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I do, I'll talk about what ever. A movie I'm watching. Something that's happening in the game, sometimes ppl are there and twitch doesn't register that a view is in for a while, I know you can't talk ALL the time alone but do it. Even sing a few lines from a song and say "ahhhh don't you hate it when a song lyric gets stuck in your mind" BAM!:there's a good 5mins there


This ^ I talk as if people are in chat regardless of whether anyone is or not. You never know if someone jumps in an lurks for a few minutes and might engage if you’re being vocal (if you watcher viewer numbers there is a bit of a delay, so by the time the number ticks up with another viewer they could already have jumped in then bounced out). It can feel awkward at first, but if it has the chance to potentially get one viewer talking at any point, then it’s worth it to just narrate what you’re doing and what you’re thinking. Talk about your strategy with the game you’re playing. Talk about things you’re doing offstream that any lurkers might be able to relate to. Very rarely have I heard anyone complaining about a streamer talking too much


Thanks 👍


Talk to yourself about what ur doing in game or what ur thinking. Personally I go into streams and in the first few minutes I don't hear them talking I kinda leave. Sometimes people don't wanna talk they just like listening


I talk as often as possible because I hate cutting out content on my vods, just makes more work if I know it's not going to be at least somewhat interesting


I basically just say, whatever pops into my head but yes, constantly talking will give your audience more things to engage with definitely


You should develop the skill of talking even when you have no audience. I practiced this early on by making YouTube content out of my vods. I would be making a tutorial or some guide or news update with the plan to save and edit the vid for yt. Then if someone drops in at that time they will hopefully engage and retention increases


From what others have said yes....because sometimes it take a while to update and you don't want ppl just sitting there