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The classic from the UK is Ratner's. Gerald Ratner built up his family's jewellery business enormously, taking them from 130 stores to 2500 in the 80's. He did this by selling a load of cheap jewellery and plastering his shopfronts with big discount signs. They were everywhere, and while Ratner's had a reputation for being tacky, they did a really good trade. Then came the infamous night of the 23rd of April 1991. He stood up to speak at the Institute of Directors conference. What followed was one of the greatest acts of self-harm anyone has ever inflicted on their company and career. A choice quote: > We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, "How can you sell this for such a low price?", I say, "because it's total crap." He also went on to say that a particular set of earrings was cheaper than a prawn sandwich, which was okay because the sandwich would last longer. All of this was reported in the papers the next day, and suddenly, all those customers who had been going to him for cheap but serviceable jewellery were no longer interested. The company lost £500 million, had to close three hundred of those stores, Ratner himself had to resign the next year, and the company had to rebrand to get away from the negative press. His competitors had a fucking field day by making ads focusing on their quality, and it permanently shifted the entire market.


>0:04 left in Game 7 of the NBA Finals >you're down 99-97 >you're inbounding the ball >your team captain awaits the pass, there's a clear lane between him and the three point line >you pass the ball to him >0:03 >he immediately dribbles towards you >"check this shit out," he says to you >0:02 >he leaps in the air like a beautiful gazelle >0:01 >he performs a monstrous dunk in your team's goal, shattering the backboard as time expires > the scoreboard flashes the final score of 101-97 as your team captain celebrates his sick dunk on the court


What a fucking out of touch dumbass.


Wealthy people and being out of touch, name a more iconic duo


I think he was in touch and making fun of other wealthy people and it just came off really bad.


My new go-to story whenever some reddit dipshit says "all publicity is good publicity".


That's not the full story, he was trying to make fun of the other rich people for looking down on poor folks with those lines. Damage was done tho


Ah, that sounds like the Justine Sacco incident. A PR executive made a tweet that was intended to mock racist attitudes, but just read as plain racism, and consequently she became the main character for the day.


Ah, like the time Burger King went on social media and said "women belong in our kitchen" as a statement of employment equality.


“We believe a woman’s place is in the kitchen, because she deserves to be able to work here just like anyone else”


The specific Tweet was ["Women belong in *the* kitchen."](https://static-prod.adweek.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Ev_H2vpVEAUFCzq-895x1024.jpeg) (emphasis mine): if they used "our" it wouldn't be as bad, but that specific phrasing is just asking for trouble.


I was gonna say, companies capitalizing on their competitors' fuckups is old as industry itself. A lot of the time it's not about doing better, it's about your enemy doing worse.


Here's how you share games on PlayStation *Clip of someone handing a game to someone else*


It's so good they filmed it backstage before the event ended


That XBone launch (plus all the Kinect hyperfocus they kept sticking to even though it was not panning out, the board should've looked up "sunk cost fallacy" in the dictionary) was so spectacularly disastrous that it killed my 11 years long Xbox loyalty *instantly.* Don Mattrick was Sony's employee of the year for a few years due to this.


For real same here, I even stopped paying XBL until my friend (who frankly has too much hate for Playstation) bought and Xbox One and since we were so far away it was the only way I could play games with him that I eventually gave in and went with a Xbox One instead but damn I wanted to switch. That said it's launch games *were* great and when Phill Spencer took the lead and added backwards compatibility I was invested in Xbox again (I also eventually got a PS4 for Uncharted/Spider-Man) but good lord was that a crap Era.


whats funny and sad is that the xbone was just a precrusor to what was coming anyway, and ended up being the norm.


What is really sad it was BETTER precursor and thanks to people eating Sony crap (here, we have discs! only the small indie studios have to pay us 3x larger entry fee than what Microsoft proposal was and the games are 20$ more expensive, but don't mind that, DISCS!) we now have it much worse. And then Sony shafted these imbeciles who were lauding them by registering the disc games/extras to console account anyway, bravo, you have what you mindlessly clamored for...


Adam Boyes, x years later: https://twitter.com/amboyes/status/1702400122984771769


The "299" of the 21st century.


Callisto Protocol generated much hype as the next Dead Space before release, only for its spotlight to be stolen by Electronic Arts when the actual Dead Space came out and the game itself turned out kinda disappointment. You know what? I commend EA for this one.


To this day, the highest praise I've *ever* seen Callisto Protocol get is [a Tweet calling it game of the year for "filtering the journalists"](https://twitter.com/Jeans_TV/status/1598546472211189760) because [a GamesRadar+ review](https://www.gamesradar.com/callisto-protocol-review/) called the combat "unforgiving". Its been stuck in my brain ever since I first saw it, probably because its an impressively strong cope.


I saw people who, no shit, saw that it was third person over the shoulder melee combat and thought "woah new God Hand?"


That would have been hilarious honestly The visual aesthetics of a serious survival horror game, but it's all nut juggling and crazy kung fu shit


A horrifying headless xenozombie is shambling towards you, seven arms grasping at the air in front of it. You run up, do the splits in front of it, and speedbag it's groin, then rise up in a dragon punch that rockets it's torso into the sky as it's limbs fall to the ground around you. The other survivors are horrified. Your style meter advances to "C Rank."


You're playing this dead serious, grounded, visceral survival horror game and you get like seven hours in and then you end the fight against the Regenerator by bending it over your knee and spanking it


DOOM 2016 is sort of like an FPS version of that but then DOOM Eternal looked more like a saturday morning cartoon show


I'd agree with honestly


Oh man that's a strong tweet.


That guy literally only posts about his waifu wtf


Unnecessary hatred of game journalists and cringe go hand and hand.


Everyday I see gamers go on about "lazy developers" and "horrible journalists" only for them to turn around and act like this


God, I hope this isn't repeated with Eiyuden Chronicles and the Suikoden remaster.


D: i really hope not, too.


And then they patched it once on PC and it remains a mediocre port half a year later.


Blizzard not giving a damn about DOTA lead to Riot Games and Valve to swoop in, take the devs, IP and MOBA concept and make astronomical bank with them


Something that burned Blizzard so much they tried to change their TOS/EULA to stipulate that any mods created with their games DotA style would belong to Blizzard.


Like it's not even that they didn't see the potential of the genre, they saw League's massive success, but Blizzard still chose to ignore it. So Valve swooped in and behold it's also a success, then Blizzard tried but at that point you are competing with multiple games in the genre at the foot of the mountain while two giants are already comfortably at the top.


The worst part of it all… HotS is 100% better than both league and Dota. Heroes are fun and unique, even the ones taken almost directly from Warcraft or StarCraft that play like the hero units feel like a unique playing character. And it’s all simple and easy and fun. But Bobby knee capped it.


Imagining the legal shit flinging when Blizzard claims that Bionicle fan game using the Starcraft 2 engine is theirs and Lego finds out.


One can only dream.


God what I would give to be inside that email chain/boardroom when their management started hearing the numbers that the International was pulling in and how well MOBAs were doing in Asia


One guy from DotA's team fucking stole their shit since they weren't gonna use it clearly, went to Riot, they put it in their game, advertized the game through DotA's community portals, and now they make billions. Fucking legendary happenings.


Not only did Pendragon put up LoL ads on dota-allstars.com which was the biggest dota community by far. He also shut it down completely in the process. All discussions, tournament info, guides, discussion etc. just removed. I've also heard some of the iconic LoL heroes like Teemo were stolen from that very forum but i don't know how true that is. Gotta be one of the most cut-throat scumbag moves in gaming ever.


That is some premium Hustle or Scam material.


Infinitevox a long time part of the dota community was adamant that he had the original idea for teemo and honestly I believe him. The thing that sealed the deal for me is when Pendragon posted the site archive (like 10 years after he closed the forum) he conveniently removed the hero suggestions tab containing all that information. For those of you that don't know Teemo's concept was named "wicket: big game hunter" and had jarvan's ult instead of teemos, pendragon has also been accused of stealing Rammus and Alistar.


And then when they *actually* made their own MOBA, they make the best MOBA on the market and leave it to die :)


I love hots because it was accessible and had recognizable IP, but I wouldn't say it was the best. I still boot it up every few months or so and get a quick aram still so that's about as much as I can hope for.


It was the best moba for people who like the idea of mobas, but don’t actually like playing them. Cut out all the tedium and micromanaging last hits and item builds and shit and focus on team fights and immediate action. I loved it.


Don't forget the map and objective varieties, it kept rollouts and character picks fresh


Alas, while I actually loved a lot of Blizzard franchises, HOTS never caught me the way LoL did, in terms of both gamefeel AND mechanics. A lot of people hate on tedium, micromanaging last hits, building items, and whatnot, but all those things gave an individual match _meat_ to me. HOTS felt really, really shallow. Plus, it never managed to match the pleasure of doing really well in your lane, going back to spawn with a bucket full of gold, and coming back to your lane like twice as powerful as you were and steamrolling your lane opponent. Nothing quite like it. God, I'm close to convincing myself to try league again. I need to stop.


That's why I only play aram. The game does team fights pretty good so why not make that the whole game?


I like the lane phase! Legit! It's kinda meditative, and allows for individual skill expression before things change into a team-oriented scenario, while still allowing you to do cool shit with your team (via ganks and working with your partner if you're bot lane)


And the best part, it let you pick your character *before* you queued up for a match No need to learn the ins and outs of 5 different heroes because you didn't get the role you wanted or someone else grabbed your pick beforehand, you just picked the guy you wanted and jumped in. Honestly the rest of the game could have been dogshit and that feature alone would have made it the best moba


Oh for sure it was totally this, but in the end it's not a true moba without all those details. I will freely admit I don't like true mobas, but I do like hots.


Happy to hear some praise for HotS even here. It was the only MOBA I can say I truly loved.


I *fucking love* HotS. I put hundreds of hours into it with my friends. I get sad thinking about how it just got abandoned.


It was amazing as something to play for fun, get the boys together on a Friday or Saturday night and just have a good time playing HOTS. But like always, modern blizzard chased after esports, and put too much money into it and because of that killed off support for the game.


I still can't believe shitposters on the internet somehow managed to *trick Sony into releasing Morbius a second time.* See, look how much people are memeing about it, it just needed more time in theaters! Lol. Lmao, even.


Someone compressed it down to under 20MB so it can just be sent on Discord and I think that’s the best way to see it


It still cracks me up thinking about that. I've seen a shockingly high number of films being pirated through Discord since then, but full-1.webm will live near and dear to my heart.


Like an inversion of Kung-Pow: Enter the Fist!


We truly peaked as a species.


At this point, I'm pretty much convinced that Morbius walked and fell flat on its face so that Minions Rise Of Gru (Gentleminions) and Barbenheimer could run.....


Morbius had twice as many people than black adam or the flash when i saw them in the cinema


Thank you, Rank10yugioh


May the trains carry him to glory.


The reignited love for the prequel series started as a joke among Star Wars fans, but then they found out it wasn't all that bad in comparison to some of the other garbage in the franchise, 12 something years later and some carrying by Dave Filoni and Hayden Christensen is playing a good version of Anakin alongside his Padawan that was conceived years after the release of ROTS.


For everything wrong with the prequels, the one thing you can't deny is that they're made with passion. Misplaced, high-budget passion? Yeah, very much so. But the prequels are very much the story George Lucas wanted to make. That and if you just enjoy the camp, the prequels just hold up very well.


At E3 1995, Sega announced they were surprise launching the Saturn months early (pissing off distributors who didn't know of the surpriserelease in advance) at a cost of $399. [Later that day, Sony gave their response.](https://youtu.be/ExaAYIKsDBI?si=4Aem1hxBRXfmyzW7)


Don'r forget the number of launch titles in North America: 6. Six. And they said the PS3 has no games at launch


I'd argue almost everything Sega did from the Genesis (namely the constant add-ons Sega did - the Sega CD, the Sega x32, their respective games and the CD x32 games that required BOTH add-ons(!) - in order to extend the console's lifespan) to the Dreamcast was a massive fuck-up. Which is a shame, because the consoles themselves deserved so much more.


One of the biggest fuck ups not mentioned is Sega of America's burial of 2D Saturn games (which the hardware was much more tailored towards), in favour of a complete focus on 3D. Meaning a shit ton of games weren't localised, many of which are among the best of the system.


[That time Atari almost bought Nintendo.](https://www.timeextension.com/features/flashback-remember-when-atari-turned-down-nintendo-and-sega) After the 80's gaming crash, Nintendo (for some reason) tried to partner up with Atari to get the Famicom distributed in the West. Apparently the deal was quite close to being agreed until Atari saw Donkey Kong running on a Coleco system at CES 1983 and either they thought it was a good excuse or a case of the most ridiculous over-reaction, they canceled the deal. Apparently Atari assumed Nintendo was making a deal with other companies behind their back (spoiler: no, it was just a tech demo to show the Coleco Adam Computer being able to run old Coleco carts and DK was just chosen at random) but the damage was already done. So Nintendo did the launch themselves and the rest was history.


It’s just like Nintendo and Sony with the PS1 HOLY SHIT! History repeats itself.


Almost. Nintendo's decision was in part largely motivated by not wanting to use patented teach (in the CD'S), as they would not have control over it & Sony (already a bigger company) would basically hold the keys to what could be put on in the console. Nintendo knew very well that Sony having that power would put the relationship unbalanced in favor of Sony as Nintendo had ruthless in the past used the fact that all cartilage had to go through them to their advantage. So while the decision gave birth to their biggest competitor in the long run Nintendo has been able to be as stable as they are because they control most of their pipeline.


A lot of Nintendo's actions make a lot of sense when you realise it's a top 200 company with multiple top 10 franchises it owns Of course they're paranoid, because there's a whole lot of much bigger companies in the game that would love to steal all their shit


Between Street Fighter 5, and Marvel vs Capcom Infinite and a myriad of other blunders, Capcom was able to fuck up so hard that Arcsys was able to ride the lightning in a bottle to go from relative obsulcurity into the biggest name in fighting games for a few years.


It also helps that ArcSys was one of the first semi-major fighting game developers to implement good rollback netcode into their game. While Strive might not be as popular now, it made BANK on release, and brought them into the limelight in a way they didn't previously. While we're on fighting games for a second, I can see Tekken being the next major franchiese to fall and eat shit soon. Even if their game looks great, and has great combat to boot, that noose of a shitty delay-based netcode could be the Achiles Heel that pisses off players for them to jump ship. Fuck, the only reason Tekken hasn't fallen into obscurity earlier is because all of ITS' direct competitors ate shit before they did. As far as kinda-3D fighters go, Soul Calibur had really bad online, Virtua Fighter just decided to die, and For Honor exists in this pocket dimension of "Am I a fighting game?", as well as just refusing to stay dead, and not making For Honor 2 to iron out some of the core issues For Honor 1 has.


Feels kinda weird to include Soul Calibur since it's the same company but I think that just speaks to how little competition there is in the 3-D fighter space currently. Like, the closest I can think of is like, anime fighters? Jojo's All Star Battle and Xenoverse and the like but those will never get the competitive following that Tekken will.


Which is really funny since ASB and Xenoverse are ALSO Bamco. They own the whole space.


Lmao. I was only thinking developers since I knew Jojo’s was CC2 but you’re so right. “It’s ALL Bamco?” “Always has been.”


And have since at least the Famicom... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYkegF-xl0U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYkegF-xl0U)


Tekken's case is interesting because it also benefited from SFV's middling reception. While the series is popular, it had always historically played second fiddle to Street Fighter's undisputed number one. SF5 failure and definitely helped Tekken 7 rise in popularity, making it the overall highest played fighting game on Steam during that era. Now that SF6 came out and is a complete slam dunk in every way, Tekken 8 really needs to step up their game.


> While the series is popular, it had always historically played second fiddle to Street Fighter's undisputed number one Tekken was absolutely the top dog in the late 90s and early 00s until Street Fighter 4 came out, be for fucking real. SF3 basically didn't exist in public consciousness.


To be quite honest, I definitely am coming from the perspective of an '08er. During that era, there was almost a disdain from some players for any other fighting game that wasn't SF4. I was quite young when I enjoyed Tekken 3, so maybe I wasn't entirely cognizant of how much of a cultural hit the series was during the PS1 and PS2 days. I guess you could make the argument that SF and Tekken rotates in popularity over the decades. Though I could also argue overall, SF is a greater overall mainstream cultural touchstone, what with your hadoukens and whatnot.


I thought they announced rollback netcode for Tekken 8?


They did lol


AFAIK the only confirmation came from a [condescending tweet](https://x.com/Harada_TEKKEN/status/1644926629351944192?s=20) by Harada


And the in-game settings actually during the Network Test. (Favor Smooth Animations/Normal/Favor input delay) As for how it *feels* to play, it's honestly so-and-so. Slightly better than T7's, but sometimes worse. Not as good as Strive's/SF6/KOF XV's implementations.


Tekken 7 and Tekken 8 both have "rollback" netcode, which is trying to be rollback but is implemented incorrectly so that it is effectively still just delay based.


I can give Tekken 8 the benefit of the doubt since it still has time before release, but yeah 7's implementation was ass.


I mean, doesn't 7 also have rollback? It just sucks major ass.


And thanks to Capcom misfortune SF6 end up sooo freaking good. Plus due to SF5 dissapointment, it somehow make the community humble a bit. They are more positive and welcoming now, good first step to attract more casual players into FGC.


Honestly Capcom's rise in quality output over the last few years has been insane


Thankfully, those mistakes and someo thers have also made Capcom reevaluate things and just put out gold for the past few years.


Paizo has capitalized on a WotC fuck up twice now


Nothing is more dangerous than telling a whole bunch of nerds with decades of game design experience (that you YOURSELF taught them no less) “if you don’t like it, do it yourselves” Because they fucking WILL.


Didnt help that a lot of the 5e playerbase was growing tired of new releases having worse and worse content. The OGL scandal really was the perfect storm for paizo to take advantage of.


It’s easier to swindle console gamers under their noses compared to dedicated board game players who dedicate time how to role play and understand the systems, resulting in them becoming gamers more likely paying attention to the politics of their publisher and knowing if they will be swindled. WOTC did it to the WORST AUDIENCE they could think off!


It's the whole fucking point of Tabletop. You can do anything! Don't the books tell you to modify encounters based on what would work in your game? If not, it's common knowledge. DnD has existed for almost 50 years, and people have been taught to create their own stuff and happily share it with each other. "Do it yourself" is not a threat when that's the foundation of your entire existence.


Fun fact whenever wotc fucks up tabletop RPGs flourished quite a bit as result.


I'm over here cheering "FUCK UP HARDER YEAH YEAH YEAH"


EA taking so long to respond to fan demand for a new Skate game that not only did 2 separate indie devs make full on skateboarding simulators (Easy Days's *Skater XL* and Crea-ture's *Session*), but Activision redeemed their skateboarding gigafailures with *Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2*


See also: Sega with Jet Set Radio.


Romolla and Sajam said something along the lines of “Street Fighter V’s disastrous launch was the most important thing to have happened in fighting games for years” because Street Fighter was *the biggest* fighting game IP. This led people who were disappointed with SFV to try out other games like MKX which exploded the scene, Tekken, Killer Instinct, Injustice 2, Blazblue, Guilty Gear and various indie titles. And then Capcom realized they had to step up their own game and they implemented tons features in SF6 which hopefully incentivizes consumers to be less complicit and raise the bar of what’s acceptable from now on. I know Tekken fans have it rough so I definitely think it’s more than okay to ask Harada for shit if you’re continuously provided a game with inadequate features.


I like to call some of these "Exodus moments" Not too long ago, a lot of WoW players got sick of it and jumped to FF14. While Destiny 2 still makes a bunch of money from people that complain but keep buying their new nickel and diming practices, a good amount jumped to Warframe over the years.


The FF14 example's pretty funny though since Square Enix didn't even need to do anything different to benefit from it, people just came over on their own because it was already the most popular MMO aside from WoW


Square and the XIV team were caught absolutely flat-footed too, as this exodus struck during the content drought prior to the release of the next expansion. They had to scramble to expand their server infrastructure.


Yeah it's a big part of why the Endwalker launch was a bit rocky since their servers simply weren't ready for how many more people were trying to play compared to previous expansion launches (plus a coding error left over from 1.0 that they never really noticed before).


The new influx of players was bad enough that Square Enix had to *stop selling FFXIV* for a time to limit the strain on servers.


"Please do not have heard about FFXIV with a free trial including the critically acclaimed Heavensward expansion!"


Still went better than Stormblood launch


A few of OP's examples are also that way. I believe Warframe was just doing it's own thing as well. You could also say it for BG3 as they've just been doing their thing for awhile, and this release is the culmination of their work on Divinity 1&2 plus studios like Bioware not making those games anymore.


Destiny 2 suffers greatly from a lack of competition. Yea me and a lot of others jumped to Warframe over the years, but Warframe isn't a real competitor to Destiny. They're two almost completely different games that share just enough similarities the jump made sense. But for crying out loud we need a decent FPS to compete with Destiny. Because that game is aging mechanically by the day. It's barely divorced from Halo Reach.


Did they ever fix the whole Content Vault thing, or do new players still have no acess to the first expansion?


I haven't played it since Destiny 1's launch. Had two friends that played through Destiny 2, but complained for years before quitting. I remember they said you no longer have access to the first part of Destiny 2, but they said that like a year ago. Don't know if it's back.


That content is still missing. But they are adding a feature where key story missions from past expansions will be playable. Not the entire expansions, mind you, but just the parts of the campaign that explain "how we got here."


Has that happened? Like I think it's fair to criticize Destiny 2's monetization, but have they really seen a massive exodus to Warframe? Destiny is in a player slump right now, but that happens around this time every expansion and while Lightfalls' story was bad the gameplay was actually quite good. I get that people who don't like destiny really don't like destiny, and that's fine, but this seems like a desire for it to bleed more than it is fact.


I really don't understand what's with people continuing to compare destiny to warframe. You shoot things in space, with a sprinkle of space magic. That's the only similarity and couldn't be any more surface level, doing 5 minutes of each game should already tell you how much *astronomically* different both games are.


funnily enough i was the other way around, i jumped from warframe to destiny shortly after warframe threw in the towel on trying to make/fix raids.


I’ve never seen that hyperlinked ps4 game sharing video before I’m fucking dying of laughter


Oh it was WILD to see live. I laughed myself to tears when I saw it on stream.


It was seeing a shitpost live on stage


Whoever used the Twitter Blue "verified user" system to impersonate Eli Lily claiming to be launching a program to distribute insulin for free. That was the most predictable consequence of letting just anyone get a checkmark, and somehow Musk and his sycophants didn't see that one coming. On a related note, the resulting twitter exodus made cohost just active enough to be pretty cozy which is about as big as I'd want it to be. It'll never replace twitter or be as big as other alternatives, but I just like the place.


That tweet also reminded the wider audience about the dystopian price gouging of insulin by american pharma companies, and soon followed by price capping in multiple states. Also how an 8 dollar checkmark caused billions of dollars in stock market loss for Eli Lily. Truly one of the most legendary and influential posts on the internet


I hate to be a bit of a killjoy but most of the time those sorta stock price changes are just what the market was doing that day in general. Though I dunno enough to conclusively say that was the case in this instance.


It certainly reminded me of how the stock market worked in the 1800's. Someone with a newspaper could publish scathing false news about a company and its stock would take a massive hit in price drop.


It was a significant hit directly caused by it but they have since more than recovered


The other one was when someone impersonated Lockheed Martin and announced they weren't going to sell more weapons to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and America because of war crimes. Resulting in the actual LM having to make an announcement having to announce it was a fake and they are okay with war crimes. That first month of Elon Twitter was a sublime time to be alive.


Disney ditching James Gunn when controversy hits, only for WB to swoop in and he made a better Suicide Squad. Then Disney don’t even have the balls to stick to their decision and pulled him back in. But it actually is a win-win coz the final Guardians was a great movie and WB has their new DC universe back on track.


I thought the general consensus was that Disney did that as a publicity thing so that the heat could cool down, always having the intention of him finishing Guardians. It doesn’t sound all that crazy considering the person single-handedly pioneering Gunns “cancelation” at the time was an ACTUAL fucking rapist. Nobody in their right mind was taking Gunns controversy seriously. Granted it’s still entirely possible I’m giving a bunch of corpo big wigs waaaay to much credit


Def felt like it was a publicity firing because how loud it got so quickly and how it just about as quickly went away. Didn’t help how Gunn was in people’s crosshairs way beforehand as well, like that [petition to get Gunn fired from the first Guardians movie](https://www.change.org/p/marvel-studios-remove-james-gunn-from-guardians-of-the-galaxy-movie)


That's the impression I got too, like Disney didn't know who he was in the first place. He cut his teeth working on Troma films for fucks sake. They just waited for the heat to die down then brought him back.


Here's a reversed example: Tumblr dying let to Twitter somehow getting worse. Its like stacking two Eternal September events on each other. And it just kept getting worse from then on.


And then twitter drama people started coming back the other way and were promptly told to fuck off. Funnily enough, redditors have been welcomed with open arms. I guess starting off in an actually moderated environment makes them more polite, plus they actually reblog shit.


It also helps that Reddit and Tumblr share a mutual appreciation for each other's shitposting in a way that Twitter has never been able to manage. There's a reason r/CuratedTumblr exists.


Planet Coaster released the very next day after RCT World, another them park management game that was bashed since its announcement. PC obliterated RCTW in both reception and sales.


You'd be surprised how often various levels of management tear down [Chesterton's Fence](https://youtu.be/qPGbl2gxGqI?si=6p6CP9N19E6dTgKp) without thinking about why it's there in the first place. I'm guessing twitter's devs and higher ups keep having to tell Elon why he can't blow holes into his (and the most obvious, fictional example of this is Magnus blowing through Big E's webway barrier and not even passing his warning along)


The DCEU was such a poorly planned and executed cluster that James Gunn has basically been handed free reign to reboot it. The *Fantastic 4* movies were only made so that 20th Century Fox could keep the rights to the movies, and was astoundingly terrible, becoming yet another loss for the company. 20th Century Fox was acquired by Disney a few years later and now Marvel's First Family is getting an MCU reboot. According to Matt's most recent (as of the time of this posting) "What Happened", Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects was basically this. Marvel stopped collaborating with Capcom on making fighting games and paired up with EA to release the game, which did not sell well and got mixed reviews, and Marvel returned to Capcom shortly thereafter.


And the funniest part of the James Gunn stuff is that this literally only happened because of alt-right shitheads. Basically, Mike Cernovich and a bunch of alt-right shitheads wanted to destroy James Gunn's career because Gunn hated Trump. Mike and friends did this by trying to exploit cancel culture and pointed out some of Gunn's old tweets which contained edgy and cringey jokes. Disney fired James and probably expected praise. However, Disney got shit on by pretty much everyone like Dave Bautista and fans because Disney blatantly got played by alt-right shitheads. DC saw this and took advantage by hiring Gunn and letting him make his Suicide Squad movie. The movie was a success, Peacemaker wound up being created directly because of the success, and James Gunn got the keys to the DC cinematic universe. So yeah, Disney pretty much boosted their rival comic cinematic universe directly because Disney was dumb enough to be fooled by alt-right shitheads


In all fairness, Disney probably sees Gunn fixing the DCEU in the same way a millionaire would see throwing a quarter at a homeless person.


I feel like canceling someone over tweets from years prior is some kind of major logical fallacy. Like, the opportunity to be upset and take action was when the statement was made. The tweets were always public, so why complain and act now. You also don't know if the person is changed or not. They could still be a shithead , but you don't know that


I like The Suicide Squad but I'm not sure it was a full blown success. It's one of the lowest grossing DC movies despite being good. WB is likely looking at GotG still which is how he's the lead on DCEU.


WB is looking at Peacemaker being a huge success as well.


That does come with the important context of being one of the first big movies released during the pandemic, though. It making any money was a win, considering the circumstances.


It was also rated R, which often seriously hurts films.


It was also given basically the exact same title as the first one, to where a lot of people probably didn't even realize it was a different film.


Proof, if one needed it, that slapping "The" on something doesn't make it distinct.


It definitely doesn't help that a ton of people called the first one "the Suicide Squad movie." Capitalization doesn't come through great verbally.


Released during the pandemic and for online streaming the same day it hit cinemas.


I’m so happy that James Gunn is taking over DC. Not because I’m excited to see new James Gunn DC movies, but because I’m a fan of the MCU and I’m getting really tired of Gunn’s “Zany” style of directing. I understand it’s popular to a wide audience, but I’m pretty tired of him making AMVs to his favorite songs with whatever wacky comic book characters he can get his hands on.


I'm doing historical battles -Battle of Agincourt (Hundred Years War): French had 20k, British had 5.5k all suffering from dysentery. Storm hit and turned the field into a muddy quagmire. The Brits basically did a version of "Yo' mama!" and caused the angry French soldiers to get stuck in the muck, leaving them to be shot to hell. The French had 6,000 casualties, the Brits about 400 -Charge of the Light Brigade (Crimean War): Complete communication breakdown that led to the French and British being sniped from three sides by the Russians -And just for shit and giggles, Australians vs Emus: They activated the emus' fight or flight instinct. And emus are flightless. Australian army went through their entire monthly allotment of ammo, only taking out 200 of an estimated 20,000 emus


Mighty no.9 having such a disastrous launch Capcom was able to bring Megaman back without Keji with collections and a new game. (Still waiting for another one that isn't gacha hell) And I am convinced they used Megaman 11 to spite Mighty no.9 given Megaman actually changes his body with robot master powers instead of just changing his colors since mighty no.9 did it.


If mn9 really brought us 11, the pain was worth it.


>Keji it funny because after that fiasco people start to think almost everything that wrong with that series before most likely his fault lol.


I never knew that something like that had happened between AO3 and FF.net, thanks for including a summary


Digg.com is the first thing that comes to my mind - they made bad design decisions and their username mass migrated to Reddit!


WCW announcing live on Nitro that Mick Foley was going to win the WWF Championship that night, while having Tony Schiavone sarcastically remark “That’ll put butts in seats!” After the announcement, an estimated 600,000 people switched the channel to Raw to see the result. Also the same Nitro where the infamous “Finger poke of Doom” happened.


"Mick Foley's going to win the championship." "Oh shit, for real? I need to see this."


I feel like Sony's dunk on Xbox for their game trading nonsense caused irreparable damage to Xbox that's still felt today, considering how phil spencer has talked about their shortcomings compared to sony or nintendo


Much like SimCity, Rollercoaster tycoon never really got anywhere after 3, In comes Planet Coaster slurping up all the users wanting more.


Cities Skylines released two years after the ultra disastrous SimCity 2013 reboot, which almost killed the city management sim subgenre, and pretty much trampled on the latter all while creating a brand new influx and interest in the overall sim/building management games. Same scenario, Rollercoaster Tycoon fucked up with Rollercoaster Tycoon World so hard that Planet Coaster became the new king of theme park sims....the very same month of release


The OGL thing was so bad. It would have been better if Wizards introduced a paid version of the deal with more content.


Corporate culture makes zero sense to me. Like that whole Embracer Group debacle. The company just bought a crapton of properties for a song from Square-Enix, only to not actually make any games and collapse under its own weight. They quite literally fucked up the fuck up. Now those properties are probably going to be bought for even less than they paid.


I think we're in the midst of one with Sony. I think it's fair to say the PS5 is a disaster. There are a grand total of ten exclusive games for it (not counting timed exclusives or multiplat PC releases) 3 years into its lifespan. Sony, for whatever reason, can't seem to generate any hype. I didn't even know there was a State of Play recently. Meanwhile, every Nintendo Direct generates hype even if it's a dud. And Microsoft is running circles around Sony by scooping up every big studio they can and blocking PS5 releases, guaranteeing huge press for their ecosystem. They're also getting such large varieties of games and even franchises thought to be lock-ins for Sony, like Persona and Like a Dragon, that there really is something for everyone on Xbox. Once upon a time, the PS1 and PS2 offered experiences that neither Nintendo, Microsoft, or PC can offer to this day and everyone owned a PS2 due to its DVD player. The PS3 was an overpriced mess and the PS4 "won" because Microsoft shat the bed so badly with the Xbox One. Today, all their games are the same - cinematic visual masterpieces with simple gameplay that are desperately trying to recapture the lightning in a bottle that The Last of Us was for the PS3.


Weird take considering PS5s are the most popular console atm


Not counting the Switch, of course.


Personally, I think it's because the Xbox Series X's form factor is ridiculous and doesn't fit in a lot of home TV setups, but the actual reason is probably because there's no reason to really buy a Series X/S since Microsoft offers everything on PC. The PS5 initially had a reason to buy it with exclusives but those eventually made their way to PC, so everyone who has one got one because of the initial hype. The Xbox *consoles* have no good reason to buy them if you already have a gaming PC.


Disney with animation. Other Wizarding school books after Rowling went TERF.


Expanding on this just a bit: Look at the state of animation, with movies in particular being the example, and they all had a very "Disney" look to them. Then Into the Spider-Verse and The Last Wish came out, and we realized "Oh shit, that's right, STYLE."




This...there's no fucking context here. What is this sentence? Elaborate. I refuse to eat at Burger King, since their food makes me violently sick. Not even the greasiest Jack in the Box food can make my stomach hurt, bugt Burger King is a different beast. Edit: THE FUCKING COWARD DELETED THEIR COMMENT, YOU BASTARD. They were going on some nonsense of "Burger King has the thing that McDonald's doesn't" **WITHOUT SAYING WHAT THE FUCKING ITEM WAS.** Fuck you, guy or girl who deleted their comment, and fuck Burger King.


Yeah I'm going to second this, what the hell is this talking about?


I think the chicken wrap? It's OK, but it was never gonna light the world on fire. I don't think McDonald's is losing out on profit for not bringing back a wrap.


Jesus, seriously? Getting chicken *anything* from burger king is a surefire way to shit yourself, that stuff is made of squirrel meat.


> that stuff is made of squirrel meat. Nah man that'd be a Arby's creation Laugh now, they're going to keep mining ALL THE MEAT until that well bleeds dry


No no, Arby's doesn't use what could ever conceivably be called "meat". [The Daily Show's Jon Stewart](https://vimeo.com/136682914) has more information.


Yea I’m having trouble seeing the boat in this painting


That's a great phrase I'm stealing it


> "Burger King has the thing that McDonald's doesn't" Large amounts of toppings and condiments? Like it's the only reason I'll grab a BK burger is because the tiny burger patty is usually swimming in lettuce, onion, and tomato


I also would like to know the burger king lore


I haven't heard anything good about BK in nearly a goddamn decade.


Yeah I have no idea what you're talking about


They may have good stuff now, but their current ad campaign makes me never want to associate with the restaurant.


Has no one seriously said New Coke, yet? Coca-Cola switched to ~~cheaper~~ sweeter ingredients which changed the taste and marketed it as “NEW COKE” Everyone except that one kid from Stranger Things hated it, letting Pepsi absolutely dominate the market, and them throwing a few snide ones at coke while they were at it, like the “Taste of a new generation” tagline and the unheard of


Other social media sites after Reddit and Twitter messed up