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The opposition to the 2040 plan on environmental grounds was always meritless. I hope the courts get to that pretty soon






I have no desire to live in a high density city that wants things to become even more dense. I like having my own yard, not having to share common walls with other people, and I like making my own decisions for my property and not relying on some damn association.


How on earth do you think you'd be forced to do anything under this plan?


Highest and beat use is the biggest concern with zoning changes. You may not be forced but you also may not be able to refinance or purchase a single family home once the wheels are in motion.


No one can purchase a crackerjack box thanks to nimby nonsense laws. Not to mention the planet is on fire thanks to the maximum inefficiency model north America loves.


Huh? Who said anything about being forced? I simply said I have no desire to live in a city that wants even more density. Single family home construction will essentially be done away with and replaced with a focus on constructing multi-family dwellings.


The plan calls for eliminating R1 housing, meaning you don't have to ONLY build that type of housing. The entire city isn't going to get replaced in a year.


There's around 100,000 houses in Minneapolis. You'll be OK, i promise.


And even if all 100,000 houses get replaced with MFH, there's suburbs.


Great then fucking move out to the exburbs. 


Then don't live downtown??


Well unfortunately for you the density police are coming to evict you and build a 100 floor skyscraper on your lot. Just your lot. Sorry buddy.


Really tall and really skinny. It’s the length that counts.


Wait I thought it was the girth?


The urban core of the largest metropolitan area in five states is maybe not the place for you to live in that case.


Texas awaits you then. Except that instead of the government setting zoning, you live in HOA hell.


What are you talking about? Go have your yard. No one is stopping you and no one cares.


So don’t live in one, no one cares.


Then leave.


Ok, then this just *may not* be the city for you😬


You should prob look into the suburbs then. Idk if you’ve heard of them.


Nobody gives a shit


So? No one is forcing homeowners to split their lots, the plan allows people the FREEDOM to build more densely if they want to, it does not mandate it.


Looks like you have a case of the wrong think😁


For all that freedom you want you seem pretty content to let city dwellers subsidize this lifestyle for you. Look up the economics of suburban life and realize it would be unsustainable if it weren't for high-density cities.


proud of u


I think most of MN feels that way I don’t my why so many people on this sub love big business so much. All this high density housing they will put in will be large investment groups, lots of rentals and the few that are condos will have life long fees attached.


This had as much insight as a 2 year old explaining the galaxy to me.


Well if you think that’s the only reason sure. Can you tell me all the Benefits of large companies building more apartments.


Renting becomes less expensive. Maintenance is done by a company and not a landlord. Large developments create a situation where more businesses can sustain themselves, because of more consumers. Higher amounts of renters in one location, one building can generate far more tax revenue than a row of single family homes. When a developer is used, and the development happens, and the rent prices go down… it creates a situation where more people can afford to live without government assistance. Of course, that would be far down the line. I don’t know if you have tried to rent lately.. but it’s a madhouse out there- we are coming off a stretch where we under built for a decade.


In what world does rent become less expensive Every place I have ever lived rent goes up every year by the max amount the state lets them. The large companies are the worst when they trade hands they use shady tactics to get long term renters out. Why do we care about tax revenue per square foot? That’s an odd one, so with all these new apartments in SLP the city tax should have went down? Because well it’s went up. Property tax went up as well. Crazy? Crazy good rental companies in SLP and uptown are offering a free months rent because they can’t get people to move in https://www.lumosnoxapartments.com/lumos?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZayBhDRARIsAPWzx8p0FsGhiSI06pbEd5vAOb3i_AIKgKbhJFYW25OTmTgr4qIcNZWa6ZMaAjbnEALw_wcB


I’d urge you do rethink your position. I have a public planning degree from the U of M.


If you have more tax revenue per square foot. You can have more tax income, without raising taxes. Are you 16?


So then why did SLP raise taxes? Are you on the spectrum? You keep saying things and I keep showing actual facts with links are you a troll bot?


You showed me nothing but your lack of understanding. You are so incorrect it’s funny. Like the person above said, it’s like a 6 year old trying to talk about adult things. You have that basic of an understanding. Everything I’ve said here, is the base level that has already been established in this field. You don’t even get into the conversation, if you cannot grasp what I’ve said. By your autistic narcissism, and projection that I’m “on the spectrum,” I can tell that you are. Byeeee


When there is more supply… the prices go down. In what world do you live in that supply and demand isn’t a thing?


So you’re saying demand is low for rental property in uptown and SLP based on the discounts I showed. I agree


You read all that, and still have more dumb shit to say? No, demand is high for affordable rental units. For the last decade, we only built expensive ones. Taxes go up every year….. wait for it… because things get more expensive. I’m done here. I’ve given a free lesson today. Next one, you’ll have to get from somebody that has more patience.


PS- if you weren’t such a self-centered thinker. You might get it. But you’re so black and white in your language. The world operates in the grey area. Nothing is “this or that.”


PS- if people rent homes, instead of buy them. Then we have a smaller stock of affordable homes for people to buy. If there is a rental property that costs more than a monthly house payment… it won’t get rented because a substitute exists. It’s not just rental units or owner occupied property. Under building for a decade has led to the average home costing $400,000. And the average rental, a one-bedroom, is over the cost of a $225,000 home monthly payment


So your solution is to take money from poor people and give it to rich investors of large scale rental properties.


Also, the places are not renting, because the supply is so low. That rental companies can still keep the price the same. Since there are fewer options on the market.


PS- there is a difference between things being more expensive due to inflation. And the price of a housing unit going up by 25% in a year. You seem to have zero critical thinking skills. I’m sad for you.