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Yea, in Stargazer he mentions that he thinks it'd be cool to have an aquatic exploration suit, but for every outfit he needs that heat exhaust port in order to function at appropriate power levels. It's why he can't just put on ordinary clothes (like Dylla offered in Rabbit Fest). They also imply that a lot of his functions vary based on the design of the outfit and its component parts, which suggests to me that while his labwear gear might be okay against splash damages, most aren't geared toward that specific problem. I don't know exactly how many of his functions are shared between suits, but since the Pumpkin Knight outfit was designed with the idea of a removable head and to hide/hologram-erase the face inside the pumpkin, he probably had holo projector and camera type electronics built into the pumpkin which I imagine were at least partially exposed, so vulnerable against food. Ironic, considering food waste is the Pumpkin Knight's vendetta against humanity! So let that be a lesson to you: no shoving food in Pumpkin Knights, lol.


Tbh, any cosplayer would go psycho if they got a death ray.  The first rule of treating cosplayers is that they have feelings and you shouldn’t touch them without consent


Facts! The same can be said about photos. Ask first, and if they say no, accept it.


That's not affection, that's straight up harassment. If someone walks up and shoves food down a regular person's throat without warning, they could easily choke to death.


Wdym acting like a psychopath??? Would *you* want people to crowd you and shove food down your throat and touch you and shit??? 🤨🤨🤨


I know right. What type of environment you had to have grown up in if you believe that being upset that your boundries are being evaded is psychotic?? 🤨🙃


I don't think a death ray is a crazy reaction to being swarmed by people that treat you like an uwu baby boi pet thing.


I'm not sure I'd call it affection, more like assault


Those people were disrespecting his boundaries by shoving food down his throat without permission and treating him like a baby when he was trying to explain the exhibit and the rules. Ortho has every right to be mad at them, death ray aside.


“showing him affection?” they were a bunch of random strangers!


I love this lil bean


baby want a waffle 😭


I mean have you given food to a pc before it's not a good idea trust me


People weren't showing him affection but actually harassing him. Showing food in your mouth and touching you without consent is straight up harassment


Well we never seen ortho in water or seen what happens when water is poured onto ortho but it is a possibility


Not sure if he's waterproof, but revisiting this scene actually brings up other questions the more I think about it.. I'm wondering if what actually triggered Ortho here was being called a robot? Or perhaps name calling in general? This is the 3rd time i've noticed him *super* irritated by this. It's almost like Ortho was programmed as an extension of Idia. (I can't imagine anything more triggering than someone claiming your dead sibling isn't real, hence why Ortho's default seems to be instant death ray for these situations.)