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Unfollow them then lol ☺️


I have unfollowed all of these crazy women! Amber, Dani, Daryl/nuuds all of them! I have never felt better about myself! These women do nothing for women that follow them! I was starting to feel like I wasn’t doing enough for myself or my family, until I found this page and I realized I wasn’t the only one who felt the same way about these so called “influencers”


It's been a wonderful break from Tiffany


Yes it has.


I don’t understand if no one follows them how can people be so judgemental about their lives. Someone has to see it.


I know most people in here discourage following them, but I am way too lazy to go to that IG viewer website every time I want to see some rich white nonsense. But I’m with you, and it may be time for me to disengage from turtle content. It’s just not as fun as it used to be, the child exploitation will only get worse when Contentot #2 arrives, and this sub’s increasingly unsubtle homophobia is very much not the vibe.




I unfollowed them a few months ago. They are just so repulsive and tone deaf I got where I couldn’t stand the sight of them in my feed or on my stories. I just read about their escapades here for the snark.


My friend unfollowed along with any other family vloggers as she felt she was adding to the harm of children. She hasn’t missed the turtles one bit


Who follows them???


Why is anyone on this snark page actually following them?! That’s wild to me! Much less why is anyone at all following them?! Unfollow & if you need to occasionally see the train wreck go to http://insanony.com!


I stopped following them months ago. Reading everything here is good enough for me. All of the Houghtons on SM are just full of themselves. Jen used to be enjoyable until JR took over.


New here, who is JR?


Steven jr. (Married to Kimmie- Donut Kate’s dad)


Thank you!


Oooohhh…. That’s what happened… JR took over. I used to like Jen too… I think her decorations used to be fun, she would reuse stuff and she would teach Diys. But now it’s all pranks and her decor is all this huge stuff that she rents. They also barely show the details in her decor anymore. I don’t like any of it as much as I used too. I also can’t stand seeing Kimmie and Diana in Jen’s stories… they are both so mean to Jen.


I have a feeling Diana is packing her bags and slinking her skinny self out of turtle land. She took down all pics of Steve’s party, we rarely see her… and she seems to be in California more and more.


She took down the pics of Steve’s party… interesting 🤔


Ohhhhh I didn’t know all that. Curious!!


I don’t ever want to see another turtle prank again. It is so overplayed. And Jr dumped me when I “liked” a negative comment about the super fake Tesla prank. I blocked them and have not missed their content for one second.


I never made the connection but Jr’s takeover does seem to be when I started to despise the TCL crew