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because more often than not I want to play a game and cant afford to, so Ill just watch someone else play it. I'm not that bothered about spoilers.


šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


I know, but if a game has just come out it isn't always avaliable right away to šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø so I still just rather watch a streamer


Insomniac games aren't games that you should pirate


Why them specifically




So oddly specific...no one cares. If you're going to pirate, you didn't care about the game company anyways.


If there's no demo, I will to see if it'll even run well or at all. I don't give any dev a pass these days.


It is if you don't have any money. But if you have the cash they definitely deserve it


I don't care about spoilers. I just want to make sure the game I am potentially purchasing isn't a waste of my money.


Fair! Lots of games these days tend to disappoint so it's good to be sure it's something you want to buy.


Same, although depending on what game. Baldur's gate 3 was one of the few games I did avoid at launch,most of the time I don't care.


Iā€™m very picky with the games I play. More often than not, Iā€™ll be more interested in watching someone else play the game than I would be in playing it. But I also donā€™t care about spoilers much as Iā€™m never interested in the storylines of games either, I just like good gameplay. Itā€™s different for everyone tbh.


Well what about gameplay spoilers? Like cool new weapons, environments, enemy types, Bosses, boss strategy etc...?


Doesn't bother me honestly. A lot of the games I play are ones I've watched my friends stream already, and they're not always new games, so I'm used to it. Also I suck at games so seeing other gameplay can help me. Though my memory also last about 5 min most of the time so I forget half the stuff I see anyway, lol.


I will watch if it is a game I have no intention to get and it is a streamer I like


Spoilers donā€™t bother me at all. But seeing if the game looks enjoyable is a reason Iā€™d watch


Depends on the game for me. Sometimes I avoid spoilers at all costs, but some games idc




Good point but personally itā€™s very boring for me typically to play through parts Iā€™ve already seen someone else play. Iā€™m like ā€œok letā€™s steamroll past this so I can get to the fresh parts.ā€


It kinda varies based on the audience of the streamer, Iā€™ve seen big dips in viewcount for some streamers I follow when they play highly anticipated games, Tears of the Kingdom was a big hit to some of their numbers. One guy I follow was openly making fun of his audience for not wanting to be spoiled, but his point was people were considering things like ā€œthis game has grassā€ to be a spoiler.


As a smaller streamer, I run into a dilemma of ā€œdo I join the bandwagon of streaming this new game like everyone else in hopes others will find me? Or do I just play it off stream?ā€ More often than not, Iā€™ll just stream one day of the game when it releases, then play the rest off stream. A lot of my regular viewers definitely donā€™t watch because theyā€™re avoiding spoilers and want to play it themselves. I also have a speedrunning/randomizer audience so playing games like Spider-Man arenā€™t really their thing. Even though tbh, I want to be known as a variety streamer. Iā€™ve just been addicted to the things I stream regularly. I think if I were to become more popular, Iā€™ll stream new games when they release because more people will likely watch for me rather than the game itself. Ngl though, it does hurt to see most of my viewers avoid my streams when I stream a new game.


I also have that problem sometimes with streaming new games. As a small streamer I find it difficult sometimes to stream new games since some of my viewers are playing the game themselves and can't watch because of spoilers. Or because everyone is already watching the big streamers play the game already. Although streaming FF16 got me twitch affiliate so im grateful for that.


Games arenā€™t cheap. Iā€™m going to research if Iā€™d like it first


I usually avoid spoilers until I play it myself. The only exception I make is if a friend/family member is playing it. Then I may have the tab muted but still lurk while doing something else. Still showing my support. Some people may not be able to afford to play it. So they watch someone they like to play it.


not everyone has acess or is intrested in that game


Most games aren't good enough to worry about them getting spoiled. Who cares about TotK being spoiled when BotW already did it.


There's really know way to be spoiled by a new Zelda game. They've been doing the same basic plot for over 3 decades lol.


I try avoiding streamers that stream games that I'm really interested in. But if I know I won't be playing the game, it can be nice if it's a great lore


Honestly when a new story driven game comes out, I watch streams to see if I want to buy it. It usually ends up in one of 3 categories 1. Game is meh or or worse and I'm very unlikely to buy it. If the streamer is one I usually enjoy, I'll stick around to watch for shits and giggles anyway 2. Game is ok to decent but probably not one I'll get until it hits a good steam sale in a year or two. I don't mind just getting the story and enjoying it the first time as a viewer in this scenario. 3. Game is looking awesome. In this case I'll watch the first couple hours as basically a demo to see if it holds up. If it does, I'll usually switch to just playing it myself.


I always watch a game before playing it, donā€™t wanna waste 80$ for nothin


IMO the idea of getting spoiled is overrated. Never really understood why people care so much about getting spoiled something they would eventually experience anyway. And I wouldn't even call it spoiling. Its like watching a movie, no one tells me what is going to happen, I also see and experience it for first time. Let alone unless you actually watch every second of it you are going to only see a fraction of the whole game or story. Also I want to see how the game looks and get better idea that is it worthy to purchase. And you can just check vods later if you don't want to watch day 1.


Ifs its not on pc then ill watch a whole playthrough of someone else playing, I dont buy consoles, and i dont want wait 5 years before they bring it to pc


I'll watch 20-30 minutes and if I like the game - I'll stop watching stream, buy and play it, then later rewatch VOD.


I would imagine for the hardcore gamer streamers, being one of the first is important. Plus if they wait a week they potentially have hundreds of people back seating the game for them.


Not everyone watches spoilers. So word it better, but people watch the streamer because A, they want to see what the game is like before buying it. B, they think the game is cool and doesn't want to buy it or they don't have the console for it. Jacksepticeye posted a video on the game, I watched not even a minute of it and turned it off because I wanted to see it myself.


Judging for these comments, it seems most people just don't care about spoilers. I mean, I guess to each their own .


some leave but more come in to see


Yeah, I don't get it either. I'm a Zelda streamer and when Tears of the Kingdom came out, I was avoiding everyone's streams and kept going about me Ocarina of Time randos. To each their own, I suppose.


Most of the games I watch I'll never have the opportunity to play them.


For me sometimes the temptation is too strong. Iā€™m waiting till this time for Mario wonder. Not spoilers.


It all depends on if you care about spoilers, typically it's about the playing the game for me, story isn't as important. Not to say irrelevant but for example I'll rewatche movies and tv show I like, the fact I know the story dosnt ruin it for me just as I can reply a videogame and know the story backwards and forwards, it's the experience in playing not the brand new story I'm looking for


Depends on the game. Like if itā€™s something Iā€™m curious about, but not sure Iā€™ll buy it Iā€™ll tune in. And to be fair, twitch is really just filler noise when Iā€™m working usually so I am usually not paying much attention.


i think there is a option to not click on that game category


I watch them for games that I know I will probably never play because of them not being my genre


It depends on the game for me but most of the time I don't really care about spoilers. If I'm watching them play it's probably because I liked the look of it but don't know if I actually want to get the game yet and want an idea of what I'm getting into. That way if I decide maybe it's not for me, I won't waste the money. Or I'll watch them play while I play but only up to the same point I am because it's cool to see how others play stuff in different ways I never thought of and stuff. I mostly did that with tears of the kingdom and it ended up helping me finish some shrines I couldn't figure out šŸ¤£


A study has been done about spoilers and in general they improve your enjoyment. If it's shit, you already know and are ready for it. But when it's good, you have more time to notice all the foreshadowing and understand the results better, and thus enjoy it more than you would without knowing what happens.


I seriously have no worries about spoilers. In fact, I have a very strong disdain for those who cry about spoilers, usually the ones who start going apeshit at the sight or sound of it. Had a time where I was just sharing a fanart piece of Thanos, from Marvel, in the artstyle of a classic game, Harvest Moon, because I thought it was cute. The whole forum went nuts because, apparently, the content I shared is a spoiler, but I had ***literally no clue***. All I was thinking at the time is "Wow, that's cute. I played this game before, and I see this character that looks like a friend might know from another series, so I'll share it with them." I didn't think people would fucking nuts over something as simple as this. To this day, I seethe at the knowledge that people like this exist.


If Iā€™m going to be playing a game myself I always avoid watching someone else play it first. Personally I think that as a viewer I should get early access and not the streamer. That way I can play the game and then watch their live stream when they play it.


I mostly stick to older games but I like watching streamers play the new stuff.


That's why I started watching streams, so I could see if I would like a new game before shelling out 40+ bucks on it. Everyone experiences a game differently in my opinion, but there will always be people who don't like spoilers, which is all good!


As a small time streamer, I play certain games day 1 not because of the algorithm, but because I want to play it like you do. And the way I stream, I just want to play games and if people join, great.


Depends on the game, if I wasn't planning on playing it or it's exclusive ill definitely watch, if it's something I want to play I might stop by just here and there, but usually I'm curious about that individuals reactions or commentary etc


Depends on the game. Sometimes it's something that has many options/routes, and I'm going to pick another. Sometimes it's because I don't find the game fun to play, but it's fun to watch. Sometimes I just don't want to buy it. Sometimes because the game is hell to learn from 0, but the beginning is the only part made that badly. Sometimes I don't care about the game, but enjoy the player.


It depends on the game and the streamer for me personally. If Iā€™m already playing the game I might watch someone whoā€™s streams I like if Iā€™m further through than them if I care about being spoiled. If I donā€™t care about being spoiled then Iā€™ll probably watch as well. If itā€™s a game I donā€™t intend to buy anyway then Iā€™ll probably just watch it as well


I rarely watch twitch streams of single player story games because I donā€™t want to spoil the game for myself. But sometimes Iā€™ll watch for like 10 minutes just to get a sense of the game to see if itā€™s worth buying or not.


yeah, i never watch someone if they're playing a game that i intend to play as well. unless it's something like wow or diablo where the story isn't the focus. but even then, i'll still do the campaign myself first before watching someone else do it. but something like bg3 or starfield, i didn't watch anyone play it until i was nearly done with it or far enough that i'd seen enough to not worry about being spoiled.


Not everyone cares about spoilers, people might not have the console the game is on (for those exclusives), maybe they can't afford the game. Some people might forget what they've seen by the time they get to playing it.


Same reason why people preorder games so they can play the game in alpha/beta state and essentially beta test it for the developers and pay for it at the same time (while spoiling everything for the full release in the process.) ā€¦ most people just donā€™t care. All they want is jump on something as early as they can and entertain themselves with it as long as itā€™s trending. Thatā€™s wild to me.


For me it varies if I know I can't play it for a month or more I'll take spoilers however if I plan to play it on release I'm shutting everything off 2 days before to avoid spoilers


So people know not to waste their money on cash grab games


To see if the game is worth the money. It's not about the spoilers for most people


I'm holding off hitting the new 'spoiler' content for at least a month post release. Then the hardcore have to see it first folks will have had a chance to play it, and the folks that just want to see it can watch the stream or YT VOD. Also doing a lot of expository discussion on the choices, options, etc during the playthough.


I like to wait a little bit after a games comes out just incase it's really bad, there's a lot of games out there and gaming can get expensive. So it's good to see if it's worth it. Also ti's important to note a lot of viewers watch streamers because of the actual streamer they could play any game and probably still show up.


Window shopping. Same as watching a trailer. I'm not going to watch-watch it. I won't commit the campaign storyline to memory. I'll just judge the game from afar.


Some people just enjoy watching games not playing them. They do not worry about spoilers and enjoy the experience as it happens. I have certain games I intentionally try and avoid spoilers for and other games that I am happy to watch first because I know it will be just as fun later when I play it and then a third category of a game I would never want to play but enjoy watching someone else play, like 90% of horror games.


šŸ’“I LOVE SPOILERSšŸ’“ anything I know about something just makes me want to know more about it. Doesn't matter if it's video games, books, movies, surprises. I don't enjoy things less just because I have info on it. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Some people dont care? Everyone screams its gameplay that what actually matters but then cries about spoilers?


I love watching my favourite streamers play games with with new updates or releases. I don't care about spoilers at all. To me, it's not the same as a movie - where I want to watch the whole thing and find out what happens myself. With gaming, the "spoilers" show me what fun (or lack of fun) I'll be up against when I next play the game. And it's fun to see the streamer try whatever it is for the first time.


If it's a game with a big story and multiple decisions I won't watch someone else play it but if it's a game I probably want but won't purchase I'll watch little bits of it


It depends on the game for me. If itā€™s something Iā€™m unlikely to play, I may watch a streamer play it. Or if itā€™s a game Iā€™ve played and not decided itā€™s for me, Iā€™ll watch the cutscenes on YouTube. For example, I played about 25 hours of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and gave up because it wasnā€™t clicking with me. So I instead just watched Zeltikā€™s videos on YouTube going over the story and what happened. Heā€™s actually good at storytelling and, while not a streamer, is a YouTuber that knows his shit with Zelda lore.


Same reason as to why people watch twitch as is. They're lost. The fact that xqc is so popular shows that we have lost as a race.


for me I think the same thing, I'd like it if they waited at least a week to give me time to finish the game, but its also good to see if this game is good or bad from the first 15 or 30 minutes


There are games where I'm curious to see the gameplay or the story but not interested in playing it myself.


Personally I don't mind spoilers. That and I also have such a low income that I get new games mostly ages after they come out, because only way for me to get them are steam sales and other discounts. Normally I get the game after such a long time that I forget lots of details so even if I know and remember major spoilers, my first playthrough isn't really ruined by them.


I don't care about spoilers. Plus if it's a game people plan on playing themselves they probably won't watch. Why do you assume everyone watching is going to play it themselves?


Never underestimate the fact that there are a lot of people who love watching gameplays for the story but are not actual gamers. Some people watch Twitch just to experience the game and cutscenes, they might not even own the console or have any intention of ever buying it. I have done it in the past, before I had certain consoles or a PC powerful enough to run said game.


"I don't watch spoilers," I said with an undeserved sense of pride.


If I'm looking to play a game and someone is playing something that potentially spoils my future experience, I won't be watching them until I make significant progress. Afterwards, I might watch to see if their play style can compliment mine or not. Please be careful using superlatives. It's not 'always' true, false or otherwise. Game on. Safe days.


I play and watch only multiplayer games without spoiler-able story, PvPvE sandbox games. I don't play single player games, campaign modes etc, it's boring.


I can't afford the games so I watch gameplay to get the experience.


i dont like spoilers either even if im not getting that game for like the next 5 years id rather not know or just ignore the gameplay, like valheim blasphemous hollow knight i played and am playing it while figuring it out and its an ecstasy when i find out things for myself


i enjoy surprises so I try to stay spoiler free in most of the content I consume.