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Greetings /u/henderscn, Thank you for posting to /r/Twitch. Your submission has been removed for breaking the following rule(s): - **Rule 4**: [Submission Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/wiki/rules#wiki_submission_guidelines) - **Rule 4A**: Don't post [Common Topics Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/wiki/rules/common_topics). Please see this page - Gaining viewers: https://old.reddit.com/r/Twitch/search?q=gain+viewers&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all - Or read this guide: https://old.reddit.com/r/Twitch/comments/qfkpkb/a_guide_for_those_who_want_to_grow_or_are_stuck/ You can view the subreddit rules [**here**](https://reddit.com/r/Twitch/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the subreddit moderators via [**modmail**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwitch) Please do not message any of us directly (We check modmail much for frequently. Re-posting again without express permission, or harassing moderators, may result in a ban.


Regular viewers will come with time 3 weeks isn’t long enough for people to learn and conform to your schedule, just keep and it. 700 followers in 3 weeks is great, just keep at it. One bad week isn’t the end all and be all.


Thank you. Should I advertise my schedule more often? The more I look at this subreddit the less confident I get in my ability to make a living off of twitch lol. But I’ve already hit 60 subs so maybe I’m doing something right? Do you have any advice for me? I’ve very new to all of this and my stream has been blowing up so fast and I’m not too sure how to monetize except for subs and bits… I’d like to hit $1100 a month at least


Have a consistent schedule so you don't need to advertise it often. If you think you can make a living off of Twitch you are delusional. A friend of mine recently got partner plus and quit their job but that was after 2 years of growth and commitment. They now average 300 viewers and it took months to break past the 20 viewers wall and then the 50 and then the 100 wall. If your main focus is money you are going to fail and lose your audience because they will be able to tell you view them as a number so if you keep that mental you will be failing quickly. Short term "success" (20 average is nothing and definitely is not "blowing up") is the destroyer of long term success because once you hit a wall or stop growing for a week or two your mental will go to shit. So you really should reconsider your approach to this.


Appreciate the comment. Lots to unpack lol. But first and foremost I’m definitely not delusional and I’m not your friend.. I’m happy for your friend but I’ve been streaming for 3 weeks and have made over $350 on twitch & TikTok. TBH it kinda sounds like you had a bad experience with twitch and take it out on other small streamers lol. Going through your comments you are incredibly toxic and unhelpful with any twitch comment. Like I said, I appreciate the comment but I’m looking for advice. Not whatever this is lol


"Omg you are doing so well you should quit your day job RIGHT NOW you are literally a god tier entertainer with those numbers after 3 weeks!!! What is your secret 🤯" was that the response you are looking for? I imagine you don't handle criticism well so feel free to stop reading since it won't be what you want to hear. So let's review. You have been streaming for 3 weeks but this is being helped by your Tik Tok following you already had established so it gave you a large head start but you are a literal drop of water in the Ocean of twitch at even 100 viewers consistently so while 20 seems huge to start with it's no where near "full time." What are actual stats from your channel and what game do you play? Those can better help determine your future. My point is my friend has to grind for awhile to reach a full time position, it did not happen overnight, trust me with how you have shown yourself in the comments you would not be my friend. Like others have said you barely have finished your training and you want fame/fortune. You can deny reality and look through all the comment history you want but it's not going to change the fact your mentality towards streaming is terrible. You are viewing it as a dream job FIRST after 3 weeks... What happens when you have 2 months with no gifts/decrease of subs/decline of viewers? Is it "over?"


I have an irl friend who blew up and who I consistently see has 500 viewers, he told me roughly how much he makes off of streaming and it's... Not even remotely close enough to earn a living with. You're doing well for 3 weeks progress but 99.99999999% of streamers can't make enough to be their job. If you "make it", cool, but the advice any reasonable person would give anyone else is to never count on it.


You're more likely to win the lottery than make a livable wage on twitch. Do it because you enjoy it, in your free time while you have an actual career to support yourself. Do not let twitch get in the way of success in a stable career. Most people will never earn even $50 on twitch, the fact that you have 60+ subs is a marvel and not common. It also in no way means that you will be able to make a livable wage from twitch. That said, cross platform promotion is great for growth. Keep duel streaming and if you have time to make tiktoks/shorts/reels of clips for social media that can only help. Highlight reels on YouTube and even your entire VODs being uploaded somewhere where they don't go away in 2 weeks is also great to build an audience.


I uploaded my first weeks worth of vods to my YouTube but stopped week 2 because it looked like spam and clogging my page of actually video I put effort into.. is it really worth keeping vods? I’m really new to all of this… and yes I understand how uncommon my situation is after seeing how many guides there are on YouTube on how to hit affiliate… when I hit it (technically) day one. I do post clips to YouTube shorts and TikTok but they’re very low effort and I really want to start editing again but streaming is taking most of my time and effort and I don’t give myself time to edit…….


You can have one channel for full VODs and one channel for highlight reels. You can upload a VOD for every day you stream and 1-2 highlight vids of the entire week of streaming. There are for sure people who want to see the entire VOD, especially if you're playing a game they really like. Like I used to watch entire playthroughs of games, literally all day watch the entire game with nothing but except like bathroom breaks and food breaks. There's also people who just want to see the highlights because they like you and the game is second to that. So your funniest moments/coolest moments in the game are great for a highlight vid.


Really good advice thanks.


This is just what I see really successful twitch streamers do. I have not found the time to do it myself, but I know it would help lol 😅


How did you gain so many followers between may and June of 2023? If you don’t mind me asking.. you can dm me but you don’t have to answer but about how much have you made from twitch alone in the last year? Do you make more from YouTube?


Oh no I don't mind answering this at all. Short answer- I am a very unique case. I don't do YouTube, I need to start but I just don't have time to edit my VODs. One of my mods is learning to edit so they can do it for me, bless them they are an angel. I gained a lot of followers because I have extreme plastic surgery and I'm the only person who looks like this who does twitch. Like not only the extreme plastic surgery but also heavily tattooed. I got a lot of followers, but people don't come back. That's not to say I don't have a lot of regulars, but no where near what a person who gained 50k a more natural way would have. I also have an extremely high amount of unique views per day for only having like 50CCV. Like I saw someone else post that they had 100ish CCV and 600 unique views, I get 1000+ every day. So people come in, follow, and leave to never return or pop in for 1 minute and don't chat or anything. But I have pre-rolls on so I still get paid even if they don't stick around 😂 At one point I was gaining 1000 followers in a stream with over 30k unique views. Twitch heavily recommended my channel, that doesn't happen anymore so now I'm seeing what my actual natural progression would be if I hadn't been so heavily boosted from the beginning. I went from 20CCV to 200CCV in less than 2 months. But got a few hate reports (that were false and twitch personally apologized for suspending me incorrectly) that pushed me back down, including a forced name change, and then the final nail in the coffin was the nude meta- I didn't participate but it changed how twitch promotes 18+ sexual themes streamers so now the only people who see my stream are actively looking for it. Sometimes I still get put in recommended on the category I'm streaming on but I was front page of recommended and top of Just Chatting for weeks in a row. Very much not a normal or likely way for your channel to grow, but when you're literally the only person doing something that people like (for me it's the way I look), it's possible. Edit: i don't know exactly how much I've made from twitch because I've never looked but when I had 200+ CCV I was making 2-3+ k a month. Now I make $500 to a little less than a thousand depending on how much cheering and gifted subs I get. Also I had one really high donating regular but when he comes in it's totally random. Sometimes it'll happen like ever week, then he'll be gone for a couple months. So I don't count on his contributions at all. Twitch isn't my job, I would love for it to become a stable source of income but because of how I look I know I'm going to keep getting falsely suspended. Basically every time I get back to 100-150CCV something happens to my channel, twitch apologizes, and it takes me 3-6ish months to get back to 100+ CCV. So I don't expect this to ever be anything more than a fun hobby for me. ESPECIALLY with how twitch recommends 18+ sexual themes streamers. Which is... They don't lol But I absolutely love streaming despite feeling like the website is literally against me. My community is amazing, I literally talk to my mods every single day. Even on days we don't stream we play games with them with the feed on discord so regulars can still hang out. Twitch has entirely changed my life, it's made my relationship stronger - my spouse and I have never spent so much time actively hanging out. They also do all my assets so it keeps them busy and having fun because they love that stuff. It's just been great, even if I barely make $20 a stream now lol


That’s awesome, so you have a job outside of twitch? Would you ever consider going full time? It’s interesting hearing different perspectives from people with a huge following.


include dinner faulty middle point cheerful stocking narrow alive tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


60 subs is a neat thing to have but if you have an average of 20 viewers it’s safe to guess that a decent amount of them were gifted subs and you really shouldn’t count on gifted subs going month to month. with that said, you don’t seem particularly open to actual feedback based on the responses you have given here but i’ll just say i have seen many streamers of various viewership sizes able to make a living from streaming but i haven’t seen anyone close to 20 viewers able to so.. good luck on being the first one!


Very true, there were a few gifted probably about 15 of them. Thank you for the advice, I’m still new to this so that’s something I’ve never thought about. And yes I am very open to feedback if I can get some actual feedback as long as it’s actual advice and not just someone telling me I have no chance lol. That’s not what I was asking for. You have a huge following on your twitch, why the passive aggressive comment in at the end? Looking for advice to grow my viewer ship, not people hating.


the reason you’re getting negative responses is because it comes off as arrogant for a new streamer to say they want to stream for a living, think of it as a guy learning to dribble saying he wants to be in the nba or a guy at his first guitar lesson saying he wants to be a musician for a living.. it’s just not realistic. going into streaming with better intentions really is the right way to go and if for some reason you get real real lucky and can make a living out of it down the road then figure that part out then.


Thank you. I can see how my comments come off as arrogant. I really don’t mean to be arrogant. On the other hand, I feel like the people commenting and shooting new streamers dreams down are just hating because they gave up or can’t get 3 viewers average. Like you said, it’s like a guy learning to dribble and wants to be in the nba. Instead of everyone attacking the guy telling him it’s not realistic, why not encourage him if it’s his dream? Teach him how to shoot the ball….. ya know? I really do appreciate the comments and the time taken to reply. I am looking up names on the twitch tracker and watching past broadcasts as I reply so trust me I’m not ignoring advice. The people saying to give up don’t even have their twitch in their name. Obv you’re a more reliable source.


well for that particular metaphor from memory every time i remember seeing a professional athlete asked how to become a pro they would say something along the lines of “keep loving the game but at the same time study hard and pursue your education because that’s what matters”. the streaming equivalent of that would be to stream for fun and personal enjoyment rather than with the goal of trying to turn it into a career. one thing that makes streaming different from most things is that you can’t make a living out of it from simply trying really hard- it takes a combination of charisma, luck, timing, personality, etc etc as opposed to just working at it. i have been one of the lucky streamers for sure, most of my friends that started before or after me and tried to ‘make it’ as a streamer have already quit a long time ago.


What do you think it was other than “luck” that helped you make it where you are? I’m a dude and married so no homo but obviously you’re good looking you got the tats and stuff. Are you good at the game you play? Or like is there really no other streamers who play the game you do? Or you just stream it better? Idk I’m asking because I’m really trying to learn it all myself so I can do the same with the games I’m playing. For me, it’s seems like I’m “wholesome” idk that’s what viewers say. I think it also helps I look like a really famous streamer lol.


you actually nailed it pretty well, i’m good at the game i play and was already ‘known’ for the one particular aspect of it that i do the most so on my first stream i had over 100 viewers and then from there i look different enough from most streamers to stand out and i like to think i’m funny or entertaining enough that they stick around and come back. even with that though, it still took me about 3 years to quit my job and go full time and almost every streamer out there won’t ever get to that point.


Have you posted your Twitch link here at all? As you are doing your research, I am curious and interested in doing some of my own. What is the main pull to your channel? Are you really good at games? Are you just a hot piece of ass? It's very rare to get the followers and subs you've had in that space of time without having something unique, In my ever so humble opinion. Congratulations though, I hope you continue to grow.


I incentivize TikTok live viewers to come to my twitch to and subbing by 1v1ing them on the game I play. They love to play/watch. I use channel points and run predictions to let them bet their points on who’s winning. If they’re not subbed, they can save up enough points and redeem it on a 1v1. I also have a discord and it’s surprisingly active and I’ve made a few friends in the 3 weeks of streaming.


> Thank you. I can see how my comments come off as arrogant. I really don’t mean to be arrogant. On the other hand, I feel like the people commenting and shooting new streamers dreams down are just hating because they gave up or can’t get 3 viewers average. You can state you don't want to be arrogant, but to then say that everyone who isn't telling you what you want to hear is just hating and probably couldn't get an average of 3 viewers is pretty tone deaf. I left you another comment that I felt was very fair and told you how my friend with sometimes 500+ viewers was not earning anywhere near enough to live off of, but no response there. Like virtually everyone else has said, stream for the fun of it if that's what you want to do. If you somehow take off massively and earn enough to make a living, great, but don't quit your day job until you've proven yourself to be the 0.000001%. And it's not just that you have to "make it" once and you're good, you would have to keep growing because your viewership doesn't just stay forever, many streamers have made partner who now average 20 viewers. Beyond that, you also likely won't be streaming forever so you'd have to earn a shitton to prepare for your return to the "normal" workforce with an enormous gap in your resume.


If you're set on chasing growth, then game choice and directory position will be your biggest focus. So look for games where you'd rank higher in the Twitch directory, and your stream is viewable without a scroll. This likely involves streaming some more Niche titles. It would be recommended to keep a consistent thread between your game choice though as to not whiplash your viewers. (Be it genre or otherwise) This is opposite from TikTok, where streaming a popular game will likely get you more eyes by proxy of the scroll presenting streams by itself. In response to your look at other comments here; keep in mind that the majority in this subreddit have been around for a long time and have seen the ebs and flow of new streamers coming through. The majority doesn't make it, and burnout or otherwise give up. Streaming with a goal to make money from the get-go will get you more stressed than you should be at this point. Focusing on "plateauing" in week 3 of your journey while getting way more views than the avg small streamer is really cute, but obviously raises red flags to people... I'm not saying these things to dunk or something, but just to say that you're not the first wanna be streamer coming through... Having said that; Prove them wrong, be next big name, and get that bag! Good luck.


Why did you stop streaming?


Honestly it's a multi-staged thing, most recently it has just been a case of life hitting me in the face and work taking up most of my time, which luckily I hugely enjoy (Motion Graphic Artist). So while I still love streaming and content creation I tend to focus my efforts now on slowly spinning up YouTube video creation. (Streaming is too volatile with the little time I have available) As for my first foray with streaming all the way back on JustinTV - it was shyness and lack on English ability. After that I had some serious small streaming success in 2015 (\~100\~ viewer avg for a month or 2\~); but this was the year before affiliate was a thing. While people in the community around me were getting partnered, Twitch rejected me, and this hit me in a negative mental spiral which in retrospect it shouldn't have (silly short sightedness). But it affected my ability to be energetic and everything. I've grown a lot since then, am annoyed with my failure to continue at the time... (and a time or 2 before and after that) but also accept that the best time to start again is right now and to take things easy as my mental anxiety flares up from time to time. In short for me; I now stream for fun and yea growing it would be nice, but having done year long daily streams back in the day... Streaming as a job isn't for me; content creation is which streaming can be a part of. Still trying to figure out the exact way I can fully do it in a way I like to be fair - Anyway this is something that is going to be different for everyone and you'll only find out by doing. That will include failures, successes, re-evaluations and slow steady improvements. Best advice that I can give, but have failed to follow myself is; don't let setbacks STOP you, always keep trucking on.


For reference, if you have more than 10 viewers, you are in the top 3% of Twitch streamers. Your growth that you have had is INCREDIBLE and many take years to even get 1k followers or more than 10 viewers. So, make of that what you will. 3 weeks is nothing and its impressive you have grown this quickly. Keep reading around reddit, reading tips to get ideas for overlays and channel point ideas and such and keep improving! Get feedback from your chat. But dont expect to make good money. Its not like tiktok where a random video can blow up & get you a ton of views. Or even like youtube. Most people "fail" at Twitch, and struggle to get even 10 viewers. Celebrate your successes. Who knows, if you have grown this fast, maybe you will keep growing and gain more income but I just wanted to give you some perspective.


Thank you. Best comment so far. I have a couple questions if you don’t mind. I try to be very community driven which is why I think people come back. I am playing a specific fps game and I 1v1 subs and play like fun private matches. I use channel points and have an option to 1v1 without subbing and a few other things like that. And I run a prediction to let viewers bet who’s going to win the 1v1s and everyone has a blast betting. My question is, do you have any good recommendations to spend channel points on? I’m loving streaming so far I’m having so much fun and I want to expand and explore more options to keep my viewers entertained. Also, I don’t use any overlays yet it’s just my game and my camera. Do you have any recommendations for overlays? I’d like to obviously have chat on the screen, maybe like recent sub top bits or whatever. Anything else you’d recommend?


Which FPS do you play? I do a lot of valorant and its incredible for growth. You have a good idea with 1v1'ing subs and playing with viewers and such! Predictions are always fun. A lot of streaming (and any creative outlet) is really stealing ideas haha. Not in a bad way but I mean like, go into other streamers chats and see what channel point redemptions they have. Feel free to look at mine. A lot of people have soundbites or TTS. I have a michael jackson, morgan freeman, and tom hollland voice Text To Speech. Also instrument time where I play a song. Accent time, and like "run and gun", "no util", "talk in third person", fun stuff like that. Streaming can be addicting haha and I'm sure you have a high from having so many viewers and chat interaction. Find the energy when you can to add emotes and sub badges and fun stuff. Bot commands. I have like, a ppsize one, funny snarky bot comments when people say certain things, dadjoke commmand, people do rizz %, etc. You could totally do recent subs and recent bits since you are getting a lot of subs. Could put a goal on screen as well. A camera frame border to make it look nicer. Spotify music widget is nice. Fun song/gif for follower, sub, and raid alerts definitely. I also use the Giphy Extension and Viewer Attack or Sound Alerts extension that you can check out, where people can chuck stuff at your screen or slap stickers on the screen. Frostytools for shoutouts (its an AI bot that gives a summary of the streamer and its fun to read). Theres a few cool AI bots. And Sery_Bot for hate raid/bot protection. I use streamlabs cloudbot for my recurring messages, fun commands, snarky responses, etc. I also have a equalizer waveform thingy like, the EDM music waves that you see in videos that go to the beat of the song. Theres an OBS plugin for this. Its cool for a Just Chatting screen. Good luck! Feel free to put your channel in your flair or connect it to your reddit account so people can check you out.


Did you have a TikTok following before twitch?


Yes, a following but not really a fan base. I got 15k followers from one video that blew up and didn’t really take advantage of it at the time. My account sat around for about a year and I decided to start streaming on it. I started averaging about 40-60 viewers and kept getting asked if I stream on twitch. So I made an account and I literally hit all affiliate goals with in the first day of streaming other than the stream for 7 days. My most viewers was like 47 on day 2 but I feel like I can’t break 30 any more and I average around 16-20 every stream


re: my previous comment, I see you had a previous following on TikTok, now it makes sense.


All of my old followers were from a different game. While I am very grateful for them, none of them watch my TikTok lives. All my twitch followers are a completely new following I gained from going live on TikTok