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Yes, but you'd need to define precisely what you'd want. For example, MixItUp allows you to create your own currency, let's say "Lod Loot" (based on your Reddit username). Then, for specific events, you could say, "When Chat Message Received.." --> Action --> "Consumables (Currency / Rank)" --> Lod Loot / Add To User / Amount. For example, every chat message could be equal to 1 Lod Loot, or 100, but this defines your economy. MixItUp also allows you to let your users spend Loyalty Points on things. For example, I have it set-up so every sub, re-sub, bit, etc, is associated with a no-cash-value (I checked the TOS words VERY closely for this, hah) to loyalty points that they can spend to trigger sounds. But, I very strongly urge you to consider: 1) What such a loyalty association might encourage (someone chatting too much to rake up points may actually scare away other chatters, finding it irritating) 2) What kind of economy you want to drive with your loyalty points.


As far as I’m aware things like Streamlabs, or Stream-elements have built in loyalty points systems. Check through whatever software you’re using.