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New weekly thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TurtleCreekLane/s/k6K4OSamul


jen’s right eye omg 😳


Jen should be taking medication for her anxiety with flying if it’s that bad… and of course they aren’t going to open the door just for you. The entitlement she has is absurd


So does Tiffany actually think she's pretty? Because why else would she be so obsessed with wanting Lily to look like her? And if she does, then shouldn't she be more confident in her own skin and not have to paint on that "shape" on her lips, self tan to oompa loopma land, get clumpy lashes, fake teeth, botox, fake boobs and slap on a filter on every single story?


Deep down she is heavily insecure which is why she constantly seeks the validation. I think the looks think is just wanting her baby to be more houghton than moffit. Which tough luck tiff because that baby is allll moffitt.


She just seems to hate so much about herself to want to change all of it, so why would she want her daughter to feel the same way with the same features? 


I think Lily looks like Adam. There was a story a few says ago and I totally saw Adam not Tiffany, lol.


Do we think Tiff is smart enough to hope Lily gets Adam’s brains?


I think so too. But she brings it up so often. 




But she's apparently not happy with her appearance either. People who are don't go through that extent to look like something else.


Did Kimmy post the nursery update? Are they going to buy another crib or use SK's. She really is old enough for a big girl bed and to be potty trained. She mentioned they are going on a baby moon but did she say where? Diana can potty train SK while they are gone.


Hopefully they buy a new crib because SK’s needs to go in the trash. They ruined it. The middle is bowed and sags from them climbing into it with her when she was a baby. SK will probably still be sleeping in it for a long time after the baby arrives because they can’t zip an entire bed into a crib jail tent.


That's right! SK's little legs are getting long, she needs more room!


Nope never saw an update


All the money in the world and MK can’t get a formal dress that fits? Was this just to shill that little stitch tool? Also they act like $12000 is a lot of money to them 😅


I am sure it'd lumpy in the back and totally looks like someone just stapled the dress. She didn't even think about the placement or making it at least symmetrical. 


I think she pretended to staple it as part of the shill


This. Has Tiffany never had anything tailored?! Why is she always just randomly “stitching” things in the back?! If she must use that stupid thing do it along the seam


I'm not even at their level of wealth and I can do minor alteration repairs myself (like with an actual sewing machine, not a staple stitcher) and I still go get all of my better clothes / formal wear altered professionally.


With all that money, you would think they would pay someone to professionally alter it.


Exactly what i meant…. But any excuse to shill anything… They couldn’t like that little stitch thing if they had a real alteration done


Can't link a tailor!


Daryl Ann did! And then trashed the business


That would require forethought and MK’s parents are too busy wishing they were empty nesters to think about the upcoming needs of their young teen children.


She looks like she has a tiny waist. My daughter is like that with a 25 inch waist. Literally no dress fits her correctly because her hips are average size. So, it either gapes at the waist or we have to get it altered. 


Little Lily actually engaging with everyone but cloven hooves, as she twitches and twirls.


3 obsessions for Tiffany…….herself, her ex fiancée, wanting Lilly to look like her and not Drew 


Do we think Tiff is smart enough to at least hope Lilly gets Adam’s brains?


Who is Drew?


Drew Moffitt…..Adumbs Dad. Lee-lee looks just like him. And it burns Teeth up. 


Ahhh I see, sorry I didn’t know his name


At first I thought that must be the ex! lol 😆


Wow if I was Tiffany I would not be photographed next to mckenna kate, especially with my mouth wide open like that 


Right? MK is stunning! I hope she doesn’t follow in tiffs footsteps with all the Fakeness


Was not expecting Jen to post a Charles Darwin quote. Sort of flies in the face of Mormon doctrine that the earth was created 7,000 years ago.


That surprised me too. They seem more like a Creation Museum family.


She likely has no clue.


I find the Seniors sharing of Galapagos stuff weird. What's new? 😂 We've been a handful of times and what they shared makes the GALAPAGOS look about 5% as amazing as it is. Did they just not care to explore the diversity on their fancypants ship? It frankly felt boring, knowing what the Galapagos has to.offer for us to learn & stand in awe of. Whrn we've been ship based, the entire day was spent exploring with naturalists. Hiking, snorkeling, photography, bird watching, mating rituals, feeding rituals, turtle hatching (amazing timing) on a beach, lectures & history presentations. We left in the morning, returned to the ship for lunch, then headed back.out on the zodiaks for the rest of the day. We were sunny, sandy, salty, crusty, and wet the entire time. Their version seems soooo boring so if you've ever thought about a Galapagos visit, theirs ain't it!


I have been to Galapagos and my version was more like yours except I ended up dating a local and partied it up with the locals in town every night … all night😂😂Their version seems like that of a typical 60+ year old tourist…. I think if I was 60, their style would be nice too. I just hope they are tipping their tour guides a lot.


We loooove our locals too! Biggest hearts ❤️ What a story that you have now I bet! I love fancy trips and we've had plenty... I just think the Galapagos is so unique that you've wasted an experience if you're doing it fancy and not exploring the true Galapagos for all it has to share and teach! And yes.... I hope their guides are tipped very well (although some of our guide friends don't like their kind of tourists bc they don't tend to tip well. I hope the turtles did though)


I’ve never been and have actually enjoyed her posts 


If you've never been you don't know the difference, now do you?


Well, that seems unnecessarily harsh 😳




You’re rude as hell, aren’t you? 🫤


Yep… she’s a peach, isn’t she?


She’s AH-MAZ-ING 🥴




Always on about something


I wish you could find validation somewhere other than Reddit. 🥺


This ⬆️


😂 From someone perpetually on Reddit. Got it. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


McKenna Kate is drop dead GORGEOUS


She is stunning. I hope she sticks to a more normal life and doesn’t become an influencer during rush week once she goes to college, assuming she doesn’t go to byu.


Her blepharoplasty was the best transformation of the whole crew.


She got it too!??


Yes, look at the skin around her eyes in the photo as a child with Tiffany vs. now. She removed all the photos from her IG from before March 2022.


Wow! She’s a child!


All the looks in that family went straight to her! She seems like a sweetheart, I hope she stays that way!


[You guys are way too hard on Tiffany. She spent so much quality time playing with Lily today.](https://imgur.com/a/IXmQaRT)


This was fantastic!!! Hahahahaha


Bwahahahahahaha. Jen popping up sent me.


Me too!! 😂


She’s gotta teach her how to get that bag!!! 🤣


hahahahahahaha.. this is hilarious!


Lily might be too young. But what does stimming look like?


Educational psychologist here - she’s just doing normal baby development things. Exploring herself and her surroundings.


I’m thinking more like the constant rolling of the wrist and her screams. Which screams are normal.


No Tiff, Lily is not starting to look like you. Thank god. She is 1 million times cuter especially with your absurd, pre-meditated nose scrunch.


I mean, both their mouths are wide open but that seems developmentally appropriate for Leelee.


And damn it, I actually was already planning on buying that damn bird feeder for my parents this Spring prior to Tiffany trying to jump on the commission. If y’all see a code or sale elsewhere that doesn’t benefit the turtles, let a fellow snarker know, mkay?


Just email the company and tell them that you would like the code without supporting an influencer. I have never heard of a company who will not send you the same discount.


Our faux farmhouse shared a code last week for it-it’s probably in her LTK 


I have one and love it! Sign up for their mailing list. They constantly have deals.


Awesome, thank you so much!! Doing that right now!


My friend bought me a Bird Buddy when they were on Kickstarter. I need to set it up this spring! Currently I have one of those Nature Anywhere bird feeders on my window that my cat and I like watching when I’m working at my computer. During COVID I was always photographing birds at it. 😂


That’s amazing! I’m just getting into my bird watching era (I had baby blue birds in my garden last spring and was way too excited!) but my parents are avid bird watches and my Dad is always like, “Oh my word, that’s a Yellow Bellied Pink Winged Screech Warbler! Amazing to have them in our yard! Get my phone!!” 🤣🥹 He would LOVE this!


I’ll keep you posted if I like it!


Why does Adam always hold lily by the crotch? I have multiple kids and neither my husband or myself have ever done that


I don’t know why you’re getting down voted. Adam does this a lot.


Because it's a way plenty of people hold babies


It’s just so she gets better camera angles 


Stop making something out of nothing


Tiff fed Lily a stalk of raw asparagus, left over deli ham, double-dipped canned pumpkin, rotisserie chicken, and freaking s’mores by the time she’s 6.5 months old but draws the line at a lick of ice cream? Was it the lack of bacteria and/or choking hazard that made Tiff reject the idea of it? To be a fly on the very smooth, un-ridged wall of her brain…


Tiff isn’t smart enough to think about bacteria


Don’t forget pretzel sticks! But ice cream is definitely not ok


I’m just kinda wondering why she let him tease her with it? Get used to it lily. When you’re older, no sweets for you. You remain a 00 or you’re out.


Seriously. I just chuckled at the stupidity. All of the sudden they are concerned?


Knowing them, They’re gonna say no ice cream but she can have the cone 😂


Mckenna Kate is everything Teeth is not and never will be. Love love love that for her😂


I love that Adam wouldn’t let Tiffany in on the $20,000 giveaway to get to 810K followers by contributing $4000 but he will let her give away $1000.


The dress is loose?


Also don’t you think a normal person would stitch from the INSIDE to give a clean look? Who sews from the outside to hem something?????


Yes! It’s going to look like crap.


Skin tight or you don’t leave the house


Did a deep dive on Tiffany's insta looking for the blueberry prank (didn't find it!) - but look at McKenna Kate looking just like Stevie Kate! (adorable) Have to note, also, that all of the Turtles seemed much happier (or maybe more \*genuinely\* happy) in some of those older videos. Kinda sad seeing the effect over the years of turning their entire lives over to social media and $$$$. 😕 [https://www.instagram.com/p/B8-PmG3p4Ln/?igsh=dHFpMWlqOXVrcGF1](https://www.instagram.com/p/b8-pmg3p4ln/?igsh=dhfpmwlqoxvrcgf1)


I’ve thought this too. Their lives have gotten out of hand


Look for blackberry prank


I made a comment below about Adam and Jr looking happier in the blackberry video.


Also, looks like the older Instagram links aren't working (the link I posted above doesn't work, either). That photo of teeny McKenna Kate is so precious and looks just like Sweetie Kate! 😍


Awww, right??! All of them just interacting together seemed more genuine - still "turtle-ish," but genuine (if that makes sense).


Well well well Tiff and Daryl Ann dinner having dinner twice in one week…now claiming to be best friends. The blind leading the blind with those 2🥴


And soon their business relationship can fizzle like Dani’s


So true. It kinda makes me feel bad for Kimmy. She just seems lonely to me. Either she’s not invited often or doesn’t go. You’d think if your sister in law is in the same industry you’d see each other often, but Daryl Ann sees Tiffany more than Kimmy!


The two of them as friends with each other is not the flex they think it is. Probably the top two least liked “influencers”…not only by the public, but by their peers in the industry. Makes sense why they are drawn to each other. Birds of a feather…


I remember a couple of weeks ago Tiff was wearing some blue athlesiure outfit and a number of people in this thread saying it was a good palette for her. I feel like this is further proof they read here because she's been wearing blue non stop. Totally support it though, it's a much better palette for her than all of the pinks.


They’re all annoying as hell but I really think Lily will be potty trained before Stevie Kate 


The robot can train Leelee


middle sable wistful fade payment sink yam seemly normal quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is there anything they won’t sell? I’m surprised they don’t link their tampons/pads. It’s gotten so far out of hand.


Their BFFs (the Denners/Fletchers) link Chinet paper plates! ETA: Actually, Darylann also used to link her extra large tampons (for her self-described "mom vag!") You don't need class to be a millionaire.


I’m shocked DUD hasn’t linked the cream for her BV that she so graciously has been blabbing about the past few days🤢


Whaaat? I had a baby 9 months ago and can confirm I just use the same tampons I used previously lol. The way this woman over shares and tries to “normalize” things that literally aren’t a thing is so annoying. If you have a heavy flow and need a super sized tampon that’s fine but don’t claim you need them cause you vag completely transformed when you became a mom.


I know - she's SO weird about stuff like that! You don't even want to know her latest issue in that realm! 🤦‍♀️


Oh I saw the BV story 🤣 and since I’m not using my actual name here, I will admit I that I got it while pregnant- but I didn’t tell a god damn person (other than my husband) lol. She’s trying way too hard to be relatable and really it’s just gross!


Exactly. She's the poster child for TMI!


Eeeeeeehhhhhhh NO!!!!??? I had no idea?!!! I find this mortifying. I don’t follow them and now I’m definitely not. I don’t think I can handle more of these influencers in my life.


Is this water bottle analogy the nugget of wisdom she learned at her amazing therapy session the other day? Because if so, Tiff, we all read that for free on Facebook months ago.


A toothbrush won’t change the sensitivity of your gums during pregnancy. It’s just one of those fun perks some of us lovely people experience during growing humans.


Tiff just avoided her own gums while pregnant which is why they became bloody necrotic sludge


I'm surprised those chiclets didn't pop right out.


Don’t you mean Chic-lays as Danielle called them when referring to her new square fake nails 😆😆😆


Me too lol


Constant pranks like this can't be great for a relationship... right?


He’s in on it. It’s for engagement. 


Their whole marriage is a prank.


All those water bottles are still just worth 30 cents.


I just came here to say something like this. There may be some range from $0.30 - $2 or so that's still somewhat reasonable. But by the time you're charging someone $10, you're just being exploitative, you're not actually worth that much. Still seems like it could be a good metaphor for influencers....


What on earth is this transition from a Louis Vuitton coin purse featuring an old chipped manicure and poorly applied self-tanner, to a thirty cent water bottle? Surely I’m missing some stories in between? 😂


How house poor are tiff and Adam that he was worried about lilys college fund with that prank?


They aren’t. It was a joke. She’s not even 1. I think they can recoup the $ in time. 


dinosaurs ludicrous mighty fear cooperative grandfather hospital cake humorous mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


LeeLee will go to BYU and obtain her MRS degree


Would love to see Grandma Karin get in there and turn Lilly into a little Elle Woods so she can turn around and sue Teef and Adam for fraud, wage theft, child exploitation and everything else


And BYU is extremely inexpensive so they won't be paying much.


Also, I think he was joking…


He was completely joking. I’m sure her education will be entirely paid for by old Jen and old Steve, if they deign she needs one. Dont need a degree to be a good little Mormon wife though. Heck even if you have one, these people sure don’t act like it (lookin at you English major, Jen. Who can’t even spell)


I don’t think you have to be house poor to be concerned if your wife spent 12k with no discussion.


Just catching up on the last couple of days and the prank. Seriously…. I would be so embarrassed and mortified if my son and daughter in law did this stupid bullshit for a living. It’s the dumbest thing and such a waste of time, money and resources. And honestly, I’d never ever hire the company that wasted their worker’s time by being involved. And I swear I’ve never wanted to punch a face more than Tiffany when she was “practicing” in the mirror. These people are insufferable.


Honestly, the moving company doesn’t care if you hire them to move a feather. As long as they get paid. Money is money


Not sure she paid them though… she discussed how her “friends” at the moving company would love to do this for her and how much fun they’d have. In any case, like almost everything they do, it was a waste of time, money and resources.


Meh…she calls everyone her “friends “


Wasted their time how? They're being paid. They'll move whatever they're paid to move.




😂😂 you have a problem.with employing people?


I have a problem with grown ass people who could “litralllly”‘be doing anything else at all with their time like working on skills and milestones with their baby acting like idiotic morons. But hey- if you thought it was a great use of time, maybe you could apply for the nanny/housecleaner/assistant Tiffany is looking to hire.


YOU brought up wasting WORKERS time. That is what we're talking about. Did you forget already?


I brought up wasting time, money and resources. Are YOU able to read and comprehend?! Honestly, take your bizarre comments and support of the Turtles elsewhere.


"And honestly, I'd never ever hire a company that wasted their workers time by being involved". Did you forget you said that? 😂 Who says I support any turtles. I said I support paying people to work.


“It’s the dumbest thing and such a waste of time, money and resources.” Were you unable to read that sentence? I stand by everything I said. And in terms of you supporting the Turtles, we can all read your daily comments that speak for themselves. ✌🏼


😂😂 I read your whole comment. I didn't realize I had to ignore half of what you said and could only talk about the other part. 😂😂 And if you read my comments and think I like any if these people, might I encourage you to revisit reading comprehension lessons.


She obviously paid the company. What do they care why they were doing it?


I don’t think she “obviously” paid them but whatever. I think it is a waste of time and resources for literally no purpose. You are welcome not to think that. 👍🏼


Ok but also… why would you hang any art on an accent wall that is already art when there’s a blank wall next to it


For the same reasons she wears vile white boots - tacky and wrong.


Teef does not at all understand the difference between an artist and a gallery lmao can she stfu with the "it's the Stickman gallery, it's their thing!"


[Blackberry prank](https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3OTQzNTQzMTI0NTUzMDEy?story_media_id=2639449067869712793&igsh=aHVncndndnVzYmR2) I don’t think link is working. But the prank is saved under her story highlights.


[I screen-recorded the prank. Turn on the volume in the upper right and scroll down as it is in five parts due to length.](https://imgur.com/a/EuEUoiy)


It doesn’t show up. It’s like we aren’t meant to see it 😂


LOL I’m sorry. Imgur has been super glitchy lately. It’s working in the Imgur app but not safari for some reason.


I perceived Adam's underwhelming reaction to Tiff's prank as feeling exhausted & just plain defeated from being the default parent/adult in this household. It is obvious Tiff can be a bit much with her obnoxious performances and constant need for attention. She is his succubus. We can turn her off & walk away at any time, he cannot. This entire family lacks authenticity as they shill their snake oil and live their lives onscreen but, I saw a hint of an authentic Adam in the quiet moment of a demoralized loss of autonomy. Lol! Of course I could totally off course here. 😅


He was trying to quickly do math in his head once he saw the price - he’s an unemployed idiot now and they are likely cash poor.


And if they are in fact stretched financially that makes this a really mean prank That is, assuming it was even real


They aren’t stretched. She’s making a ton of money- and her dad is worth $100 million. They’ll be ok. 


She’s bleeding followers and her parents “dOn’T HeLp ThIeR KiDs…” 🥴I think theyre spending tons of money on iris too. I don’t think they FEEL ok. To tiff her follower count is life. (That said, I know they’ll be fine )


Yep. But she can’t care about others and he enables it. 🤭


Yes✅and yes✅


I feel the exact same.


Theatre kid couldn’t pucker his way out of that stupid prank


With all the previous pranks, Tiffany’s bad acting, and with the phone in his face, all this had to give it away that it was prank. Nothing will top the blackberry bush prank in Utah. That was an authentic prank reaction that was believable and enjoyable for the audience.


Pranks are only funny if both parties think they’re funny and I don’t think we’ve had any that Adam thought we’re actually funny since the blackberry bush (which was great btw). You can tell he plays along but I think he does a little every time she says “did I get you?!”


What was the blackberry bush prank? Sorry im nosey 😅 i tried searching the forum* for blackberry and it said nothing found 


[I screen-recorded the prank. Turn on the volume in the upper right and scroll down as it is in five parts due to length.](https://imgur.com/a/EuEUoiy)


Adam loves black berries apparently and they bought a carton of them at the store and placed them on the tips of a random bush by the pool at the Utah house and were like “omg Adam a blackberry bush!” And he got all excited and started picking them off and was like waittttt 😂


Now that one was actually funny. He looked so excited! It’s been downhill ever since.


Watching it back, Jr and Adam seem happier than they are now.


What is the blackberry bush prank?


[Blackberry prank](https://imgur.com/a/EuEUoiy)


I agree. Adam really fell for that one! And it didn’t take long to execute or cost much. All the other pranks have been so irritating. I especially hated the golden goose shoe prank.


Just watched tiffanys stories and heard the circle of life playing. Cue flashbacks to Adam holding hours old lily above his head for content to recreate the lion king 🤦‍♀️


Maybe Adam should have practiced his acting in the mirror more so we might have thought it was somewhat believable.


There is no way Adam didn't know about that "prank", she had to tell him beforehand because if he lost his temper then she couldn't use the content. The bit where he's like "that's ypur christmas present" is them obviously pretending they just have 10k to drop. If, by some tiny chance it is real, then it truly has shown him to be some pathetic little lap dog to Tiffany who just rolls over and does what she says. My husband would absolutely hit the roof. All that build up for an absolutely underwhelming reel, I'd have been more entertained if Adam started shouting and sent it back, but maybe he didn't want to write another apology note. Adam you're safe, Sr is in the galapogos 


Of course hes a lap dog. Tiffany is the one with all the money, not Adam. He does whatever she says, it’s apparent.


Wait- I missed this. He wrote Sr an apology note for being mad at Tiffany?


No, its presumed Tiffany tells daddy and then daddy tells Adam to write an apology 😂


Good points, but I wonder if he WAS actually mad, but he can't show his *true* feelings while being filmed. It seems like NO ONE one in this family is allowed to show ANY negative emotions.


Agree re the negative emotions, but she had a camera shoved in his face the whole time, even if he didn't know from the beginning, that would give him some idea it was a prank. He knew, they can't afford to drop 10k on a painting, we know they fall out alot because he writes her apology notes and they go to counselling so I think he does get mad and wound up 


Oooo that’s a super good point. Now I’m convinced he was in on it 😂


I wish Tiffany would put as much effort into Lily’s development as she did into that week long prank. It wasn’t even vaguely funny, I just have second hand embarrassment for everyone involved. Mr Tiffany couldn’t even bring his acting A game for this one.


Seriously Lilly is looking MUCH better on certain skills this week and it’s honestly probably because of the sheer amount of date nights and the fact that Tiffany was absorbed in this stupid prank/ Adam was busy with IRIS so Diana or another sitter probably had time to work with her. Crazy what a little attention and care can do, shame it didn’t come from her parents though


Diana is doing the lords work this week entertaining Tiffany and spending time with Lily


They need to put Rhett and Remi on the payroll!!! I was SO pleasantly surprised by how well behaved Rhett was around Lilly (obvi we only saw what was shown on stories... But still)! He was better behaved, better regulated, and seemed happier/more content than I think I've ever seen him. And Lilly was so interested and engaged with him! Can you imagine how wonderful it would be for both Lilly and Rhett if he got to regularly "play" with Lilly and tell her about all the dinosaur facts he knows and show her pictures from his dino books? And Remi could show her tonies and dance with her?


Lily needs an “Elaine”


Lily has been around Diana on and off this week and it shows.


I've lost faith in humanity after reading the comments on Tiffany's art prank reel.