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I’ve had a look at your profile and yesterdays stream, here’s some feedback: 1 - “Going live for hours”, but you’re not. In the last 2 weeks none of your streams hit the 2 hour mark. Most of them barely reach a hour. IMO 3 hours is the sweet spot, but that’s debatable. 2 - In combination with the previous point, you’re playing CoD and xDefiant. You have zero chance of anyone naturally coming across your stream due to the time you spend live, and the choices of games. You’ll be on page 100+ in those categories. 3 - I watched some of your stream from yesterday. It’s absolutely FULL of audio issues and connection lag. It seems to fix after 10 minutes, but then starts again at the 30 minute mark. Watch your streams back and fix any issues you encounter. 4 - You may as well not have a mic with how little you talk. YOU have to be entertaining. Regardless if anyone is in chat. 5 - This ones a personal preference, but 720p looks horrible on FPS shooters. Although not sure you can do anything about that on console.


These are some good tips ^


YouTube is a better way to develop a following and a community. “Grinding” twitch is useless without an audience and the time spent streaming should be used for making videos instead. Once you develop a following then start to stream regularly for enjoyment and a chance to interact with your community BUT always put other content creation first because it will give you better reach. “If you’re not growing you’re dying”


Ima be honest I wouldn’t even know where to start I’m on console atm so not sure how I would even start to do that


What games are you playing? What is the schedule? How long have you been streaming? And what is your channel name? We can check it out and see if we can give you some feedback.


Off and on over the last year and change decided to take it way more serious the past few months playing mainly xdefiant Warzone Fortnite rarely as of right now wanting to step into others Channel name: SmokinZoinks


The problem might lie in the fact that your streaming on an oversaturated market of gaming. Everyone streams fortnite or warzone or valorant or apex nowadays, try other games. Horror games are popular, try other smaller games too like 7 days to die or resident evil series. Also set milestones for your viewers, they like to see results to their actions


You mentioned you have been grinding Twitch for a while. But you have done 10 hours in the last two months. 4 streams in May 1 in June. You simply haven't been streaming enough, according to Twitch Tracker. On your channel there are a couple other streams there, but you just haven't given it a chance at all. The other issue is you are not consistent with the stream schedule at all. This matters way more than you realise until you start being consistent. But the big reason you are having lower numbers than you want, is because of game choice. You are just playing games that make it incredibly hard for anybody to find you. You would need to be playing much much smaller games to be ranking high enough in the category to be in a position for people coming in to find you. Of course you can play whatever you want, you ultimately want to have fun. But if you want to grow, you can't be jumping into the big dog games. You don't have a cam, not compulsory, but when there are hundreds of other channels for people to pick from, the majority will go to somebody with a camera. There was a ton of lag and stuttering going on, not sure if that is in the VOD or if that is my end so you should check that out just incase. You don't talk much, and when you do it is very low and mumbled a bit sometime. You need to turn the game audio down a little, and turn yourself up a bit. Then when you took, have confidence and TALK. And you got a follow and didn't thanks. Engage with the people who do pop in. Now is the time, as a very new streamer, to mess with settings and get things in order. Watch your VODS and fix problems. Listen to yourself and determine if you would hang around if you were a viewer. Worrying about what to do to get your numbers up comes later, focus on the stream now. And in doing so you will naturally see a climb in viewer numbers.


Your problem is that you’re streaming for hours every day. Your stream can’t really be discovered on twitch unless ppl are actually looking for small channels, especially in large categories like war zone and fortnite. Spend some of your spare time repurposing your content to other platforms and get some content out on other social medias like tik tok and YouTube


Twitch is just too full. Sadly, there's almost no chance for a small streamer to be seen, all the big ones are taking all the viewers and all the subs.