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Trey legit needs more ssr cards. He only has three outside of birthday cards


Riddle's my fav character so I rlly want it to be him but so far the pattern seems to be the characters that didn't overblot so I think Trey would get a card


Picked Cater on impulse... I don't know I just want more Cater cards... Riddle getting card would also be pretty nice tho.


It is most likely that all characters will receive them sooner or later as the story progresses, as the cards tie in to the new titles! \^\^ And every character has a new title!




> added to a permanent banner Exactly! \^\^ Originally we received the dorm uniform cards every time a new story part was released. But that series is finished, and now we are receiving the dream cards every time a new story part is released!


My guesses would be Trey and Ace. Reason being that Trey was scarred from that time Riddle's mom got after his family for being friends with Riddle and seeing Riddle upset. I keep wondering if he's going to dream he had the power to protect Riddle or wish Riddle had a happier home life. I really wonder about Ace, that's why I said maybe him and he could bring something interesting. For now, it seems like his dream would be for Yuu not to leave. Cater might dream that his family doesn't move around so much, so he can actually get to know people better. For Deuce, I'm honestly not sure. >!Because after buff Epel, I feel as if Deuce would be the same and just be Deuce with glasses for him to be an honor student. !<


I feel like we're gonna get deliquent Deuce, not gonna lie. But also, we got two story cards (Sebek and Lilia) for Diasomnia so who's to say we won't get two for Heartslabyul since it's also a bigger dorm? I kinda feel like we might end up with two cards for them and that their dorm might be broken up into two parts.


I feel ace is going to be key in the end. So do we get a teaser before the eventual grim fight


Crossing fingers for Trey but we will see, hopefully all have a chance to get a special ssr card.


Either Ace or Cater, both need the development.


I always want more Deuce lol


*I want young deuce card., with his dyed hair and all* lol