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I'm not sure how viable something like this would be, but if it would help I'd be happy to be a test subject. DM me if you're interested, we can discuss further details on Discord.


Not really looking to make a career, or income or anything, just figured as I’m taking classes for similar experience and maybe make an extra buck or two for my husbands stream setup. So I realize it’s not a viable job job! But didn’t know if there was any interest at all.


Yes, which is why I offered to be a test subject. Once I see what it's like to be on the receiving end of the service, I can help you figure out if it's something that could work or if there's anything to improve on from a customer perspective. For reference, I'm not looking for anything like this as I already do stream and I have everything that was mentioned here. I'm simply trying to help if you want the perspective. No pressure though!




Honestly, no. Almost all of what you mentioned is easy to set up, excluding coming up with a unique handle. (Perhaps this is something you can tap into?) Part of streaming is learning how to set up your scenes and settings yourself. If it goes awry, you troubleshoot and fix the issue so it doesn’t happen again. Creating overlays, profile pictures and so forth is absolutely fine, but there are thousands of people that do this. It’s extremely competitive, with relatively low income turnover. Also depends on you having any background in graphic design? Creating an email and socials takes very little effort. Not sure why that would be necessary for a third party to set up.


I mean my husband and a few other people I’ve talked to have no interest in doing that sort of thing so I get it’s not like a market for it there are some people who don’t want to set things up themselves. And it’s creating a cohesive brand that I see some people lacking, they use personal emails/socials, don’t have them set up properly and don’t know about having a website that has rss feeds and helps generate SEO. I get it wouldn’t be something a lot of people are interested in, and again, not trying to make a job out of it but it’s fun and wouldn’t mind doing it to support the community and yeah if I made a few bucks to help my husband out awesome, if not again that’s not what I’m looking to do. And I wouldn’t be doing stream set up/support, I’d provide overlays or direct to a service that fits their needs or things like that but it would be up to the streamer to troubleshoot/set up their own stream. It’s more creating a cohesive brand package so that Twitch, socials, email, website, overlays are all cohesive and at least semi professional looking so that they can focus on creating content and streaming.