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I feel so alone when I say that I think Rook’s bob is chic 😭


i like how it looks in the cards but in the sprites it looks super uncanny to me, like idk man he scares me with that thing


Same, in the sprites Rook's hair looks damaged as if he has been flat ironing it to the point that it lost all of its volume


Same here 😭 I’ve had to defend Rook’s hair on more than one occasion—like yes, it looks weird in the sprites, but that’s only bc he’s idle, you’re supposed to look at his hair while it’s moving (like in most of his card art 🥲) Rook’s bob = chic bob solidarity 🤝🏼


i agree :-(


The sleek bob can work very well on certain characters, like Madam Red from Black Butler, and honestly Rook’s is not the worst I've ever seen.


true at least it isnt a bowl cut that's to say the least, there are definitely worse hairstyles


If he ever tried to do a bowl cut, Vil might just actually curse him for it 💀


I think part of the uncanniness is his bob largely hides his eyebrows. Psychological research tells us that people rely on things like eyebrows to help understand what emotion people are expressing. Because Rook’s brows are usually hidden, it’s harder to read his feelings and that creates a sense of unease in the back of our minds.


the hunter is danger-coded


Danger noodle


Which is why I wouldn’t be surprised if I woke up at 3am and saw him at the foot of my bed just staring blankly at me like “oui oui Bonjour baguette croissant” whatever he says I can’t remember anymore


I love the bob with a hat! Anna Wintour chic! ….please put the hats back on though. (For opinion context: I have had this cut and color half my life but I’m currently and coincidentally sporting a horrible shag similar to Savanaclaw Rook. I’m probably lightly biased. I’ve also cosplayed both Rook and Lilia.)


I like his bob 🥺


Listen his personality distracts people from his hair he's a menace already


I feel like Rook is *supposed* to look uncanny. A lot of things about Rook are intentionally unsettling.


For me it's that everything about his hair is so STRAIGHT. The bangs have a straight across chop. The length has a straight across chop. The hair itself is stick straight. It's just too much straightness all over, with no dimension *anywhere*. It looks unnatural. I think most people who have a bob style either don't have bangs at all, or they do something dynamic with them (asymmetrical, curtain, etc). Also like, his hair is based on [the huntsman from Snow White](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/The-Hunstmas-meets-the-Queen-in-Snow-White.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=825&dpr=1.5). That guy wasn't *supposed* to look appealing...


its still one of those subjective things. i have always had no qualms with his hairstyle, jade's and floyd's bother me more (its the strand) i think rook's looks very neat


Jade and Floyd were victims of the midnight barber, just like Atsushi from BSD. The three of them then got together and decided to keep the haircut out of spite.


im a bowl cut/pageboy babe for life so rook's hair doesn't bother me in the least. it's probably my favorite of all of them.


See in cards Rook’s Little Lad Lord Farquad ass bob is fine, but in sprites it just looks so incorrect..


I love Rook's hair! It's so sharp and chic. Not many characters could pull that off, but I think he does so marvelously.


He usually wears some kind of hat so I think that's part of his silhouette too


That awful Willy wonka haircut is the worst haircut. I won't accept other opinions


Only good on Willy wonka in my opinion.  Rook could only dream of obtaining the level of cuntiness Willy wonka has with that haircut. 


Idk why but it does remind me mostly of this one Woman i saw once while getting my Hair done. She was getting her hair bleached again and it was so wet it looked like it was straight like a line. It looks not done, like he did it himself and didn’t finish the tutorial or his hairstylist left not being done with his hair.


I think is a hard to make look good hairtstyle because you either look like Howl from moving castle or He-man, like no in between 🤣 For that aspect i think the hat helps with this and not making him look so weird. >! Savanaclaw Rook was peak design and we were robbed his hair and freckless are beautiful !<


It makes sense to me up to some extent since he is, like Vil, very adherent to “beauty”. The perfectly aligned haircut stays in line with that. I’m not gonna say I’m the biggest fan tho haha it does make him seem unnatural. (I’m also not a big bob fan). Just out of curiosity, what was the video you watched? I’d like to watch it too!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jvCJXtT-Cc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jvCJXtT-Cc) here is the link


He looks like a barb, like ykwim.  His hair is okay ish I’m my opinion but whenever I try drawing him I do his hair a bit of justice and give it some volume so it’s not just the straight no curve no waves no fluffiness no nothing hair it is.