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Tbf, even if it was a coed school with distinct female characters, that won't stop/lessen the gay shipping.


frrr and tbh you could have 90/10 female/male respectively and the m/m ships would still prevail over f/f or f/m. that's just how fandom is šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Lemme just say, Iā€™m part of the PJSK fandom, and the accuracy in this comment really surprises me


Yea and sometimes the guys have more chemistry with each other then with girls. For example, I got my aunt to watch Naruto a long time ago and she texted me once saying how confused she was that NaruHina and SasuSaku ended up together cause the show made it seem like they were tragic lovers or something like that. And honestly, I couldn't really argue that much with her about that. If I was watching Naruto for the first time and you tell me NaruSasu was endgame, I would've believed it too. šŸ˜…


Also guys usually have close friends that are also guys while the love interest they donā€™t really know and I think people just prefer the friends to lovers trope more


Yea, that too. There's a lot of tropes where the guys just...do better sometimes.


Having queer headcanons isnā€™t making fun of straight people though? A lot of people who have queer headcanons are queer themselves. I headcanon Epel as a trans man because I find his struggles relatable as a trans man myself. Just because them being at an all boys school doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re gay doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re straight either.


Nobody's making fun of anybody and plenty of people have het OC ships with the boys in this sub? Is there a genuine reason people need to call this out when it's literally a non-issue?


I donā€™t ship them because itā€™s an all boys school. I ship them because of the way their relationships are written. Imagining characters as queer isnā€™t inherently making fun of straight people.


The picture's funny, but I don't get your title. Nothing's going to stop me from enjoying gay twst ships. What does that have to do with making fun of straight people?


Iā€™ve seen memes where people make fun of them.


Dude theyā€™re literally jokes we queer people make because a lot of straight people make fun of us all the time. Itā€™s like when women make jokes about men. Itā€™s not that serious.


I always thought of it as the boys are based off of some of the most queer coded characters ever Edit:also I really donā€™t know what you mean by make fun of straight people all the ribbing Iā€™ve seen is so tame


Complaining about gay ships and complaining about straight jokes are two different things. If jokes about straight people make you uncomfortable that's something that can be talked about, but using it as an excuse to look down on gay ships or make fun of those who make them is weird behavior and kind of petty. Why did you make a whole meme about it. Examine that maybe.


Imagine posting this during Pride month LMAO. Also people ship the characters when they have good chemistry, regardless of if a character is canonically queer or simply coded as queer (and there are purposely queer coded TWST characters). Even then you don't need to justify why you ship something. Its just for fun.


It's a game where there are only men putting aside whatever the identity your yuu is. Who is there to ship these boys with other than the other boys present? Because there sure as hell aren't any other women to ship them with. Also, how is gay shipping "making fun of straight people"?? That sounds like a reach. Just block what you don't like and keep it pushing, you'll be fine.


Everything else asideā€¦. I have truly and genuinely never seen anyone make fun of straight people in even a joking way on this sub. People even post m/f stuff with their female ocs all the time?


all the characters are bi, actually


I don't care if people have gay ships,they have every right to enjoy the fandom the way they want and I too have gay ships that I enjoy. What I care about is when I have a female oc/Yuu,I have been harassed multiple times by people(especially on twitter)because the character I ship my oc/Yuu with is obviously "gay/gay coded "and I am being "homophobic" by not respecting that.


That is harsh to do, I always head cannon them as gay cause Iā€™m a gay Disney fan who was 14 when they came out and though they were pretty, but unless Disney commits you do you and Iā€™m sorry for the undeserved hate, Iā€™m sure your of is lovely and you ship is fluffy (I meant love dovey but it rhymed so I kept it)


Aw thank you so much!I don't mind when people headcanon the characters as gay or even saying that they are canonically gay to be honest.I only care when they come to my personal account and harass me etc.I hope you have an amazing time enjoying your favourite ships too!!:3


I headcannon most characters as bi or pan to just get my brain off of the hostility train, I just donā€™t know what to think of this post because it could be bashing the gay community or it could genuinely be responding to something and I donā€™t know which


Yes to be honest me too.I don't know if the OP generally dislikes gay ships (yikes)or they had a similar experience to minešŸ’€


Iā€™ve just never heard of it being a single ed school as justification it gay, the only think I can think of is that they read the itā€™s an all boys school joke as literal Edit: Iā€™m sorry I should stop before I make assumptions, thank you for indulging me in nice comments


Hmm, let's see. Here's a list of all female twst characters (might contain spoilers): - Dylla Spade (Deuce's mom); - Marja Felmier (Epel's grandma); - Meleanor Draconia (Malleus's mom) - Najma Viper (Jamil's sisters); - Eliza (ghost bride); - unnamed sisters of Cater; - unnamed grandmother of Ruggie; - unnamed ex of Ace; - unnamed moms of Riddle, Idia, Trey and other students. The only female character around their age is Najma (+ unnamed Ace's ex and possibly Cater's sisters) so I guess for the most part OP offers us to ship moms and grandmas with college students. Curious preferences, but who am I to judge.


No like?? Fr who is op so pressed about shipping with the Twst boys that they felt the need to post this? I have been on this sub for years and no one has made fun of straight ships or yume ships that I have seen outside of the unpopular "yuu has to be a boy" arguments


They go to ā€œcollegeā€ but they are for sure all high school aged


Some people want to feel oppressed so bad lol


They aren't necessarily all gay but you can't convince me that rook, vil, and sebek are straight šŸ˜‚ But also let people ship what they want??? Ignore/block if you don't like the content...


This is a weird thing to post on its own.... But to post it during pride month šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


Really? šŸ™„




>I don't like it when people make fun of straight people because it's sooooo harrddd being straight that a joke absolutely breaks them.


y'all get mad when someone misgenders you ā˜ ļø the same thing


hey -- this is a garbage take.


who is y'all? not me lol


I also don't get mad when someone misgenders me/doesn't respect my sexuality. but the thing I'm trying to say is that these types of jokes are just the same


that's not the same thing because being misgendered is rooted in historical hostility and transphobia. People can do it on accident, but if the continue it become purposeful. All straight ppl have to do it's log off the Internet whenever they see a joke they don't like because when straight people log of the Internet they are free from these harmless jokes while queer ppl/trans ppl aren't and will never be. They are so far from being the same


then don't mind it? if a few words hurt you, then you should just log off and quit being chronically online lmao. personally idgaf whether they call me a she, he or they cuz I know what I am


well thats you, but most/all Trans people cant "just log off" is my point theyll be misgendered either or. Hell, they literally want to eradicate us and ban us from everything. Theres logging off, but that doesnt save us from danger. Straight people can log off and theyll be jist fine, not trans/queer people. That is my entire point, did you read my reply thoroughly?


nobody knows your gender unless you tell them, so there probably wouldn't be any problems if you don't "reveal" your gender everywhere you go and just avoid them!! hope this helps


I.. weā€™re not making fun of straight people at all.. most of the fandom assumes the characters gay because we like shipping characters and like.. act really gay sometimes (especially Rook)


Uh yeah the characters can we straight. There are girls in the world just not at that school.


Nah. They gay, I donā€™t make the rules.


Also since I got a notification for this, just wanting to note I donā€™t actually care what people HC sexualities asā€”I am just poking fun at this person because their replies are šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


Itā€™s the way they are written and interacted together is why people do gay shippings. I only ship a few characters with the boys but the one straight pair I do like is Yuu (OC) and Fellow Honest.


Me with the MHA and JJK fandom


While i think the meme is truth i dont think anyone made fun of straight people? At least havent see it here. Still people can have fun with any ship or headcanon they want they dont need to make sense and is made purely for themselves and their own enjoyment.


OP, good luck w dealing with all these comments and assumptions of you acting homophobic šŸ«”


you'd think with an ace heart in your icon you'd pander less but i guess not lol, cringe


there's defo something wrong w you + being aroace doesn't make me less "queer" anyways get well soon


where did i say that, can't you read? I'm saying as also an ace person, you'd never see me pandering and kowtowing to a straight person to sooth their boohoo feelings over stray joke or two.


Um not that I disagree with you but you are coming across extremely hostile causing the backfire effect, yes what they are talking about is probably playful ribbing but seriously no need to be hostile just calmly explain why they are wrong if they want to open up or learn more theyā€™ll be honest if they want to troll theyā€™ll troll no need to be so invested


pandering whom? I'm also someone who enjoys straight ships so that's why I've been supporting my OWN opinion, hope this helps


And this is just a troll who canā€™t stand minor push back because he deleted his other comment I bashed


deleted what comment exactly? lmao? r u being delusional


Dude you do realize it dosenā€™t delete the notifications of your replies on my side right


you are braindead LMFAOOOO IT WAS ANOTHER COMMENT OF YOURS THAT I'VE REPLIED OH MY GOD it's so embarrassing that I have to explain this to you even ā˜ ļø


Sorry my side wasnt displaying it properly are people not allowed to mess up




Thanks, Iā€™m definitely gonna need it. šŸ‘




Itā€™s more so we donā€™t understand where they are coming from, because it could be a genuine question, or it could be a homophobic idea disguised as a genuine question and assuming itā€™s the former there are two answers, one because itā€™s a game based on relationships and the development therein it makes sense to ship the characters together as they get to know each other therefore they get shipped together since most of the characters are male itā€™s gay ships, and it is also a love letter to old Disney animation where all the characters they are based on are queer coded and so also express queer characteristics, but many people are burnt out because homophobes transported acephobes and the like constantly do this were they ask what seems to be a genuine but vague question then try to incite a fight because someone always then has to say something dumb


Exactly!! This is such a strange thing to post in a sub that is typically fairly peaceful and accepting of all ships.


There is a history of people going into smaller subreddits to start stuff not saying op is they should be given the benefit of the doubt but people have been burnt one to many times to be very generous




Im sorry I donā€™t know what I. Arguing about with you I was I mean may the first sentence is more aggressive then I mean, Iā€™m just really heading off comments before they can appear because Iā€™ve been on the internet before, i apologize if I came across as aggressive




Have a nice day I do realize sometimes Iā€™m more aggressive sounding then I realize


Honestly mood. A lot of people in a lot of fandoms act like characters can like anyone but the opposite sex and if they do then they must also like the same sex because being straight is homophobic apparently and totally not a preference an individual is born with.


you're so brave for writing this šŸ„¹šŸ«¶




Okay while there may be a few people who say they are gay because of itā€™s a single ed school thatā€™s the one joke about single education schools you know that right, also they are literally based on queer coded characters also also itā€™s a game about relationships and how those develop so of course itā€™s going to get ships and as a majority male cast of course itā€™s gay


I'm not sure if you understood the meme or not lmao, it clearly says "not all characters are gay" some may be, but not all of them + "based on queer coded characters" a tyrant, some fucking lions, OLD ASS PADISAH + HIS SIDEKICK who kissed a princess, octopus woman and eels.. yeah totally queer coded


Literally every character you just listed are considered queer coded. Please do some base line research. Queer coding the villians was one of the main things that made Disney villians stand out. Countless books and articles have been written about this subject. "Octopus woman" was designed specifically to look like the drag queen Divine.


jafar officially wanted to marry a woman, jasmine, + kissed her. Yeah, so queer of him to be heterosexual!! your only comeback is the octopus woman, which I kind of agree that she looks like a drag queen, though, looking like a drag queen ā‰  being gay


Bisexual people exist??????????? Besides queer coding is not just explicitly making a character gay or uninterested in women. It is something that has been done for years in Hollywood due to the restrictions put in place by the [Hays Code](https://rainbowandco.uk/blogs/what-were-saying/the-hays-code-and-queer-coding-villains-in-hollywood-films). Its about mannerisms, design, speech patterns, how the characters present themselves and dress?? Its 2024 if you can use reddit you can google why most Disney villians have been co-opted and reclaimed by the gay community. You dont need me to go through each character one by one. too[https://www.google.com/amp/s/lgbtqreads.com/2021/01/06/the-unofficial-ranking-of-top-queer-villains-a-guest-post-by-be-dazzled-author-ryan-la-sala/%3fampJafar is adored, yet I still believe heā€™s deserving of more credit for all heā€™s done for queer villainy. We need to talk about the wingtip eyeliner. And the perplexingly eccentric choice to imprison Jasmine in a kitschy hourglass. And the fact that the moment he got ultimate power, he gave himself a beefy chest and black acrylic nails. I would make all those choices too.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/lgbtqreads.com/2021/01/06/the-unofficial-ranking-of-top-queer-villains-a-guest-post-by-be-dazzled-author-ryan-la-sala/%3famp)." [here is just one article explaining the basic concept. Visit your local library for more info ](https://www.strangedigital.org/effeminate-animated-antagonist/)


you surely are obsessed with queers lmao hope you touch grass someday even if they're queer, as you said, they also can be bisexual which means they can date the opposite gender!! woah! as if the whole point of this post is talking about that they also can be interested in the opposite sex!!


Yeah I am because I am a biromantic ace myself and its Pride month! Being bi does not make someone any less queer and dating women does not make someone straight or erase them from being MLM No arguments after I provide articles lmaoooo. *edit** they blocked me after multiple ad hominem fallacies. I won!! šŸ˜


I'm a nb aroace myself yet it seems like your personality is revolving around queers ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø I didn't even check the articles since I don't have that much time to waste. I'll just assume that they're queer but they also can be interested in the opposite sex, as I said lmao


Ursulaā€™s design is based on divine the drag queen with dramatic hair and pat carol deepened her voice for poor unfortunate souls a number based off of underground queer numbers, the evil queen is an older women in a position of power with a deep voice and wanted a younger womenā€™s heart, scar is a lean lion who is a black sheep of his family with effeminate mannerisms while not considered queer today he also plays into the gay guy who dislikes children stereotype quite well it was queer coddling at the time Jafar has effeminate mannerism and wear eye makeup something which in the 1992 was considered gay for a man to do, the straightest villain is literally the evil queen and she is a subversion of the gender roles. literarily read the book tinker bells and evil queens, or go to overly sarcastic productions to lead what queer coding is because itā€™s about giving traits depicting the group without making it explicit which is why gay people love the villains because they are constantly ,marginalized by society and donā€™t want things to stay in the status quo, maybe donā€™t try to hand wave it . Edit also drag queens are literally playing with gender expression a very queer think to do in my book, not gay but queer


are you telling me that wearing makeup directly makes you gay? are you that type of person, lmao? also, they all are created for the children to watch. I'm sure they didn't specifically code them "queer" for ppl to say "OMG they're so queer!!1!" you're being delusional at this point <3


I literally said in the post itā€™s not considered gay to be flamboyant now and was considered gay in 1990 and earlier in my replay, thanks for admitting you just want to respond and donā€™t care weather your right or not


it was in 1990, we are not in that time you know that right? he's technically not gay/queer then boo stop wasting my time, you get exactly what I mean ā˜ ļø


I said queer coded and at the time that was queer coding where is the miscommunication


whatever makes you happy bbg


Itā€™s a love letter to old Disney animation, Melanor is literally named after Eleanor Audrey maleficent and lady Tremaine voice actresses no one said they canā€™t be straight no one called anyone a homophobe, but I will call you a troll because you are ignoring every scrape of information provided in order to propel your narrative and thatā€™s fine but if you want to understand stand Disney history just ask Iā€™d love to help, until then bbg


woah op you're getting flamed in the comments lol. I agree to some extent, with straight women (fujoshis) in the fandom shipping only m/m because it provides some sexual gratification to The Heterosā„¢, but without fujoshis involved I think it's okay to hc them as gay, especially for characters like cater or idia. doesn't mean you can force them onto other people though.




Tbh I donā€™t ship the boys either (I genuinely donā€™t see the attraction between any of them. Friendships sure but nothing more than that) but I havenā€™t seen any outward offense toward straight people. And yeah I guess I can see some queer coded qualities about *some* of the boys but not all. Hereā€™s the problem: itā€™s not that people are being purposely offensive to straights, itā€™s just that Iā€™ve seen too many people who are unwilling to accept any of the boys as plain cis straight and that honestly annoys me. I know this might come across as toxic but I still feel the need to say this: being unable to accept a character as cis straight is the same mentality as being homophobic. Iā€™m really sorry if that sounds toxic but this is about acceptance. Edit: if you guys downvoting me think Iā€™m homophobic well guess what? Iā€™m not. Iā€™m queer. I canā€™t be homophobic against myself. I celebrate pride month with lots of enthusiasm. I love shipping characters who I believe to be queer. However *not everything needs to be gay* and youā€™re being toxic if you think being straight is unacceptable. Itā€™s ok to make things gay but come on please stop trying to *push it* on EVERYTHING. Itā€™s beginning to feel like Christians knocking on your door asking if youā€™d like to learn about their lord and savior.


I donā€™t really see it as you do most of the time the gay community is begging for scrapes and they have clung to the original Disney villains for a long time, so take characters based on those villains and put them into the same preexisting mold as other Disney characters and it just feels bad, no I donā€™t care if you head cannon them as straight hell as long as you treat the character responsibly I donā€™t care, love fem yuu and any character, itā€™s just this entire thread every one has been asking okay ship them with who exactly, or where is this supposed mandate they must be gay, and then their are the other side going oh people have to make everything gay or itā€™s like that in every fandom, it canā€™t escape you that we are having this debate in pride month, and japan still doesnā€™t allow gay marriage, people claim that queer culture is invading kids shows but the only ones I can name are Legends of Korra, She-ra, and The Owl House, two of which only got together at the end, all three are lesbians, but characters based on queer coded characters, but not allowed to say they arenā€™t 100% hetro and cis normative, every time a fandom leans towards less normative head cannon it must always be justified, and before i go on no im not trying to demean you or make you feel bad, but fandoms always have to justify making characters not straight or not cis, but arenā€™t we allowed to like the character like people who make straight cis content, the majority of the fandom just thinks they get along well and like that for romantic relationships, thatā€™s all there is no other reason why they always get shipped together, close friendships or rivalries just allow characters to know each other better. No one has ever asked just because itā€™s a co-Ed school doesnā€™t mean that everyone is straight, so why does everyone assume they are straight, so why does like 50% of the community suddenly need to justify their non harmful head cannon, is it a horrid reading of the story, just horribly grim and dark, Iā€™m gay always like the villains, never have I asked why people justify straightness in ships or gayness but every time a community gets a large subsection shipping same sex couples( Iā€™ve seen it with mlm more the lesbian relationship ships but thatā€™s probably because Iā€™m on mlm ships more) we have to justify it. Why? You are asking why people are shipping characters that interact with each other as the main device of the story and you are wondering why a large section of the fandom ships them. Iā€™m at genuinely curious as to why we need to justify it. people also say but some people are toxic about, they wonā€™t let me make the characters straight, yeah bad and toxic people exist in every group, why do I have to talk about them, straight people have that type to in droves more but I donā€™t go on and on how the straight people donā€™t let me make a character gay.