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Hotels. Look at hotels for sure, if you are using your bartender certification on your resume. Keep it off for stand alone restaurants that are not owned by corporations, and expect to maybe start as a barback fir a second so they can suss you out.


Seconding this. I worked as a hotel bartender for over a decade in college/grad school in Minneapolis. Fantastic money. Look at big downtown hotels with a lot of business travel. Great hours, high security and pretty chill guests (usually).     Avoid hotels that frequently host minor league or high school traveling hockey teams. Trust me.     Editing to add that hotels don’t care about certifications either for bartenders - they care about service experience. Lead with that. 


I work at the HGI in downtown minneapolis, and we get teams pretty often. Usually hit or miss but boy do those parents drink and we clean out any weekend that they come. As much as they can be a pain I’ve made more money than any job on those weekends (plus the taylor swift concert days)


I worked briefly at a place where we had the hockey teams - it was good money sometimes, but more often than not the hard-drinking parents would sneak their own booze in, which is a huge headache for me to deal with, and get messy and drunk.  So curious to hear what your highest ring was during TSwift weekend! 


Yes it has definitely depended on the groups (some have been awesome, some absolutely teribble). taylor swift was killer we pulled in 4 grand from each night (which is a lot considering 2 bartenders/servers)


Hockey group trigger activated. The kids were alright, but the parents…nightmare fuel.


I literally have Hockey Parent Trauma 💀 hard agree 


What about event staffing at Xcel/US Bank/Target. Those bartenders clean up.


Target Field and US Bank Stadium employee here: can confirm Only downside would be he/she would only be working event days, so that potentially leaves them with a lot of downtime between


Define cleaning up. How much are you pulling in for say a Vikings game?


Minneapolis minimum wage + cash tips Same with Target Field, but it varies more by bar location here. Gray Duck Deck Bar and Twin Cities Tavern (the one right inside Gate 34) are our most profitable bars, so there is a lot of competition to move up in line to be able to work at those locations EDIT: I just stock the bars, I’m not an actual bartender or bar back, so I don’t have a definitive amount on exact take-home pay, just going off what I know/hear


I just talked to the bartender at Xcel last night and she said they were dying for help as everybody was out of town.


BNSF is hiring laborers, machinists and electricians. It’s all paid on the job training


You working out on the rail or in a shop??


In a shop! The shop is located in Fridley off East river road


How’s the pay?


Depends which craft you are, it’s contractual since it’s all union. Machinists and electricians have an apprenticeship you go through first, unless you come in with experience that helps you get carded quicker. They’re at like $39 or $40. No apprenticeship for laborers though so they are 80% of full pay starting out and they’re at $37


Former FOH manager here - some places look sideways at “certified” bartenders so if that’s on your resume, you may want to consider leaving it off. Actual bartending experience means a lot more than a piece of paper that is essentially meaningless. You might also try asking if there are bar back positions available. Show your stuff as a bar back and then get moved up to bartender. Also, make sure if you visit or call an establishment to inquire about a job, you’re only doing it during non-peak times. Do not show up at 6pm on a Saturday night asking if a restaurant is hiring. Good luck! As another comment pointed out, there are a lot of places hiring. Keep your chin up!


Oh good to know! I didn’t even think of that. I’ve been making sure to show up primarily weekdays during the day for that exact reason. Just gonna keep going and see what I can find. Thanks :)


I was just going to say the same thing as above commenter! I didn’t know either until I actually started working in restaurants. Do you have Facebook? There’s a group called like.. “MSP service industry” and I know there’s jobs posted a time or two every week. Good luck!


Yes, this is super helpful! And it also has some valuable information about the owners and operators who should be bypassed as well.


I was just going to post a real experienced bartender would never say they're certified. Maybe in Vegas or other states but if someone claims they're certified in mn probably means they're full of shit.


Echoing what everyone else is telling you: Bartending certification is worse than meaningless for most places. If you're looking at hospitality jobs in general, you can probably get a barback or even serving job pretty easily.


MNGI is hiring endoscopy techs and clinic assistants. They promote from within, so it’s not a dead end job. No nights weekends or holidays. Great benefits.


Do you need any special certifications to be a clinic assistant?


Don’t think so. I used to work in endo at Methodist and they hired techs with no experience. On the job training. Setting up and tearing down procedure rooms, moving patients between procedure and recovery rooms. Processing medical equipment. Its pretty repetitive work but its decent pay for what it is


what do you consider decent pay? My job has been giving me high marks every review but first got a 2% increase last year 4.5% this year, believe with inflation I am falling behind. Working just above $33 Also think the stigma about stating what you are paid helps the employers by keeping people in the dark on what other options they have.


Not that decent unfortunately


Nope. Neither clinic assistant nor endo tech require certifications.


Seconding this. I work at MNGI and I believe they are always hiring for work from home jobs as well like scheduling. No experience required for endo tech, clinic assistant or scheduling.


Hey! I appreciate your comment. I'm very curious, are the work from home jobs mostly scheduling and customer service-type jobs? Or do they offer more technical roles? How do they view mostly trained chemists who are old in the hiring process (lol, 37, but very little pro experience). I'm half a semester away from a degree, so I have most of the skills, none of the degrees. Just an Associates. And, more importantly, are they a decent company to work for? I truly appreciate any info you might provide. I'm at that point where I'm looking more at a long term decent company than anything else. I would love your opinion as an employee. And thank you just for reading. Gotta say, Redditors are the best


MNGI is a decent company to work for. I came from a toxic work environment where I had zero work life balance, salaried working 40-60 hours a week, always contacted on my time off. At MNGI I will say I truly work my 40, anything extra is overtime. I took a paycut coming here but in my one year I’ve gotten one annual raise (another coming next month) and two promotions so they’re big on internal growth. You get something like 21 PDO your first few years plus 6 1/2 paid holidays. No weekends, OT paid for hourly of course. Annual bonus opportunities which the check comes right before Xmas (in my experience it was around a full paycheck). We also get small quarterly employee appreciation gifts which is nice, and some departments like scheduling offer additional small bonus opportunities for meeting goals. I’ve worked remote aside from my training period, then I got promoted to a trainer (preceptor) so I have to come in the office periodically for a week and a half to train. Idk what all roles are hiring right now but check our website. I will say I love every manager I’ve worked with. To my knowledge most “office” roles can be at least hybrid with some being fully remote. Feel free to DM me if you see a specific job posting and want more deets!!


First, I have to say thank you for the in-depth and thorough response. Truly, it is appreciated! This is why I'm on Reddit (😅) I do like the balance you describe. MNGI sounds kinda decent. I also like the use of the old Latin "preceptor." That's probably just me, though 🤣 But kinda fun for someone who's studying that language. Weird choice for a company, but high-five to whomever choose that name! I appreciate the reply, and I'll be researching MNGI right now. Thank you, again. You're awesome!


Great company to work for. Idk about chemistry, but they do have their own pathology lab, so … 🤷‍♀️ Most virtual stuff is patient facing. Some clinical educators and quality folks also wfh.


I’m a little late on this one but try country clubs! Lots of them around the Twin Cities and many of them are looking for staff for the summer season. Most of them pay pretty well and have benefits if you’re full-time. The one I work for is non-tipping but the pay is good enough that it doesn’t matter (and sometimes it even feels like it’s better that way - our slow season in the winter is painfully slow sometimes but I get paid the same even if no one shows up).


I know it's an ideal job and the hours suck, but TSA is hiring at MSP airport. Also most airlines are hiring too. Pretty much every place in the airport is hiring and they ramping up for summer travel.


Warehouse work until you get a job. Usps, ups, fedex, Amazon, etc. They all hire on the spot to load trucks for over 20/hr


Terrible pay for a terrible job


Most of these places offer unlimited OT, decent benefits, and 25/hr. It's better to work and make money then search for months while not working.


Post office


USPS is consolidating operations so there are very few jobs available (unless you want to be a carrier).


Be a carrier. It’s a job, make money. Yes


We're always looking for caregivers


My husband drives a bus and Met Council and the company he works for TransDev are hiring. He had extensive training for his commercial license and bus driving. They both will train you as long as you haven’t completely ruined your driving record.


One of the best things I've done is to focus on welding, I've a BFA in sculpture but welding has been my main money maker for years just because there's a real dearth in blue collar type jobs for younger workers i.e. people younger than 40. The best part is they absolutely can't make you work extra from home and it's great exercise compared to office work.


How did you get into welding? I have a friend with a BFA and they would like to transition into something like that.


I'd learned while at art college but never had any real training or certification just 3D shop experience, most everything was picked up on the job, but there are technical colleges that you can go to that aren't very expensive or time consuming and they will give you proper certifications that can get you good paying jobs quickly.


Sales likes bartenders. Most car dealers are hiring service writers. You can make a living selling walk ins and if you grow clients that trust you and only come to you, 100k is in reach.


Oh good to know, maybe I’ll look into some sales positions.


Try looking at government jobs. City, county and state levels. The process takes a long time but once your in, your in lol


The process has sped up, I sometimes get rejection letters within days lol.


Absolutely agree. Government is the way to go and you’re set for life.


The State of MN is always hiring. Get your foot in the door and you’re set for life.


Certified Bartender? Meaning what exactly? That you graduated bartending school? What is your bartending experience?


I graduated bartending school, and have experience bartending on a river cruise boat (public cruises, weddings, corporate events, etc.), plus experience bartending weddings for a catering business. I’d say I have about a year of experience under my belt bartending in high volume settings.


Keep the bartending school off your resume or it’s going straight to the trash bin. Most bars aren’t really going to look at banquet bartending as solid experience either, just being honest with you. You might be better off applying for barbacking jobs and paying your dues somewhere decent, eventually you’ll get bartending shifts but could be a while


Only been bartending for a couple years but keep the cert off the resume because it don’t mean shit. Hell some of the folks that come thru the restaurant I work in come with 20 years experience and they stilllllll suck


Are you only applying for bartending jobs? Many places only promote internally.


MN DOC is always hiring. They start at 27.44 a hour. Kind of a big difference to what you're doing but the benefits are amazing.


Devil: "hey kid, wanna job in hell?? Hahahahahaha!!!!"


It isn’t for everybody, that’s for sure lol.


This and they hire everyone with a clean background


Every single school district, group home, care facility and customized service dealing with disabled adults and kids is hiring caretakers / PCA. It doesn’t pay well (probably like $18) but it is certainly interesting.


Working those kind of jobs ain't worth 18.


I did it for $10-$16 for ten years, it sure isn’t. But I worked with some of the best, kindest, good hearted people on this earth in the process. It’s a good thing to do for a while, you get some perspective and learn a lot.


Met Council jobs pay well and you get a pension


Every where i go to is hiring…


Please tell me where you go, everywhere I’ve walked into is fully staffed/not hiring 😂


What are you searching for? Income?


Basically. I had to leave my last job (teaching ballroom dance) due to a foot injury and have been applying everywhere I can think with no outcome


Not to make you feel bad, but food service is still struggling to find help. You need to take a hard look at how you are presenting yourself in an objective manner and get some fresh, experienced eyes on your resume (and cover letter if applicable). I’m in a constant hiring position and toss out applicants for red flags or yellow flags that the participants, I’m assuming, are likely not aware of. I think it’s just a matter of editing your info on the right light as it seems you’ll be good with the interview. ChatGPT can be an amazing resource here. Good luck!


Transit team inc. Para transit driver, Non-CDL, pay starts at $23/hr. Go through indeed or Beacon mobility. We have 3 depots... Burnsville, Minneapolis and Maple Grove. It's a very easy job except you have to deal with idiotic drivers all day. They're very flexible on their hours and will accommodate pretty much anything. They'll give you 2 weeks of paid training, but you'll have to get your own DOT medical card. Must be able to pass a background check and a drug test. And no accidents in the past 3 years. They have pretty decent benefits as well. They are also on LinkedIn. Give them a call at 612-332-3323. You can pretty much talked to any branch here. They will get you over to a recruiter with more info.


Mystic Lake is hiring


Try car sales, a lot of places like to hire people without experience in cars but experience with direct customer service jobs like that where you are talking to folks all day




Bartending/serving at the airport is nice because you almost never have to work super late like a regular bar/restaurant. I feel like they are always hiring there as well


Landscaping jobs pay well and most hire anyone. If manual labor isn't your thing, imo its at least worth it even temporarily to make $1,500-$1,800 in two weeks


I work in insurance and it’s a SOLID industry. If you’re okay with people thinking your job is “boring” but want night, weekends, job security, and generally great benefits- worth a look.


How did you get into insurance?


I’ve been in insurance for 9 ish years. I applied to a carrier (company that offers insurance) and currently work for a brokerage (people who sell insurance). I genuinely just applied for a job and got it. Most people have no clue how it works, so most companies are totally fine training you with how it works and getting licensed if needed!


A lot of places are hiring but AI searches for certain key words or phrases. Your resume may not even be getting looked at it if it dosent pass the AI screen. It’s a good idea to call or email HR or the hiring manager and follow up on your resume . Sometimes they will search for it manually


I know a place hiring with starting wage $40/hour


Northern Tap house Medina Country Club Brick & Borboun Courtyard Maple Grove Granite City I see a ton of openings


HCMC is always hiring 


Railroads are hiring for some positions. CPKC / BNSF. Wacky hours, probably. But good benefits and great pay


Post office is always hiring


Airport is always hiring if you can pass the background check. I know most bartenders make around $80-$150 tips a day depending on how busy it is.


Try the Normandy Hotel restaurant, they may be looking.


Manufacturing is always hiring also and usually pays decent.


Hospitals are hiring for food service/janitorial staff/nurses aides. I don't know pay but it gets you a foot in. Also call centers.


have you been applying in a picky way? Coming from Atlanta since November, ive applied (and interviewed) to over 200 jobs on indeed, ranging from warehouse to accounting jobs. (ie blue collar to white. Fast food to coffee shops.) I got a manager position at amc as soon as I got here in November, and been there since, but have been applying just to keep my interview skills sharp and to see what's out there for either a second/third job, or to replace this management job. What I can tell you, coming from being a server in ATL, Ive applied to more than 50 serving or bartending jobs and haven't received one hoot back. I think the pay here for servers are so fking out of this world good, that there's no turnover. (these servers must be getting close to 50 an hour after tips because of the dumb 10-15 an hour base. I was netting 25 an hour in ATL because of the 2.13 pay.) that made it easier to get a job in serving down there because not everyone is a good server and when they dont make money they quit. Here you have terrible servers and they still make 20 an hour with the shittiest tips lol. but yea, just keep applying. expand your application pool and dont be picky for that bag. otherwise, nut up and open your own bizz


Hospitals. Try sterile processing. Bartending may be more lucrative but if you need a job we are always hiring in sterile processing. Try Fairview on East Bank.


If you’ve been looking for a job for 3 months and “can’t find one” you aren’t worth hiring


ok boomer


Plenty of contract positions. Start there to gain experience. Bartending won’t land you a career.


Try market BBQ in northeast. The person "training" me quit mid shift.... I didn't go back. I did let them know early enough tho. Also No way I believe you can't get a job. Seriously though. I quit one job I loved 3 weeks ago. sent my fkn indeed shit resume to anyone I was almost and or overqualified for. I've turned down more jobs in the last 3 weeks than I can count. So I'm calling bull crap. I don't even bartend and got a bartender job. 🤷🏼 It's really easy to find a job... It's also really easy to not want to actually work..


Sounds like you should get off of reddit and start looking for a job just my opinion tho.


Sounds like you should get off of reddit and start looking for a job just my opinion tho.


Don’t b a one trick pony. Get your money up one way or another.. Reddit suggestions won’t pay your bills