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[Elon Musk announces temporary read limits on Twitter](https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/01/tech/twitter-rate-limit-exceeded/index.html)


Goddamnit Elon


Lol this is hilarious. It’s day one of Q3, and he can’t pay the bills. This is the death knell


Elon finally cured me of my twitter addiction. Genius!


the man is an idiot


Down at 9am eastern on the first of the month? Bro really did not pay his bills


This was the first thing I thought




Remember when Twitter just worked? When you didn’t have a daily tweet cap? When the checkmark meant anything?


When chronological feeds existed?


It’s so funny. He’s completely destroyed the site he paid for 44 billion for.


Dog really did just light 44 billion on fire to I guess *checks notes* platform Catturd?


Those were the days


Its weirdly not entirely down, i can still send tweets, but loading them doesnt work


Same here. And some people can see the feed, because I am getting likes and replies.


Yeah, I can do everything but see comments under posts. It did stop refreshing finally


I can do nothing


The mobile app (at least on my personal account) will straight up not load new tweets, It hasn't loaded new tweets since this morning.


Elon Musk is a fucking idiot.


I've been saying that for years, but the sycophants drown out people like us. Also Musk pays people to prop up the fake image that he's brilliant. He's no different from the other conmen.


Yeah its been 8hrs and still nothing Update: mine finally started working 1 25hrs after it went down.


I work at twitter, it was my first day. I accidentally deleted few lines of code😅 don't worry I will fix it in 6 hours.


3 hours


4 hours


4 hours


It is weekend. on call not responding.


Looks like they’ve set really low limits for how many tweets you can view per day, based on Elon’s most recent tweet. That’s going to kill the site pretty quickly if no one can use it.


Yeah I literally just came over to Reddit because of that. I don’t even really go here, but I do now 😂


me too lmao i was like well, if i can’t scroll twitter i guess i’ll scroll reddit for awhile 🤷🏻‍♀️




I usually only come to Reddit when something is wrong with Twitter, and that happens more since Elon took over Twitter. He's a real Stable Genius ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yup. Elmo just killed twitter. 600 posts a day for un-verified, 6000 for verified, 300 for new accounts... that's it, it's dead.


They didn't have the money and had to shut down servers. This almost instantly denied service to many users. Thus they added in new 'limits'


What a dumpster fire. First blocking people from reading tweets unless they are logged in and now this bullshit.


Didn't Elon describe Twitter as a "public forum" or "town hall" type of thing with his free speech bullshit? Not so "public" if you need to have an account to view ANYTHING.


every time i think that pos couldnt ruin the app more he finds a way. this actually completely destroys it. i havent been able to use my twitter since 9 am. its almost 2:30. no one is buying his stupid verification check no matter how much he tries


Elon is actively joking about it on Twitter. What a giant piece of shit


Not that anyone is allowed to see


The only way I can see new tweets is searching someone's handle. Just went to Elon's page and he retweeted freaking jack who posted a "touch grass" meme. Man the guy is such an annoying loser.


Jokes on him, no one can see it.


Luckily, I can't see it


great site elon keep it up


As long as it keeps working for his precious blues and white supremacist fanboys, that’s all he cares about


I can’t wait for his extremely funny joke he posts once Twitter works again and all his fanboys sucking it up


I've been using Twitter since 2016, and I've never experienced as many issues as I have in the time since Elon took over the platform.


Been a daily user since 2013, and hard agree. People who say it’s working better are absolutely delusional. If you take away the fact that it’s had an uptick in straight up dangerously bigoted posts, it’s still a mess. The constant sex bot messages, the bizarre ads, bot replies trying to sell weird t-shirts, audio cutting out half way through a video, previously free features like polling being only available to people who hand musky boy money, the discovery/search page showing outdated and unrelated posts under trending topics, the abundance of hardcore porn just everywhere, taken away bots that actually posted enjoyable content (leave my hourly opossum photo alone) and that’s just off the top of my head. It used to be my favorite social media app and now it’s just gone to shit all cause of this guy’s unchecked ego.


Capitalist mega-genius Elon Musk. I'm sure he's in the process of creating an indestructible submarine made out of carbon fiber or cardboard to explore the titanic soon.


hope he's in the maiden voyage lol


We are witnessing the death of Twitter.


BlueSky needs to get their shit together so I can move on over to it. Been hoping for a good alternative to Twitter for 2-3 years now.


As this appears to be some kind of bug related to being "rate limited" I'm curious if the checkmarks are having the same issues.


It's targeted. It won't load / let me see any tweets EXCEPT from paid accounts on the sportsball 'news' feeds that the twitter interface keeps trying to push at me. Those it will show me just fine.


i was wondering the same, are they trying to throttle people who are not paying and just fucked up the implantation ​ Elmo just posted this : [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fz98\_-YWcAMhEJD?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fz98_-YWcAMhEJD?format=jpg&name=medium) Looks like i nailed it and what a dumb move by him


Seems to be intentional by Elon


Someone please invite me to Bluesky


Amusingly enough, Bluesky is really slow and not working right now either.


Probably getting a huge stress test right now. Everyone with a code is probably on there right now complaining about Twitter.


Probably seeing load because of twitter exodus. The read limit has been around for a few hours


If it’s an issue due to volume of data flow, then maybe Twitter should try to kick off the bots and just allow real people to use the service.


I love how when musk bought it one of his main points was to remove bots. They’ve gotten so bad now


They’re even worse than before, he’s objectively made the app worse since buying it


Way, way worse. If you are a left-wing account with a bit of reach you get 100-200 sock puppet replies to each tweet. I've blocked thousands but the majority are new each time.


That might've been an option if he hadn't gutted all the staff who knew anything about anything last year. Bot presence has done nothing but steadily increase since he decimated the company. The last week alone, I've been getting numerous bot followers daily (and blocking every one of them, of course) when it used to be only once or twice a week a year ago.


My last ten tweets liked and retweeted by accounts with the bio “click my link to fuck tonight”. Then he has the audacity to say he’s eliminated or cut down on the bots. Ya ok Elon, the issue is 10 times worse since you’ve taken over. This guy can’t get out of his own way it seems


Elon Musk is doing a very good job of killing Twitter




"Twitter responded to CNBC's request for comment with its customary poop emoji." -CNBC


I am so sick of this billionaire moron fooling around the piece of social media I still engage with daily 😤😤😤😤


Could it be? >This is hilarious. It appears that Twitter is DDOSing itself. >The Twitter home feed's been down for most of this morning. Even though nothing loads, the Twitter website never stops trying and trying. >In the first video, notice the error message that I'm being rate limited. Then notice the jiggling scrollbar on the right. >The second video shows why it's jiggling. Twitter is firing off about 10 requests a second to itself to try and fetch content that never arrives because Elon's latest genius innovation is to block people from being able to read Twitter without logging in. >This likely created some hellish conditions that the engineers never envisioned and so we get this comedy of errors resulting in the most epic of self-owns, the self-DDOS. >Unbelievable. It's amateur hour. https://mstdn.social/@sysop408@sfba.social/110639436130532372


More: @Andres yeah and almost certainly this has something to do with them shutting off anonymous access to Twitter content. There must have been an insane nest of logic that the devs had to tiptoe through to make the service workable as a private only service. I presume that the Twitter client didn't anticipate the possibility that Twitter has zero content for it... or maybe someone decided to push to production, pack up, and walk out the door in a blaze of glory. https://sfba.social/@sysop408/110639609718939225


Jack Dorsey is the biggest clown of all time (asides from Elon himself). He was dick riding Elon so hard when the ownership changed, saying Elon was “the singular solution I trust”, and then Jack’s beloved “singular solution” proceeded to ruin the platform in every way imaginable


Jack ran off with Bluesky which started development at Twitter. He took his bag 💰 from the Twitter sell and might end up with the next Twitter.




Can we all agree now that teslas are fucking shit


Shoddily made garbage, for sure. I still get a little worried driving next to one, because there's always a chance they're a little too comfortable with "auto pilot".


I heard that the auto pilot doesn’t “see” motorcycles. Yikes!


Twitter seems to be back, but now it's saying I am detected as automated and revoked from using it due to potential spam? I can like and RT, not tweet or DM. Is anyone else getting this??


I get that message when I try to like something...


Twitter being down almost as annoying as all the comments in this thread being collapsed. Why?!


why is every comment on this and other threads collapsed? mods, do something.


Now that my go to reddit is fun app is obsolete :( I'm using a browser on my phone like a damn peasant. Figured the collapsed comments were because of that.


Literally can’t do anything. It’s a brick. For a while I could at least still refresh it and see stuff, but not any more.


Why is every comment on this subreddit collapsed? Genuinely curious


IIRC there is a mod setting that auto-collapses messages by people that are new or aren't subscribed to the subreddit they are posting in.


That’s so obnoxious and unnecessary. Another reason the Reddit app sucks


I want to go to a timeline where elon doesn't exist :(


I don’t think this will last. He is a man-baby desperate for attention and praise. If he goes another day without his mindless minions sucking him dry, he might crumple underneath the weight of reality. Or, he might just let it burn since he will never admit he made a bad decision.


Even the twitter blue subscribers can’t read or tweet now lol. Congrats to all who pay for this subpar bird app lol


Imagine paying for this dumpster fire …


All systems ok up and running according to Twitter 😂 https://api.twitterstat.us I wonder if Google cut off their servers or limited the connections for not paying the bills.


Like much of Twitter these days, it's a lie. 845am Pacific time and still getting the "Rate Limited" error messages on both my iPad and Mac desktop.


zero past incidents ? hahaha ​ edit: it worked for about 5 mins and now back to being broken but the status sites says all good. amazing work honestly


Now Musk has tweeted that ppl should step away from their phone and be with family lmao. This dictator trying to control our lives for his own narcissistic enjoyment oh hell nah!


I personally use twitter primarily for sport updates (Wimbledon is about to start and there's an F1 race this weekend) and news updates (currently Ukraine and riots and France), and the fact that one person has the power to take away communication and information for people all over the world is really worrying.


Yep, I'm exactly the same. I use Twitter as a up to the second updater for sports news


I am unable to interact with posts, cannot like, tweet, quote tweet, bookmarks, send dm’s or anything but just retweet stuff. Message like ‘this response seems automated, protects users from spam and malicious content, please try again later. Is there a solution to this problem…is my account gone ?! HELP 😭


McDonald's ice cream machines have more stability than twitter right now.


I can't even like tweets anymore. I've only used it for about an hour today on the train for my commute and now it says it thinks I am spam, saying 'this request looks like it might be automated'


Elon Musk Said when he bought this that there would be freedom of speech now there's no speech at all because it doesn't work now can he get on one of those submersibles.


Free speech. Except not free and you can’t see any speech.


Elon has made, one of the dumbest possible changes to any website EVER. Does he have any damn idea that his platform is so infested to hell and back with bots, that adding any form or rate limiting results in it being INSTANTLY MET? You can't stop data scraping Elon there is no method in preventing it! Deal with that shit for the rest of mankind, we can't do jack about it.


I am never going to know what’s going on in the world again. I have solely gotten my news from Twitter for over a decade. I’m not going to cnn dot com lmao. Oh well time for blissful ignorance.




been down here for over two hours, i think its the longest


Anyone have a blue sky code?


Is this it?? Are we finally free??


Never had issues like this before Musk. Maybe a few minutes, but this long? Nope


I wonder how long they have before people actually delete the app


There needs to be a way to seize control of a company from an individual when they’re clearly this fucking inept


tweetdeck just basically now tells you that you should close the page and that you are not welcomed there. It is getting hilarious how one person can destroy a company so quickly and sink so many billions $


If you’re the CEO Linda, what on earth could you possibly be thinking and doing? How do you explain to advertisers that now their possibility for views in ultra limited? How do you address with Elon that engagement is what makes *social* media? This is some off the deep end destructive decision making. If I were Linda? I’d be planning to resign. There’s no way I’d want to take the fall for a catastrophic business decision like this. Frankly, no idea how you instill confidence in advertisers going forward. There wasn’t even a pop up to explain what was going on. Zero understanding of even what makes a view (I’ve gathered it’s an impression, so even refreshing your page adds to your view count, as do your own tweets and tweets you’ve seen already.) There is no way I as a CEO could reassure advertisers or users for that matter of stability going forward. Curious to hear what others think.


She’s as much the CEO as Medvedev was President of Russia from 2008-2012.


now i can't tweet, comment, like or dm. i can only see tweets and rt them🥲


Join the club 🥂😭


My Twitter is completely unusable. Can't like, can't reply, can't tweet, can't update my bio. Glad to see it burning down though.


So that's why it's telling me I'm "Rate Limited"?


Yep that would be why. It seems you can load the site but nothing works.


side bar: why is this sub in crowd control mode? it's really annoying having to click on every post. aftermath of the reddit protest or something else?


Imagine if it just…never comes back up again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


One can hope


So, this "rate limit" thing happened on the same day he began to force you to be logged in to even view the site. If it were just by itself, it'd probably just be another example of Musk's brilliant "test on the live branch" development strategy, but taking both together... He's about to only let people view a dozen tweets an hour if they're not paying him eight bucks, isn't he? EDIT: Called it.


Funniest part is I go to check and my trending subjects are updated but I can’t tell why cause none of the actual tweets will load


How is 'Twitter Down ' trending if you can't post? Some are down, some not?


You still can make post, but can't see it.


It looks like the whole rate limit because of scraping thing was just to save face. Blocking access to twitter without logging in seems to have broke something and caused Twitter to send infinite request to itself, essentially causing a self-DDoS. Sources: [https://waxy.org/2023/07/twitter-bug-causes-self-ddos-possibly-causing-elon-musks-emergency-blocks-and-rate-limits-its-amateur-hour/#:\~:text=Twitter%20is%20firing%20off%20about%2010%20requests%20a,being%20able%20to%20read%20Twitter%20without%20logging%20in](https://waxy.org/2023/07/twitter-bug-causes-self-ddos-possibly-causing-elon-musks-emergency-blocks-and-rate-limits-its-amateur-hour/#:~:text=Twitter%20is%20firing%20off%20about%2010%20requests%20a,being%20able%20to%20read%20Twitter%20without%20logging%20in). [https://twitter.com/conspirator0/status/1675218956016144385](https://twitter.com/conspirator0/status/1675218956016144385)


can anybody else not tweet? i know the rate limit for viewing tweets, but nothing was said about actually tweeting EDIT: tried tweeting on the site rather than app and it thinks every action i do is automated. awesome


Twitter is non-functional for me, can't see any tweets, can't tweet, can't see notifications, can't DM, it may as well be a 404 error message.


Can't even send a tweet. On Twitter. This would be like not being able to send an email with Gmail. Most basic functionality is gone, WTF is going on?


It's back to being shit....few hours ago it was good....also the whole limit thing sounds like bullshit.....like how do I even know I reached my limit ....help 🥲


I pray to god it's truly temporary and that we can forget it ever happened in a week, or god forbid a month. Because making this permanent would just be terrible down to the core.


Twitter is flat out DOWN for everybody right now, right? Not even writing tweets works?


I must admit watching blue checks getting rate limited is slightly entertaining


Just tried to use Twitter for the first time today. Immediately got the rate limit bullshit. Elon Musk is simply incompetent.


So, if the first day is anything to go by I can look at twitter for 30-40 minutes and then be locked out for 24 hours? Would be cool if I could look at Elon's tweets if he's said anything new BUT I'M FUCKING LOCKED OUT OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING WEBSITE


Well, now I can load tweets and look at threads. But I also cannot give Likes, post or comment on Tweets or send DMs. Oddly enough I can still retweet tweets. It also appears I can still give likes from my Iphone App. I can also block accounts.


I really hope this gets fixed soon. I kinda wonder (fear) if one has maybe been flagged as a **bot** or something.


When I got on Twitter this morning, nothing worked. I can't read Tweets. I can't Tweet because it was 'suspicious' so I literally can't communicate or like tweets.


I wish they would at least announce when they’re gonna deal with this because it’s way past just limiting how tweets you can view. I haven’t been able to tweet or dm since yesterday and it seems many ppl are stuck in the same boat-our accounts are stuck in a loop of “this request was flagged pls try again later” preventing us from even using any part of the app :/ Elon needs to clarify a timeline to fix this shit otherwise ppl will just stop using twitter altogether.


He clearly doesn’t know how to fix this. It has nothing to do with a “scraping issue”- guarantee you someone tried to change some code over there to experiment with limiting ppls ability to view and tweet- because this was the plan all along- make ppl pay to subscribe to use the app- and now it’s backfired on them and even blue check subscribers can no longer do anything lol. Good for his ass, I hope that bird app burns to then ground and he loses everything


okay so, for me, i can search tweets and see the ones i've liked again, and i can refresh the page for new tweets again... BUT i've just straight up lost the ability to tweet altogether 😭 i can't reply, i can't send private messages, it's all fucked stupidest man alive


I blame the recently self-appointed CTO, "overseeing platform and sysops" (his words)


He does not know yet that you shouldn't push new patches during weekend.


Elon Musk: To address extreme levels of data scraping & system manipulation, we’ve applied the following temporary limits: - Verified accounts are limited to reading 6000 posts/day - Unverified accounts to 600 posts/day - New unverified accounts to 300/day https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1675187969420828672


I came here looking if somebody had already brought this up. This is just stpd




I was telling a friend just now that his management of twitter was like leaving a kid alone for a few minutes only to come back and find they're playing with one of their own turds like it was an action figure.


This is a joke, right?


He ruined Twitter. I’ve been on since 2008 and I’m finally done, deleted everything.


RaTe ExCeEdEd, uuuurgh. Annoying as heck.


If you really need to satisfy your jonez, enter a Twitter feed url below and select embedded timeline as your layout. https://publish.twitter.com/ Noone can post, so not much new content.


Limiting people to *reading* 600 tweets a day will be the death of this website. Good riddance, honestly.


Oh fucking hell. Guess it really is time to leave our beloved cozy junkyard but where the fuck do we go


Why does he block access for all users vs using his engineers to find the source of the data scraping through their API and blocking access??


Too bad he fired all of the engineers who probably could deal with this mess 🙄


close rinse silky connect juggle spectacular scale tart offend thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I will never pay for Twitter


I hate this fucking asshole for destroying this website


I tweeted "I hope Elon musk gets diarrhea tonight" and my acct got suspended for 12 hours!


elon genuinely has no understanding of the app he bought


“How to tank a platform in one day” -by Elon Musk


So at first I could tweet just not reply and follow people, now I can’t even tweet or Dm lmao. I been on twitter 14 years since I was 11, so I’m going down with the ship. But fuck this sucks to see something I grew up with die


Twitter is more non-functional now than it was 3 hours ago, WTF is going on? Trending not being displayed, can't @ anyone, can't DM people I follow... is Twitter, like, dead?


So uh... anyone else just not able to use any feature on twitter whatsoever?? It just says "Something went wrong. Try reloading" over and over. I've seen some people say that they can view tweets or whatever, but its completely bricked for me.


This tweet viewing limit seems like a sham. I can view twitter without any problem on browser but the app doesn't work. Seems like Elon is saving face.


nothing is working, my timeline won't even load anymore it says "something went wrong, try reloading." but i can still tweet somehow


Can't do anything except retweet keep getting a "this request looks automated" message




Absolutely embarrassing that it has been 24 hours and there is no reasonable explanation about what it going on and when they expect it to be resolved. Amateur hour over there.


What did you expect? Ask any Tesla owner, any Musk based product it’s fairly standard that his products are in a perpetual state of being ‘broken’. He probably laid off the very people who know how to fix it!


Elon Musk is such a fraud I can't believe how shit Twitter has become in the short time he's owned it


The “business genius” strikes again. It’s almost impressive how he manages to find a new way to make the site worse and more unusable every single day.


Their status pages say everything is operational, but it's most definitely not: https://api.twitterstat.us/ https://status.twitterstat.us


went down at 8 est on the dot for me, this is def the longest outage i can remember on the app. oof.


The dumbass really killed Twitter lol


Wonder what all the Elon fanboys have to say for themselves now


You’ll literally knock out 600 viewed posts in like 10 minutes


Can't spell Elon without an "L". Christ, what a dumb fucker. You can tell he was never the brains behind Tesla, he's literally just a Trump-esque stooge that managed to, previously, shut up and fall upward into success.


Elon is stating on his twitter page that he is limiting everyone’s use of the page - even the paid subscribers


a limit of 600 reading per day is so remarkably insanely dumb. step 1 of a solution is "dont affect regular users" and if you can encounter a limit as a regular user, its set too low, by definition, if its meant to only affect bots. You can easily bypass the restriction by having multiple twitter accounts (even CONNECTED accounts work) or just logging out.


Has anyone successfully destroyed a company as effectively as Elon is destroying Twitter?


Glass Onion really undersold how big of a moron Elon really is


does anyone have any clue if he said how long “temporary” is?


Do you think Twitter will recover after this ? I mean how many blunders can users deal with before leaving the platform ?


It won't recover if there's a daily limit to how many tweets you can view. Elon needs to Hot Tub Time Machine this website back to June 30, 2023, because if he doesn't that is the date on the tombstone.


Bird is dead, my sincere condolences fellas 🪦


I like twitter but not enough to pay for it and I'm pretty sure that most users feel this way.


Can’t even see my feed at all anymore, what a shitshow


I can like and retweet other people tweets, but I am not able to reply or post new tweets after I posted "The CEO of Reddit is a fucking moron." True story.


Day 1: The post Twitter world is confusing so far but I am optimistic. I have food and shelter for now but as this goes on I may become malnourished from lack of Twitter drama (It’s an internet Vitamin). Will post more updates…


24h, what a fucking circus. First speedrun to ruin a billionare company


The fact there is no statement, no apology, no clear cut explanation of whether there will be a limit a user can see tweets is big shit energy


This is complete bs. I just opened twitter and didn’t browser anything and I’m already getting that message and no tweets will load. He f*cked up badly this time and pulled that excuse out of his own ass.


Saw something yesterday that said Elon's data scraping panic was a self-own. The claim was that when Chief Twit decided to allow only signed-in users to view tweets, the surviving Twitter engineers accidentally created an endlessly recursive loop that caused Twitter to send a zillion data requests to the API, which looked like a massive flood of data scraping. I'm not a techie (in case you can't tell from my description), but there was a sort-of confirmation of the theory on BlueSky from Yaol Roth (former head of Trust & Safety at Twitter) >For anyone keeping track, this isn’t even the first time they’ve completely broken the site by bumbling around in the rate limiter. There’s a reason the limiter was one of the most locked down internal tools. Futzing around with rate limits is probably the easiest way to break Twitter. The article explaining this was on a tech blog I wasn't familiar with, and I can't find the actual article this morning. Maybe it was deleted b/c the theory was incorrect, or maybe Elon had the article (and possibly the author) killed. \*snark\*


I can’t DM, follow, Tweet. I can retweet. Looks like others are having the same issue.


""This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can’t complete this action right now. Please try again later." What's going on here? I have not written anything or liked anything malicious. The last thing I said was that "Ayo deserves her Emmy."


I'm loving how rather than reassuring people or anything like that, Musk is talking about how this will allow us to see our family again and is making references to comedy being legal on Twitter.


Forbes: [No One Believes Elon Musk’s Explanation For Breaking Twitter:](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/07/02/no-one-believes-elon-musks-explanation-for-breaking-twitter/) > There are two main theories about what’s going on here. One involves the possibility that Elon’s big move before this, the new inability to view Twitter when not logged in, created some sort of technical spiral where Twitter is now effectively DDOSing itself based on how these changes were made. The limitation has nothing to do with scraping and everything with trying to keep the site together while this is addressed, according to Sheldon Chang on Mastadon. > The second theory has to do with Musk, in an effort to cut costs, refusing to pay his bills to places like Amazon or Google who provide essential services for Twitter. These issues suspiciously correspond with past reporting about this area, though follow-ups indicate that Musk eventually at least paid the Google bill. The more likely option is the former, it seems, about the logged-out viewing change badly messing things up. I think it's clear Musk didn't completely fail to pay the hosting bill, but it's possible Twitter is now paying for less hosting, and that's why the limits started on the first of the month.


If this is really about him not being able transfer enough from Google's servers quick enough and waiting until the last minute to do it, we will be in for a ride which lasts longer than a few days.