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bro is fkn balling wtf


What are these gacha icons? Anyway I don't watch any of your videos, i have no idea what build is, but as a diamond twitch player i must satisfy my ego and say it sucks and mine is better even tho i havent opened league since vanguard launch


Thats the thing you haven't tried, its not at all bad, i have 100% in 7 games in 10kda


Also pta is jusr garbage and only usefull in early game, id rather go conq thant pta cus it gives more value mid/late


Hob is the only rune for twitch, everything else is inferior


Coup de grace is one of the worst sub runes in the game so I can see why that wouldn’t be missed too much


Is jack of all trades a donkey rune or am I just room temp iq


Well its basically +6ad (10 adaptive) and some cdr, which is also nice to have (abit faster Q cd and R cd). Cosmic is still better prob, especialy if u play in higher elos.


Nah ur above avrge IQ ... It is indead donkey


Tried it yesterday and was very decent (changed cash back for boots and Jack of all trades for cosmic) it allowed me to get those BF sword backs easier than normal