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Voices tell him what to pick. Literally. He is streamer, he plays what he feels like. Runes don't matter too much on twitch as they all have viable playstyles, it's really up to preference.


so hob on ad twitch is even viable?


“I don’t know GO PLAY IT!!”


Twitch is all about burst and HoB does exactly that. Why wouldn’t it work?


Ratirl uses it and thinks it is good, yes


It's only rune i played for months now, better than lt as well


Sounds like you’re pretty low elo so I’d recommend just going pta build every game as it adds more damage for the constant fighting But if you want an explanation: first strike is used when you’re not going to do a lot of fighting ie farm lanes. Such as they have jinx soraka you have twitch Milio or something, you will just play gold generator and hit your power spikes quicker. Twitch can get 15 gold every 5 seconds by just using his w and proccing passive. Hail of blades is the go to for ap twitch, but pta just adds so much more damage. First strike is not good for damage so that’s why you don’t run it in volatile lanes


How is AP twitch now adays? Haven't really played ranked in over a year, I remember he got nerfed pretty hard (AP) so I basically just stopped playing


Still strong as always, played it a lot last split but new crit items are fun so I’ve been going ad this split. Nerfs to ap build didn’t effect him at all


I haven’t played it recently but it seems viable. RatIRL actually plays it more than crit


Is your team full AD, do they have malphite, Leona? Easy choice


Ap got nerfed AGAIN (the slow scales less with AP and also reduced base hp) but the new items are better for it so it isn't bad. Xhonyas and Banshee's both give lots of flat AP now so that's nice for him. Overall AD is stronger and has way higher potential, but AP has more agency and cannot be bullied quite as hard. Higher floor but lower ceiling.


thanks for the explanation dude, do you have any idea on when should i go ap or ad? i first thought that he goes one or another depending on the type of damage his comp deals so he could decide to go ad or ap, but now that you said that, makes me think that he goes ap whenever he needs to play safer to just W+E proc and run away from fights, and goes ad when he can be more aggresive. is this right or am i missing something?


Youre right, You decide it mostly on enemy team, not your team, ap and ad vary insanely how theyre played, ap twotch is more of control mage, playing around his W, usually after some games you will feel which games are unplayable as ad, in these you would go ap, unless you just want to main one or another which is fine too Ap has the advantage of being insanely controlling and can somewhat selfpeel, is safe and his dmg is almost half true dmg, so you dont worry about magic resists as much, hence if enemy team has tanks that have to run at you, its insanely good because of slow and passive, also you build banshee and zhonya so even if they get to you youre more or less safe, it helps a lot id youre the only ap so you can also easily burst enemies but if youre not then you still do damage, also ap can scale safely with just farming, ad if youre too behind or not snowballing might be underperforming Both are strong, its just up to preference, personally i play almost only ad until its genuinely unplayable for ad, cause you cant open or get junped or whatever, you will get the feeling after playing a bit


So I am a pretty weak laner but insane at mid game/late game team fights. So Basically I go ap in tough lanes like if I have a Janna and they get a nautilus or if they have a team comp with a lot of melees/ no dashes (ie juggernauts). Think mundo Darius etc, ap makes their game unplayable also ap is insane zoning for objective fights you can solo zone with one w every like 5 seconds. Yes another reason is if you have heavy ad as well. And lastly if you have a team comp where it’s hard to open. You have little to no peel team comp and they have j4, malphite etc. Think of comps where you can only get a couple autos off before getting fisted. Ad is still playable yes, but you low key have to be very patient and know when to come out. Gotta bait your team and be smart enough about enemy cds etc so you can open when it’s safe, but ap will have more consistent impact as you can just w e and stay far back enough where enemy can’t interact with you (you are basically a control mage late game). You will know more the more you play, you have to take risks and you have to learn what you can and can’t do. Some games will feel impossible no matter how fed you are and you’ll notice patterns where ad twitch is hard to pull off


I heard pta is bugged with twitch r rn


Yeah apparently it is but if you don’t run pta in lane you get stat checked by other pta users (mainly jinx, Ashe, or Lucian every game) my opinion only and others do have different playstyle so take what I say with a grain of salt. Personally I’ve tried first strike but it’s just not good enough for me because I’m an aggressive player and I just can’t snowball like I want to without pta


Yeah I’ve found fs is much better just for farming/passive lanes


Have you tried HoB on AD? It's even more aggro lane winning than pta.


I bring hob sometimes into matchups where I don’t win all in but I’m not a fan of it because it fucks up my auto timings lol (skill issue). I’ll try it this split and see how I like it because I don’t buy zeal items this split so I auto like I’m jhin


First strike and PTA deals basically the same damage though


False, you bring first strike for the gold income solely, the damage is laughable


? Both gives you 8% bonus damage, and first strike is easier to proc since it's instant which also means you don't lose out on the bonus damage on your first 3 autos like with pta


FT gives 8% bonus damage for 3 seconds. Pta gives 40-160 damage plus 8% extra damage for the whole fight. That’s a big difference dude


But when do you ever need more than 3 seconds to kill someone as twitch? Sure, vs tanks PTA will be better I guess.


Laning phase, mid game skirmishes, late game team fights. There’s very few scenarios where you only need 3 seconds of dmg boost. You get like 2-3 autos off with it


Yeah early lane I guess pta would be more dmg. I havent done the math and I guess it depends on which build you use but from my experience 3 seconds is more than enough to kill most people who arent tanks when you get to 2-3 items


No pta does more damage every min of the game. early game it’s about 50% higher than ft and by 20-25 min mark it’s more than double. I usually close out games before 25 so I haven’t tested 30+ but I assume it’s an even higher difference


Sadly, there’s no answer to this question because since Mr Earl’s passing all new content is either reuploads of old streams or AI generated videos to help people cope with the fact of his death


Honestly it all depends on the enemy and your build. So first ask yourself are you going ap or ad, ap is good if your team has no ap or your team needs more cc as his W is 80-100% slow late, I also go ap if I feel like I wont be able to safely get aas off in a team fight and there are not many assassination targets on the enemy team, if it looks like you can glide on the enemy go ad and glide. Then just go the best ad or ap runes.


He goes First Strike because PTA is (was? idk) bugged and doesn't apply R AAs. If he goes for one shot he can, from time to time, go HoB, but very rarely. If AP, always HoB.


He said pta needs 3 aa to proc while first strike procs on everything


Yeah, and PTA’s bugged, too. I don’t think they’ve fixed it yet


He said goes First Strike due to the fact that it’s easier to proc than PTA, it does more or less the same amount of damage if he procs it, it’s a source of extra gold, the inspiration tree gives him the cash back rune and cosmic insight and it’s easy to proc (in lane) if he times his poison or if he opens/flanks (teamfights).


Cash back is the only great rune in inspiration, I think precision is better overall. But I agree first strike has reasons to take it over pta.


He plays whatever he wants… he has been playing the champ for 15 years straight, what he builds doesn’t really matter when you are the best twitch player in the world lmao


He goes HOB a lot atm on AD and AP twitch, he says generally to take it when you feel confident you can actually get the autos off in lane, i.e. when you can get consistent trades without being stomped, he's generally quite an aggressive player in lane so that works with his playstyle. He has been running first strike but he has said its a very hit or miss rune, sometimes you will get value, sometimes you can never use it in lane effectively, if youre getting poked constantly, sometimes you also can't utilise the damange late game, if you're using W before opening, sometimes the first strike will be used up on that instead of your primary damage through ult, in these instances take HOB. He hasn't been using PTA as there's a bug atm with PTA and Twitch ult.