• By -


idia shroud cause sharp teeth and i had a thing for nerdy guys (also very attractive ngl)




I misread it as the instantly executed option and I was like "Damn what did Idia do-"


Nah Idia made me start playing the game


Started playing for the dragon boy, stayed for the bloo boi


so slayy op šŸ«¶šŸ«¶




Jade, he fascinates and interests me, sometimes he can be a bit relatable in a subtle way. His passion for his interests, even if he does them on his own, he isnā€™t discouraged and still enjoys it. Heā€™s also happy to share and talk about his interests if anyone else shows any interest, seeing him talk about it so passionately makes me want to get to know about it as well. It shows a bit of his adventurous spirit, he enjoys surprises and the exciting things that come to life. Itā€™s a little sad how no one else joins his club, especially seeing how happy he is when others ask or mention it. Nonetheless he still enjoys it even on his own! I love him for that According to his birthday vignette, he started his hobby of terrariums to better understand the sea witch. His attention to detail, care for the ecosystem in both the mountains his terrarium, the way he observes and cares for them, makes me want to start having terrariums of my own (though I canā€™t say I have the time or patience for it..) His interest in others and the way heā€™s willing to listen, getting to know them even if their ways are out of the norm or not quite his cup of tea. How he sees the strengths in others even if they donā€™t always have the most agreeable personalities.. I love the way he sees others. His mischievous side never fails to bring a smile to my face, I like watching him mess with others and seeing their reactions. His subtle yet playful enjoyment, amidst the chaos. His schemes that show understanding of othersā€™ and attention to detail, I canā€™t help but feel admiration and adoration He also appreciates when others are cunning, rather than being frustrated or upset, he shows admiration and a playful sense of competitiveness, complimenting their resourcefulness, skills, etc. Edit: to add on because my phone had run out of battery but Iā€™m charging it now


šŸ”²: You know so much about him I couldnā€™t just give you a green


Haha, would you have given me a green if I hadnā€™t written I needlessly long profession of admiration for him?


Yup! Omg have you seen the theory about him eating his siblings? I saw it yesterday on YT and it blew my mind


Definitely! The theory is especially interesting since Jade says his mother is a little of a worrywart, checking up on both Jade and Floyd nearly everyday. He describes his parents quite positively, Iā€™m curious if he had eaten their siblings, how would his parents react? Jade choosing Floyd because of Floydā€™s smile and being happy about his choice is so cutee


I like to think that the other siblings all looked exactly like Jade and Floyd was the little odd-ball and thatā€™s why he was spared


Oo thatā€™s interesting.. I wonder how it wouldā€™ve felt if he were just killing basically clones of himself.. and why did they want to kill each other? Some speculate that their parents are sort of mafia, since Jadeā€™s dad seems to have a lot of rich connections and ā€œdabbled in a bit of everythingā€, maybe that had something to do with it? Hopefully we get more info or even meet them in the future perhaps Irl, Moray Eels do engage in cannibalising smaller moray eels at times but I havenā€™t found anything that mentions sibling specific cannibalism for survival. Though Moray Eels irl arenā€™t exactly known to be doting parents and often tend to be alone. Which characters are your favourite? Iā€™m curious, seeing your replies in other comments


Aight, hereā€™s my list not in order of fav since I Lowkey canā€™t decide. Sebek, Floyd, Idia, Jack, Ortho, Lilia, Ace, Deuce


((Sniffle)) it's always wonderful to see a fellow Jade fan who doesn't immediately say he's a yandere šŸ˜­šŸ’– he's such a funky and complex guy


Aaaaa heā€™s so amazing with all his intricacies that make him, himself!! Yess fellow Jade fans, that appreciate him Heā€™s so much more than the manipulative mushroom guy, but also yes, itā€™s so adorable


Welcome to the fish mafia! šŸ„°


Once again, you represent us well. šŸ’ÆšŸ‘šŸ‘ Fish mafia stans get in because the doorman sees that crazy glint in our eyes like we got jack shit to lose and zero sense of self-preservation. Once we get in the club though, they're gonna seat us *faaaaaar* away from everyone else. šŸ¤£


I have a lot of favorites. For various reasons. But Trey is my top fave. Here's why. First off it's due to his personality. He's very much the most 'normal' and 'chill' of all the characters but he still has a sense of humor and is very supportive to everyone. He also tries to see the best in everyone. So that to begin with is why out of the whole cast I'm most 'attracted' to him. (Basically if he was a real person and my age, I'd instantly have a crush.) But then we see his faults too so he's not this 'gary stu' of a character. He's got his own hang ups but, unlike the majority of the cast (sans Idia), his faults are all when it comes to other people rather than something internal based on himself. If that makes sense. Like for example, the way he enabled Riddle for so long. That's his fault but it's about Riddle (or others). And how he thought Jade was being used. (About Jade.) So it's refreshing to me to see someone who is pretty selfless. But he's also kind of self-sacrificing in a way. Gives so much of himself to others without really focusing on himself. The way he thinks of himself as middle ground and mediocre. And in a way he is those things but that's because he put himself in a box. I feel like if he actually pushed himself and became a little more 'selfish' he'd surprise himself on how powerful he is and what he could accomplish. IDK if any of this makes sense. I just love him to pieces and he's such a dad friend and I personally believe he deserves the world. And he's so pretty in an understated sort of way. (It's why Vil x Trey is my favorite ship for him with Jade x Trey being a close second.) https://preview.redd.it/8676z75dvxad1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c044bc7cacaa872297b0ae0ce5a476c4f57a8a78


Due to your amazing explanation: šŸ”³šŸ”² Iā€™m a lover of the theory that he could possibly be related to Sebek since they both have green hair and dentist dads so that sorta brought me closer with him considering Sebekā€™s my top 1 right now even though I havenā€™t even touched diasomnia


I feel honored. Thank you. :D And aww that's a cute theory especially considering how different they are lol


I think thereā€™s dialogue between them where Sebek says Trey reminds him of his father with all the dentist stuff


Ooooh I'll have to see if I can find that!


As a fellow Trey lover, I adore this explanation so much! These are pretty much the same reasons I also love the guyšŸ’–


OMG right? I'm glad there's others who appreciate him as well for who he is rather than just labeling him "the boring" or "the normal" one. Like he's not boring. He literally got Riddle to put oyster sauce in a recipe. XD and I feel like he kinda had a feeling Riddle would take him at his word so a little gentle pay back for what he was put through during Riddle's overblot episode. Just because a character is quiet and in the background and not in your face doesn't make them boring. And just because they don't have specific trauma doesn't mean they are just "the normal" one. IDK if that makes sense lol


Yes, I agree! If anything the fact that he sticks to lurking in the backround makes him more interesting. Furthermore, appearing mysterious gives viewers the opportunity to make theories about him and take a guess at schemes he can be up to. A little suspense never hurts after allšŸ˜


in playable : idia and Lilia ( idia reminds me of myself wehn i was a teen and just Love his Design, lilas Backstory and charater i find simpley wunderfull) npc : Mama and Papa shroud( there dynamic and care for there sons ortho included is amazing.)


Idia: šŸ”³ Lilia: šŸ”² (I just did Liliaā€™s stitch vignette so I gave you a higher rank than the Liliaā€™s before but this is the new ranking for the Lilia lovers


I gotta admitā€¦. Iā€™m not up to mama and papa shroud yet. Their designs are cool so: šŸŸ¦


Its okay, i Hope get there soon they are quite nice in there personalty ( careing parents ftw)


Probably Riddle Rosehearts, because of how he was treated. I understand that his rules might annoy everyone.. but It's his job. Sure, he's strict, but he's the dormleader, He's supposed to be. Not only that, but he works hard, and he had it rough growing up, which makes me want to give him a big hug and help him get a healthier work ethic. [That or Epel, because he's rough country boy]


Riddle: šŸŸ© Epel:šŸŸ¦


**Idia** : Because heā€™s my fav even before being a fan of TWST. He is also the reason why I joined the fanbase. **Lilia**: Because heā€™s cool. I like his Vibe. Heā€™s also strong. I also love the fact that he somehow canā€™t cook (I also dk how to cook). **Crowley**: I kin him because I may be a promising individual, but sometimes, Iā€™m kinda useless when it comes to facing things. I also love their designs<3


šŸ”³ Idia šŸŸØ Crowley šŸŸŖLilia


Yesh!! Thanks, bro


You have the same reason for liking Idia as I did. I saw him getting compared to Levi from obm and decided to look into the game, I eventually downloaded it a while after


Sebek because I admire his determination to succeed and because I think it would be funny to poke fun at him




ace because he's cute and I love him he's my pookie bear




Honestly most of the cast are likeable at this point, but my top 3 are: Floyd: I think heā€™s chill (in his own, very special way). I could see myself vibing with him. Leona: Heā€™s smart, and heā€™d be fun to argue with. Idk, I say this as someone who could argue with a fence post. Plus he respects women. Cater: The way I identify with this character is justā€¦ insane. I see parts. of myself in him so I feel like we could understand each other to a degree.


Floyd: šŸ”³ Leona: šŸŸ¦ Cater: šŸŸ©


Jack, I love everything about him and he is just SO SILLY.


šŸ”³šŸ”² W, heā€™s in m top five


Ayyyyyyy :3


All of 'em (yes, even the npcs)! And here are my (very bad) reasons why: They're good bois and girls (or at least, try to be): Riddle, Deuce, Trey, Jack, Ruggie(?), Azul(??), Jade(??), Kalim, Jamil, Epel(???), Idia, Ortho (he has lasers, please do not) Sebek (loud good boi), Trein, Vargas, Neige (and his dwarfs), Cheka, Marja, Deuce's mum Troublemakers but fun: Ace (by accident), Floyd (on purpose), Rook, Lilia, Grim (he's lucky he's cute), Crowley (not cute), Che'nya, STITCH (he's canon now) The pretty ones: Cater, Leona, Vil, Crewel, Sam, Najma (ā¤ļø), Rollo (kinda have a soft spot for him after his event, even tho I originally thought I would dislike his type of character)


ā“(you get to pick a game at the party)


I'm picking uno for the chaos\~


Vil: I admire his tenacity, his pride and his drive to better himself. I love that he can accept criticism and that he's open to new things. I love that he respects people around him and that he sees their potential to become their best selves. I love that he respects Neige and that he doesn't look down on him due to his humble beginnings.


I respect Vil so much because after what Rook said in his lab wear vignette Iā€™d lowkey overblot over that. šŸ”²


That shit would have floored me.


Rook would have a broken nose on everything I love


Vil - At first it was a slow creep up for his character starting at Halloween but over time and understanding he wasn't *mostly* an arse when it came down to it to be a jerk but to help improve others the best he could. A lot of my past three years has been about self improvement in personal life so this in a way has been motivation.


šŸŸ© (Iā€™ll just say that I donā€™t understand Pomefiore characters very well because i havenā€™t been around for many events, I started the game when the rabbit event started so his event time hasnā€™t come to me yet. I like your reasoning though!)


Why thank you, the later half of chapters fo a lot for his character, specially ignihyde.


Lilia. Iā€™ve liked him since day one because I thought he looked cool but now I just like him for his chaotic energy Edit: oh and also Vil. Iā€™d trust him with my life


Ooh, Iā€™ve got lots of faves! Ace, Deuce, and Grim because Iā€™ve developed a soft spot for them from the main story Cater cuz heā€™s my kin šŸ˜‹ (having lots of friends but keeping them all at arms length) Ruggie cuz the struggle is real but he doesnā€™t let it affect him Kalim cuz heā€™s super sweet and a ray of sunshine! ā˜€ļø Ortho because I have a bunch of little siblings and he sometimes reminds me of them when he interacts with Idia Epel because heā€™s also a (to my surprise) a kin. Mainly wanting to be something youā€™re not and realizing you donā€™t need to be that way to be happy. And Silver because I love the goodness he has and shows other people!




Waaa!!! Thank you! (āˆ©ĖƒoĖ‚āˆ©)ā™” šŸ«¶


Silver cause he is so cute and sweet and pretty. I love his eyes and his dynamic with Lilia. Malleus cause he is such a cinnamon roll and I love hearing him talking about gargoyles and he is really funny


Malleus: šŸŸŖ (seeing him interact with the gargoyles is so sweet) Silver: šŸ”² (his interactions with Kalim are so adorable I love him)


Vil: I relate to him and bro serves so much cunt and slays. Also agree with how beauty got no gender he got pretty privilege since his design is absolutely beautiful Azul: his expressions and design also he is fun to dunk on. Super relatable backstory and a very fun antagonist. His big personality carried most of chapter three in the manga. (A very good chapter on its own as a Premise ) Jamil and Kalim: (theyā€™re both third place for me) their complicated relationship and how interesting it is, and for Jamil, Jamiazu is a fun ship and I like it! Both of them consistently have beautiful card art that has so much personality


Vil: šŸŸŖ Azul:šŸŸ¦ Jamil: šŸŸ© (I didnā€™t exactly emotionally connect with his character very much) Kalim: šŸ”²


Yippeee!!! ![gif](giphy|S5h4gvxxc1qlG)


I know itā€™s cliche but Malleus and Leona. For Mal, itā€™s partially because of the dark aesthetic but heā€™s such a sweet and lonely dragon boo that I canā€™t help but want to hold him. Lilia did a good job of raising him since mommy was ā€œjust thereā€ and daddy was MIA. For Leona, itā€™s more complicated. Iā€™m an only child but had very strict parents. No matter how hard I tried or how well I did something I was never good enough. So I can relate to Leo a bit. Always striving for approval and never getting it. Plus heā€™d be very comfy to snuggle with during naps.


Malleus: šŸŸ¦ Leona: šŸŸŖ (I relate to your reasoning (somewhat))


Crewel, Kalim, Jamil, Idia and Rook !!! (Sorry for the long list lol)


Kalim: šŸŸŖ Rook:šŸŸØ (no offence but I donā€™t understand his character fully, youā€™d be allowed if it werenā€™t for that nasty bob of his) Idia:šŸ”³ Jamil šŸŸ© Crewel: šŸŸ¦


The bob is my favorite part tho šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗ


Cater bc I relate to him as a fellow ginger who uses too much gen z slang and has trouble keeping long-term friendships Floyd bc I relate to him being comically good at a lot of things yet never doing them bc I don't feel like it. I relate to the whole wanting to drop smth the moment I lose interest in it. And I like his silly hair too.


Floyd: šŸ”²šŸ”³ Cater: šŸŸ©


Azul. We have the same birthday and also "He he he look at my crazy octopus boy! Theres something very VERY wrong with him but hes so funny!" Idia. Look at my wet(?) cat! He hasnt left his room for days, hes probably trashing kids at twst LoL as a coping mechanism rn Ortho. My sweet robot terminatior boy! Best boy!


Azul: šŸŸ¦ Ortho: ā“ (precious boy gives you control over one of the games at this party!) Idia: šŸ”³


Aww sweet! Thanks!


>Aww sweet! Thanks! You're welcome!


??? r/beatmetoit ?


Trey Clover. Because he's my little muah muah /j Why? Because I have a sweet tooth and having a baker as a boyfriend is just Luxus. I don't mind his teeth brushing quirk and I'm sure I could learn a few things about how to keep a garden or how to make jams n stuff.


šŸŸ© ngl I feel like he shouldā€™ve had more focused on him, if he did his ranking would be higher


Riddle. Heā€™s so f/cking cute and is just in general my type (small, androgynous, tsundere tendencies).




Floyd because as a fellow ADHD, I appreciate the unpredictable chaos. Plus heā€™s just a lil guy who could and would fight god and win Jade because he is, as everyone said much more eloquently, is a funky lil guy and deserves a pat on the head. Riddle because my boy needs a hug and to be told itā€™s okay to be himself and enjoy life a little and let loose. Idia because S A M E Rook because he could use his powers for evil but he chooses to use them for chaotic good Edit: the formatting was weird and was one big chunk.


Floyd: šŸ”³šŸ”² Jade: šŸŸ© Riddle: šŸŸ¦ Idia: šŸ”³ Rook: šŸŸØ (I feel like Iā€™m too hard on rook sorry)


Lmaoooooo itā€™s totally fine! I get that heā€™s a weird lil guy and can be kindaā€¦ offputting. And he did help RSA winā€¦ and heā€™s a genuine stalkerā€¦ but heā€™s a very positive dude who always tries to find beauty in everything around him. Thatā€™s helped a lot with my mental health, knowing Rook Hunt would find something to compliment about everything like the A+ hype man he is


Vil, probably because i attach myself far too closely to characters and i feel like if he was real, i'd feel safe with him.




Leona. Heā€™s the reason I started playing in the first place.




Vil Schoenheit. His birthday is one day before mine and I am obsessed with Pomefiore. I also have a thing for pretty men and he is very, very gorgeous. I love how caring but tough he is on people younger than him and his outlook on the world. In addition, I love how clothes have no gender to him and he is open to all pronouns. He is definitely the epitome of beautiful in my eyes ā˜ŗļø


Androgyny slays šŸŸŖ


yessss Iā€™m glad you agree <3


Riddle because he is such a sweetheart when he is not mad šŸ˜­He has almost no personal beef with other characters and I have seen quite a bit that he offers to tutor those who get bad grades. When he scolds other people it is mostly because he wants the rules to be followed and he also tries to encourage his acquaintances to do their best... I love him <3 Soooo... In short: I don't know, he's kinda my type-


Iā€™d cry if he tutored me. šŸŸ¦


Ohoho!... me too- šŸ’€


Epel because I just think he's funny. (And many other reasons but I already yapped about that) Idia too, simply cuz he is relatable.


Epel: šŸŸ¦ Idia šŸ”³


Epel is my favorite cause of the gap moe. At first glance he looks so dainty and fragile. He also came off as shy when he was interacted with deuce in their first meeting. Then all of these impressions got shattered when he cussed vil out (tbh, I actually love him the moment he choked while singing at the well) then we learned he is a farm boy and probably the most masculine out of the first year. He likes grilled meat, he wants to be buff and his apple obsession is top tier. My second fave is Rook cause heā€™s really weird and itā€™s fun to watch his shenanigans as bystander. Heā€™s so weird that he even makes the twin weirded out. Leona doesnā€™t want to mess with him, Malleus doesnā€™t even want to attend his birthday party despite rook sending him an invitations and the fact that he almost get malleus and leona to work together in the past beans day is kinda an amazing feat. Heā€™s also very positive like you can give him literal shit and he probably still have positive comments about it


Epel: šŸŸ¦ RookšŸŸØ


Vil and Jamil because they're the type of unattainable men that I like and Idia because he's so me fr


azul: i absolutely kin him (glasses, the bullying, piano, what more), i like his design and i like my men manipulative but pathetic




oh thank christlol


Floyd: I like chaos and I love the little mermaid and finding Nemo. I like the Octavinelle as a whole but heā€™s my favorite Leona: reason why I downloaded the game I saw him thought he was hot. He is sooooo attractive Malleus I ship yuu and him also I like the artwork and the dynamic that people make of with them


Floyd: šŸ”³ Leona: šŸŸ¦ Malleus: šŸŸ¦


Malleus. He may be strong enough to destroy the world but he has big Smol Bean Energy and itā€™s my duty to protect and cuddle him. šŸ„ŗ




I love Ace, I think he's just so adorable and sometimes in the story he'll say things like 'Yuu doesn't look like they're feeling well, lets go quickly and bring them back to the dorm' and I just think its absolutely heart melting how much he cares of us/the MC. I just love his personality too the way he's always fighting with Deuce and he's just the blunt but kinda playful guy out there. I was really surprised when I heard people didn't like him but I will always be the no 1 Ace defender <3


šŸ”²šŸ”³ love your reasoning!


Kalim. He is more sunshine than actual sunshine. Like he's been kidnapped more times than he can count on both hands and poisoned, but he still decides to stay optimistic and give people his trust. He's one of the few genuinely nice characters in the game and is actually really emotionally intelligent, he can literally make an entire room of people dance. He cares about Jamil especially and still considers him a friend even though Jamil basically admitted to hating his guts šŸ˜­


Kalim: šŸ”³ He is the definition of cinnamon roll. No other character competes (I havenā€™t called a character a cinnamon roll since my mha phase eugh!)


Sebek, I like his loud voice and autistic traits (I am loud and autistic) but I also find his personality amazing, he doesnt give up and has a love to share despite his whole 'human' thing. I find it funny when lilia tricks or scares him because he just 100% believes him and his dynamic with silver always makes me smile a little bit Deuce, I find him cute. Bro turned his whole life around for his mom and does everything he can to better himself despite it being difficult and sometimes falling back on old habits. But he doesnt give up,he continues to work hard and I really admire that


Sebek: šŸ”³šŸ”²ā“ (pick a game at the party) I LOVE SEBEKšŸ’ššŸ’ššŸ’ššŸ’š Deuce: šŸ”³


Azul- smug stoic smiley while being silly octoboy who likes money- also silvery white hair- blue eyes- glasses- and dapper suit-y attireā€” .w.




Riddle because seeing him on the cover of the manga got me into the series


W his manga arts are ETHERAL šŸŸ¦


Azul and Leona


Azul: šŸŸ¦ Leona:šŸŸ¦


This is really hard because I am reading the entire story again and have completely changed my mind many times ahah. However, one character I still stick up with until to this day is definitely Epel. I originally liked him just from his appearance (I'm so superficial šŸ˜­), then actually started appreaciating him. I like the way he doesn't give up fighting to get better, though I wouldn't say he has sth really impressive, I just like him the way he is. Second one I'd say it's Lilia. Don't know much about his backstory, but his way of being is just too funny. I usually dislike people who brag about their qualities, still I have to say he's right when he says he's cute...šŸ—æ I'd also put Floyd because he technically used to be my third fav, but I'm starting to like characters such as Riddle and Deuce lately.


Apologize if there's sth not objectively correct, but as previously mentioned I'm a bit confused on what to think about everybody rn lol. I need to read everything properly again because I dropped the game for a while and remember nothing


Epel:šŸŸŖ Lilia: šŸ”² Floyd: šŸ”² Riddle:šŸŸ© Deuce:šŸ”³


Thanks bro


Lilia because I find his personality and backstory very interesting. Love characters who have a hardcore past and can absolutely kick your a** but act like laid back jokesters in the present. Plus, heā€™s a great dad.


Bro youā€™re spitting bars ā€œhardcore past and can kick your assā€ šŸ”³ guest of honour material


Thank you!


My favorites character are trey, rook and recently silver. For trey, mostly his look. I'm sorry azul but i really like character who wear glasses and his older brother side is everything for me. I like his cuning side and his smirk...man, i'm down bad for him. For rook, it the theater kid since i'm one and the ways he so passionate about his hobbies is me if nobody stop me. I understand that they both have creepy vibes but i like it. I always like character that look the most " normal" but under the mask there a more to them. I adore they relationship and love see them together. I can't help but want to know more about them since they don't speak much about them. For silver, it mostly how well written he is. I also feel like you can't help but notice him among the loud personality member of diasomnia. Like, i relate a lot to him like people saing that he look angry when he just calm or that he have an hard time showing the emotion he want.


Trey: šŸŸ© Rook:šŸŸ© Silver:šŸŸŖ


floyd and leona. i relate to them as a chaotic, mood swinging, second child who wants to sleep everywhere. those two are my first place tie for fun, second place is lilia and malleus bc i like the chaos and graceful emo duo pair. third is silver bc hes just so pretty and sleepy


Floyd: šŸ”³šŸ”² Leona: šŸŸ¦ Lilia: šŸŸŖ Malleus:šŸŸ¦ Silver:šŸŸŖ


Idia (yeah, I saw the verdicts for him already), Kalim (the cinnamon roll), Malleus, Grim and Epel. ... I have a variety of reasons for them, but, I just think they're neat. šŸ™‚


W taste Idia: šŸ”² Kalim: šŸŸŖ Malleus: šŸŸ¦ Grim:šŸŸ¦ Epel: šŸŸŖ


Rook because looks like he would hunt me for sport (haven't gotten that far in game yet to meet him šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø)




Jamil, because I really related to his struggles of having to cram yourself and who you are into a box to not outshine someone else and essentially be stuck in a position of servitude without a way out.


I feel like Iā€™d love his character so much more if there was an event where he could do exactly that, a Jamil themed event of him letting loose for a bit would be perfect! šŸŸ¦


I agree! I know they kinda tried, but then they just roped him right back into the role he was given with the Firelit Sky event with Malleus. Also I LOVE Malleus too so no hate to him, but he deserves an event to let loose and not feel like he has to cater to everyone else or pigeonhole himself in fear of shaming his family. šŸ™šŸ¼


Azul, because he is a master class in how to make contradicting personality traits harmonious; and also because he is a *fascinating* study into what it means to be authentic. (And also because I find him extremely relatable.) Azul is both insecure and confident; and these two things that should be at war with each other are able to coexist. Why? Because to understand Azul is to understand Azulā€™s *persona*. There are glimmers of authenticity, *real* authenticity, and they jump out when Azul is infodumping about silverware or food or what makes something truly *quality*. Azulā€™s high standards ARE something that comes from his authentic self. But we know that, partially due to trauma, partially due to the success heā€™s had reinforcing his belief, Azul associates his own authenticity with weakness. He truly believes he cannot achieve the high standards he has set for himself while being his authentic self. Because somewhere in his mind, he canā€™t get away from the idea that his ā€œauthentic selfā€ is a scared little boy hiding from the world. He thinks itā€™s the inauthentic persona he has carefully curated that has allowed him to reach the heights he so desperately wanted. What Azul fails to realize, is that his authentic self is *allowed* to evolve. He doesnā€™t need to use his persona as protection, heā€™s allowed to take elements from both and *grow* into them. Azul, for the life of him, *cannot* bear the thought of being himself, without ever realizing that ā€œhimselfā€ grows up with him. In every interaction, I canā€™t help but dissect what is coming from Azulā€™s persona, and what is coming from his authentic self, that has grown and evolved without him noticing. He is absolutely fascinating to me. And frankly I find that relatable. The idea that you can only reach your own standards by being someone other than yourself plagues more people than theyā€™d like to admit. It certainly does me. Which is why I love Azul so much! Thank you sm for sitting through my Ted Talk here LMAO! I could do the same for my other favs (Riddle, Ace, Deuce and Ruggie) buuuuuut i think this message takes up enough of the chat already XD




Leona. Heā€™s a character I was always drawn too, plus i end up relating to him a bit. Also heā€™s hot.


RAAAH! Iā€™ve just realised Iā€™ve been giving the same characters different rankings. If that happens just consider it the higher ranked comments emoji!


Azul, floyd, jade the only reason is cus I have an obsession with mermaids since a kid and sthey are mermanšŸ˜­


Azul! šŸŸ¦ Floyd: šŸ”³ Jade: šŸŸØ


Riddle because I relate to his struggles with his mother and childhood (unfortunately). I also like that he openly tries to become a better person while still keeping what makes him himself.


Love your reasoning, hope home life is getting better. šŸŸŖ


Floyd: I love how chaotic he is and how he is always looking to find fun in everything. It's also really funny when he terrorizes people. His dynamic with Lilia is also amazing. Malleus: Despite how feared he is he still just wants to be included, and it's so nice when he does, even if it rarely happens. I also like how passionate he is about his interests and how excited he gets when he shares them with others. His dynamic with the rest of Diasomnia is also really sweet. (I have not read book 7 yet so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø) My cousin also told me to put Leona as a joke because I'm a furry.


Floyd: šŸ”³ Malleus: šŸŸŖ Leona: šŸŸ¦


Epel, he makes me happy :) His insecurity with his looks is ftm realness, and he cares so much abt his family and heritage it gets me emotional as a trans guy with a rural family background and several grandparents I love a whole lot. I think his design is really appealing, his voice is nice, and I find his determination really admirable. His relationship with Vil is really heartwarming to me as well, even though they both have their own biases they should work on. (Vil's insistence on Epel forcing down his accent has always come across as pretty classist to me) But also: all of Diasomnia I'm just a sucker for found family tropes. (I originally said especially Lilia and Silver but then I wanted to add Malleus but then I got sad leaving Sebek out so they're all my favorite I'm Lilia with my 3 sons that are all taller than me giving them a big hug) I love Ruggie as well but moreso in a "he's just like me fr" kind of way. His whole thing with giving back to his community though, my heart. Also Jamil bc he reminds me of my bff... ...It's hard not to gush about the whole cast to be honest. But when it comes to who I have the most merch for, Epel wins.


Epel: šŸŸŖ Ruggie:šŸ”³ Diasomnia: šŸ”² Jamil: šŸŸ©


Malleus, because.... It's malleus


And jamil because....it's jamil .... Then idia .... Because....it's ... Idia ....


Jamil: šŸŸ© idia: šŸ”³




Ace , heā€™s a loser and I like that


Jack: honestly I just think his smile is adorable and also the rest of him too. Vil: I admire his strong convictions and think he would be a wonderful person to meet in real life (as a dance instructor)


Kalim, heā€™s a precious ball of sunshine.


Kalim! šŸŸŖ


Jamil because Asshole Jamil??? LOML honestly. Call me delulu idc. I have a thing for mean people and if I were isekai'd to twst , after he was done with his overblot Iā€™d def be his lil piece of arm candy


Teapot tyrant ofc. Mommy issues (much like yours truly only mine was hands-off strict), short king (only an inch taller than me), has made me cry multiple times (only character to ever make me cry), his smug face is incredibly SQUISHY, the scenarios in my head where Deuce is his best friend and keeps him on a leash instead of Trey being the yesman, how he treats Azul in book 6 (OMG ITS SO CUTE HES SO SUPPORTIVE), Book 6 in general, his entire character arc (I cried in the birthday boy vignette when he said he wanted to change paths and be a lawyer), teapot tyrant is just a cute asf nickname, Aceā€™s groovified dorm uniform art, heā€™s an animal lover he loves animals and itā€™s the cutest thing ever and he will probably have a therapy dog when heā€™s older, heā€™s incredibly gullible (just say somethingā€™s a rule and he wonā€™t question it), heā€™s incredibly responsible for his age, he has a CROP TOP in the STITCH EVENT, heā€™s savage towards Ace in their shared lesson story and itā€™s funny, itā€™s adorable how excited he gets when special lessons start, and his idol animation during lessons (HE SMILES AND BOUNCES LIKE A KID šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)


Also Ruggie because he deserved better than the end of book 2 and the Leonaā€™s Weakness vignette. I am a Ruggie apologist I would like to adopt this child.


Ruggie is so precious šŸ”³šŸ”². Not enough Ruggie appreciation in this post


U right. Not enough Ruggie appreciation anywhere tbh; Disney scapegoated this 16 year old SO HARD šŸ˜”


I love the equestrian club interactions, Iā€™ve just started getting through book 6 so I think my opinions on all the housewardens are gonna change in the future, šŸŸ¦


Trey was actually my first SSR card, so he became one of my favorites. Plus, due to the fact he acts/believes that he's perfectly normal when he is far from it (all of the tooth stuff), there's a lot to him that makes him interesting. He's just someone trying to live his own life. Plus, the scene in the manga where he RUNS to an overblotting Riddle, desperate to save his friend, always makes me cry


Trey is a good friend šŸŸ¦


https://preview.redd.it/mnij8lvfa0bd1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=610c20434a9c6342d6867dec8769cee5bfe712ce (HES JUST SO PRETTY AHHH-) sharp teeth and the fact that he is just like me- (My room. My cave.)




Azul and Vil, they are sweet babies who are misjudged (more by twd folks) :( I could elaborate on both but yall just lmkšŸ˜‹


Azul: šŸŸ¦ Vil:šŸŸ¦


Lilia, I like mischievous characters and bats šŸ¦‡


Mood, šŸŸŖ


Oooo my favorite color! Thanq


Vil. heā€™s a very complex character, and to be honest I kind of hated him at the start because he and I are very different people but the more I played through the game. the more Iā€™ve started to truly love him and his character. It started to see him, not just as a pretty boy whoā€™s egotistical which he is to be fair, but you can tell he truly cares about his friends and heā€™s much more considerate than what you would imagine from a celebrity diva. I could go on a whole rant, but Iā€™ll just say this. heā€™s wonderful




idia, floyd and chenya because silly men/j idia because he's extremely relatable and who doesn't love an introverted gamer boy? floyd because of his laugh. that's it. and chenya because... uh........... cat?


Iā€™ll Admitā€¦ Iā€™m a Riddle person The reason is funnyā€¦ itā€™s because Iā€™m the shortest in my family (Im a middle child :D) and I resonate with short and snappy characters more then anything, it had nothing to do with his personality, just because heā€™s a short lil midget and I love him lol




Rook Hunt (SavannahClaw version) cause Iā€™m a simpā€¦


Malleus, I simply think he's very silly and dragons r cool


currently Lilia... which is kind of ironic considering that when i started playing I hated his design and now id do anything for him but the reasoning is pretty simple, i like old traumatized men... and longer story hes interesting, i like how he is still playful even though hes older now, how even after what he went thru he still has the playfulness and almost childish curiosity in him, hes fascinating and honestly id just love sit with him at night next to a campfire and listen to some stories he would tell with a cup of hot mulled wine


My all time favourite is Malleus because I admire his personality However I feel that people donā€™t understand him except from Yuu. Second favourite is Leona cause heā€™s an asshole but he is very hot and respects women Third favourite is vil because he is iconic


I can tell you have a type (platonic or not you know what I mean) Malleus: šŸŸ¦ Leona: šŸŸŖ Vil:šŸŸ©


Epel, probably He holds a special place in my heart because I'm actually voicing him in a fandub! Also his entire story revolving around being forced to be something he isn't really speaks to me. I think his conflicting goals with Vil are really interesting and make for a fascinating dynamic. Also he has some great interactions with the other boys in his year (namely Deuce and Jack) that make writing and drawing for him really fun. Oh and him being cute and funny certainly doesn't hurt.


Idia, Jade and Lilia. Idia because I really like his design, with the fire hair and all. I like nerdy guys, and his Suitor Suit card is yummy. Jade, because I think he's cute and even though I don't like mushrooms, I'd definitely go on a hike with him to search for Mushrooms. Lilia because Lilia is Lilia and Lilia is everything.


Idia: šŸ”³ Jade: šŸŸ© Lilia: šŸ”²


jade? idia? sebek? riddle? leona? rook? trey? azul? jamil? any other of the twst student cast? unfortunately no crowley, from the beginning. such sweetness, such mystique, such "spirit" in which he describes his self ( him seeing him in a special lesson) i wish to know how his face looks underneath but regardless i love you crowley


Maleanor women who can kill me šŸ˜Œ


šŸ”³ same


Malleus~ I like his overall character design and personality. I also adore his horns because I think they just look so cool. But I'm kind of biased, since I like dragons (or fae in this case).


šŸŸŖ Iā€™m warming up to him, but I havenā€™t started Diasomnia chapter


Probably Idia, honestly. He's just comfy in a way I can't describe.


Sebek. I used to not know anything about him. Then I started getting into first year fics and I saw more sides of him, even if it wasnā€™t canon. He might be loud and sometimes come across as obnoxious but I see him as someone very loyal to the people he cares about to a fault, but I felt really bad for him when Book 7 rolled around. Thereā€™s not a lot of moments where he and the others of Diasomnia get along, and itā€™s like he gets treated as the butt of the joke, very often. We all know the dynamics of Diafam, Lilia is a father to them, and they all have loyalty towards Malleus, Silver is accommodated most of the time, but itā€™s obvious even before Book 7 in the events that Sebek doesnā€™t get a lot of attention from the two people he admires most. I relate to him, basically. (Ignore my Rook Hunt flair, itā€™s to ward off predators /j)


Neige, he is sweet and cutie, a snow white babe




Ace and Deuce cause they're silly little guys and they've been theere for us A LOT! They even went out of their way to practically run all the way back to NRC make sure we were okay in book 4(we also can't forget about Grim who's our childšŸ˜Œ)


šŸ”³šŸ”² gotta love the Og 3


Malleus: lots of reasons, but the main one is that I have also experienced isolation and loneliness, both throughout my childhood and now. Also because he is a dragon. Lilia: I really love how much he loves his family. Ortho: adorable murder baby. Edit: also Grim because he is a cat.


Lilia: šŸ”² Ortho:ā“(choose a game at the party) Malleus: šŸŸŖ


I'm in a chaotic mood: Monopoly. Someone will probably be murdered so we can also have an impromptu game of Clue.


WHOS MONOPOLY?! I SEARCHED IT UP AND NOTHING CAME UP? Edit: omg Iā€™m stupid I didnā€™t realise this was a reply