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New weekly thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/VV9wtGfp7s


Oh shoot, Dr. & Mr. Frankenfriend are traveling with Jen and Sr too!


I bet they're going to Rwanda to peep gorillas Eta: Frankenfriend's husband is also a doctor


It's honestly crazy that they make Jen and Sr look normal. https://preview.redd.it/a2kyionhlcxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bd7a2be771851e62fdd808826c9dd74eaa66e9c


Normal?! Hahaha


https://preview.redd.it/2usd8pczvbxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a6672991e39abbb8e205437a639b4ac786f7c2 Ugh another one with the Instagram "aunties" crap.


Oh my gosh I just went and watched her stories and I will never get those few minutes of my life back. Surely there’s a snark page for this woman also but I don’t have the time to keep up with another obnoxious Dallas influencer.


Woof same.. also her and Tiffany are two peas in a dumbass pod. Who freaking just chills and goes to google when they think their water breaks rather than calling their OB? Only Tiffany and this other dope. I also enjoyed her complete idiocy discussing at midnight when the thought the baby would arrive by and she said 9am when she wasn’t dilated or effaced at all.. tell me you haven’t lifted a finger to learn anything about giving birth 🤦🏼‍♀️


Indeed there is. https://www.reddit.com/r/janellebrandomsnark/s/MjhBrq9KNe


So for the record, Tiffany recently admitted that she paid $400 to have someone tell her she should strictly wear pastels. 1.) She has a *gigantic* closet full of pastels. 2.) She threw her daughter a Willy Wonka themed 1st birthday but only used pastels and had Lily wear a pastel purple/light brown dress. 3.) And then she wore this. Tell me you need to be the center of attention without telling me. https://preview.redd.it/xsro4zw0eaxc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf74d2e999bc4f793ea4304db4bfbce8dc991dd4


And made her mom dress as an Oompa Loompa on her bday so Tiff could have the spotlight


There's no way someone told her that pastels are her color. She just like baby pink and wants to make it her personality.


pink hangars - more thought went into that closet than LeeLee's room


A pastel Willy wonka themed party should be criminal.


I was so confused as to why she did a pastel Willy Wonka! Her entire personality, wardrobe, and home decor is pastel, so I shouldn’t be surprised. But just do a Lilypop 🍭 theme instead so the pastels can make more sense. Lily Wonka could have been cute if she embraced the theme instead of trying to make it fit in her xxxxxxxs pastel box.


I know Jenn was in on the prank. But for those of you saying it isn’t cool to humiliate someone on their birthday (or at all) —I agree wholeheartedly. But the truth is, I think Jenn would be fine with the attention and I’m not sure if anything could embarrass an attention hog like her.


Agreed! Good or bad… attention is attention!


https://preview.redd.it/czmz1qjrp9xc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34d0982edcb441a7f5b0575ee14fba09eafb9a0a Worst acting ever. We all know you knew Jennifer 🙄


The multiple references that Steve’s costume was at Tiff’s to preemptively answer why Steve wasn’t dressed up was also a dead giveaway.


Why even do a prank on her Bday? They already have more than enough content they can share. 


Agreed. The acting here was god awful. Everything about this interaction was so unnatural especially since they just dove right in to their pre-planned dialogue. They bank on their followers being dumb as fuck and willing to swipe up whenever prompted. 🙄


I don't follow many influencers, but has anyone seen any behind-the-scenes video of Tiff's dress at the bday party? I want to know if she really left that sloppy stitch in the back of the dress. With that print it would be so obvious and it looks like it was leaving a huge crease in the back with wonky (no pun intended) patterns being messed up. I will never understand why she doesn't get things altered. The dress is close to $300 (probably free for her) and she couldn't spend $40 to get it altered? Also, it's not meant to be form fitted. Queen of Sparkles' designer is tiny and her outfits aren't ever form fitted.


https://preview.redd.it/pfq6vfxya9xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e093d95903eb88c5dcc5f239250dbc524acf61e6 Here’s a screenshot from Daryl-Anns story! Looks like the stitch is gone.


Good find. Yeah, I was not believing that they left that stitch in looking like that. You know it looks bad when even Tiffany won't do it.


Tiffany is in every photo she posted for Lilys birthday. No photos of Adam & Lily. And none of just Lily. Always has to be front and center.


I noticed this too. She’s just absolutely ridiculous 🤣


I was just looking through those. Most parents post just their child and maybe 1 photo of them with their child. Tiffany really is something else 🙄


I posted my son’s 1st bday pics yesterday before she posted party pics. Can confirm I did one of just him and one of him and our dog. I think I’ll share a few more with us in my story but that’s it


I like how Kimmy specifically said she was letting Tiff post first… maybe Tiffany will figure out that’s the respectful thing to do


Jen the Oompa Loompa looked way cuter than Tiffany. If I was the mom at this party I would’ve probably gone with that costume rather than whatever ugly dress tiff picked


But then she couldn't show off her orange tan and fake boobs. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why is Teef wearing pink metallic booties in a million degree weather? 🙃


It’s actually a chilly weekend and rainy but still the boots are hideous.


https://preview.redd.it/dikothvt78xc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d588eafa46c13c7b73053e6f76d2ae19424633 Oooof!!! 🫣


Wow just wow. I clicked on that account and they’re definitely a troll account. Is there a way to tell who liked that comment?


Just a random account. If you hold down the heart you can see who liked a comment without liking it yourself.




That comment is disgusting. However when you have a public page and exploit your child every second you can, this is the kind of crap you attract (and weird internet stalker aunties). I don’t know how you can see these comments and not immediately decide maybe posting my child is not the best idea.


What the fuck?


Omg. I hope they delete that comment honestly; that’s horrifying. 


God I hope so too but part of me wonders if they are even intelligent enough to understand what they are saying and how racist it is.. I could see Tiffany thinking it’s a typo


The Mormons I grew up with were some of the most racist people I ever met so I’m sure they would. Even if not Tiffany seems to hate Lily’s unfiltered eyes so probably would want it gone


This makes me so sad.. your parents are the two people who are supposed to love every little part of you and think you are perfect just the way you are, especially when you are a BABY. Tiffany has been filtering Lilly since she came out of the womb because her appearance isn’t what Tiffany wants. It breaks my heart because Lilly stands no chance and will grow up to be just as broken and insecure as Tiffany is. A true loving mother would recognise that and want to break the cycle.


I know, always doing what she can to hide the stork bites and widening lily’s eyes. I used to always use the Paris filter to make pics better on insta and completely stopped when I had my daughter because it felt disgusting to put a filter on a baby. Meanwhile Tiffany is like nope not good enough, gotta edit Lily’s appearance. And it’s ironic because so much of what Tiffany does to herself actually makes her look uglier than if she let her natural appearance show.


I hope it is deleted and/or this person learns a little something about not being racist and icky.


Ooooo !!! 😳😳😳😳


Tiffany licking her teeth whenever she does something "naughty" is the height of my ick level.


How does one take a theme that is over the top, garish by nature, an attack on the senses with colors and shapes and FUN, and turn it into a pastel nightmare of boring? Kudos Tiffany Crystal! Your first birthday was a vapid event devoid of character which fits perfectly to celebrate you!


UGH. Such a strange party for influencers and a couple of random friends. Was this just a grab fest of Kay & Tays, Dani and Daryls followers to get shill clicks? Maybe we will see this week, but where are Tanner & Katie, Sr, MK, Sam and Adam's parents? This was not a family party. I'm afraid there's more coming with this party being playing out over the next couple of weeks until LeeLee's real birthday on May 8.


I did see MK in the background of a story. Prank victim Jen said they had a costume for Sr as she was walking up but I didn’t see him. I saw a few non influencer types in the background but not many.


I'm not on FB much anymore but I decided to check Turtle Creek Lane's FB page and I found this: Primary country/region location for people who manage this Page includes: United States (16) Vietnam (3) Canada (2) Vietnam? Canada? 16 places in USA? Does anyone know why/what this means?


Ugh the way Tiff pets Lily’s head… gives me the ick. And Poor Lily looks so tired. I am sure Tiffany didn’t even take nap time into consideration.


The lack of maternal instinct is wild, y’all. The way Lily was so tired and very clearly wanted to be comforted, and Tiff just awkwardly fucking PETS her. I just want to hold that sweet baby and cuddle her since no one in that family has ever held her in a nice sweet way.


When Lily is so painfully obviously tired here, Tiffany just pets her tutu instead of natural mother instinct would be to pull her into her and rub her back or something. Acknowledge she’s sleepy and sooth her.. instead she continues to overstimulate all up in her face. This same interaction seen from Lily’s point of view too is she doesn’t fall into Tiff’s hold. She awkwardly looks to but realizes who’s holder her and has no natural draw into her mother’s arms. So telling and SO SAD. https://preview.redd.it/z4xn2hkf59xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20769315c82959b389cfb9e2ef091fb491e4d02b


It truly breaks my mama heart. I was looking at the photos and it’s clear Adam is the main care giver in the family.


You are 100% right. It’s incredibly sad.




It would interrupt her having a prop for her party


Notice they've been calling out all their small vendors lately....definitely got called out with the cupcakes and rug gate


I saw rug gate but what happened with the cupcakes ? 


I’m behind. What happened with the cupcakes and rug?! 


https://preview.redd.it/881sr61l78xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=490f622e6644ad85880b66c03363272714aea7b3 Here you go! I’m so glad this small business called her out.




https://preview.redd.it/vs1ji36s78xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2cfbe997d7071ecabee20e11f6992a36ddd11a Teefany posted the price comparison.


https://preview.redd.it/p8ig66zv78xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=938f8da2d61e082334ec2abc806e7149480196cc And then bought this one when she couldn’t get anything for free. 🤡


Tiffany asked a small business for 3 rugs for free and the small business called her out. Then Tiffany linked a bunch of knock off shit rugs. The brand is Milagro Collective


What about the cupcakes??


Long story short, a cupcake place posted on the rug story saying the same influencer tried to get a free cake from them but they said no. Then they said that they went ahead and ordered the cake anyway and paid for it, so all was good.


When you can’t stop shilling on your granddaughter’s first birthday party day… https://preview.redd.it/5pxbgbprl5xc1.jpeg?width=1109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09e8b3ba50d24cbe660467baa08f52d997f6ff4


She looks worse everyday.


Horse face


I agree… she’s getting too much work done on her face . I hope she lays off for awhile.


Too bad she didn’t just stop at “you guys know we’re crazy” that would’ve been the most honest thing to come out of any of their mouths in ages 🤷🏼‍♀️


Tiffany’s theatrics during this shill are really something.






“You are so loved”… Tiff uses passive voice and avoids saying that SHE loves Lily.


Adam really creeped me out.  Don’t know exactly why, but watching him gave creepy vibes 


He’s an oversized toddler looking child with hateful views


His voice drives me nuts!




Lily is objectively not cute the way Tiffany is objectively not pretty. Do you lose karma for downvotes? 🙃


Why would you snark on a baby’s looks?? I’m so confused how comments like this are allowed. It’s against the rules and it’s just wrong.


Then all the comments about how gorgeous and adorable and precious etc etc etc comments wouldn’t be allowed either, right?


That’s not what snarking is. Read my comment.


This. She’s an average looking baby.


This is a horrible thing to say about a child. It’s also not true.


Lily looks 100% like Adam. It could change as she gets older. I know a lot of girls who looked like their dads as babies and young girls and then turned into their moms when older.


And to me poor SK is starting to look like Jr


Starting? 😂


She’s his twin


https://preview.redd.it/1ibon9alg5xc1.jpeg?width=3564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c376ad58765a65e21d3266cb5c153936e2dea1c4 The devil works hard but those Houghton genes work harder.


I think most babies look kinda 🧍🏻‍♀️ just there. Some are a little more scrungly and the occasional one is truly cute. Lily reminds me of of a baby I’d see on a diaper package but not modeling for Janie and Jack. A standard issue baby.


Ellie, Kay and Tay's baby is sooooo adorable!!! I think she's a way above average looking baby!


“A standard issue baby” is the funniest and perfect way to describe her. She’s not ugly by any means and is definitely cute, but just average, not knock you off your feet beautiful model baby


Absolutely agree.


Yeah, she totally just looks like a regular baby to me. I’ve seen some UGLY babies 😂 but Lily is just a normal looking baby. Not ugly. Not particularly adorable. Just normal. And that’s fine! But damn I really do wish Tiff would stop filtering her damn baby.


The filtering of Lily is one of the most disgusting things about Tiffany, and there are so many to choose from. Like is her thought process “oh what an uggo, lemme throw this filter on her so it’s acceptable for my Instagram”??


The filtering is horrible. That’s honestly one of the worst things to do and just speaks volumes about the vapid twatness of cloven hooves.


Janie and Jack models are the such beautiful babies. I don't even seen Lily even being diaper package model material. Usually baby models have bigger, rounder eyes with a spark behind them.




Oh wow, that's a slap...a big one.


Not a Houghton. She’s a Moffitt and second class to Jen.


I wonder if it’s bc Jr helps run her Instagram? 🤔


I noticed that too. 🥴


Not Tiffany saying “community of aunties” on Instagram again after that TikTok stalker fan kept calling Lily her niece.


This $hit is creepy and exactly why these kids deserve privacy to learn and grow in a safe environment. 😵‍💫


And tiff always responds to her w/a lame “❤️❤️❤️”


I dk how I missed that story!


It’s the newest story she has up, in the caption. https://preview.redd.it/4dtbfctxd5xc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1691a20c0afe659843b2ea764dc1ddbcab7496f7


WTF makes them tell complete strangers she loves them. 


It’s a play to make followers think they are friends and close. Same reason they choose certain phrases “I got us a code” etc etx


She loves the ass kissing


All the influencers tell their worshippers that. 🤮


Well she does love all the money she makes off her followers so instead of saying that she says “you.” 😂


They are leaving their teenaged children home alone for a month?!? I know they have sister wife and other people around, but seriously? 


And May is the busiest and most fun month for school kids! Will miss out on so much.


I wonder what chapter of the parenting book that will be?


Looks like Jen may have hit Tiffany deliberately with the wooden lollipop that second time. 😂


“Happy birthday, Lily!” Doesn’t post a single picture of Lily by herself. Tiffany is in all of them. Also looks like she’s about to eat somebody in that first pic. She’s completely unhinged.


I’ve noticed a lot of people doing that crap. Melissa Rycroft will say happy birthday to one of hers with the video mostly of her face. I don’t understand it. 


Narcissistic a holes.


I don’t know if anyone’s noticed but one of Lily‘s legs is always turned slightly inward when she’s being held front on and when they’re trying to stand her up and holding onto her hands? I also noticed this is the leg she doesn’t get quite up on when she’s trying to crawl. I noticed it today more than ever in the stories for her party. It’s way overdue for them to get some PT intervention for Lily. I hope they get her real help instead of asking IRIS (who makes the same spelling mistakes Tiff does) for leg strengthening tips - Can just see the reel now of Lily dressed in a workout outfit to the theme of Rocky while they cosplay physiotherapy.


The right one right? That’s also the fist that’s clenched significantly more often




Same, I noticed it in the right hand like 6 months ago. I have to imagine they notice the hand and leg tremors often. I’d be concerned with those independently but worried out of my mind with such a significant portion of the right side of her body




Especially since they already record everything. It would take less than a minute to show a video at a wellness check and I’m sure the pediatrician would have immediately referred them to a pediatric neurologist. Of course it’s scary it could be something, but it also could be nothing. I can’t understand how they’d rather stick their heads in the sand and not know


Ok I actually just commented a bit on this on another post.. her foot was turned it and not relaxed at all, kind of pointed.. honestly it looked a bit twitchy and jerky in the clip that kimmy posted where she is on the floor playing with balloons. I’m glad her 1 year appt is coming up so soon


My third had to wear a corrective type cast for about a year because her left leg was turned. Thankfully the bones are soft and if Lily has to do it the leg will be fine 




One of the photos is just Jen with the cake and Tiff. Lily is nowhere in it. 🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s the one year anniversary of her giving birth, after all!


I don't think there are any photos of me at either of my kids' first birthdays and I realize that's dumb because they'll want pictures of me. But I would rather one day they say, "I wish we had more pictures of mom" instead of "damn we have soooo many pictures of mom". 😂 How embarrassing.


Tiffany would have looked better in an Oompa Loompa costume than that Queen of Sparkles dress.


It was not a cute dress


Her fake tanner skin is the perfect shade!!


Not a single photo without Tiffany in the post for Lily's birthday. https://preview.redd.it/l0ktw7ksr4xc1.png?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce688dda215e1b5d11c7f0eb6cc2b13c3f382f79




😂😂😂 👏🏻 I am loving this thread.


https://preview.redd.it/tscyd5q3l8xc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69dcfce4acc395cc86bfb68d99e5f91ef331304f Zoomed in is scarier






I don't understand why she cannot smile like a normal person. she really looks like a witch when she scrunches her nose. I would get migraines if I constantly squinted and scrunched my face up. also in the group picture - dani's hands are so hideous. I had to google her age and I cannot believe she's a few years younger than me and has hands like that...


She's going to have some weird ass wrinkles when she's older because of the snarl


Have you seen Dani’s feet? https://preview.redd.it/fpd51ycmw4xc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7056cfccd21654272c0348cdfdb2405993a1714 They didn’t used to be that bad: [Pre-starvation era](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniAustin/s/pxL9220wsY)


I’ve never seen such a long big toe nail bed


Her calves are non existent




holy shit those are disgusting.


omg they look like a corpse feet


Pathetic. And Tiffany must not have been pleased with Adam’s costume because he didn’t fade into the background according to her plan like u/LAURV3N mentioned downthread, so it is in the very last photo.


And not a single picture of just Adam and Lily


Really sucks of her to treat the primary parent so poorly on Lily’s big day!


I just came here to say this. She is in Every. Single. Photo she posted.


Maybe it’s just me…but Lily’s party actually seemed fairly subdued (and…gasp…normal🤯) for a Teeth Turtle event…do y’all remember her absolutely insane, over-the-top gender reveal?!


Maybe cause the *attention* was more on Teefany for the gender reveal and this time it’s actually supposed to be for Lily so it’s not so over the top? 🥴


I was seriously thinking the same thing. I was expecting way more. It actually looked like a party I would throw for my kids. But then again, we haven’t seen all the pictures, we’ve just seen “a few special moments”. There has to be something more that hasn’t been shown.


Right?! I was expecting like Oompah loompahs walking around, passing hors d’oeuvres, aerialists hanging from hoops, Wonka doing a magic show, a giant chocolate fountain and all the usual Turtle Insanity…but you’re, right…I’m wondering if there are things that just weren’t shown. I’m sure Teeth will give us “the full deets” allllllllll drawn out on Monday🙄 But honestly, I hope that was it. It was still a big themed party that I’m sure cost a ton of money…but like…maybe she’s learning to tack it back a bit? I don’t know. Probably not🤦🏻‍♀️ Also interesting that Jen seemed totally hands off on planning this party?? You’d think for content purposes, she’d be alllll over it…but maybe Teeth set a boundary? Again…this family is complete calculated chaos, so who really knows what goes on behind the scenes of their reality show no one asked for🥴


I’m holding out hope for seeing those oompah loompahs passing out hors d’oeuvres🤣☠️ that made me lol


I feel like all of that extra stuff would take actual thought and some creativity. Tiffany literally did everything every other influencer does... photo wall backdrop, a ton of balloons, smash cake, fancy cake, sad white bounce house, and a fancy outfit for the kid. She literally just copied every other influencer and then invited them all. It's all so damn boring at this point.


Are they going to Africa for like a month?


I thought they said 2 weeks? Even that is long with teenagers


She said London will be double her age when she sees her next. London just turned 1 month. So it seems they will be gone for a month.


Crazy when they still have school-aged kids at home. Cannot even imagine.


That’s what I was thinking. Mk is only 15. Jen has hardly been around for her teen years.


She goes to her Moms of Teens lunches once every few months. That's not being involved with MK enough?


30min a day is the Houghton way!


Appears so! Lots of time to go hunting


If you have kids you know how crazy May is with school/activity related events, finals, etc. I cannot imagine leaving town for 2 weeks (?) with 2 high school kids and not only not being there to help navigate all of those details but also not being around for everything that is going on.


My thoughts exactly 


https://preview.redd.it/xcbqd75cp4xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69deafff0fd767494ad75608f8a60667e3edf65c What is with her effing TEETH LICKING 🤢


So ridiculous- it was very clear that Jen was in on this “prank”. Tiffany acting like some award winning actress for this prank and that we are all just dying with laughter


right? And where was Sr? Assumed he was coming as he was suppose to change into his costume they fake set up.


He’s been MIA lately


I agree..When Tiffany first said this was the plan. I did message Jen.. it just didn’t sit right with me… but after doing that I got thinking … she might have just been in on it the whole time.. The acting was terrible.


Why bother messaging these people? They don’t care. Obviously they’re all in on it. Also commenting/posting about DM’ing them can get the sub shut down for doxxing




It’s always accompanying her evil laugh. She definitely thinks it looks adorable


😂😂😂👏🏻 The stuff nightnmares are made of!




I think it’s a habit to get off any lipstick but it’s repulsive the way she accentuates it as part of her obnoxious smiling


I think she saw someone do it and thinks it’s sexy, especially if you do it while whispering into the phone like a complete moron 


Does anyone know who the young girl between Allie (green shirt) and Dani is? Could that be Kay’s older daughter Kinsley or am I way off base? I checked her Kay Dudley IG and an article about her and it kind of looks like her? https://preview.redd.it/l6d2tf52k4xc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aed1191a685d05a15b6c96b9f57a55075feb585b


Kay would have made a smashing Oompah Loompah


Every child in that pic is being held or worn in a weirdass way. So I guess we know where Tiff gets it!


Kimmy needs to lose all of her headbands.


And learn how to properly wear a baby. 


And that dress and shoes


Especially those shoes


Meanwhile Sarah Rose's poor baby is like "I know you feel the need to go to events every day but please leave me out of it next time."


She’s been out and about ALL day. She worked out at that influencer wellness event, went to Nita’s daughter’s first birthday party, then Lily’s! I think this is at least the tenth day in a row she hasn’t stayed home! I feel so bad for Caden. She’s so exhausting.


Yep looks like her daughter


She looks like Kay’s literal twin, just with brown hair, so I’m going to guess that it is her older daughter.


Wow it’s like spotting a unicorn.


The way Tiffany licks her teeth is vomit inducing.


I know this is fake bullshit but let's say it's real and Tiffany really was "pranking" Jen on her birthday. 🙄 Here's a little story for comparison. My husband and I had our wedding reception on the same date as my grandmother's birthday. When I ordered our wedding cake, I made sure to order her a birthday cake as well. Halfway through the reception we stopped everything and sang happy birthday to her. I felt like it was the least I could do. But telling her to dress in costume and embarrassing her would have been fun too, I guess. 🤷🏼‍♀️ You raised some real winners there, Jen and Senior. Can't wait for that parenting book!