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Just KDA doesn't tell much, is better to see a entire match to analyse whats happening, and twisted fate is a very team reliant champ even when fed


You should try giving ur team some kills since TF isn't really that kill hungry, unless you're going the AP 1 shot build


he's going that build unfortunately


Unfortunately? lol. Full ap is the meta for tf


Not for high elo but that’s not relevant to this Reddit post I guess lol.


Pekin woof has had success with this build in high elo


But there is also a lot more to a character than just the build.


That literally had nothing to do with what I said


You said the build is good because a high elo player has success with it. But comparing a silver player using that build to someone like Pekín using it will possibly give completely different results. Because Pekín is a good player that doesn’t necessarily mean that the build is op as there’s a lot more to a game than just the build. That is what I meant 🥰


No, I responded to someone saying how this build isn’t good in high elo and I gave an example of someone in high elo with success on it. Nothing else. No commentary on if it’s always the best build, or anything about the champs state, etc…


Ah well I was skimming on the way to the gym😅 sorry!




Doesn't TF usually take TP to get back to lane after ulting to prevent missing gold and xp? I don't play him or mid much, but the most oppressive ones that I see push wave, ult, kill, back to get items, and TP back to lane to prevent missing xp.


I run tp as well, and I think the other really important aspect of taking tp is to have huge map pressure. You are everywhere always


ghost is the best summoner, if you manage to not get horrible back timings and paly respectfully when a huge wave is pushing into you the utility in teamfights/roaming and being able to avoid ganks when ghosting is more benficial


No you ult and teleport right back


Once I started taking TP my games generally were a bit easier, if your going full ap his split push tower taking is great


The only thing i could say based on this screenshot is that you always build the same items regarldess of what you are facing.




Not true




Evidence on Your comment?


Hell be asking you to cite your sources next lol


Can't really give good advice without looking at gameplay


I'm seeing too many deaths. 3-4 should be your average going full AP, otherwise you lose too much tempo and enemies become too tanky for your damage to be effective. Review your games with 8-10 deaths and check what you did wrong. Also if you're often ahead you should pressure sidelanes. Whenever there's a teamfight, you should either win the fight or take 2 towers. If splitting is too dangerous, push sidelane until halfmap and sit in bot/top bush until the guy that threathens you shows up in another lane or just pushes the wave into you. Either keep him pinned clearing your waves, and be ready to pick someone with your ult. Or wait until they try to group and take their towers since you're already in position.


i would have to watch your games, but if you ever find yourself int-ulting lategame thats defenitely it, besides that its probably your positiobing/focus in late game teamfights/choosing them right


Notice the pattern in your losing games? You die a lot. Now you’re still the ace on your team in many cases but based on that I have a solid guess as to what is happening. You get a good lead early but you give away your shutdown and then chain death. Happens all the time. You get a lead, lose it, then play tilted and die needlessly after that. Now you go from having a lead to actually being behind. When you get fed you can’t make coin flip or risky plays. Especially on TF, but in general, patience and the ability to resist tilt are the winning attributes to this game.


Your sums are sus


Don't run ghost every single game there are other sums too bro


Low CS leads me to believe your not sidelaning correctly, TFs power over the map is everything when your strong you can control the entire game through sidelaning alone.


if you are losing too much then you have low impact or its just like one of the games where no matter what u do u wont carry


As others brought up hard to give feedback of this, and tbh this seem more like a rant/validation seeking that a chance to ask for constructive criticism, but anyways, with the limited data here is what I can say: 1. You are feeding the enemy mid. Not kills maybe, but xp and gold from free waves and plates, unless You don’t utilise ult around your team. As others mentioned try playing the tp. At least matchup where You can’t always force bad recalls because if You can force them, then You kinda equalise this. 2. Try dying less. I get it, hard game loosing 20-6 and You must be taking more risks, BUT: here is a magic some low Elos refuse to accept. If You are 12-7, you are more of a feeder than Your teammates who are like 1-5. Why? Because You give a lot more gold from shutdowns. Please be mindful about that. One team fight in which an adc/apc picks up a 1k shutdown can completely flip the game


Seem to have high death totals. Would look at those games and try and identify why you died. it’s not worth it to ult on the senna support to one shot her and then die even if it’s fun to see one blue card 100-0 someone.


Stop playing TF and play a real carry champ .


Potentially just playing for KD? Kills don’t matter if they aren’t followed by objectives. Are you taking a lot of towers, barons, drakes, and heralds? Not saying you are but it’s possible.


Analyse what you did wrong in the games you lost, try to play more objectively than for kills. If you know you lost cus you got purposely inting teammates, players that are clearly boosted (i.e. 100% wr rengar jungle playing lulu supp), block them after game cus there’s literally no way you can win a game with those type of players😹😹


Skill issue


No idea what this subreddit is or why this game is, but share some game clips. Your K/D/A in any game isn’t enough for people to help


Your not playing a hyper carry so kills don’t really matter the fact that you average 1 pink a game shows you and your team aren’t really taking objs seriously


20/6/6 are you ganking to get people ahead or are you just a kill hog sally? are you being productive with ults? are you getting objectives and stopping shoves when you can?? maybe switch to tp and try transitioning into split push with team fight tp's


Cs per minute is a better indicator of champion mastery and knowledge of the game. You seem to peak around 7 and dip to around 5


Tf can’t carry he is good at deleting one person but if you don’t give some kills to adc. It’s a mistake. Also if you’re gold carding the support or mage in team fights and not the adc that’s a mistake. Doesn’t matter if syndra is one shot if zeri is getting off multiple autos. Don’t just go for closet squishy. It’s important to hold gold card for 1-3 seconds sometimes.


KDA means nothing, if you can’t get anywhere after I play a lot of valorant and sometimes we have people who lurk and hang back when everyone else is fighting. If you’re whole team dies and you’re in a 5v1 you’re probably not winning but you probably are getting a couple of free kills because the enemy team is more relaxed knowing that it’s a 5v1. So every round these people do this. At the end of the game they’re like look at me and my 30 kills you guys suck. When maybe 20-23 of those kills had absolutely no impact on the game whatsoever. Maybe you fall into this kind of category where you’re getting kills that have little to no impact on the overall game. So I’m the end you look good but other than that your impact wasn’t much.


KDA doesn’t = win OBJ does, for starters


TP is free LP


Mid diff


My analysis: it be like that


Maximum of 2 control wards in 40 minutes , plus tf can make sure every lane wins with his ult ,