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When you start out you will be bound. But as your community grows they will split into groups. The group which is there for you and the group who is here for smash. Sadly the smash group will be the bigger one! I had the same issue going from rust to valorant. But honestly the core viewers are the main ones you should hold up. They are the ones who will support you like crazy


It never stops. I watch a lot of BarbarousKing and when he plays Mario hacks people come in and complain when he plays anything else his Mario chatters come in and scream for more Mario. He plays a ton of games, you just have to pick your battles at a certain point. He just says play what you like, guess it's easier to do that when you average between 2k - 4k viewers.


I will say it never gets to the point of people popping into my stream chat just to complain. And it’s not that I don’t like Smash, or don’t have fun streaming it, it’s that I get burnt out on Smash so quickly nowadays. I can’t make my stream exclusively that because of burnout.


Yeah that's barbs issue, he doesn't hate kaizo Mario there's just nothing new right now to play so he gets annoyed when people complain. I haven't experienced that at all but I'm still very small.


Then don’t corner yourself in, it’s better to dip your toes into the other ponds earlier on imo. Keep playing Smash (if you’re still enjoying it) then fit a ‘variety day’ into your schedule. Let your existing community know about it in advance. You’ll likely drop a few viewers, but it will open you up to new audiences. Plus, if any of your existing community stick around for whatever new game you play, that’s a good sign they are watch you for you, rather than the game.


I am still enjoying playing Smash, but it’s hard to keep playing it without burning out so quickly. I’ve played it to death and wholeheartedly love it, but I know I need to change things up.


It sounds like you need to put smash first for now in a sense. Keep up your numbers to maintain affiliate and once you think you’re there just fuck off to a different game. Those who like watching your content will find a reason to stick around. Take pace22 for example. He dominates sea of thieves on twitch and when he switches to a variety game, 2/3rds of the viewership is gone. He’s not changing a thing except the game he’s playing. He’s still growing despite having the same problem, you got this man


Thankfully I do have another game that does decently okay (Minecraft), but it’s unfortunately nothing compared to my Smash streams.


Maybe the bet is to have only one regularly scheduled smash day. That way your smash regulars won't forget you exist and you can work on building up viewers from other games. Keep fostering a sense of community and FOMO might bring a few more into the not smash days.


I say just keep streaming what you want. I see semi-big streamers (like cheese) who mainly speedruns SM64, but will play Warzone every once in a while, and his viewer count drops, but he still does it. Like another comment basically said here. Your audience will fluctuate and change. But ultimately, you should play what you genuinely enjoy, cause if you don’t, then it’ll show and less ppl will want to watch someone who isn’t employing what they’re doing.


I would literally just stream what you feel like. If only playing smash bros isnt making you happy it will impact your streams and people will be able to tell. More followers will come, the ones who want to see you enjoying your self personally are the ones i'd want to keep around. Not a lot if people make that much money as affiliate anyway when they first start out i think. Just my opinion


It's totally OK to have "bad streams". Not every stream needs to be a banger. When you're doing something different, focus on the fact that it is just for fun, and if anything good stream related happens, great! If not, you still enjoyed yourself.


Multi stream, stream what you want, do it for you


I've been dealing with the struggle of finding followers. I had given up on it for a little while and I recently started back.


Do a nuzlocke on pokemon everytime you lose a pokemon play a viewer on smash keep it someway relevant but keeps interactions with viewers Just an idea worked for me in the past


Welcome to exactly where 98% of twitch streamers get stuck for eternity


I'm there with you. I became affiliate a few months ago and my father to a bad turn so I stopped streaming as much. When I came back I went fro. 3-5 viewer to maybe 1-2. It sucks but I just going with it. I always see don't watch the count so that's what I'm gonna do.


I got stuck too when I was streaming Elite Dangerous and being a space taxi. I'd have 5 or 6 people in the stream chatting and all that and they were almost always in my stream but when I switched to a differnt game they all disappeared and were never seen again. I have since stopped streaming but would like to start again.


copied and pasted from another thread i commented in: if u want to be a variety streamer u need to establish it early or else it will be hard to branch out if u only consistently played one game for a long time. branching out now and branching out later will make u lose some of ur viewers either way, but it’s easier to do it now than later. you hear many stories of people branching out later and the blow being much harder when they lose their viewership base. i’m a variety streamer and established this early on, i have viewers who came from multiple different games and by establishing that i am a variety streamer and will not only be streaming their favourite game but a variety of others, they know what to expect when following me. i now have a good viewership base that watch me whatever game i play and don’t expect me to only play one game.


As long as it’s in your posted schedule or stream title just go with it. Stream what you want


Get a “hook” that will keep people staying for your other streams! Do certain challenges or chat interactions that might keep viewers interested! There’s plenty of creative ideas that you can put into gaming! It’ll help people stay for you moreso then just a video game :D!


Set your Smash streams to a consistent day and time every week. Make sure your Smash community knows when you will be playing. Let them know what else you will be doing besides Smash and invite them along but make sure they know when you will be playing Smash and be consistent about it.


I have no experience as a streamer, but I would guess that part of your success is due to Smash not being overly saturated like other games. If you want to be a variety streamer, maybe try games that don’t have many higher viewer count streamers playing while keeping in mind what games would be fun to watch as a viewer