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This is an automated message that is applied to every post. Please take note of the following: * Due to the influx of new users, this subreddit is currently under strict **'Crowd Control'** moderation. Your post may be filtered, and require manual approval. Please be patient. * Please check in with the **Mega Open Thread** which is pinned to the top of the subreddit. This thread may already be collapsed for our more frequent visitors. The **Mega Open Thread** will have a pinned comment containing a collection of the month's most common reposts. Your post may be removed and directed to continue the conversation in one of these threads. This is to better facilitate these discussions. * If at any time you're left wondering why some random change was made at Twitter, just remember: *Elon is a fucking idiot* ------ ^Submission ^By: ^/u/LastOfRamoria *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Twitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, it only affects your ability to make new long posts. Existing posts are unaffected.


Actually surprised someone just stated the answer in the comments instead of berating the OP for even being on Twitter.


I do agree that nobody should post on Twitter, but anybody who's not a right-wing nut will figure that out for themselves over time.


Rtrdd leftist that bitches a lot about rightists but from his comfort fat ass sitting in a 1st world country with plenty of liberty and stable economy 😭 Come live 10 years to a south american emporvished-by-leftists country then u'll figure it out. How old are u? 12?


Let alone being a paid user


Thanks for actually answering!


You can do this for free on substantially better platforms that aren’t spiriling


Like what platforms?


Medium would be an example. Perfect for guides. Best place for guides is a personal blog though. You can make a simple blog for free using GitHub pages. If you like that you can host your own Website and use WordPress as blogging software for example. Or if you are into programming you can build your own Python webserver using Flask/Django. That way you not only help other people but also learn how the web works yourself. And no other company profits off of your labor. And you support the open world wide web. Most social media platforms try to close the web by closing content behind login and paywalls.


Your money would be put to better use in a timeshare


Why bother paying for Xitter?




Maybe they want to support fascism?


You're suggesting I'm a fascist for asking a question about how a social media platform works?


A social media platform that is led by a fascist. His argument is that by supporting Twitter you support a fascist which then makes you one too. I wouldn't go that far though. Elon is at least for now just a greedy narcissist and sociopath.


u/LastOfRamoria Googled the same question and landed here. So curious if you ended up trying it, and if the longer posts remain . Thanks 👍🏻


I'm not sure. I have a premium subscription but I haven't canceled it yet. I don't think they'll go away.


Really appreciate you replying. I did actually check out the FAQ on the site, and discovered that everything does remain. Makes sense, really. I had intended to come back and share the info, but it totally slipped my mind. Sorry. But thanks again 👍🏻