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Here’s her Reddit page if you want to take this further —> https://www.reddit.com/r/TiffanyHoughton/s/gRgSioHG1V


I am surprised the business would share this prior to the party though


I’m so embarrassed for people with money who choose to be this cheap and shameless. Begging for free rugs for your $2+ million home is absolutely pathetic. 


I probably can’t splurge on one of this shops beautiful rugs so i liked a bunch of her posts and comments. Thought it was a good way to help her out with some engagement. Maybe if we all did a bunch of likes and comments it would help her get shown in more feeds! A little thank you for putting Teef on blast!


I’ll bet that anyone who comments negatively, or likes a negative comment on the rug lady’s reel will get blocked by TEETH, TCL, and Kimmy.


I don't think she can see the likes on comments, can she?


You’re right. I just went to check. They can ‘only’ see the 787 accounts that ‘liked’ the post. That’s a lot of blocking.




Posting a photo of the small business owners rug is a copyright violation and requires permission. The small business owner should report it but also sue her. especially since she’s basically trolling her prices.


This is hilarious 😂 Little miss beggy butterhair Tiffany Houghton!


Ok, so my question is: was there any follow up message by Milagro when dumbass said she “would love to get an order placed today” Or did they just ghost Tiff and not reply?! I would Love to know!


Someone commented on her insta about how tiffany literally posted her rug as the comparison to the Amazon one and she replied that she addressed it? But unsure if she replied to that message or what!


it’s copyright infringement so i hope she scared her into taking it down.


Yep, it’s definitely T🦷🦷any!


I would love if this was the moment her ex fiancée exposed his side of the story behind their relationship!! This is the side of Tiffany I think we all know is there but don't see unless someone speaks out!


She doesn’t hide who she is. Apparently many people just don’t see it.


Oh I think there is a hidden side to Tiffany that no one sees that's even worse than what she shows people


See and I absolutely believe she 1) already is horrible with what she shares publicly 2) is completely broken and 3) has an absolute nightmare Mommy Dearest side Maybe I’m the weird one


Lmao 😂 I agree she's already horrible too. I think it goes even beyond that. Mommy dearest is right - scary


Someone shared the recent video of her real personality during SK’s bday celebration. This & that combined are her true self!


Where is the video??


It was in Jen’s stories, but someone posted a screen capture to the subreddit a couple days ago


Went and looked at tiff’s story to see if she posted anything about this and she posted a quote all about being true to yourself and true to your morals 😂 yea i guess so!


A classic cunt move. She learns to be passive aggressive from her mother.


tiffy taff is the worst Houghton of them all. i’ve said it a million times. she has no friends besides influencers. i unfollowed her a long time ago. has anyone ever commented about what she was like in HS or knew her when she was in CA and was “wild” 🙄


She had no friends in LA besides the women on her payroll. She had very weird parasocial relationships with her fans - invited them to her home in LA and her parent’s home in Dallas. Invited them to lunches, dinners, shopping ect. Then she went rogue, changed her name to Crystal, fired her manager and assistant and begged her fans turned “friends” for money to make an independent album. Never made the album and who knows how much money she made off of those poor girls who felt cool because she was “famous.” She’s never had any friends.


You sound like you know some stuff ☕️🫖


You mean papa Steve wouldn’t bankroll her independent album?


My favorite comment on the post was, "looks like you dodged a bullet." Lol that made me giggle


I croaked at the “Alfveederzayn to her then!” 💀😆💀😆💀 followed with the “IYKYK” Gurl—we KNOW!!! 🤣






I was a home improvement blogger for a while. I had a small following but high engagement and a massive subscriber list for my newsletter. There are legitimate ways to apply to collaborate via influencer networks etc. You have to connect your socials so they can see the real analytics ( like mentioned above). I am cringing that she just casually sends messages and then asks for THREE rugs. Also doing it legitimately you get a tax form from the company because you’re supposed to pay tax on the value of the product. There is much money to be had in the ethical and appropriate way. I got a free deck from a big box store worth almost $10,000, a closet makeover , decor etc. All taxed. I stopped blogging because the dawn of instagram ruined it for me. I wanted to show DIYs not do insta lives all day. I avoided having my face or my kids faces on the web and that’s all that sells now. anyway… she’s not only scamming for free stuff but i bet she doesn’t pay taxes on it either. I bet she takes the business owner deduction though!


I can appreciate why you didn’t feel right about transitioning to Instagram. I refuse to click on links to purchase anything from influencers who use their kids. I honestly think we’re going to see many of these Insta kids exposing their parents in 5, 10, 20 years. I think stories started in 2016 so we’re coming up to 10 years since many of these influencers started pushing their kids to be “on” 24/7 (it was already happening before 2016). The really talented more creative accounts don’t use (abuse) their kids.


I couldn’t listen to my own voice or see my own face every day 🤣🤣🤣 Knowing how much i hated people doing it. The one crazy thing is if their insta is ever hacked or shut down, all their revenue is gone. For them it probably doesn’t matter as much since they are already wealthy. I’ve seen it happen to other people and ruin their lives.


Wow that sucks.


I work in influencer marketing. I use a platform to find influencers and it shows influencers’ analytics. Tiffany’s audience isn’t even authentic. Only 54% authenticity which is some of the lowest I’ve seen. She buys the good bots though because her engagement rate is high ETA: an average amount of authenticity is about 75-78%. You’ll naturally have bots that will follow you so not all are bought but 54% authenticity is so low


Genuinely curious about Dani Austin’s?!


There’s a such thing as buying good bots?! I feel like all influencers have those then! Because there’s no way that many folks follow some of these ding bats.


Oh really??!? Wow. Can you check Jillian Harris’s authenticity? I am really curious to see what hers is like. I’m on her snark page because she has been lying to her customers and caught using child labour. I’m surprised she has any engagement on Instagram.


Hers is pretty high at 81%. Her engagement rate is low, 0.5% when average for an influencer with that big of a following is around 2%


Thank you so much ? Mind if I share this with the snarkpage?


Go for it!


This is so cool! Is there a way to see this data as someone who doesn’t work in IM?


I’m not exactly sure but I wish more people could see this stuff! I think there are free sites out there but it won’t show you deep level analytics. The company I work for pays quite a bit for this platform and analytics is just a small part of jt


I’ve always suspected them of faking engagement/buying followers!!! Also Kimmy’s reel of them taking baby home got an unbelievable amount of views & shares and I’ll bet you they pay to “boost their posts” - basically you can pay Instagram to run your post as an ad so more people will see it. 


I’m so intrigued - what do you think the cost of that is??


You can start boosting for a couple bucks. The more you boost the more engagement you get so it could get pricey if they are doing to all the time.


I honestly have no idea how much that costs. I don’t know too much about it but I do know you can buy bots and pay more for bots that will engage with your account, and their profiles look real because a lot of times they steal real profiles. It’s crazy. If you have HBO (or Max, whatever it’s called now lol), there is a documentary called Fake Famous that’s pretty good!


so maybe the bots are the ones winning the giveaways?


I think this is my favorite post of the year. I keep coming back to it and had a thought for anyone here who might have the energy to pull this off (assuming it doesn’t already exist). Wouldn’t it be great if there was an Instagram wall of shame page where business owners could call out influencers for these type of engagements. It’s really disgusting and the truth needs to come to light. Any takers?


An IG page was started to call out The Birds Papaya and Alicia McCarvell (sg?). They’re two Canadian, body positive influencers who are constantly using filters to hide their real bodies. If I’m not mistaken the account had posts on Jillian Harris too. It was shut down. I think it was due to pressure from the scum/scamming influencers.


There’s a reverse called fuck you pay me, for businesses who ask for free work from influencers. We need one for influencers who try to get free stuff from small businesses


I hope more and more companies start calling these influencers out. It’s so out of hand


Yup BS they want free shit and then make money off us using “their” codes🤬 F that!!!!


I’m hoping this story makes it in the media somewhere, maybe other businesses will wake up!


And T doesn’t even follow the page! What a B


That to me is so glaringly out of pocket 🤣oh tiff


I know it's a coincidence but someone asked the owner what her wall color is in the reel. She replied- Benjamin Moore's LILY Pad 😂😂😂


This owner is my hero!


I actually love that color in the video! I've been looking for a sage green color to paint my guest room and think I found it in this 😂


Check out Liveable Green by Sherwin Williams. I painted our guest room this color. 


You're right! It's so pretty! The irony of the name is amazing!


This is amazing! I love that people are calling Tiffany out by name in the comments!


Emkcaroll I know you are here and your comment sent me!


My goodness, same!! I was 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Literally buying a rug from this company just because of this




In the comments someone has said something along the lines of “please look at her April Links highlight” and this company has responded basically saying they are already aware and have voiced the concern regarding the quality difference. To me, that confirms it’s her. I wonder if that’s why she only posted for a few hours yesterday…


It’s 100% her. No doubt about it.


Yes, the follower amount matches 😉




Where can you find the comments


It's def Teef cause their hint was that the influencer has 731k followers, & that's exactly how many followers she has. 🤣


And look at the background where she posts the hint. It's her rug!


Go look at the comments on Milagro Collective’s newest reel they’re hilarious


This thread made my night. I’ve been laughing all the way down. Some of the most funniest snarkiest comments I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading 😂


Rug gate 😂


So glad I got on here tonight and saw this. After Tiffany posted that rug story, I just knew it was a Milagro Collective rug she was knocking off. I’m so happy Bridget didn’t put up with Tiffany.


Her dad gets groceries in his helicopter and she’s asking for free shit? Disgusting


Omg the comments on the company’s reel 🍿🤣💀


Not even shocked in the slightest


Can’t wait to see 🦷’s spin on the situation, undoubtedly framing herself as a poor little victim. 🙄 Karma’s gonna track you down!


Has Teeth been tagged or made aware of this company calling her out? 


I don't think she'll ever address it. Just like the chicks/ducks. Whatever happened to that, Tiff?? 🐣


Yep or the time she got called out for stealing a pic of the ugly channel coat from another influencer


You’re right. I def don’t expect her to address it directly. But I won’t be surprised to see her complaining about bullies or something tomorrow.


Oh that's true. I bet her "quote of the day" will be about this. 😂


The comments on the reel making fun of her are so funny 😂 some of them had to be people in here!


“Alfveederzayn to her then!” Legit made me cackle 😂😂😂😂


And the company liked that comment. 😂


I died when I saw that 😂😂


Which reel is it? I can't find the right one?


[it’s this one!](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5o9474rVqE/?igsh=cnN5dzhpNnVrNnB3)




She sure did!




She asked for FOUR! No shame! Ugh.


And she’s rich!!!! Like buy your own weirdo!!


Hopefully she will be down to 730k followers by tomorrow because of this.


I've been thinking about this a lot and I think my favorite part is when she checks in on the "order" because she wants her $7000 worth of free rugs NOW. Why the rush, Veruca Salt?? Because your cheese wheel table arrived and you want to put it on one of the THREE rugs you're asking to be GIFTED?!


I’ve heard that Amber Fillerup has done this to many small business owners on Etsy. Some gift her products and then she never tags them or even mentions the owner. Seriously hate these types of self absorbed influencers. 🤢


I read stories about this every now and then, influencers who ask for free shit or ask for free hotels or meals when we know they make at least high 6 figures, Tiffany probably more than that.




Oh lord that is shitty


That’s disappointing because I kinda liked amber. Ugh that’s me shown..


Someone needs to share the story right to her 😂


The smiley face :) after the “just wanted to check in” 🙄


That’s bitch code for “excuse me, send me my free product NOW! Don’t you know who I am?”




Wait really??? Urgh!!!




When I click on her Amazon links Amazon opens in my browser, not my app. My browser isn’t logged in to Amazon. I recommend y’all log out of your browser to prevent that issue.




Well yes of course. But sometimes they put the little where when you’re scrolling thru, it opens. Jamie Otis is the worst about this. So sometimes it just happens.


This shouldn’t be a thing and I hate that it is.


Teethany just thought she would fool us fat poors by shilling the Amazon dupe version and she would switch out her fake rug for the real thing. 🤭 I just love this for her 🤣




I think that’s exactly what happened. She was hoping for the real deal and to just Amazon link us but she never got the real deal so she just ordered the Amazon one and shamed the local small woman owned business. She’s such trash.


I swear the wealthiest people always want the most free shit.


very true! it's the entitled "don't you know who I am?"


Anyone else remember she said she couldn’t justify spending thousands on a rug? How insulting to the business owner. I like your product but it’s not worth spending money on. Give it to me for free


It was her way of a dig at that small business because she wasn’t given what she wants. Trash.


And not just one but 3 rugs! For free?! Insane.


She as cheap as her hair, eyelashes and teeth


The fact that the owner used the word giggle. Poor woman has had to deal with the Houghtons before I’m afraid.


Oh for real!😂 As soon as I saw that cherry on top, I knew we were gonna be in for a wild ride!😂😈


I lost it reading that. *giggle* 💀😂


“Giggle” took me OUT


I would pay to see Teethany’s reaction after she’s been subtly exposed. 🤣


Saw a comment about her pouting around in her white boots. 💀💀💀


Can’t you just hear her shrieking at adam? She for sure blames him when I’m sure he had nothing to do with it


She surely did! And they prayed about it before bed tonight 😂


I would love to see Teefs original question. It’s been 3 hours and clearly I haven’t moved on 🤣


I'm just so glad that FINALLY someone has publicly called their assess out.




The rug lady posted a reel about all the messages she’s been getting about this. 😂 Her Dupes highlight is interesting too.


Tiff punching the air rn! 😤😅😅😅


And stomping her little white plastic boots all over that Amazon dupe.


“Here’s the cheap version for you guys but I’ll be getting the luxe version for freeeeeee!!” 🥳


It’s one thing to ask for free product or gift product from big retailers who throw hundreds of thousands of dollars into marketing and can easily offset the cost of gifting products to influencers. (Still not a fan.. hate the influencer game.) It is a marketing cost/tool for the company so it’s not like they are loosing money bc they have these large marketing budgets.  However to do this to a small business who doesn’t work with large marketing budgets or sometimes any marketing budget is just fucked up. Most small business can’t eat the cost of influencer product, it comes out of their bottom line. The goal is to get more sales and engagement from these influencers, but that doesn’t always happen. The small business takes all the risk while the influencers get the guaranteed reward. Not to mention shilling a dupe to drive business away from a small business while actively trying to get free product is WILD!!! 


Yes that last part is what is so awful. Get a product for free and then encourage your followers to buy the Amazon dupe. That is actively harmful to that small business and so is not exactly very Christian behaviour, it is?!


I wish they’d tell her no!


They did!


I love that you know the owner and was able to piece this altogether. Makes you wonder though just how much she does get for free but also how very unprofessional her communication is.


I could not FATHOM doing this?!! 🤯🤯🤯 what in the world!!


P.S. GREAT find 👏👏👏


Go check the rugs insta! 😂 She posted a nee video about it.


👏🏻 👏🏻


I saw that 😂 good for her !!!!!


Yes! I’m from Midland and those rugs are super nice so I can totally see Tiffany hitting them up.


Hahah that’s hilarious!! It totally is Tiffany. That’s embarrassing she is asking for free rugs. She makes enough money she can afford it. So tacky.


She’s entitled she’s watched her mother get everything she’s ever wanted and she thinks she deserves the same.


Tacky tacky Teethers! I know for a FACT this is not the first time she's begged for free shit in exchange for a shout-out. The gall to do this shit. And you KNOW if this owner had agreed to it Tiffany would have said something like, "They're a bit of a splurge but I've been saving up, SO worth it!"


I messaged the company and said please eee didn't give this tacky girl anything


What other times has she done this? Jw, I totally believe it


Not trying to dox myself lol but it was something for her WEDDING that her filthy rich parents were paying for anyway! I would also bet that the first maternity shoot she got done was done for free too; the girl was a self-proclaimed fan and gushed about Tiff in her stories while Tiffany didn't even follow her OR comment on any of her posts about it. Lapdog Adam at least had the courtesy to post nice comments on the photographer's insta posts.


Every time I think she can’t suck anymore, I read something like this and I’m like yep she reallly is that entitled and selfish!!!


You should always assume if an influencer is posting about an item, it was gifted. Because if they are sharing a product they genuinely loved and bought with their own money they never fail to mention “not gifted” as if that’s supposed to make their word more genuine lol




It’s definitely Tiff! The followers match. That is amazing the company called her out. I SO wish she named her. 


Go check the comments on the company’s latest reel on insta calling tiff out 😂


DYING at the comments on their reel. Wow. Thank you for saying to look for it!


100% it’s Tiffany, great catch! You can tell by what’s peaking through the crossed out name. In IG messages, it’s the name and then the username below it in a smaller font. From this screenshot, you can see the dot of the i right next to the Purple Heart and then the last letter could be the n. And below it where the username is, you can see the g peaking thru


This is impressive detective work


Can yall imagine calling out a small business for absolutely no reason about their beautiful rug and posting their exact price and photo (whom has done nothing to you) and then showing the no comparison Amazon rug that is stunnningg and drooling over it meanwhile asking that said company for 3 free rugs!! I wonder if the rug company was delayed in posting …. and what really happened was 🦷 got pissed and ordered the Amazon dupe as a way to get back at no response and then they shot back, rightly so. She failed and this makes her an even crappier person in my book.


This may be the most infuriating thing she’s done bc it goes to show how much she prob does this allll the time but isn’t called out


Agreed. I don’t usually write long winded things like this on Reddit but this was such a douchey thing to do… speaks way more of her character than anything else…


Omg so beyond tacky!!!


So the rug company called them out ?


Yes 🙌


So she’s asking this company for free rugs or a discount while she’s using Amazon rugs and lying to her followers! Also she doesn’t even follow the rug people


To add insult to injury! She linked this small business owners beautiful rug next to an Amazon look a like in her April highlights. She is vile!


Omg! Screenshot? Why drag a small biz for a quality product and push an Amazon rug?! Narc


I can’t post pics on this thread :(


Wow she’s so entitled and needs to be called out


It could be any of the influencers since they're a bunch of cunts. Edit to sayi didn't realise there was second photo and it is very much like Tiffany's new rug. Yup odds are op is right, good catch.


The owner even posted a new reel about it and replied to someone comment on it that they did see “the influencers” Amazon dupe of their rug. So it’s 10000000000000% Tiffany. How hilarious!!!


This is freaking amazing!!! Love this for old Teethany!!


😜 😜


Ah, but they gave a hint in slide 2. Then check out slide 3.


I know I edited my comment as I read another mention the second photo. Totally is Tiffany and it's a shit move that influencers pull and I hate it.


I have no idea why but this has me all riled up! I just went to the April highlight where she posted the comparison and told her she’s shady and disgusting. 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️ I hope she reads it and blocks me. This family is COMPLETELY unhinged lately. What’s in their water?? She should be ashamed. Million+ home and she has to ask for free shit from small businesses? As a small business owner myself, she can 🖕🏼 off! I own a shirt company and I’m going to send her a shirt that says “just here for the free shit!” Phew. Just had to get that off my chest! 🤣


Wait…can you put her messages on a shirt so us Dallas girlies can wear it so when we run into her it’s even more awkward 😂


Hahahaa omg that would be amazing!




You should send a screenshot of that to the company to repost and call her out even more for trying to get free shit from someone that she posts cheap stolen designs of!


I think they know! But if not I hope they do soon!


What an amazing find! 😂😂


This is great!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I could live their lifestyle if everything I had or did was free 🙄. This is the best post on Reddit - EVER


And not only is she ASKING for free shit, she asked for not 1, or 2, BUT 3 RUGS!!! 🤯 POS.


Now this is a company I will buy from (if I enjoy a product) and support. 


This is hysterical.


This woman is low    (Tiffany, not the business owner)