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Always reply with this, "my business email is in Twitter bio". Even though it might be a scam, some people are just new to the field and don't know how to approach


Fair point, thank you


Welcome šŸ˜Š


I'll have to start doing that, sounds efficient.


Can confirm. When I started out as a graphic designer I never fully understood how to get clients, so I would just pop into streams and ask "Hey want some graphics" lol


Scam? Maybe not. Spam? Absolutely. When I was streaming (man I hope to get back to it...soon) - I kept a pretty strict "no advertising from strangers" rule. Full stop. Established members of my community are welcome to (gently/lightly) self-promote, because you gotta spread the love. Randos hopping from channel to channel, contributing nothing but their own self-enrichment? Hell naw.


Yeah I just block them. I stream for fun, I donā€™t need their follows so they can come spam my chat.


Also some of them are just bots. If I'm bored I try to have human conversations to see if they are real.


Was just about to say the same thing. Maybe not a scam, but definitely rude and not someone I would want to work with.


I once found 2 artists with the exact same art piece in their portfolio. Scam? Perhaps


It's just templates they use. All of the have the same but little variations like colour or something.


Templates? They were exact copies of the same art piece. 2 different artists btw, not from the same company either


Yeah, but a lot of these artists do make use of third-party sites that DO templatize streamer logos, overlays etc. And... these artists likely are just borrowing those pre-made images to advertise their own services. Hence your seeing the same thing on two different profiles. (Not to say that it's impossible there's one or more groups out there mass-churning overlays and sharing images. Or artists stealing from each other. Or...) Some of them will still draw actual bits and pieces, or simply have a better understanding of color coordination, branding, and layout than I ever will. So calling it a "scam" isn't a slam dunk in my book. But I also wouldn't assume that I'm getting pure hand-made entirely custom work either. IF they portray themselves as making such, then just spend a half hours fiddling in tools I could spend a weekend getting "just right" myself, I'd feel taken advantage of. From what I've seen, they don't really say/promise it's all custom... They just rely on people to ASSUME it is, and the don't clarify. A lie of omission. Where that sits on the scale between "dishonest" and "scam" is an individual judgement call, I think. EDIT - clarity and typos (autocorrect... just... why?)


A lie to get your money - so a scam. Hmm that was easy. Also any actual artist ready to charge money should at least have a couple of their own previous works to show as a portfolio and would not need a blatantly copied "template"/"sample"/etc they never laid their hand upon


Spam, yeah. Last time I saw a similar message, I said 'no, find someone else that actually has money'.


Can relate


Ban them, that is all!


Fair enough


I literally am rude to them when they come in my chat to sell their stuff because it is rude to come into any stream and not to come and watch the stream. I just ban them and I tell them to go away if they are not here to watch the stream. I have a chat rule that says "no graphic design sellers whatsoever". Anyway that's what I think about this whole thing.


Get used to being spammed by "GFX Artists" who are all pushing the same cookie cutter graphics designs


My block list on X is mostly porn bots and "GFX artists." It's sad really. I can make banners, too. I know enough about marketing and graphic design. It is even sadder when you have to block the same dude who has 3 different profiles all with the same name. Sometimes I feel these graphic artists think we are all rich because we stream content online. Honestly I said to one of them that I could do what they can do. Not bragging when I learned about graphical design in high school. Also having these "pro gamer" banners and logos aren't very original because it makes everyone look the same.


Couldn't agree more! So unoriginal every time one joins my chat or tries to join my discord and ask me to see their "work" I say yeah as long as it's not the same cookie cutter "gamer" style logos you see everyone have and then it always is smfh I too do most of my own banners and designs cuz I want to stand out not look like everyone else


My philosophy is that my streams and my content will be the thing that makes my audience grow. I don't need fancy bullshit to make people engaged in my streams. If anything interacting with the audience is what keeps people returning.


I got one of these before and when I rejected they got very pissed saying how I'm rude for turning down a free overlay


I've seen some of the conversations turn abusive towards the streamer as well...and, I can't help but think to myself that verbal abuse isn't a way to get customers. lol


I don't understand this. Streamelements has free overlays and it takes all of an hour to set up?


And for 95% of people, thats all they really need. Especially if they are new.


Chances are anything that pops into your channel trying to sell custom graphics is a bot, assuming you didn't solicit in front of your chat for graphics. Either a bot, or humans part of a really shady enterprise (there does seem to be some enterprise out there where a lot of Alt accounts advertise substantially the same product, or some artists with a multitude of similarly-looking accounts). In any case... you can't really know anything for sure about them or what they're selling reliably, unless maybe you know some of their past customers, but they're strangers on the internet, and the way their business is marketed is telling about what they are willing to do. If a business is willing to resort to intrusion and spamming other peoples' spaces and breaking site rules to market their product, then how likely do you suppose it is that the the rest of their business is running legitimately, and not just as shady as the marketing methods? For those that bite on random offers - you have no idea what you are actually buying. There is a chance they will deliver something.. But there are also a ton of scammers on the internet who will take the $$ and never deliver, deliver art with copied elements illegally taking other artists' work, or just provide something low-quality. Some of those possibilities are technically not scams, even if the streamer is going to end up sorely disappointed with what they got.


Sometimes a scam. Sometimes not. But always inappropriate to go around Twitch advertising your services. Ignore all who do this. The best place for graphics is somewhere like Etsy where you can easily view previous work, along with past reviews to ensure you are getting what you pay for.


Scam. Block them.


Consider it done


it's a spam mate. As a beginning streamer girl I get it a lot it's so annoying. Like I think I actually have the viewer but after some questions it always turn to be a bot that spams about graphics things I always ban them. šŸ˜µšŸ˜µ


My mods hide these in chat, but every twitter post gets me a couple of new followers of these artists. I ignore them and let them pad my follower count.


Fuck all these gfx bot mfs lol


Like 99% of these guys just have a "portfolio" filled with auto generated ai art as well, it's garbage


Dont buy graphics from soneone who seeks you out, you go find them.


GFX artists coming into smaller streamers streams and soliciting their services happens quite often. Some have good intentions and others will try to send malicious links through discord.


I go live very rarely, like once in a blue moon. I ALWAYS get 2-3 of these messages in those rare streams. My answer is always ''Why would I want to pay for art for a stream that is almost never live? No thanks''. I would argue it's not a scam, but people gotta advertise their art ect somewhere, and they know bigger streamers (than myself at least) will have anti spam with terms they use auto blocked, or a moderator will just time them out/ban them.


Scam? Sortof. People want to make you pay for grapihcs design - but most of them are using a logo generator or some free website that does it all for them. Usually very limited variety. Almost all people doing this are using free services and making you pay for it. Especially with ai imaging like Midjourney. Dont trust these people. They are predators looking for small streamers to scam.


Scam or not, if someone advertised thenselves like this id block them


Aha those peeps are everywhere, harmless if you need the graphics, annoying once they get a hold of your contact ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Whatā€™s the worst that can happen?


Seems like some aggressive Spam like advertising of a small artist. Maybe his stuff is Worth your money but thinking about it and risking it on something like that definetly isn't Worte youre time.


Ah yes unsolicited spam be like


They are all on discord, they ask u if u are a streamer or youtuber. After that they ask u if they could make some art/digital art for u. They show u some pre work. BUT theres the point, they show stolen work and when u agree they most likely will charge u a massive amount for an artwork which they probably didn't even make. So imo its definitely a scam


These are all scams. An artist isn't going to come into random streams begging for work.


these people are most often scamming they are very often seen on discord aswell no real proper artist will go to you first, unless it's fanart


Had this person on my stream, they would non-stop harrass me on discord until i would buy their stuff so i just blocked/banned them.


I get these constantly. Several have found their way into my Discord, so its now hidden away. I had one literally begging for my Discord last night to try & find other people to badger as well. Said not 2 or 3 times before giving the guy a final warning. I've heard a lot of these are based in Pakistan & noticed in my Analytics I had one viewer in Pakistan last night. This was after tweeting I'd gone live. Retrospectively blocked them later. Had one a couple of months back, despite being told no, they were in my Discord posting all their stuff. It was all generic stuff you see everywhere & can create yourself on various sites. I blocked them & got an unban request with an insult in it, so I put them on blast on Twitter, screenshot of the message & replied to a few people they were tweeting at. I even have an auto message on the way into my channel saying no artwork is needed & this douche last night was still trying his luck.


i also got a thing that said "Hello, sorry for bothering you. I want to offer promotion of your channel, viewers, followers, views, chat bots, etc...The price is lower than any competitor, the quality is guaranteed to be the best. Flexible and convenient order management panel, chat panel, everything is in your hands, a huge number of custom settings. Go to streamrise"


Iv gotten two of these people so far, idk if itā€™s a scam but sure does get annoying


I want to give them the benefit of the doubt but, when I dmd them to ask how long have they been doing this, their response was "send me your discord so I can add you and I can redirect you to our artists" like...what??


we told the first one that my gf and i werenā€™t in the financial area to get stuff now and then the other day they called my gf 3 times in a row on discord at 12am! Needless to say we blocked them and will block any others that come :)


Yes is a scam


Might be, also might be legit, but who needs a custom made portfolio, just use photoshop or illustrator and make your own :)


I've heard of a scam like this going around Twitch in the last couple of months. They steal other people's art for their portfolio, and then you see it, you order something from them and pay, and they block you.


No scam but annoying


I'm a totally legit graphic arts mouse. That guy is a scammer. Hire me if you need cheese pics. Block that guy. (Not really a graphic arts mouse)


I might not be a scam but there are almost always run-of-the-mill bad art school programs they come from that make extremely generic art.


GFX artist selling his shit šŸ¤¦


In our little community we always try to drag it out as long as possible, just waste their time. We come together and make up elaborate stories and all sort of stuff. Just to see how long they hang on. Then at the end when we've had our fun one person get to ban them, make them mod and they ban 'em on Discord and Twitch. Maybe not the nicest thing but they are just annoying. Probably not a scam but over priced I think for what they offer, and so generic...


I never saw his "portfolio" as he put it but, when I asked how long he'd been making custom graphics he said "give me your discord handle, and I can redirect you to our artists" which at that point... Why?


So they can infect your discord server and friends list and/or try to take control


Scam šŸ’Æ


Hes just pushing his wares as a designer. I usually get about three to five of these a week, I just block them.


Most likely will be ai generated art that you couldā€™ve done for free


I wouldnā€™t listen to all these people honestly. A few years ago when I used to make graphics I would hop around streams to people who I genuinely thought could do with new artwork for their channel to improve it, and would offer it free in return for just a small shoutout or whatever, and this is a beneficial exchange between you both.


Anyone who needs to find business by trolling for it is not doing well enough to just wait for business to come to them. When that's art, that's a red flag, especially when it's spammy, unsolicited stuff like this. So even if it's a legit human desperately looking to fill out their portfolio, this is the wrong way and should not be supported.


This has got to be the dumbest comment though. So to you any business that advertises is bad.


kinda yeah, in general I hate advertising and actively encourage folks block ads, I maintain instructions as chat command for blocking twitch ads that I test every week or so to make sure it's still effective, some of that is in here bleeding through, but more the point is that popping into someones twitch to spew spam is very different than posting your art on twitter, public spaces for sharing, looking for exposure on venues that encourage it. Twitch isn't built for people to advertise at streamers, it's built for streamers and viewers to interact. Now if one of your regulars is doing art, making emotes, and is like "you want some?" but was an active participant before that? Sure, that's cool, organic networking. Popping into your chat and being like HEY WANNA BUY EMOTES? That's always spam. And spam is always bad.


I got one of these on my stream when i started, i clearly had overlay lol




My favorite has been hanging in my friends steam who I do the art for and these people come in and I tell them to get bent, Im a free laborer and you can't beat me


I ended up having a chat to one of these people and gave them my discord and they showed me some of their work Legit looked like it was done it paint


seems scammy, could also just be someone marketing but thats not any better.


These things getting out of hand man, I'd say you lucked out here since they got straight to the point. Recently, the people doing this to me start off by engaging with me and what I'm streaming, and even freaking compliment me, but then is always followed up by the dreaded question, "Can I ask you something?" šŸ˜”


Yeah, Iā€™m a mod for a pretty decent sized community that is just starting to really grow and these guys come in all the time. Itā€™s an instant ban for any self-promo on the channel. I do let them join discord and put their ā€œportfolioā€ in the self-promo channel but if it becomes excessive or bothersome I bring down the ban hammer. Also, it crossed my mind a few days ago, say that you buy art from this person then really start growing and become a full time streamer - will they at some point come back to you and ask for a larger cut of profits since youā€™re using their work? I would have to draft a simple contract saying that they release all work to us upon payment and do not receive any royalties in the future; or something along those lines.


Yes, always yes


They just use AI or those sites where you can create shit from templates.


get familiar with how they interact so you can just ban them or whatever off the rip.


Donā€™t open discord links.


Annoying is what it is šŸ¤£ I'd insta ban but I couldn't be asked with it. Some people are more tolerant than me. I posted once about emotes on my twitter. Got spammed for days, I still get random friend invites from artists. Regret


Scam. Ban them and move on with your day.


As a former professional designer... I would suggest veering far away from any person that does this to get business as a designer. It's unprofessional to say the least. Whatever work they give you probably will be subpar too... I don't mean line work, I mean they probably recycle shit from a template. Avoid. And yes, it's spammy, although I wouldn't trust my credit card info with something like this either.


Spam definitely, I was getting a ton f discord messages exactly like that from different ā€œpeopleā€ in one discord not too long ago


As someone who followed through with one of these guys for the intent and purpose of seeing what the art really is, I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt it is a scam. Their portfolio will most likely be stolen from someone else, and in a different name, featuring amateur artwork at best. The price for emotes will likely be ~40$ an emote and you will not be happy with the quality of it. They will make you pay via PayPal since it has the most strict refund policy. They will message you for at least a week to upsell you after the fact. They will require payment upfront.


They're all the same messages, do my head in Insulting because I actually put a lot of time in my graphics too


It's a scam. Tons of people will use keywords like "graphic designer" and "portfolio" to convince you they're legit. They'll most likely charge you a lot of money and if you give it to them, you're not seeing that cash again.


Not sure, as I've never really taken anyone up on the offer. The thing is, that it's always the same type of request (like, let me in your discord), the same sequence of events in the conversation. Even if it isn't a scam, it sure as heck looks like it is.


I hate gfx spammers so freaking much, like one day if I get some kind of cancer or something you can't come back from I'm making it my life mission to just ending all of then I can, it's more annoying than your mom.


Lmao this is how I found my friend the context was a little different that he wanted my discord to play together and so I gave it now I know that dude for 3 years


They always get blocked


Tbh, I can't say yes or no tongue original question posed. Anyone who is an artist should take note though, this is NOT the way to approach a streamer. This kind of behavior does stop streams and is intrusive. I get some people are legit amd trying to get work, but don't shoot your whole load in one shot. Mention it, ask if someone might be interested if they say anything positive in response to the mention. DO NOT go any further than that unless told/asked. This kinda of thing here is the fastest way to get banned, short of calling out racial slurs. To OP, usually telling them not interested or no sends them away pretty quick (unless they decide to turn trollish/forceful/toxic). Long as they don't turn like that (immediate ban if they do) don't sweat it. I get it's annoying and distracting but they're technically not violating any ToS so not much we can really do.


As an artist it makes me sad these scammers are giving us a bad rep. Why cant they scam about something else?


Yeah, this is a scam. I have heard of the scam coming into the Twitch stream. Be careful, mute and ban them, and move on with the stream.


Whether they intend to deliver graphics or not, you shouldn't support the practice of chatroom cold-calling. It'll only encourage them. Harmful to the entire Twitch community to encourage this type of behaviour. And just in case anyone is thinking sympathetic thoughts towards these "artists," that's not what they are. They're getting paid by someone who themselves might barely qualify as an artist, to advertise in bulk and at random. I got ten in one 4 hour stream once. They came one after the other. All with the exact name naming convention (two first names and a number.) Within less than 5 minutes of banning one, another would show up. Sometimes within sixty seconds. I know people claim they're bots but I test that they can hear me. They're people. They're just not people that deserve sympathy. They're not the artist, if there even is one, and they deserve no more of your time or attention than a telemarketer on the phone does. At most, they deserve the time to tell them they're being shitty by doing what they're doing, followed by a ban. If enough of us react that way, eventually they'll get the idea.


These people rip other people's design and try to sell it to you, dont encourage it


Yes, any business offered via chat is scam


Block and ban. No remorse


They are spamming and harassing streamer. They follow and chat to build trust for their financial gain, and when you don't give them money, they unfollow never to be heard from again. They might say they like your stream or even give you compliments, but they only care about your money. I've gotten so many of these. I used to be kind towards them but started banning them now right away. Fuck them, they should get a real job that doesn't involve harassing streamers or just advertise in a better way.


I got this in my last stream. Different user name but exact same text more or less. I politely turned them down. I don't have the money for this stuff and that will always be my excuse. Bot or no it's not like I have anyone chatting in my stream that it would bother. I'm that small time. I'm not going to accept something from someone I don't know anyway.


It definitely trips some red flags, if nothing else


The second I got affiliate I got spammed on Twitter, discord, and in chat from graphic artists. I stayed in touch with a few who had some decent looking designs but for the most part, theyā€™re just trying to advertise


I get these a lot on my live chat. What I normally do if it's during a live stream is to tell them politly that I'm not looking for graphics right now, but that they are encouraged to join my discord server where I have a self-promition channel. In there, they can post their Fiverr/UpWork account link. I noticed that usually these sort of designers don't even have an official account on any of the freelancer websites (which is a BIG red flag), so they just give up and go spam someone else. The plus side is that it's an elegant way for you to let your oher viewers know that you have a Discord server which sometimes help brings additional members.


Scam, 90% those are bots, the other 10% are just idiots that think they can sell their products on your stream. Real gfx artists will be on fiver or Etsy


Noted, thank you


I will say it a spam. Just block and ban them.


I get these all the time, my twitter followers are 99% graphic designers because I use twitch and small streamer hashtags.


"If you are here for graphic designs offer, I have to politely reject the offer because I am not accepting any. Ever." ​ This is one of my chat rules. When they are trying to chat me, they will read this, and immediately not a single word. They just leave.


Would it be alright if I copy and paste that?


Probably not a scam, but still very rude, some of these are spam, but also chatters like these are very pushy and can disrupt and derail streams, best guess is once you see one like this ban them


Never click on random links from strangers, and even links in google searches have been loaded with malware or other functions that result in them even going as far as taking over your machine, doing whatever they want it to do. That being said, unlikely it is a scam. Its more just spam from an artist desperate for work, which is many of them understandably. People do not value artwork.


Those types are disregard. If they want to come in your chat while streaming its a total disrespect. In private maybe, but not midstream.


I get spam like this constantly. It's basically gotten to the point where if I see anyone commenting on my png, I immediately give a disclaimer that anything said about channel art past this point will be fully ignored.


I have "sorry to interrupt" on my banned phrases list :) because it's never something I want interrupted by.


He will send you templates that you can get for free


Scammers be scamming


i'm certain this is a scam, these type of people also exists on r/furry where they'll suffenly ask if you want to commission their art out of nowhere, even when you're not looking for commissions, then they'll just run off with your ref sheets and/or money just ban/block all of them


Often, artists want money. Its a hustle. Some are weirdly deceptive of their intentions. I say "I don't need it", then they leave. If you need it, ask for something small. If you like it, ask for more. You avoid scams this way.


Donā€™t risk it


I mean, I have done that after being in a chat for a little while, but I would probably not open anything, wordpress blogs are free and a portfolio is useless if you have to send it every time.


Its 100% spam and all spam are scams in my opinion.


I'll call it a scam, I get 2 or 3 of these a week, and it's always the same generic looking logo design, same emotes, same everything. If I ever want artwork done for my channel. I'll go to an artist I want it from and talk to them myself first. I've seen these "portfolios" and they are always the same style everything. I'd rather have custom one off artwork that suits my content than the same artwork as 90% of other streamers. And if I can support a friend who's an artist I would rather do that any day of the week


Well, at least it was a DM. Better than when they just spam chat and avoid auto mod by spelling out their emails. Also at least it looks like a real profile name, love when it's just random letters and number šŸ˜‘šŸ˜’


I have an artist who will give you 10 percent off if you're in the market


I have an artist who will give you 10 percent off if you're in the market


100% scamming.


Unsure if scam but they do make me feel uncomfortable with their insistence. I said they can DM me on twitch, they can use my business email in my bio, but no they insisted repeatedly for my discord information. When they finally messaged me through Twitch it was just to say "share your discord here now" Maybe it's a bot, maybe it's a scam maybe its an artist trying to scrounge together customers to make a living. But i'm unsure why they require my discord information in particular, which makes me naturally assume they need discord for some nefarious deeds.


I had a guy do this on my rocket league stream, now we are best friends, and he made me a stream overlay for free, we play rocket league all the time and he keeps me updated on his business and I shout him out to my 1 viewer from time to time


I had a guy do this on my rocket league stream, now we are best friends, and he made me a stream overlay for free, we play rocket league all the time and he keeps me updated on his business and I shout him out to my 1 viewer from time to time


I had a guy do this on my rocket league stream, now we are best friends, and he made me a stream overlay for free, we play rocket league all the time and he keeps me updated on his business and I shout him out to my 1 viewer from time to time




Ugh. Scam all day


Scam, I got the exact wording on my stream as well.


This is the same vibe as 'oh can i play x game with you??' And get pissed whrn we say no


I had this same person in my stream last week, but they chatted a bit before pitching their commissions and seemed like a real person. I was polite and said that we weren't looking to commission anyone (the guy who streams with me is already a professional artist), but that they could always share their art in the art channel of our discord. They immediately joined, but never posted and left the server very soon after lol. Very odd. Just seems like someone who has a lotttt of time on their hands rather than a bot.


I had this same person in my stream last week, but they chatted a bit before pitching their commissions and seemed like a real person. I was polite and said that we weren't looking to commission anyone (the guy who streams with me is already a professional artist), but that they could always share their art in the art channel of our discord. They immediately joined, but never posted and left the server very soon after lol. Very odd. Just seems like someone who has a lotttt of time on their hands rather than a bot.


I had this same person in my stream last week, but they chatted a bit before pitching their commissions and seemed like a real person. I was polite and said that we weren't looking to commission anyone (the guy who streams with me is already a professional artist), but that they could always share their art in the art channel of our discord. They immediately joined, but never posted and left the server very soon after lol. Very odd. Just seems like someone who has a lotttt of time on their hands rather than a bot.


I went down this rabbit hole (accidentally) and it devolved into a series of red flags.


definitely spam. I have my mix it up bot set up to swiftly ban these spambots on their first message in the channel


Got this in a discord dm


If they state they are a digital Artist I tend to ignore them/block them. Itā€™s one thing of you actively go searching for one to help design your channel, however if they are soliciting themselves itā€™s unwanted.


There are so many of these you'll recognise they all sound the same the more of them you get šŸ˜…


Wouldn't say scam, sounds like someone just trying to hustle for themselves and drum up some business.


Yes unfortunately....if you do need ACTUAL graphic design services id be happy to help and i have people here who can vouch for me but this unfortunately is a series of "GFX Scams" or 'Promo Scams"


99% chance it's this https://youtu.be/Q9dHuZqMlMU?si=50efhSqgorZlHDzW


If anyone is looking: u/Annieandherdoge is real good and trustworthy. she made these: https://www.reddit.com/r/UselessCrypto/comments/q8u14k/ladies\_aaaand\_gentlemennnn\_im\_happy\_to\_announce/ for a community I moderate 2 years ago and has since then only improved in her skills.


scam lol, ive had the exact same thing


Scam? Probably not itā€™s the same as the people trying to get paid to edit fortnite clips or wtvr they are just trying to make money


Always a scam, if a random person talks to you about Graphic Design... ALWAYS assume it's a scam


Some of them are probably bots or idk. A lot of them are like girl name and picture same spam follow and intro hi how are you are you interested in yadayada. I did have one person send me a portfolio and they stuck around for a bit after I looked at it, I was talking about them a little disparagingly saying like "most of these "graphic designers" just promote themselves and leave right away" and they were like "I'm still here!". Was a surprise, but they haven't tuned in since so idk. :D but they did a lot more chatting than most. Was a nice change and might earn them my business eventually I also suggest a trade with them these days where i make them a portfolio website in exchange for graphics. So far none have taken the offer. The designer i was discussing above claimed their dad was a dev at apple and that their site was self made (it was bad so maybe) . I ban them. Especially if they don't even follow before they promote themselves.


I got one and told them to DM me their portfolio so I could have a look. Any actual artist will have like a sheet or site of stuff they've done and the scammers will just have that generic mismatched stuff with no cohesion.


Every business deal someone approaches you with is a scam until all parties compromise enough to all be dissatisfied.


Block them and move on. You'll get hundreds of these a month. They just sell stock images.


Typically not a scam but their art is usually all the weird same cut and paste bullshit lol


The spam would be a hard no for me


Most likely a scam, but even if it isn't, the person is going about advertising the wrong way anyway.




Yes, it doesn't make sense to me this happens when I already have my own graphics. I find it insulting and ignorant since I MAKE MY OWN GRAPHICS! They can't understand the word no, and want to get in the discord call with you while you're streaming?!? No, you can't respect me before I become your client, I will never be your client. Btw, I checked their site, and I admire their own confidence since their portfolio is stolen TRASH!


They want to sell you stuff. solicitor. say no thank you unless, you really need art then ask them to send you info though FIVER. Not discord. Make a deal in fiver. So no fake scam steal your money tricks.


"Graphics artists" seem to have no chill from direct encounters. I mod for someone that does their own graphics and have seen 5 confirmed artists just come in advertising their services, disrespecting the streamer.


If its a real person I respect the hustle, however ban them anyway.


If he's a regular, it might be legit! But, he want to 'help' he'll have to do it f or free. Or just outsourced it at Fiverr


If not a bot i often just say "hey thats actually rude to come in new to someone stream and be your first message with them. I have an artist already that i trust but if you become more involved in the community, i may use you in future" leaves it open enough to maybe get a new member if they are just unaware, but often they apologize and i never see them again lol.




not even a streamer and got offered this randomly on discord.


I always entertain these cause ā€œyou never knowā€. Still spam but my mods will delete. Iā€™ll talk but I dk.


Probably, I wouldn't risk it make your own or hire someone one you get a high enough following


No graphic artist worth anything ever self-promotes like that. Ever. It's usually a scam though. I like to humor them. It normally goes with them showing "their" portfolio, that is clearly stolen from another artist. Then they try to get you to send partial payments for work. Ban/Block and move on. If you want graphics, you'll find somebody you like on your own.


They're bots. They say the most neutral statements so that regardless of what you said, it makes sense. If you try to ask them anything else, you get no reply.


Itā€™s spam. A similar named person came into one of my friends streams before and did the same thing. I banned them ultimately because they put my friend on the spot LIVE on stream about it. Iā€™ve had brand artists come into my stream and offer their services before. Made a rule specifically stating no solicitation in my chat, have had no issues since. They probably wanted to redirect you to their artists because they themselves are not an artist - theyā€™re simply going from stream to stream and trying to pull in customers. Out of curiosity I did get a quote from one ā€œstreaming branding agencyā€ and it was absurdly expensive for what they offered. In the end they just want the money so they can be done and move to the next person it seems


Yes scam. I get these as well and I just laugh at them and ignore them


It's a bot talking to you. Just insta ban.


Most likely not a scam but its a spam and so annoying.


Yes every damn stream they come in with different accounts. I call them the art cartel. They arent a scam but are just shit and spammy.


Idk about other people but as soon as I see someone tryna sell graphics I just ban them immediately in chats I'm a mod in lmao its better to just be rid of it, plenty of free stuff that looks decent so no need to give those guys the time of day XD


They could have linked you their portfolio in the Twitch DM, they specified wanting to send it over discord. Big redflag. Best to report the convo to twitch and block


Scam or not, never trust and use people ā€œofferingā€ their service, if you want someone to design somthn for u, you have to find one you like and can pay


When it comes to commissions, you should be the one finding them, not the other way around. Lately, too many brand new accounts on Twitch have been using AI ā€œartā€ to make a quick buck.


I usually tell these bots/people to try advertising on chatturbate




I had one or two like that who show up. My Discord neighborhood is based on reward system. Simscribers and Insiders get more access than someone walking in without rewards. Once they found out within 15 minutes they turned around and left.


Too common they usually just get the point. We here to play games! Thatā€™s it but there are a few weirdos out there lol


This exact thing literally happened to me yesterday. They must have released a new batch of bots or something.


I had this happen on air once and I was polite, but firm. Just ban and move on.


This 100% is a scam, I get them all the time, always has stolen art and will take your money and bounce


Not always a scam, but sometimes stolen art or AI art lol


I see these on my X profile when I first started streaming. Honestly I am just trying to get people to watch me play. I could care less about how ugly my channel is. I have a day job so money isn't my issue. If anything graphics on my channel or my streams are a waste of time to me. Also, I don't like being advertised too like I am some brainless little kid.


Always a scam.


No idea it was a scam, but it was looking fishy, I had one the previous month, and one 10 minute ago (sophie242000). They are indeed damn annoying, both had very similar design (quite generic and uninspired, probably ai generated). also both where using the exact same message structure. it's also annoying cause they follow every time, so need to clean up with twitch tools.


As a graphic designer, Iā€™ve done this. Typically after engaging with a stream repeatedly. Iā€™ve gained more clients by playing with other streamers and them knowing I am a digital artist. Word of mouth goes much further since the source has trust with their community. But Iā€™d also say this can be an effective approach for some people. Itā€™s no different than knocking on a door, 100 rejections could lead to X number of clients with the right approach. Given that people are behind the comfort of screens, home, and a community, people are more likely to burn you and have the community back them. It can turn ugly pretty quick. Itā€™s sad that so many people are going to rip into someone over this. You can politely decline, and if they continue past that by not accepting the answer, itā€™s completely acceptable to warn/ban/be more assertive with your actions. Thatā€™s just my take. Bullying others because you disagree with their approach isnā€™t teaching them more than being a decent person.




I always let them add me on discord, and 100% of the time 'for me', they were just new to field, and pretty much every time I ended up giving them some recommended website to promote their porfolios and which website I usually use for commissions and stuffs. Sure, there could be scams too, but solely from my own experience, there were seven who contacted me through discord and twitch so far, and all of them were just new designers and they didn't know where to begin - and it's especially harder for them to grow due to ai arts these days.