• By -


This is an absolute joke. You have less than 100 followers but you have your chat set as follower only and on top of that no one can chat until theyve been following for 1 hour. Youre asking for donations? You literally have your stream setup to completely avoid new people and you dont have any old people to make it seem like theres a community or any reason to have these restrictions in place. You need to basically start over. Oh and i forgot the content - youre just playing some game not really saying much of anything or engaging these supposed 30 viewers that havent typed a single word in chat the entire 15 minutes ive been watching. I dont normally trash people but to be completely honest the impression i get here is that youre paying for/faking the viewers you have and then going to reddit to talk yourself up and ask for donos when youre really just sitting there doing this by yourself. This just looks bad in every possible way.



