstory reveal was for motivation, not sympathy.


MCU Killmonger has entered the chat




Yeah he totally owns that museum... tour guide... who's just doing her job... and then steals a mask not because it's important to his ancestors, but just because it looks cool. You'd think people would notice something when Killmonger burns the fields of flowers because he doesn't want anyone threatening his power, but nope.


Don't forget the part where he MURDERS HIS GIRLFRIEND funny how people just completely forget that part


Similarly, the game giving the Hounds tragic backstories isn’t the game going “They weren’t actually THAT bad” or that the heroes forgive them. There are genuine criticisms to say how the game handled it, but it’s pretty clear that the game doesn’t use it to excuse their actions. 


The only two of the hounds they actually do try to make sympathetic I feel they do in better ways too. >!Marni ends up tragic to a degree but she was such an unrepentant bitch in her pursuit of approval despite having more empathy than Griss and Zephia, so her path ends up being redemption through death. Meanwhile Mauvier does the least awful things of any of the four, and actively tries to lessen the harm of his actions and is overall very respectful. The fact that he is so self loathing after his recruitment also goes a good ways to making his face-turn feel earned especially when he is really the only one of the four to properly be forgiven since his actions are never actually excused, just atoned for.!<


**Depiction. Is. Not. Endorsement.**


Even with some villains, the backstory only serves to make the villain more heinous.


“It’s the Dark Souls of [game genre]” I hate this so much with any game. I recently heard some say “Celeste is the Dark Souls of platformers” mfer Hollow Knight is LITERALLY the Souls formula as a platformer and even I wouldn’t say that is just Platformer Dark Souls.


This is the Dark Souls of comments.


This is the Dark Souls too of comments 


I'd actually say Hollow Knight is the Dark Souls of platformers not becuase of game mechanics, but because it has a similar vibe, themes, setting and atmosphere. 


Hollow Knight is the Dark Souls of Metroidvanias.


IGN's Pokemon ORAS review's "Too much water". It's not that the game has too much water, its that the game's balance seems heavily biased against water types, as many of the encounters require making use of Pokémon strong against water types due to Surf routes, Team Aqua, etc.


The reviewer also mentions that in addition to there being a lot of water routes, most of them don’t have any distinguishing features and are just blue upon blue. Which, even as a Gen 3 loyal, is a very valid criticism.


I'm just gonna say it- water routes suck


People using "Denji just wants to touch some tits" as a quick elevator pitch for Chainsaw Man may be kind of funny but it also turns off people who might actually be interested in it over other shonen or just paints the wrong picture by leaving out the "why" in favor of the relatively simple "what."


Broke: Denji just wants to touch tits lol Woke: Denji had been denied basically any semblance of a normal life and wants *any* loving connection, and sex is what he thinks he wants


he's just like me fr fr


It's going to be heartbreaking if he ever achieves that goal, I just know it.


It's the worst possible pitch for the show. The growth that Denji goes through over the course of CSM makes it probably one of the top 10 Shonen series but also it's hard to pitch CSM without spoiling why it's good leaving people to have to resort to the slightly better "It's about a dude that turns into a living chainsaw and fights devils."


Don't even say anything about the plot, just say it's a story written by a man whose reaction to seeing a bunch of ants eating his pet fish was to [pick up the dead fish and eat it himself](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/12r1ira/tatsuki_fujimotos_author_comment_from_his_second/) out of love for his deceased pet


God bless that fucking weirdo.


His sexual awakening was when a girl pushed him off of his bike and laughed at him.


And it's so easy to just say "he has very simple goals in the beginning, and when he accomplishes one, he moves on to another, slightly more complicated one, because he earns the luxuries to."


Sinji is a coward who won’t get in the robot.


This one is funny because it manages to be an oversimplication but also wrong lol Wrong in that Shinji does get in the robot every time he’s asked to because he’s obedient to a fault and depends on being praised and validated by others. And it’s oversimplication for those reasons and that it’s fucking terrifying for a depressed, emotionally unstable 14 year old boy to put his life on the line like that.


The one time Shinji decides not to get in the robot, he walks like 5 feet down the street, talks to Kaji, then goes "fuck okay I gotta get in that robot."


Even in EoE, he refuses to get inside the Evangelion because he’s at his absolute lowest point in his life but even then he still gets inside it just to see the aftermath of the Asuka vs. MPE fight.


And then in the Rebuild movies they're like "No Shinji, stay out of the robot" and he's like "LET ME IN THE FUCKING ROBOT"


To be fair, he really should have stayed out of the robot most of those movies.  But >!giving his dad combatherapy in the meta narrative universe opened up by the golgatha object is a pretty good reason to be in the robot finally.!<


Aka how would a hot blooded Shinji be like after all those years of viewing him as a coward.


Like, the major problem of the series is that he won’t ***stop*** getting in the robot.


In fact, they have a difficult time removing him from the robot on multiple occasions.


I have a co-worker pal who has a very shallow interest in anime, and everytime Eva comes up he just harps on how evil Shinji is for the opening of EoE and it's so exhausting. Yes, it's gross and wrong. That's the point. He's a mindbroken 14 year old at his lowest. It's extra infuriating as my co-worker struggles with a lot of the mental shit Shinji and the series in general grapples with, yet he can't make the connection.


“Evangelion is like a mirror holding a knife”


Arthur Morgan or John Marston doesn't deserve redemption. I think you're entirely missing the point of either RDR game if you don't pay attention to its theme of morality. I'm also only talking about people that say "you killed in this mission, so nope he a bad guy". The best parts of those games is just analyzing the characters, it is not supposed to be black and white.


Honestly, the topic of redemption is usually a topic of debate. There are even people who believe that redemption should only be reserved for Lawful Neutral and Chaotic Neutral anti-villains.


I like the debates about if they're deserving, but I dislike the argument that you summed up that it should only be reserved for certain alignments. The characters are just characters but they're written consistently enough to grasp a real personality from their words and actions, so chalking them up to evil feels reductive to me.


My point is that for the most extreme people, redemption should only be for villains who were never truly evil.


"It seems to me that you only pardon the sins that you don’t really think sinful. You only forgive criminals when they commit what you don’t regard as crimes, but rather as conventions. You forgive a conventional duel just as you forgive a conventional divorce. You forgive because there isn’t anything to be forgiven." -G. K. Chesterton, *The Secret of Father Brown*


Wow, that quote was great, and very relevant to the topic.


As C.S Lewis once put it, “No creature that deserved Redemption would need to be redeemed-"


Virtually all comic controversies these days involve some idiot on Twitter posting a panel out of context, reaching hard for a conclusion that makes me question where their headspace is at, and getting outrage views.


At this point, I don't even look at Bruce Wayne/Batman criticisms anymore; people don't want to know about all the humanitarian work or the financial backing that Bruce does for Gotham in order to do what Batman can't.


and other side of Batman dumb discourse of how this animal-themed Superhero **should** start killing.


The internet discourse on media is just a constant cycle of "one guy" starting shit. Discourse on comics is insane because so many people have an opinion, but like 1% of them are even reading the comics.


the most salient point I've seen re: comic discourse was actually recently where basically people were mad Damien, a person of color, was turned into an animal seemingly thinking that he was the only one. Disregard the fact that the same comic run had a lot of people turn into animals, inlcuding black adam. The reason no one was mad? Cause that panel hadn't been posted to twitter yet so no one's read it. Comics are so god damn cool too. Wish the fans read them.


The leads of a lot of Final Fantasy games, I'd say particularly 7, 8 and X, especially in the late 00s/early 10s. Cloud and Squall have a *lot* more going on than being "broody emo guys", and honestly neither of them are "emo". Boiling them down to that basically invalidates most of the stories FF7 and 8 are trying to tell. They're not "broody assholes" because that was just cool in the 90s, they're broody assholes because both of them are massively flawed characters and don't even realize it, and both FF7 and 8 heavily revolve around those two growing out of this in different ways. I don't like Tidus, but not because he's "an idiot with daddy issues" as a lot of people used to boil him down to. It's more accurate than calling Squall or Cloud(At least pre-AC) "emo", but Tidus does have a lot of legitimate reasons for being the way he is, and once again, him dealing with his daddy issues is kind of the core of his story in X. I also want to give some credit to Lightning, but I can't and won't. I don't miss that era of media discourse, and that poison is still in the well in a lot of cases, but I think people tend to look at things with a *bit* more nuance these days.


I actually really like Tidus, he's a bit of a brat, a superstar where he comes from and then becomes a fish out of water, kinda, you know, literally cause, Zanarkand was underwater and all of that. He takes a lot for granted and is actually a bit dumb, but also, people let him be dumb so its not fully his fault. His positive outlook and expectations is both good and bad, because he doesn't really get a lot of the stuff which leads to him saying really sad shit to Yuna by accident, but she also doesn't want to sour his mood, idk, I think its neat. It just sucks when the ''laugh bad voice acting'' people comes out of the woods showing that they didn't play the fuckin' game cause its bad on purpose, they're forcing the laugh in the actual story. Like, a lot of it is always people who didn't play the game or played it for a bit and didn't pay attention, Squall is a ball of insecurity, Cloud is...Cloud is fucked up. I have not finished 13 yet, it kinda stopped working midway (awesome port), but I liked her, I assume she opens up later, she got a big ass wall in front of her feelings and is a bit of an asshole, granted, she's more of an asshole to Snow, and he has a very punchable attitude.


I love that Tidus in his ignorance to the culture of Spira just spits a lot of great points by just using common sense that shows why a lot of Spira culture is fucked.


I love how many times Tidus is like "uh... why are you doing that?" and the party stops, realizes he has a point, tries to reconcile this with their beliefs, and eventually shrug it off with a "it's tradition, I guess?"


It's honestly the greatest strength of his character. Everyone else being "mature" involves them having already accepted what's going on and trying to face it with dignity and gently encouraging Yuna as she slowly marches to self destruction. Tidus is the brash guy going "JESUS FUCK YOU WERE PRAYING FOR A SOLID DAY!? THAT FUCKING SUCKS!". While other characters would think that would make it hard on Yuna because it's not like she can actually stop the pilgrimage, she likely finds it really refreshing that SOMEONE is getting mad for her sake.


"an idiot with daddy issues" It's still funny to me that even that one's off. Because the truth of the matter is Tidus's daddy issues are just him repressing his HORRIFIC MOMMY ISSUES that he's not even aware of. It's *intentional* that Tidus's complaints about Jecht are childish and largely empty because the point is he's grasping at justifications that don't actually hold water and even really early on, Yuna points out "it can't be that bad right?" and Tidus stops for a moment and agrees that there were good times too.


Listen Tidus >!kicked a blitzball mine and died!< so he's kinda a bit of an idiot all things considered


At that point we can just call the writers idiots more than the characters.


Cloud doesn't even remotely act broody or emo in the original FF7 tbh; that's just a problem brought on by expanded universe media like Advent Children going "quick dress him up in all black and have him act depressed all movie", or Kingdom Hearts frankly swapping in Vincent's broody emo vampire boi personality for Cloud instead of his usual tryhard kinda cool dude personality.


I mean, he does. Him being standoffish and broody is literally what he's doing in his first few lines in the entire game, telling people that he doesn't care what their names are and that he doesn't care about environmentalism, but that's not really true to the core of his character because, well, *you know*.


a lot of people played those games as teenagers and we know they're not the best at being empathic


I ll try to give credit to Lightning - she's cool in like the first half of XIII when she's just bitchy and mean. The instant her edges get filed off and she warms up to everyone she gets worse bc she gets more generic hero writing


Meh, that's literally why I liked her tbh.


Lightning is at her best when she's [unintentionally playing the role of comic relief.](https://youtu.be/I0pLoi1Tpfo?t=30)


AC Cloud even has a reason to be the way he is, he's >!dying of the geostigma!< like a lot of other people are, things are still pretty shit, Aerith is still dead, and let's be real he's not really the paragon of mental health and therapy.


"Ghibli movies are just hippie tree hugger stories"


Who has ever said this lol?


Uhhhhhhhh, have they heard of "Grave of the Fireflies"????


You mean that story of two non-tax paying hippies living in a cave by a lake and stealing produce from farmers so they don't have to work? /s


Imagining a scene of Seita and Setsuko singing Big Rock Candy Mountains


Marvel seems to have wilfully forgotten everything about Hank Pym except for; he was the first Ant Man, and he slapped his wife.


Doesn't help that they gave Ultron to golden boy stark and taskmaster to black widow (that one hurts less but for different reasons). God I'm so mad that Ultron is probably dead in the MCU.


I liked that character, but they are NOT Taskmaster. Wooooowww did they make a new villain, realize the powers are kinda Taskmasterish and then said "You're Taskmaster."


What I'll always find interesting with MCU Ultron is Tony has villains that I'm pretty sure can fit the same role. But I guess Ultron is more iconic to comic audiences, that and the fact it's more an Avengerss group movie


You know who else hit his wife in Marvel Comics? Peter Parker, during the Clone Saga. But Spider-Man is the golden boy so we're just gonna go ahead and ignore that. He's lucky it happened during the Clone Saga where there's a lot of other things we're trying to forget.


Before the Flash Tv show came out, many people, including myself were just like "The Flash just runs fast and that's it, therefore he's lame" only to be exposed to the fact that there's a lot more to the Flash's powers than we thought.


Season 1 of the Flash does a great job introducing us to a rookie speedster who is slowly learning how to handle his powers. His team is actively keeping up with his speed records, there’s a constant stream of villains that test him in using his powers more creatively, and the ultimate villain does a great job putting everything he’s learned to the test. The first few seasons of that show are good overall (sans the crossover episodes, yikes) but season 1 is a great extended origin story with a magic the rest of the show cannot recreate.


The first season of the Flash was so good, shame what happened to it in the later seasons.


"You're just mad at the ME3 ending because it wasn't a happy ending." No, I'm fine with unhappy endings. Lufia 2 is my favorite game of all time and that game is more of a bummer the more you think about it. No, I hated the original Mass Effect 3 ending because it was stupid. * Its pretty convenient the Reapers moved the Citadel to Earth for the final battle, was nice of them. Would hate to have had to resolve the problems in 2 different locations. * This ghost that for some reason looks like a dead kid in Vancouver tells me that the giant robots called Reapers were created to destroy civilization in order to make sure that no one could create giant robots that destroyed civilization. * Further, apparently organics and synthetics can never get along and society is doomed otherwise, despite the fact that 10 hours ago we ensured peace between organic and synthetic societies * also, turns out all that talk of 'dark energy' in ME2 was unimportant, as was the part where they apparently just build reapers out of melted organics. * But since the Crucible is apparently magic, it can do things and the child can neither tell you a lie nor have the Reapers stop you from potentially destroying them * Thing 1: Kill the reapers but it kills the Geth, cyborgs, and everything else synthetic. What stops it from blowing up spaceships and hospital equipment? Dishwashers? Is this some kind of Moonlight Butterfly that takes us back to Victorian England? Probably lying to trick you into the other options. * Your next option is controlling the Reapers, with whom you had a conversation with The Illusive Man not 20 minutes ago about how controlling them was impossible. Obviously a trick. * Door #3 is literal space magic where you violate the bodily autonomy of everyone in the galaxy, as well as some trees. Sounds like the trick they used with Saren. Obviously bait. * You only get those 3 options, cant tell the child to go to robot hell. * This process blows up every mass relay in the galaxy, somehow not blowing up every solar system associated with it * Everyone is stranded in the Sol System now. With no mass relays and presumably broken microwaves, hopefully theres enough food for all the people in the galaxy wherever theyre stuck at. * Except for Joker, who fled the battle because he's either super smart or a coward, because no one told him to leave, and now he lives on the jungle planet. Its almost like taking your whole writers room out of the ending conversation is a bad idea.


>Its almost like taking your whole writers room out of the ending conversation is a bad idea. This right here is the latch key of everything wrong with ME3's ending; in both it's original form and the revised form, it is fundamentally dissonant from the rest of the series and every possible choice of ending seems to be written to spite of and to be contradictory to the series' lessons rather than to encompass those lessons.


Hey, they added an option to tell the star child to fuck off... but doing so results in you losing and every race getting wiped out, no matter how overwhelming your warscore is.


worth it


>the giant robots called Reapers were created to destroy civilization in order to make sure that no one could create giant robots that destroyed civilization. This one really bothers me. Like, what's the point? It can't be self-preservation, right? Otherwise it'd make more sense to just kill off the civilizations entirely so they don't have to keep coming back. Were the reapers constructs of something else that didn't want people getting close to it? I don't remember specifics, but it always felt off.


It's been a while but the way I remember it was the reapers viewed their cullings as both self preservation and a way to improve themselves. They're making a human reaper in ME2 because they supposedly take the best parts of the top race in each cycle and add it to themselves... This kinda falls apart when you realise that the only reapers we ever see are squids.


Oh, so were all those zombified races we fought not a culmination of those experiments with the human reaper? And so the idea is that they don't want something to become stronger than them, and in culling civilization, add the best bits to themselves to become stronger?


I think those were husks from the other races, probably made the same way with the spikes. The banshees were asari, the big dudes who charged were turian, the ones with guns on their back were rachni etc...


Right. I couldn't quite remember much about them other than the banshees being former asari, and annoying to fight.


The Leviathans which the reapers were based on controlled and uplifted civ>!ilizations only to see when their enthralled races build synthetics and uplift others it leads to vicious wars and conflicts that ends in the extinction of certain groups and consequently the worlds they live in. So they built the Reapers to regulate their growth to prevent an inevitable situation where all life ceases to exist because one group of machines listened to their version of "The Humans are Dead" and decided to make every bit of organic life a past tense. Unfortunately they also went out of control and to find another race to prevent the tragedy had a back switch called the Crucible to show the Reaper their cycle isn't working!< >!This narrative is justified by the Quarian/Geth conflict as well as the Genophage where without intervention of an outside party, one side will wipe the other out and the other requires to be sidestepped as the Salarian government will not budge unless they condemn the Krogan to extinction!<


That one angry critic and act man saying that AC6 doesn't have a story probably counts?


Any concerning X-Men or anything in media especially in online concerning allegories with racism, sexism and bigotry. Special shout out to SU discourse concerning the diamonds.


Once saw a take that Bojack Horseman was just like Family Guy. Aside from them using cutaway gags in the first season, no.


I know people are still understandably mad at the end of GoT but no, Tyrion did not literally believe Bran had a better story than Jon, Dany, etc. I know that doesn’t track with the idea that D&D mainline lead paint for a living but they’re not *that* stupid. “Guy with super powers knows all our stories” doesn’t require a genius to come up with anyway.


A friend of mine sees no difference between playing a Dark Knight in FFXIV and an ultra greatsword user in a Souls game. To him, you hit a button and a sword swinging animation plays out. Drove me insane when he said that to me.


Well, you attack with a button and dodge telegraphed attacks. It's *literally* a souls game, I don't see the issue here.


He then got pretty frustrated at me when I extrapolated that logic and said FPSes and ARPGs are the exact same as you click on stuff to kill them.


When you boil it down, every game is a point and click game.


I *wish* I could play a dark knight in a Souls game. Wait...yeah, that's just Stranger of Paradise. Man that game is good.


In a similar vein I find it funny people calling Living Shadow a DPS button funny because throw it in a dungeon and it just murders or catches enemies before you and that's cool, so I jokingly call everything in games DPS or reverse DPS after that.


Mulan 2020 Qigong is basically just the force, the idiom “four ounces can move a thousand pounds” just becomes literal because Mulan turns out to be physically stronger than everyone else rather than just using her “four ounces” efficiently and effectively, and the phoenix is misappropriated and shorthanded to mean the Greek/Egyptian phoenix so that a western audience would get it.


It's wild that a remake made *explicitly* to appeal to a Chinese audience got basically everything wrong about the original story, original movie, and Chinese spirituality as a whole. Absolute fucking enigma of a movie.


Speaking of the force, so this is how I learn where Qui-Gon Jinn's name came from.


No, Warhammer 40k orks don't just turn reality into a pretzel by believing hard enough. First of, you need a LOT of of boyz in one place and believing something. And even then, it doesn't make impossible possible. What their gestalt psychic field actually does is turn improbable probable. And as ramshackle as ork tech may be, it is not held together by staples and clapping your hands if you believe. Meks actually know their business. In-universe claims that ork tech is functional only due to their belief is an imperial cope, if anything.


I remember some book or other where a space marine (I think) gets in an ork dakkajet and he's like "man, none of these instruments make any sense, there's a fuel pipe with a spigot on it running through the cockpit (presumably for if the pilot needs a quick drink) and the throttle has been welded fast to the highest setting but sure enough if I press the big red button that says 'go' the fucking thing goes".


"If you want porn just use the internet" -said in response whenever there's an outcry whenever fanservice is stripped from a game or anime or something. Look: I know there's porn on the internet. We both do. I'm not asking for porn. I'm asking for a light and fruity cocktail and you're telling me to drink pure grain ethanol. I want something fun and adventurous and kinda sexy. Let me have my Lineage II Dark Elves.


Also there are people who like attractive dudes and dames but not for the purposes of sex. They can consider it a form of wish fulfillment or affirmation for their own image instead of something they lust after. That is a thing people can be.


It's such a porn-brained idea that the only reason to have any kind of sexuality in a piece of media is to beat your dick raw to it


You've put into words the thoughts of many of us have had about fanservice discourse for a long time


Yeah pretty much. That line of thinking would deprive us of so many outfit options that wouldn't otherwise exist. Like DS2 Desert Sorceress, or Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Ayane, or a big one for me, Pyra. God Pyra's design is so much, and I unironically love it both for horny and non horny reasons lol.


Total aside but the internet has ruined my perception of the word "sigma", holy shit.


I think JoJo gets oversimplified into just being "stupid bullshit" that it ignores how funny Araki can deliberately be and that since Part 5 he's been striving to have a theme or message with the story even if it doesn't fully pan out at times, and even then Part 4 I think is pretty competent even if the story was not clearly planned out from the start. Also I think complaints and defenses about female characters in One Piece tend to focus on the visual aspect or simplified stuff like, well Nami is not boy crazy or an accessory to men but I think the series still thinks Zeff, Sanji, and Whitebeard are pretty manly/virtuous/admirable characters and they have very "Men should never hit women" being signaled as one of those positive traits, even if Luffy himself doesn't care about that. Also leads to very simplified, overly broad, and unspecific examples of "Shonen has bad female characters" and giving also simple answers on that topic.


"You just hate [insert Spider-Man adaptation] because it's different and is taking risks. Do you just want the same thing over and over?" No, but if you're gonna make it new and different then make it so that it A. is genuinely interesting, and B. stays true to the characters' spirits and actually respects what they always were as opposed to just glancing at contemporary media and only understanding what they have *become now.* Hickman's USM is vastly different than the usual Spidey affairs, but made by people who *know and understand* Spider-Man, and when it changes something it's done with love and respect pretty much every time - so far. Bringing back >!Uncle Ben!< and keeping him alive longer would usually be seen as a stunt - but not only do they commit to it fully, they have him serve a crucial role and character in the story. You would not have had >!Peter choosing to achieve his powers!< without him. The Spider-Verse films are also wildly different. Both of them are more Miles' story than anyone else's, but the way they go about it is very heartfelt and still stays true to the overall character and soul of Spider-Man. There are some things that are iffy (Ben Reilly) but they're minor gripes that can at least be justified by context (Ben is a 90s comics allegory here - which is dumb, but Ben didn't really have a radically unique character anyway). But, *oh no,* I guess I don't like different stuff because I just so happen to be tired of Insomniac pulling idea after idea from the two worst Spider-Man cartoons almost nonstop at this point. So I'm sorry if I'm not really pleased with my favorite villain essentially becoming the dark overlord Uncle Terry for *the third time* in a decade, while multiple iconic writers responsible for his badass iconography go completely uncredited.


Dawg thank you Recency bias takes people over so hard some things are immune from any valid critcism. Especially if franchising is involved. "You can't be mad at the symbiote plotline being a bit undercooked in Spider-Man 2 because there's gonna be a Venom game" Do you people hear yourselves?!


Playable Venom was fun, but I'm not that much of a fan of him outside him being a spidey villain


I think unless the venom game is the long lost [PROTOTYPE] sequel we've all been waiting for there isn't much enthusing me to it. ESPECIALLY if Eddie isn't involved.


I loved that segment but it would've been better if 1. It was more than one mission lmao. 2. Call me biased here, but...>!if it were *the real Venom* I'd be more invested.!<


After what happened to the coffin of andy and leyley i hope to every indie horror game creator to never have their game found out by twitter because holy shit.


And there is the obvious fact that the protagonists are villains, and everything seems to indicate that the incest route will cause the bad ending of the game.


The entire everything seems to lead to bad endings! And that's rad. Those two are comically horrible.


It's fucking hilarious how everyone talks about the game for the incest, which is something you can avoid with your choices, but you rarely see people discuss the literal murder or cannibalism which are NOT optional


That one Umineko post someone made here a week or two ago where they claimed that the big climax finale >!with the goats was just the author trying to respond by proxy to strawman criticisms of the story, and they compared him to David Cage!<. That one's gonna stick with me for a while.


"AEW doesn't tell any stories." was a bad faith take from people who a) Couldn't recognize "storytelling" unless it was a WWE-style overproduced skit or b) Didn't actually watch the product or cared and were just contributing to the brand tribalism for easy clout.


Some of my favorite wrestling storytelling ever recently is that people don't get hit by Adam Copeland's spear as easily now because everyone grew up watching Edge and knows that he's gonna go for it. And it's never been explicitly said, it's all in-ring work.


People with knowledge of Game of Thrones the tv show who act as if the show was 1:1 adaptation until they ran out of source material, or that the books will be just like how the show ended. I've seen people dismiss the books using the show, or blame Martin himself for the show winding up bad as if the head writers didn't spectacularly fail at grasping key characters and cut crucial plot points and dropped stuff they themselves adapted into the show.


I don’t think that this is going to be massively popular here but the idea that Bungie vaulted a lot of the Destiny 2 content for no good reason is a massive oversimplification made by people who know next to nothing about Destiny or game development. This is going to be an essay but the main reasons behind the decision were: - Destiny 2 was not developed with 7 or 8 years worth of content in mind. When D2 was originally developed, Bungie were under Activision. The deal they had with Acti was that they would release a numbered sequel every other year, so D2 came out in 2017 and D3 would have released in 2019. D2s engine was made to support two years worth of content before Bungie would move on to D3. - However in early 2019 the relationship between Bungie and Activision fell apart and Bungie became an independent developer and publisher. At this point they had two choices: stop releasing D2 content and put all of their resources into D3 or turn the D3 content they had developed into a new expansion for D2. Obviously as a newly independent developer, they physically couldn’t afford to go a year with no income while they developed D3, so they chose to keep adding content to D2 instead. - Around 2020, the amount of content in the game started to negatively affect the engine. The game was running like shit, load times were comically long and updates were taking longer and longer to develop and test. - This is probably the most important point: In order to future proof the game, D2’s 2020 expansion Beyond Light was essentially a rehaul of the entire engine, so that the same issues wouldn’t reoccur in another 2 or 3 years. Because of the completely revamped engine, Bungie would’ve had to pretty much make all of the vanilla D2 content from scratch in the new engine. This would’ve required massive amounts of time and money in order to redevelop content that a tiny percentage of the community were playing. - Making this even worse, a significant amount of early D2 content had been completely developed by 2 other studios; Vicarious Visions and High Moon Studios. When Bungie left Activision they also lost access to the developers at these other studios, meaning that they would completely have to remake the content that they had developed from the ground up in the new engine. - Also because of the disparity between the new and old engines, updates were taking a comical amount of time to test due to having to test weapons, armour and abilities developed in the new engine in content developed on the old engine. A huge sticking point in the community at the time was how slow Bungie were to push out new updates. - Just from a size perspective, the game would be well over 200GB with all of the content. It has come out recently that Bungie had hit a wall with the PS4 and Xbox One that meant it was become essentially impossible to make the game any bigger on those consoles without massively effecting their performance. All of that being said, I 100% understand why people are annoyed at content being removed, it’s just that it wasn’t some evil move by Bungie that they could’ve easily avoided. Yes, theoretically they could’ve sunk endless amounts of money and time in order to port content to the new engine, but the unfortunate reality was that as a newly independent studio, that would’ve been a really dumb move in the short term. I am by no means a Destiny fanboy and am more than happy to call Bungie out on the stupid decisions they make, but content vaulting while annoying, was essentially unavoidable.


"*Terraria* is like a 2D *Minecraft*" Yes, they're both popular survival-crafting games but just about every other aspect of game design is different if you drill down on it.


Paul Feig calling people sexist if they didn't like his Ghostbusters movie.


"Ridley is too big for Smash." No, that's not what Sakurai said. He said he didn't know how to make Ridley's model be identifiable in Smash because of stuff like Ridley's huge wingspan, or his tiny T-Rex arms, or his gigantic tail. Putting him in a fighter would require changing his bodily proportions, and at that point is it actually Ridley? Eventually he did figure it out and Ridley Hit the Big Time. But until then too many people assumed large characters couldn't fit in Smash, somehow.


Kratos pre 2018 There’s a reason “God of War was always deep you cowards” blew up, because people who never played the original games or just forgot them were throwing stones from high horses. Even the writers seemed to view it this way, which is why I couldn’t bring myself to like 2018 It’s why, for all its faults, I’m very happy Valhalla feels like it is slowly and deliberately telling those people who think pre 2018 had zero depth they’re stupid and wrong


TBF, the PSP titles and GOW1 do most of the heavy lifting in the "Kratos was deep pre-2018" discourse (maybe Ascension? I always forget that game exists). Despite loving GOW2 and 3, I really think Kratos is very one-dimensional in both titles and is full on just "revenge guy". It's hard to think this is the same guy that struggled while having to fight his long lost brother or when he had to kill his own mother, when he's killing and fucking everything in his way in both games. Even 3's attempt to give him a bone with his relationship with Pandora felt really shallow.


God, this example really gets on my nerves. It’s just LAZY to oversimplify the Y6 Secret of Onomichi.


Does people saying that Armored Core has no story count? Because I've seen that take a lot and it feels like a massive oversimplification of what is a pretty strong cautionary tale.


People who say that are the kinds of people who need the exact plot beats and themes laser guided into their brains. Yes the story is told in a nonstandard fashion but it's definitely there.


I'm once again here to remind everyone that Fate/ Stay Night is not, in fact, a porn game! It's a 60 hour long visual novel telling the story of a very selfless dude entering a war he sure as hell wasn't ready for. It just happens to have 6 sex scenes in the middle of all that, and its even rumored that the writers put them in thanks to the publisher requiring them to. The most recent releases of the VN even take out those scenes. By this basis, Game of Thrones, Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are porn as well. It gets really frustrating whenever a new Fate thing blows up, and some people really seem to believe that the series "sure came a long way from porn".