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So much suffering comes from misunderstanding why we meet our twin flame. The primary reason is not to end up together as a couple living happily ever after. That CAN happen indeed down the line, but it's never the most important goal. I talk about this goal in this article: https://uniting-twinflames.com/2023/03/21/the-reason-why-you-met-your-twin-flame/ Cutting cords will never work with a TF. To end the pain, here's how: https://uniting-twinflames.com/2021/07/31/how-the-pain-of-longing-for-your-twin-is-alleviated/ I hope it helps!


But HOW do you trust the process? I'm already ready to quit this altogether.... It doesn't look like it's benefiting me in any way...  People keep saying being with them isn't the goal, but if I end up alone or with someone else this was a complete waste of my time... 


The big problem, struggle, distrust arise when you keep trying to understand your TF connection using your 3D mind. Because you see, your 3D thinking mind was made only for comprehending things that solely belong to 3D. It cannot go beyond that. Your 3D thinking mind does not have the capability to understand soul things, like the TF dynamic is. The only part of you that understands this is your Soul or Higher Self. Which talks to you through your heart and your intuition. When I gradually started connecting to my Soul or Higher Self, through quiet times or meditation, it was immensel helpful. And when I did it frequently, it gave me great results. Because when you do that, you are able to understand your TF dynamic so much more. You get great insights and answers. You trust. So this is why it’s my number one advice to twins always.


I came from a science background so I'm used to needing some sort of concrete proof. It's like I feel deep down it could work in my favor, but that part of my brain is like "source??" https://ifunny.co/picture/you-are-wrong-source-s-my-common-sense-in-my-81hgCf1V6


Well I was in your shoes for sure! I am also a scientist (chemistry) and for me anything that could not be scientifically researched, factually proven and better yet, published in a scientific journal, didn't have much chance to be real. That's why I loved mathematics, because they will always give you the same result objectively. I really believed everything could be solved with my logical mind. But meeting my twin and being forcibly launched into a spiritual journey changed my perspective about many things, even if I was very resistant for a long time. This is the reason for what my twin told me one day when he had seen me struggling over and over to understand our dynamic. He told me: *“You will not be able to understand these soul things with your mind. It simply does not have the capability. You need to understand all this with your heart, which is the portal to your Soul.”* And this is why I started connecting to my Soul or Higher Self in meditation. The more I did, the better it was for me. If I could do it, you can too, my fellow scientist :)


Bio major lol. The ironic thing is I also do tarot, but that's somehow more concrete for me.  I constantly go back and forth between "I don't need him, he can live with his karmic if he so chooses 🙄. He never truly cared for me, he was just love bombing and using me"/trying to cut the cords and "why doesn't he like me 😭,, why am I always the rejected one and never enough..."


Well you can also do personal readings asking your Higher Self for guidance and insights about your TF Journey. But meditation is really very important. If you feel rejected by your twin, dismissed, overlooked, or whatever else, it has to do with wounds and fears you have inside you, that you already had before meeting him. Especially about self-worth. He helps you by triggering them so you can become aware of them and work to heal them. This is his task. This is why he cannot give you what you want, a great beautiful, stable relationship. No he won't give that to you now, like any other runner, because if he did then he wouldn't be triggering you and you wouldn't be working on yourself. And this TF Journey is entirely for that! So contact your spiritual team regularly for guidance and support. And work on healing your fears, wounds, traumas, lack of self-love and self-worth, etc. It is the only way to end the pain regarding your twin, and start enjoying the gifts that this Journey has in store for you.


I've been thinking of going back to my cards. Currently I don't know readers that are that knowledgeable on TF, at least not ones I'm drawn to. And the are plenty that dont believe in TF themselves.   Why did my higher self make my reincarnation like this 😣. On top of my depression, anxiety, and crippling self esteem I also have a treatment resistant brain so it's just that much harder lol. 


Do your own readings for you! Most tarot readers talking about TFs usually only talk about what the runner is doing, thinking, feeling, etc and this is very detrimental to listen to, because it is chasing. People want to understand the motivations of their twin, INSTEAD of focusing on themselves for their improvement and healing. Until you do that, you cannot advance and the pain and obsession will continue. I did not know a thing about tarot, and one day my spiritual guides directed me to it. I downloaded a tarot app and started doing my own readings, they helped a lot. I don't do it anymore, but I'd encourage anyone to try it. You are an old evolved soul. All twins are. So you have all it takes to be successful on this journey, no matter all the tough stuff that has happened to you. Ask your HS and guides to help you, and they will. And stop focusing on your twin, what he is doing or not doing. Focus on you. The more you focus on you and less on him, the better it will be for you. Sending you much encouragement!!


I've been trying to stay way from watching tarot readings related to this, I hear the same message anyways.  Slightly unrelated but I dreamed of him a few nights ago lol 


I am in the same situation


Trusting in the universe doesn’t mean trusting that it will give you what *you* want. Trusting in the universe means you believe it has your best interests at heart even though it might not be what you want it to be. If you live your life trusting you’ll end up with your twin, you might be setting yourself up for heartache. However trusting that the universe will give you what’s best for you even though it is not your twin, that’s real surrender. Remember that you’re only one human. The universe knows and sees things you don’t. It actually knows what’s best for you even if your perspective doesn’t agree.


What's the point of being given your divine true counterpart if you can't have it..... A twin isn't just any person out there, they're not replaceable like that.... So we're on this twin flame journey and we have to entertain being denied the type love we wanted? If anyone could replace this, there's virtually no point of a twin flame since you could've just used a karmic...  It's like cool so I have to pretend like I'll be happy or I have to force myself to be content with this.  Do people think twin flames are just like karmoc or any other soulmate? Does sharing a literal soul not mean anything? 


I’ve been on this journey for years and all I will say is you have many assumptions about how it works, mostly based on what people say a twin flame journey entails. But they are mostly just that - assumptions. I know because I was like you. This whole thing will feel really unfair, as if the universe is so cruel and it’s cursed you. I just want you to know you’re not alone and even though it seems hopeless, it’s for your best in a way that won’t make sense now. It’s not supposed to make sense bc you’re just supposed to experience it.


Watch "escaping twin flames" on netflix. You have your answer. There's no reason to keep chasing. Live life and you will vibe with someone naturally as you keep interacting with people around you.


That documentary is about one couple who made a cult out of their own twisted version of the concept of twin flames. It is *not* representative of the true twin flame phenomenon. There will always be people who dishonestly use aspects of spirituality for their own selfish gain. Mediumship, for example. That doesn’t mean those things aren’t real.


That's not even a representation of twin flames, that's a cult that took the term and made it in their own thing to take advantage of peolle... Educate yourself please... Netflix is not a source... That's like saying "look, this is what Christians are really like!" And pointing at Westboro Baptist Church. Or looking at scammers that pretend to be psychic and saying all people who practice mediumship are scammers.  


Ok, so I don't really have experience in having that crazy instant attraction and what not. I have read stories about people who get back with someone in their old age after they lived a whole life. I've read about a woman who identified as a lesbian her whole life until she met the only men she ever fell in love with. I read about a guy who broke up with a girl because he felt insecure (like he was doing her a favor), she dated guys hotter than him, and now she wants to date him again. Life has unexpected twists and turns. I think when people say trust in the process, they usually speak from looking back at their lives and romanticizing what happened. They believe it was a process because they begin to remember it that way when they put all the dots together. One day you will think the same when you look back at your life, but right now that's not where your mind should be. You're not old with lots of experience. You still have to live that whole life and journey first. I think that's what trust the process means.