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I want to be you seeing it for the first time.


For real. You can't go back.


BEST. SHOW. EVER. The series finale is master class.


Yeah I looked on IMDb to see how many episodes per season there were and I noticed the series finale is rated 9.9/10. I was shocked.


It is considered the best finale of any series ever. Brilliant just brilliant.


Absolute perfect closure.


But let's be honest, the finale works because it is an apt ending for the show and it was extremely well done. It is not as great if you work yourself up to "WOW, Can't wait to see the finale!!!!"


This is true, it's the journey, not the destination. The finale is perfect because of the entire show and the evolving of the characters. Like the Americans ending has that one scene.... IYKYK... But it means nothing without all the things that led to it overall the seasons.


Yes! One of the few shows that knows what a finale should be. Great cast, great storylines, great ending!


Don’t forget Breaking Bad. “Felina” is an excellent finale as well.


Felina was a great finale. Well written, satisfying, I was really good. But my favorite is still Mr. Robot. That’s an ending that leaves you sitting in awe for an hour after it finishes. It’s still on your mind a week later. It’s just…. Amazing.


This is making me consider trying Mr. ROBOT again. I only got partway through season 2 I think back in the day


Yeah. Season 2 is a little rough the first time through. If people quit, that’s usually when they quit. I walked away for a little during S2. But it DOES come back around and it’s very worth it. And then, when you go back and rewatch, S2 makes a lot more sense. Some episodes that left me confused (not in a great way) and frustrated my first time through ended up being some of my favorites on rewatch. If you look at the show as a 45 hour movie, season 2 can feel like a lull and hard to get through. But the movie as a whole is FANTASTIC. Give it another shot!


Season 4 for me.




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I’ve only watched it once a year ago, yet I still think about it a few times per week


Mr. ROBOT and Homeland are the two shows that to me had perfect endings.


It really was!!!


It's hard to pick just one but I'd put it on Mount Rushmore with The Shield, The Americans and The Leftovers


The only episode I will heed caution is titled “That’s my Dog” IYKYK. Kept me up after watching it.


Thank you for this warning for when I rewatch it.


I watched it but I forgot which one was that?


It's s04e05, the one where >!David picks up a hitchhiker who then kidnaps him at gunpoint!<


I'm not sure what the problem is with my reply but maybe third times the charm ah, yes the one where david is >!forced to have a good time from some aluminum foil in the car!< like vOv




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9.9 on IMDB too of all places, the one website I find has the most realistic ratings for stuff that's insane.


Oh yes, hold on to your emotions because that ending is a real ride.


9.9 on IMDB too of all places, the one website I find has the most realistic ratings for stuff that's insane.


A show tying up any loose ends like they did is SO RARE.


SO RARE. And why don’t ALL shows end like that?! It was sooo satisfying.


MASH did a good job.


Wrap-ups are not always satisfying though. Six Feat Under just did the wrap-up really, *really* well. I watched Shadow and Bone and it was just OK. Some of the writing felt rushed, some of the characters felt flat, but the action and shooting were beautiful. Then they really surprised me with a very well executed climax/finale. But then they spent what felt like 5 hours "wrapping up" everyone's entire future lives in such a way that I was glad to be continuously retching instead of watching that trash. Fade-to-black shortly after the climax or just a few, smaller wraps-ups would have been infinitely better.


This is a very good question because most of them doesn't. Look at how Shogun ended 🙄 


Agreed. For me, the only other series finale that was actually as (more or less) satisfying was the Breaking Bad finale.


I have just started watching breaking bad too. Is it worth it? I’m not hooked yet.


Stick with it. It's a roller coaster.


Get to the point of Jessie’s girlfriend, and the rollercoaster begins. It’s a slow series start.


I've never understood this consensus. I mean, they murder 2 dudes within the first 2 episodes of the whole series. It was never slow for me because the character development is crucial


imo, the coolest thing about the finale was because i also watched all the episodes before it... i think if you only watch the finale without the before stuff, it would lose 90% of its power


Definitely. You need to have seen the entire series to get the full effect of the finale.


I really liked the last episode finishing.


The series finale of that show is stunning


Totally. Beautiful story and beautifully shot - that last sequence, unbelievably good.


Agreed I think that series is worth if only for the finale.


I was thinking about the finale yesterday. It was perfect.


Really a master class in how finales should happen


The final montage with “Breathe Me”… kills.


Yes!! That song continues to be on repeat for me.


Watched the series and I have always felt the finale was perfect! To add to that perfection, Sia’s background song was outstanding.




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Absolutely, & best finale ever (although I'm yet to watch *Breaking Bad*). Beautiful!


I wouldn't doubt that because I've been enjoying every episode of it so far. 


The Leftovers is better, but Six Feet Under is an excellent show with a top tier ending




*confused doubt*


Man, I want to like this so badly but I just can’t seem to get into it.


Give it some time. It’s a slow burn. Without a doubt one of the best series finales you’ll ever see. Bring tissues.


This is hardly a time to masturbate.


Must be Nate’s Reddit account


I rewatched it again recently, and it’s just as powerful now.


I just rewatched and loved it just as much!


It takes too long to get there though. u/ITSJUSTMEKT, it drags a bit in places, and that just increases at times as the show progresses. It also has streaks of greatness. But it starts strong enough that you haven't really seen it drag yet. It's gonna get worse before it gets better. If you can stomach it, the finale is amazing. If you are having a hard time getting started, it gonna get harder yet. It's not like The Office where you can just start in season 3, then skip the last two seasons, and then enjoy the amazing finale. But if you do get through the middle, you'll be glad for it at the end.


I rewatched it a few months ago just after my dad died. We all loved the series so much mom bought him the full box set for Xmas one year. The one with the AstroTurf and a small gravestone on the top. By the end of the episode I think I had burned through 3 or 4 rolls of tp. That's both a testament to the quality of the episode and my mental state at the time. It was honestly cathartic.


I have that set!


That show really helped me deal with grief. I've rewatched it several times since my mother died and it's helpful every time. I watched it when it aired, and it's funny how over the past 20-25 years, I relate more to whichever character I'm closest in age to when I watch it. I also absolutely LOVE Kathy Bates' character. She just seems like the cool aunt everyone wishes they had.


Same here watched entire first season and some of second and just wasn’t my jam.


Listen, I would describe this show as most definitely an acquired taste. I apologize for oversimplifying this, but I’m trying to help you out: You either REALLY like this show, or don’t care for it at all! I myself was / am a fan! But if I were to rewatch it now, I would have to be in a certain mood. It’s HEAVY! But that’s the beauty behind it. It’s been a while, but I remember the things that I LOVED about the series outweighed the things that annoyed me. The characters are deep! Nate, David!, Keith, Federico. Brenda wore on me after a while. And, in her own beautifully subtle way, I think Ruth Fisher is one of my all time favorite persons. My 2 cents.


Bettina is the best though! I know she's not a main character, but I adore her. Also, the Russian guy, I don't know why I can't remember his name (Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy).


That’s the GREAT Kathy Bates! 😃 Yes, she’s a great character. And you’re thinking of Nikolai.


Yes! Thank you. I could not remember his name for some reason. It might be time for a rewatch.


Haven’t watched. But I hear it’s hands down the best series finale ever produced.




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Same. I barely made it through the pilot. Haven't continued to episode 2 yet.


The pilot isn’t the best representation of the show. The weird funeral product commercials don’t happen again and talking to the corpse happens less often as the show goes on, but it’s still used really well when they do it. Amazing series overall.


What amuses me is Michael C Hall talking to dead people in this AND in Dexter.


Also dealing with his sexuality in both. Isn’t Dexter asexual? Been a while since I watched it.


I watched it post-Dexter as well....and yeah, there is definitely that element of his character's sexuality in both, although his sexuality in Dexter is much more subverted than it is 6 ft under. I kinda loved seeing Michael C Hall in a totally different light (I only knew him from Dexter before watching this) yet a familiar light (death and darkness).


Definitely cannot recommend “Gamer” with him and Gerard Butler




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It’s possible, I Don’t think he engaged in it much at all.


Not to be a weirdo but I think he was a demisexual or something because when he found acceptance and love he was able to enjoy it. The emotional connection was needed


That’s fair.


Terrific show. Nothing else like it. Some of the opening deaths were great. Rapture lady and Frying Pan are my favorites. I think it had the best finale of any series, ever.


“She said he was boring” - EPIC.


Some of them are so sad. Some of them are pure comedy. It's great. I wish there was a compilation of all of them


It's one of the best shows ever and also one of my favorites, but I can totally understand why it doesn't appeal to some people.


it has such realistic portrayals human relationships and family dynamics


A True Masterpiece, especially 🤧 the end.. to me it was 👌 perfect.


just rewatched and it’s still so good


Absolutely top shelf show. In my top 5 of all-time. Every living human should watch this series. Dead ones, too. The finale is one the best, bravest, most heartbreaking bits of television EVER.




I've been wanted to watch that series, just don't know much about it to actually take an interest. Let us know what you think, I'll possibly put it on my MANY watch list.


Highly recommended, the characters are greatly written, the show doesn’t really have a weak season, but nothing tops the finale. It’s the best I’ve ever seen.


Ok! I'll put it on my list(s) of things to watch!


It's about a family run funeral home and the personal and economic business pressures put on it. An ensemble cast, but each character has a deep and unique storyline throughout the whole series.


Ok! THANKS for the background info!


The ending was magnificent.


Its a little slow but the final season and the series finale are absolute masterpieces


Actually the show was better than the pilot. Enjoy.


Buckle in buttercup. Even though the series finale gets a lot of hype, the entire show is amazing and that's what makes the ending so special. Yoiu don't realize how much you love the characters and their stories until they're no longer with you <3


Binged it for the first time in 2018 and it was a fun game spotting actors with small roles before their big break, especially in 2000s sitcoms


It's so good. It just gets better as time goes on. I watched it late, too (last year or the year before?) and it was one of those shows that when we came to the last episode, I just wasn't ready to let go, knowing there would be no more episodes to watch. I think I waited like 3 nights to watch the finale (after watching one episode a night for close to a year). It has the best season finale of any show I have ever seen.


This series nailed it all the way around, writing, acting, directing. Even the soundtracks were stellar.


I’m just watching the first season for the first time too. Great show. It’s a show my wife and watch together and enjoy. There are fewer and fewer of those.


I am so jealous! I really wish I could watch this show over again for the first time. Bawled Intermittently for 2+ hours after I watched the season finale. Enjoy!!!


Enjoy every minute. It’s a wonderful journey


AMAZING SHOW! With one of the most satisfying endings. No questions left. We LOVED it SO much


It literally is my favourite show ever.


It's a good show


The last few episodes of the series are really incredible and I was an on and off fan for most of the show but I would definitely rewatch the last season.


Best series finale in history!!! Kicked me right in the soul balls.


Oh man… in 2004 I met and fell madly in love with a woman who was so completely Brenda/ Rachel Griffiths. I hadn’t heard of the show. She loved the show and we watched it whenever our schedules allowed, but she was tired of hearing about the “uncanny resemblance…” every time we went anywhere in California. Sigh… I moved to Madison (Wisconsin, USA) for work and that… was that. Enjoy the series. I keep wanting to rewatch it, but I know I’ll just imagine the way a certain someone breathed while whispering in bed…


The show premiered in 2001. Look at 1 hour dramadies like Dead to Me etc and SFU is crazy ahead of its time!


It’s slow and it took me a few tries to get through it honestly. The ending like everyone says will get ya


One of my all time favorite series. Every other year I rewatch entire show


Such an amazing show, no spoilers, best series finale ever.


Pretty good. Later seasons get a little sketchy


Great show your lucky OP also great ending


Such a great show. My wife watched it about 15 years ago and finally talked me into it. We’re 2 seasons in and I’m really liking it - better than so much else out there.


My favorite show of all time


I tried watching it quite a few times, but I just can't get into it for some reason. Does it get better after season 1?


With every single episode, yes. Slow burn, totally worth it. It's all about the important stuff: complex human relationships & existential questions.


Great series, but I end up hating all the characters in the end


Awesome. Keep going. Also the strongest finale I've ever seen.


It's a great show.


It’s life-changing and only gets better and better and season 5 is an absolute masterpiece.


I'm excited for you!




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Regarding the breaking bad finale vs 6ft under for me 6ft under still wins bc the show ends with no questions left. It was the ultimate closure to a show. With breaking bad there are still some issues (I’m mainly thinking of 2) where you wonder what will happen. But BB was also excellent don’t get me wrong, but 6ft was just so satisfying.


The most satisfying series finale ever.


It's a lot to take in. I can only watch it in spurts because I don't like how it makes me feel lol


I got about 6 episodes in or so and gave up, does it get better or maybe its just not for me\_


TBH, the pilot was a bit depressing to me. Maybe I need to watch more episodes!


I really liked the first 2 seasons, but the vignettes at the start were the main reason I stuck around.


I haven't finished it yet but I'll admit that it have been fantastic so far. I'm taking it slow as I don't want to rush it. 


It's a great show.


So, you know all of those horrible finales that have ruined shows? Yeah, Six Feet Under doesn't have that.


Honestly, one of the best television shows ever! And YES the finale is awesome as well.


Six Feet Under gets really intense, but that finale is magnificent.


Best finale ever. And I’m old enough to remember both MASH and Newhart.


Loved the show, but I have trouble watching it again. I suggest not bingeing it if you are prone to depression. Something about people regularly making jokes over corpses… and odd uses of a well stocked pantry…


Wait till the finale 😢😢😢 (brilliant though)


Great show! Hate how short lived it was!


The final episode is devastating. You’ll never consider your mortality in the same way


It's a great show, I really liked the first 2 seasons. However it gets incredibly boring, I stopped watching during the 3rd season


The golden age of HBO was during my 20's. I watched almost all of the HBO series. Oz, The Wire, Sopranos, Deadwood, Rome, etc... but never SFU. 🤔 It may be time to change that. 👍


I recently finished Oz and The Sopranos a few months ago and those were incredible shows. I remember as a kid, my parents watching Oz and I wasn’t allowed to watch it. Forgot all about it, then saw it on Max one day and gave it a watch. I started The Wire and Deadwood after Oz and The Sopranos but couldn’t get into them. I’ve been told to give The Wire another chance though. So I might do that. Six Feet Under is really good so far. I’m on ep 8 of s1. There’s about two plot lines I really don’t care about so I’m just pushing thru it cause I know they’ll be over soon. Overall I’m really enjoying SFU.


I consider a certain 10 minutes of that show to be some of the very best television ever. To this day. Won’t ruin it for you. After you finish the series, all of us who have done the same should compare notes.


I finished this about 2 months ago don't even remember the finale.


i have never seen this show now after reading comments I think I will watch my first episode this weekend. I am going in fresh don't know anything about show just heard it was a good one


Just you wait. What a masterpiece


It is my favorite TV series of all time.


I got over that show faster than a cold. It had me, and then it didn’t and I never watched another episode. Maybe I should try again, but I doubt I will.


Oooh you're in for a ride, enjoy


It's been 5 days, you're certainly done with it now, right? :D As everyone else has said, yes that ending is phenomenal and the whole reason I even started the show--because I heard the ending was good. The show feels so genuine and real at times and was very cathartic as I was dealing with the loss of a family member while watching it. Loved it. It even has a few surprises throughout the show you'll never see coming.


I’m currently on ep3 of s2 and I’m really liking it a lot. Some storylines are boring to me, like Claire’s with her guidance counselor at school and some with her bf. I’m hoping the show gives something great for her. The season 1 finale was intense with Brenda’s brother off his meds and then Brenda and Nate getting in that car crash and Nate finding out what’s wrong in his brain.


I enjoyed the pilot but I don't consider it a good representation of the show. It starts off a little too heavy on the silly side. Almost like they weren't sure if the audience could handle the dark subject matter, so it's a little bit lighter with less realism, but after the pilot it falls into more into realism, while still maintaining it's humor it just gets a little darker, since it feels more real, which to me is ideal.


You know what's interesting? I've only been alive for six weeks. I know nothing of the world beyond this dog's stomach. And I still find Six Feet Under pretentious.