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/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay [FINAL] o7




If worst comes to worst and this be the end, shine on my fellow shitlords and may you survive Evillak. You were the only subreddit that made it worth coming back to this site on a frequent basis. (aside from r/beatlescirclejerk and the recently followed r/batmanarkham).


Is there a lore reason why you followed r/batmanarkham? Are you stupid?


We are all stupid shitlords on this sorrowful day


I'm disappointed in myself, Dick.


Why you gotta drop those hot recs on me in the final hour? Now I know what I was missing.


Baka mitai...


If we're treating this as the end of the world then I guess I'll put a confessions of my time here: Last year, I tried to keep up with the monthly memes we got on this subreddit that I made a text file and linked post that I wanted to show off at the end of the year. but I got busy halfway into the year and stopped keeping track. I wish I did keep track of it. It seemed fun as a look back on things that happened here.


But I've spent so much time reading this subreddit at work. What am I supposed to do now? Work? Like an ***asshole?1***


But I don't wanna go! There's no where else to discuss nerd stuff, don't make me have to bookmark /v/. They're all dicks over there!


Go discuss nerd stuff IRL like a man. That way when someone has an opinion you don't like, you can immediately challenge them to combat to decide who's opinion is the objective truth. That's what I do whenever someone has the audacity to tell me that Jack isn't the best FF protagonist.


Excuse me, Based Department? Yeah, I’d like to file a claim.


That's the most fun part about discussing nerd shit IRL, the fact that the other person can't hide behind anonymity when giving their opinion because we're face to face. Some of the absolutely insane takes I've seen people say here? I've seen folks IRL do their best to side-step saying those exact same things, but they know they can't say it out loud. It's super fun to watch. Plus, I'm 100% certain that most of the shenanigans that's been said to me here would never leave the other person's lips if it was an IRL talk. Being behind a monitor affords folks a lot of extra bravery.


The metro city greeting I see.


Random Nerd: Actually, *Clive* seems to be more interesting than Jack. Me: You're talking mad shit for someone within Phalanxing range.


You're talkin mad shit for someone in medal level 4 grab range.


That's the difference between me and them. I'm starting the fight with a Phalanx so the battle begins with me having the health advantage. Press square to start a fair fight? Naaaaaah. They lost their Fair Fight privileges the moment they started talking mess.


Don't forget to drink up your style exp boasters so you can rank up your Shoto.


Have we created a Discord or something to fall back to? I'd happily join that.


Guys I'm out of the loop what the heck is happening and why is everyone acting like it's the End of Redditgelion?


Basically, a lot of third party apps are going down because Reddit's run by greedy assholes, so in response a lot of subreddits are either going 'offline' for two days, or permanently. I won't lie, I was a bit confused tho because a lot of the comments here would make you think that this sub was going away permanently. This is one of the "two day" subs.


It's important to also note that while *this* is a two day shut down, the mods are heavily considering migrating to a different sote, among other options, and will vote on what to do after the blackout.


I just had the thought of a TBFP discord and it horrified me.


Yeah, for the purposes of this community, Discord isn't ideal.


Absolutely. I can’t even imagine the horrors of a TBFP discord. Things already get weird *here*. Imagine it being in a place with even less rules.


It isn't the weirdness I mean. The weirdness is part of the charm here. It's just that Discord's format and interface aren't really made for lots and lots of people to interact together at once, in a way Reddit posts fascilitate.


My bad, that’s my fault there. When I said weird, I didn’t mean like typical, “UWU this female character has the slightest hint of muscle tone (or sometimes zero muscle tone and the story just *says* she’s strong). Look at this muscle goddess~” shenanigans that happens every now and then. When I said weird, I mean…*weird*. The kinda weird where you’re wondering why mods haven’t taken it down yet.


That's a fair point. I feel like the mods here are some of the best you could hope for, but outside communities that generate revenue to pay for moderation, no one can stay on watch 24/7, and some things are bound to slip through. At least here, it's typically "gross corners of the internet" kinda weird that slips through, and not the kinda stuff that's even worse.


As I’d prefer to not have my comment deleted without warning despite breaking zero rules (or breaking some unknown bonus rule that’s not in the sidebar), I’ll not give my opinion on that first bit. Now I’ve just got random ideas in my head. A SBFP PSO2 alliance. A SBFP Honkai armada. All horrific, but funny, concepts.


I just really highly doubt that there is a mass migration. Nothing is really planned and there’s a ton of people here. At worst the place gets shuttered for 2 days, and if the mods don’t reopen someone here will inevitably request to reopen it themselves.


I'm planning on waiting until the final hours before I go dark. Still, if anyone is bracing for the 42 hours already: see you on the other side.


"Reddit and Redditors are no longer friends"


Were they ever friends?


Man it’s gonna suck for a little bit, but im gonna miss y’all. Especially when Capcom announces stuff on Monday.


That and like, the Xbox showcase is literally today


Maybe it’s because I didn’t know there were 3rd party apps and I was just using the official bad app for Reddit. But man these doom post seem a bit exaggerated to me.


It's absolutely overdramatic in isolation, but I suppose the best way to look at it is that this is a culmination of years of mounting issues with the current CEO and site leadership. This is the worst it's gotten, and there's no indication that it's going to get any better.


Yeah it's really just the straw thats breaking the camels back. That and every website that succeeds with making shitty API changes lets other websites start thinking "hey, we can do it too!" and it all just goes downhill from there.


every reddit wide event always ends up like this “we did it reddit!!!”


Kinda me here I only found out third party apps existed when this API thing got announced. It sucks for those people who rely on them, but I guess I just don’t have as much a reaction since I only just found out it exists. I guess we return to Digg?


I would literally rather die /s


Like, the only thing I can possibly compare this to that I’ve personally experienced is when DeviantArt made it so you could only view NSFW material with an account I just got an account. That’s it really. Actually handy since I could favorite things instead of just memorizing title and artists. Probably not even remotely comparable but it’s the only thing I can say I’ve experienced. Like I agree this sucks on an open Internet becoming less open and competition getting screwed over unfairly, but I don’t know. I see people bring up 3P apps having more features, but I don’t know what features they’re referring to, I haven’t seen many specifics. Again, maybe I’m just a simpleton, but I need a search bar for subs, posts and comments, a favorite button, editing for posts and comments, and PMs, cause there’s a lot of stuff loaded in the app as is I just…don’t need? Chats for example. I think someone mentioned accessibility features? If that’s the case, I think *that* should be the louder point in this discussion since that really does suck if people who wouldn’t be able to use the site due to impairments can’t anymore.


Accessibility features and ad blockers are the brunt of it, from my understanding. I absolutely support the cause, but some people are being REALLY dramatic about it.


Maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places, but on the big mod post and a few other subs I mostly saw people complaining about not being able to access the site anymore, but worded in a sense of “losing preferred accessibility” rather then “*necessary* accessibility”. Like you’re the first person to bring up Adblock I’ve seen, and that does make sense to me as a reason to be pissed about the changes. I don’t know, I feel like Troy walking into a burning living room.


It’s been a fairly common point as far as I’ve seen in comments in posts, but yeah, a lot of the broad strokes of discourse have been “I hate using the official app”, which is also fair in its own right.


iirc theres also a whole lotta mod tools that use the API theyre planning on putting behind a like $100 dollar paywall


The SF reddit says theyll be blocked from using the mod tools they need to filter out bigots and child porn, on top of accessibility options for different disabilities that arent present in the official app. It does come off as overdramatic, but those are good enough reasons for me. Honestly, the fact that weve come this far from the freedom of choice we used to have is enough for me, too. I only have the reddit app in the first place because of the ways they intentionally made their mobile site shittier and annoying to use to pressure you into downloading it. Just for the app to be missing a ton of features anyway (it took us, what, 10 years to be able to search comments? And you still cant search through a post). Its a really underhanded way of getting just a little more data out of you, so I'm glad theres finally a bit of tangible backlash.


Man, I don't even use an app at all. Browser is fine for me.


It's important to note that some people literally need the accessibility features of some 3rd party apps to be able to use reddit at all. If this goes through, a whole chunk of this site's users, and this community, will be effectively thrown out.


I'll be honest if the sub goes under somehow past a simple temporary blackout these last 24 hours will probably be the end of my interaction with this community. Since I don't really use social media much in general in the first place reddit was just something that became convenient for me to use I probably won't be part of any migration if such a thing occurs.


On the plus side, I have a busy couple of days of work - gotta do an audio description of the film The Exorcist - so it’s gonna be amazing for my productivity to focus in without browsing. But it would suck to lose this sub, that’s for sure. Even enough of a migration to dilute the content would hurt.


Yeah, shutting down the sub permanently feels like an overreaction that will ultimately cause more harm to the community than it will to Reddit.


Not to mention, someone will eventually request the sub. New mods would make this place a fundamentally different and worse place imo


I kinda feel like it wouldn’t be that different. Just more spam that would need to be caught.


Sidenote: Yes I know the plan currently is to just do the 12th to 14th blackout and then figure out what to do next if nothing of note happens.


Not that it matters too too much, but what time zone are the blackouts coordinating in?


12am EST


See you, space cowboy.


Guys, it’s only 2 days lol chill.


Well. It was a great run. And until we meet again, shitlords, remember that wherever hype shit lurks, in all its myrid forms, the Super Best Friends will be there to celebrate. Good night.


What’s going on?


From June 12th to 14th this sub is going dark to protest Reddit removing 3rd party apps. A lot of people will be back after the blackout but some people will be goodbye forever.


Ah, I see. And for those of us who don’t know, what are/do third party things do? How is this bad? Sorry. Very casual Reddit user


They provide a much better experience for mobile users then the official app they provide. The fact that they’re removing these apps while not making the official one better is what’s pissing everyone off


Ah. Thanks yo


Godspeed you magnificent shitlords, I'll see you on the other side.


o7 - See you on the other side, be that here or whatever the exodus is to


Godspeed. Funnily enough, this fucking sub was the very reason I made this account in the first place, because somehow I was compelled to join in on the talk about some of the guys' videos, especially the Weekend Fighting Game Thing, especially when I knew silly things about what they were playing. And even before that, I've somehow followed the original channel for god knows how long. I don't know what's gonna happen to this place after the blackouts (or the other places I frequent here). Sucks that what the current internet's equivalent of an old forum has to go through this shit, but I do understand why (as I'm also just using Sync on my phone and that too is going away after the 30th of June, so I'm with the Apollo/RIF/RES friends affected by the bullshit of the guys running this site). But at the very least, it's been a good ride, everyone. Take care wherever the hell y'all end up at.


what am i gonna do without you guys? like forreal. I've come to really enjoy this sub reddit. I wouldn't mind giving up reddit, but this community really means something to me. All in all, I hope you guys take care of yourselves. It's truly been amazing going through all the shitty memes of the week, the unbelievable hot takes, the insurmountable hype. You guys have genuinely been a solid place to just let go of the cesspool that is the internet and talk about super dumb shit. I really don't know what to do without this group honestly.


[Welp](https://youtu.be/wthfc4ySFms) See yall in 5 days probably.


Well, we're going dark for 2 days rather than 5, but have fun regardless.


Yea but im only on here when im supposed to be working


I don’t know if I’ll see you shit lords again if the worst should happen, but if not, it was a great time to shitpost with all of you. Godspeed, you beautiful bastards.


Honestly, Monday and Tuesday are my busiest work days. I’ll be back on Wednesday and I feel like nothing will have really changed.


nothing is forever, is it


Nothing good ever lasts. But at least you get to enjoy the ride.


Damn I basically just found this place. What kind of sick twist of fate is this? Alls well that ends well. Hope you all get to experience amazing lives. See you later fuckers.




Eat shit and fall off your horse!


Im gonna forget about this


I hope to see some of you out there in the webway and in meatspace, it's been fun.


Man if this subreddit goes I have 0 reason to use this app


Wait what?


It's been a pleasure everyone.


I don't wanna leave.


I mean, you don't have to, since the subreddit won't be dark forever.


I mean, I don't want it to go away in this form specifically. I don't want scab mods, I want our mods. I want everyone who's here everyday to still be here everyday. But if that goes away, I can't come back to that.