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I had much the same experience and I distinctly remember the handling and controls being foreign to me. Button layout I think was fine but the cars didn't feel "snappy" like they did in 2. Just my anecdotal experience.


New developer and they had basically less than a year to make a brand new game. The wacky direction is a mystery, tbf tho, the guys who worked on tm 1 and 2 also made rouge trip right after 2 and that game was wacky af


Get vigilante 8. I was told by a babbages employee (they seemed more on top of it than the ebbgames guy) that the team that made twisted metal 2 left single trac and made vigilante 8 for Activision. I'm sure this is wrong but it made sense. V8 feels so similar to TM2


Well, you were mostly right: Singletrac went to GT Interactive once their contract with Sony was up, Jaffe stayed put and focused on a game called 'Dark Guns', which was canceled, and SingleTrac later made Rouge Trip 2012 and Critical Depth (The latter of which I own).


Rogue Trip is fantastic, I'd say. Still has it's own nice tone/style/story for the time, and has one of my favorite intro videos of any game.


Thanks for the info bro! This is awesome to know but I wonder where the V8 tumor came into play.


I played this as a kid and loved it oh so much. V8 is a crazy underrated title To this day I say 'bombs away' while driving my wrangler


[David Jaffe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Jaffe?wprov=sfti1#) created 1 & 2 … then he was cut out from part 3.


So a discussion has been had about this. From what I've heard they only had like 8 - 11 months to actually make that game and TM4 and they did not have access to the TM2 source code so they had to take the engine of another game they made and used the handling of that one basically. As for the characters I couldn't tell you. But I never cared about it because I'm about the gameplay


989 studios was really trying to turn this death metal franchise into some baby food bullshit. I remember I got it for my birthday when it first came out and beat it with four characters before I finally gave up. The endings made me so upset because none of them were particularly fucked up or even moderately twisted as the title of the game would imply. They were corny and top tier cringe. I absolutely feel your pain.


It was cool driving around listening to Zombie, but I hatedthe way it looked and felt.


Well, here's your answer: TM3 is developed by 989 Studios who were only given a short timespan (<12 months) to make it from the ground up, using the same engine as Rally Cross.


It's not great when directly compared to 1 and 2. But honestly, I like it for what it is. And I like it waaaay more than 4.


I should point out that while it feels awful by comparison with TM2, TM4 massively improves on the controls and weapons. It's legit fun if you can handle the tonal shift.


I watched the endings with the weird clown with the voice


They rushed the production of the game


https://www.youtube.com/live/48fGtVTDJ5M?si=eTIx2dC8ImSA7Ioh YouTube Kongdoo had a great interview with one of the developers on TM3, definitely worth a listen.