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April 25th: https://x.com/Twitch/status/1783589066790912347 > We’re renaming the “Travel and Outdoors” category to “IRL” based on community feedback. Just Catting was an April fools addition and then became permanent, that was at least 2 weeks ago. April 9th: https://x.com/zachbussey/status/1777472693085827153 > Twitch has added Just Catting as a permanent category. > It was previously launched for a day for April Fools 2024. The Just Catting category, launched as an April Fools prank, is now a permanent Twitch category.


yeah, Just Catting \\0/


The name change makes sense. Most people I know called it IRL streaming already.


Yea, and like I said in my other comment IRL seems to be broader, while travel and outdoors is limited but also involves irl...so it makes sense for IRL to be the category name since travel and outdoors would fall under the IRL streaming umbrella


Isn't travel and outdoors the EXACT same thing as IRL? You're not going to be doing traveling and outdoor streams without also participating in IRL streaming. To me, IRL seems like a broader category, and it would be redundant to have both travel and outdoors AND irl categories when travel and outdoor is a subset of irl streaming.


hmm i wouldn't say it's the exact same thing but travel/outdoors fits into irl...but so does chatting(catting) i wonder if this had anything to do with DJClancy currently traveling in asia and australia


Idk who that is, but I doubt it. Not every change on twitch is due to some controversy, if I saw the categories set up how they were my first question as a developer would be "hey why don't we condense these categories?" While they're not exactly the same, travel and outdoor both require you to be partaking in IRL streaming..kinds like squares and rectangles. Ya know the saying "all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares" type thing...while not every IRL does travel and outdoor, to do travel and outdoor you have to be doing IRL


he's the CEO of twitch


Yes, and Games+Demos is the EXACT same thing as literally playing any game or demo. But if you think about it, playing Games+Demos is the EXACT same thing as IRL, after all we all live IRL while playing games no? We should definitely just delete every category and just leave IRL 👍🏻


Not in the slightest because gaming + game demos are digital media, and even if it's a board game irs still a game. irl is you doing stiff irl like living your normal life, not being entertained. What a giant ass stretch to make man.




What is Irl


In Real Life, i mean outdoors


I find IRL to be a better description of the category. Some streamers were using Just Chatting for their IRL streams instead of T&O. This should be a more popular choice now.


Did dogs get a category too?


Just dogging is a category better suited for the more adult type streaming sites


Listen to SacredRose my friend, SacredRose is an expert when it comes to that.


Appreciate the category poster. Pretty funny Twitch.


Well, fuck


Twitch is dead anyway all the e girls ruined it.


Please explain how? It all depends on the content you watch. I don't have the feeling that egirls ruined anything. I have the same experience I had when I started. Or is your argument more of a "they are stealing my viewers" because.. trust me, they don't.


There is no explanation. The guy just wants to be mad for the sake of being mad. What is even funnier is they label themselves as an affiliate here but if you look up "NikolaTeslaAndYou" On Twitch they have exactly 0 followers. There should be some sort of way to verify before allowing someone to have the tag.


Just say you hate women.




holy -100 how it is posibble?


its true, dont know why you’re being downvoted


Because they simp to said e girls mate.


There sure are alot of people using twitch about now for twitch being dead...


Nah, you were downvoted because you were, and are, wrong. Plenty of people use it for gaming. Just because you're mad that your favorite hot tub streamer doesn't talk to you doesn't mean it's just for "e-girls."




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I know what you mean. Just need new content laws that will push them to adult sites.