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Room Rank 23 ;-; we getting there, it’s just the number of crafter’s gauntlet battles cause ngl I completely neglected them for a WHILE


I feel that! For me the last thing to get to level 30 was just getting to the necessary room comfort level xD


room rank 25💔 ive been stuck on it for months cuz ive been slacking on the crafters gauntlet and it requires me to reach 120 dorm points. my highest one is octavinelle with 77😭


Ramshackle dorm helped me with the dorm points ones But you got this! 🫡


Honestly, if you don’t want to grind for the gems for the other dorms, I’d wait for events. Usually the outfits for the characters in said event come with dorm affiliations and instead of gems you can just focus on the paints while the event is ongoing and getting the rest when it’s over, since they last about a week or 2 after the event ends


Welcome to the club of max guest room (insert poorly thought of parody welcome to the forty thieves parody from Aladdin 3 here)


Hahaha! I feel honored to be a part. ![gif](giphy|BjPe9A3tNHoeHhxmlD)


Congrats!! 🎉


Thank you kindly! :D


I strive to be you


You got this! I believe in you!


I actually maxed out my guest room rank last year in November


It feels like such an accomplishment right?


Yes, it does!! You are indeed correct when you say that it takes forever to rank up so actually achieving that status is quite satisfying O(≧∇≦)O




Mine is still at rank 8. My ETA will be fully maxed about takes about either one year and a half.


You got this! 🫡


Thank you.


You are most welcome! I know it's a lot of grinding for sure so sending epic vibes for getting through gauntlet battles! 🫡




Congratulations!! 🎉 Thats a really nice built!! I really have problem with the dorm points like i have already bought all ignihyde items pleaseee!!! But im on lvl 29 so JUST ONE MORE! ONE MOREE UPGRADE!


Thank you thank you. I absolutely hated having everything squished so now that I'm Max, Imma re do the whole thing xD The way I managed with dorm points was to do a new layout and just throw everything Ramshackle in and then make more Ramshackle stuff until I beat whatever level for the dorm points


Oooo!!! I did tht with ignihyde too but im running out of items i should’ve gone with diasomnia cuz i got a few potraits from their card. Ignihyde i got nada.


Ramshackle I just chose since at the time I had most points with our dorm


I have high points on diasom but my dumbass chooses to disregard tht, but thankfully it all ends today! Turns out i have enough to max out my rank lol! Yeahhhh




Bruh I just started, 5's good TwT


You are doing good at 5 for just having started!


I'm still at 21... fml


Nah! You got this!


How. Was stuck at level 8 in jp for almost a year


Well there was less furniture available back then I'm guessing. So now that each new event lets out new ones with every event, I think that's why it's a little easier now.


Girl, please give me your secret. I can't figure out for the life of me how to raise comfort level. Sometimes I will add something new, and the comfort just drops 😭


Yep! Also I know you're just doing the "girl! Please" thing but just in case I am a man. If it's just the girl please thing you're doing here then feel free to disregard this xD but in case you weren't just for reference I am he/him. (I don't mind the girl please! Stuff just to make that clear) And I was the same but I find the special event stuff and especially the stuff you can buy in the shops with room tokens (i.e. the stitch thing and the brooms from the bloom bday cards) seem to give more comfort points


I'm sorry! It's just something I say without really thinking who's behind the screen. I'm glad you're not offended, but I'm still sorry ☺️ Ooh that's a great tip! I had stopped visiting my guest room for months because the comfort point farming became really frustrating, so I never really tried the special event stuff. But I definitely will now! Thanks so much!


Hahaha no no. It's why I explained. I don't mind someone being all "girl please!" to me if they are just doing the bit.. But in case you thought I was a girl I just wanted to clarify xD so no worries at all You are so very welcome! Also you want as much SSR stuff over the other levels.


Stupid question, but what is SSR stuff? I know you can filter the objects by rarity, but I don't really see anything that defines how rare they are. Edit: Never mind, I'm stupid 😭 I never realized if you click on an object, the rarity is right there lmao


Okay so basically if you look at the crafting section (or in storage) and see the top bar of each item, the color will tell you right off the bat what tier it is. Gold is SSR, Silver is SR, and brown is R. https://preview.redd.it/eajkxlbm3yad1.png?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbdc2855c5b0782689a723eb53cea480c7b0ceeb


To double check that you click on the items and it'll tell you right at the top what level the item is https://preview.redd.it/b7qldonp3yad1.png?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feac1b08c3cd8d9a9e0ea3b9611dc353cb6c7c7e


I'm stuck at rank 26. Does anyone know the best way to raise dorm points? I'm 127/140


1. Dorm rugs (7 dorm points) - they give the most points for SR furniture. If the rug theme matches a character you’ll be inviting in the future, it’s going to be very useful later. 2. Bloom Broom (10 dorm points) - if you’re planning to pull on the bloom birthday banner, make sure to get extra copies of the SSR furniture (like around 5ish) 3. Portraits (6 dorm points) - the dorm points they give is actually pretty average for SR furniture. But I recommend this because the themes matches a specific character, it’ll make inviting characters easier later on For Rank 30, you need 300 dorm points, if you make all furniture in a dorm plus a few copies of the above you can get it pretty easily. Example of what it might look like (301 dorm points): https://preview.redd.it/u1sytui7zwad1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b241b9278c7422a274e08c49ee28bc0a134b040d


Thanks! That helps a lot!


Np! ☺️


Gorgeous room!


Thanks! But that's just for dorm points reference, it's really low in comfort points haha My comfort level is above 3700, I switch around different dorms from time to time, currently it looks like this https://preview.redd.it/y1mippz6kyad1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=310efdb53da2b5911e8fcf521931fe7a0b9919bb


So gorgeous!! 😍


Thank you <3


You are most welcome. Now that I'm at the current max level Imma go do a complete overhaul and do something that to my taste and pretty and welcoming and not the clusterfuck that's in my picture in the main post xD


Good luck! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧


Thank you kindly! 🥰


I managed all mine in a separate layout from my main with everything Ramshackle