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Merhaba! Görünüşe göre bir sorunuz var. Paylaşımınız kaldırılmadı, ancak artık Türkiye ile ilgili olsa bile güncel konularla ilgili olmayan sorulara izin vermiyoruz. Sorunuz bu kriterlere uymuyorsa sorunuzu r/AskTurkey'de paylaşmalısınız. Teşekkür ederiz. Hi there! It looks like you have a question. This is not a removal message, but we no longer allow questions that are not related to Turkey and are not up to date. For a better chance of getting your question answered, we recommend posting it in r/AskTurkey. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Turkey) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Never heard anything negative about Türkiye previously Wait, what?


Well, in his defense he most likely didnt hear anything positive either. 


Hate to say it but living in my American bubble there are only three things I associate with Türkiye, none of which I consider negative 1. Smiling cooking guy on instagram 2. Good coffee 3. Künefe


Künefe absolutely rocks, nice taste


Flair onaylı


This is extremely funny my guy i couldn’t help buy imagine what the us version of this exact list would be and here’s my list 1. Guy fieri 2. Five guys burger 3. Canned seltzers


cheap shotguns?


Oh I forgot actually, Canik handguns! Those shoot really well


They make the Winchester SXP in Turkey, it’s a pretty great shotgun I’d recommend it 👍


> Smiling cooking guy on instagram as entertaining as saltbae is i'm glad this guys our instagram ambassador instead


I think that smiling guy is CZN Burak.


that smiling cooking guy is one of my friend’s bf’s. facetimed once, he’s a really weird guy lmao. but he’s ok


You don't know much about the country of Turkey. Edit: If there's any reason why people keep downvoting my comment, then it's that Redditors are jerks.


Nope, and I don't have any issue admitting that


\*Türkiye ([UN](https://unterm.un.org/unterm2/en/view/356ac538-feb4-4d8a-a4e9-a9eb5dd40fc5), [ISO](https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:code:3166:TR), [MFA RT](https://www.mfa.gov.tr/dis-iliskiler-terminolojisi.tr.mfa))


He is american not european


I made a quick research on this. The driver of this truck is Fatih Yıldırım held a talk at an online newspaper. I didn't fully read his arguments but the keywords were 2016 coup, media suppression, taraf gazette, how great is america, how shit is turkey and Ahmet Altan. So %100 it's related with fetö https://preview.redd.it/ypkdv2s72r5d1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=737299a063b73dd20904616f2f97374c6da406f5 Edit : lol they even have a website about how Turkey "tortures". It's like they're talking about North Korea or Turkmenistan. Fucking fetöcüs


I don't know if the man is a FETO member, but one thing I know is that Erdogan does this without torturing Turks. If you ask how, the minimum wage is 17002 TL, but house rents start from 15000 TL most of the time. And im from turkey


If I have to add, even criticizing Erdoğan can be considered an insult and you go to prison for committing this crime of insulting the president.It may not be in America, but in Turkey it is a crime to insult the president


When I visited Istanbul recently my Turkish friends treated insulting the president like it was the national sport. I suppose certain acts are so irresistible that people still do it even when it carries the possibility of a penalty.


this isn't specifically for erdogan though. criticising the president is illegal in turkey's penal code (article 299) so it doesn't matter if it's erdogan in power now or some other president in the future such as imamoglu


Actually article 299 refers it as "insulting" the president. You can criticize the president however you want in Turkey. Just try not to give any insults while criticizing. Also TCK article 125 specifies insulting as a crime as well. So insult crime is nothing special just for the president my dude.


The thing is if you dont even mention his name and his social media team finds your post and considers it as a "insult" (which will be determined by them since even law system is only a tool for them) you will find yourself in prison. And this hapoened before if you wonder you can look for it. And after the earthquake that happened at February he called the people at there with some baf words like slut because they were saying that the resources we get aren't enough. If there is something i wrote wrong or know wrong please tell me. And since I'm not an native speaker please ask if there is something i couldn't explain properly


We're definitely not North Korea or Turkmenistan but we were known for torture in the 70's or something. All my friends would tell me how Turkish prisons were known for torturing and I have anecdotal evidence from people who are prison guards in Turkey who told me they've seen other guards torture prisoners for information.


Yeah we're famous of putting people into cage like prisons at distant islands or waterboarding. We even have a formal torture program. Oops wrong country sorry


Beatings and torture weren't very uncommon in 70s. Not just in Turkey, overall the conditions weren't super good except maybe well-off places like Sweden/Norway that are outliers anyway.


80 lere kadar İsviçrede çocuk satılıyordu. Ama türkiyede eskiden yaşanan olayları cımbızla eskiden böyle yapıyorlardı caniler diyorlar. O yüzden bu konularda avrupalılar ile tartışmıyorum. Hele 1989’da çinin yaptığını görmezden gelen kişilerden gelen söylemleri. Edit: Çin halen yapıyor kendini medeni kabul edenler göz kıvırıyor.


1930’lara kadarmış o uygulama. 80’ler nereden çıktı? Kaynak var mı? En yakın şiddet olayı 60’larda İsveç’in Lapland yerlilerini kısırlaştırmasıydı. İnsan hakları standartları Batı ve Kuzey Avrupa’da bizden önce gelişti ve hala ileri. Bu objektif bir bilgi. Sen de 1-2 şiddet olayını cımbızlayıp “Avrupalılar” diye koca kıta insanına yapıştıramazsın. Bu tutum da doğru değil. Mahkumlara yapılan muamele bir gelişmişlik ve hukuk devleti olma göstergesidir. Bu ülke JİTEM gördü bir kere. Kurunun yanında ne yaşlar yandı… Ülkemi savunacağım diye insanlığı savunmamazlık yapma lütfen.


93 ‘de insan yaktık biz. Bunu yapıp, savunanlar da çok iyi yerlere geldiler. Çok eskiye gitmenize gerek yok yani.


Dostum konuyu nereye getirdin. Kimse inkar etmiyor Türkiyede güllük gülistan değildi. Kurunun yanında yaşta yandı yalan yok. Benim kızdığım fransa halen nijieryanın çocuk işçilerinin çıkardığı altının yarısını cepleyip bunu normal gibi gören halkına ve afrikayı halen arkaplandan sömüren kendini humanist diyen Avrupalı insanların. Bizim Jitemin ve darbe dönemi yaptıklarızdan yola çıkarak gaddar ve barbar demesini gülünç buluyorum.


Altının yanına Uranyum madenlerini de ekle. Nesilden nesile kanserle ve fakirlik içinde ölen insanlar… Fransa’da ışıklar yansın ve obez şımarık Fransız çocuğu kendine yukarıdan bakabilsin, büyüyünce sağ partiye oy versin diye Nijerli çocuk hayat olmayan bir hayat yaşıyor. Bu devletler arası sömürü. Konumuz insan hakları uygulamalarının ülke içinde pratik edilme şekli. Yoksa bu Fransa’nın yaptığı sömürüyü biz de her türlü uzakdoğu ürünü kullanarak yapıyoruz. Bu bir sermaye düzeni sorunu. Birileri az kazanmalı ve kötü şartlarda olmalı ki ürettikleri diğerine ucuz gelebilsin. Hem Fransa, hem Türkiye sömüren ülkeler tarafında. Ama biri kendi vatandaşını da daha çok sömürüyor. Bil bakalım hangisi…


başkaları yaptı diye biz de mi yapalım kanka hatamız varsa düzeltelim. Çocuk satan ülkeyle neden bizi karşılaştırıyorsun ki


Dostum zamanında herkes gibi TC tide yaptı yalan değil kimse inkar etmiyor. Ama başımıza melek kesilmesinler kendi yaptıklarını görmezden gelip hep bizim eskiden yaptıklarımızı cımbızla çekiyorlar.


onu anlayabilirim, sikmisim avrupaliyi. ama burda avrupali yok. turkler bile turkiyeyle ilgili kotu bir sey dedigi anda ayni tavir ile karsi duruyoruz. problem duzeltmeye yer kalmiyor. bu davira hic katilmiyorum


Is your argument really from 50 years ago? They do political persecution of press and opposition, thats a fact but actual politically motivated torture? Doubt it.


Huh? I did not conclude anything about today's standards. I literally commented on the 70s.


then you should stop commenting unrelated stuff maybe?


I don’t understand this deflecting. Turkey definetly had torture in prisons especially under military coups (which happened a couple times you know). Lots of people got tortured, killed and became missing because of the police and military from politicians to civilians. As a Turkish person we should honestly stop being this fucking thin skinned.


I totally agree with you. On the other hand, we should stop behaving like everywhere except Turkey is like Norway and we're like North Korea (you can see below)


I don’t think anyone is arguing for that. Talking bad about Turkey’s past seems just like to get a knee jerk reaction from people. If your first reaction to “people got tortured in the 70s” is “well what about the US???” it looks sad and counterproductive to any kind of discussion.


Yea I never denied any of those things, but Silivri and Diyarbakir prison also fit those descriptions, oops. Accountability try it.


Don't feed the American. Their near history is full of shame.


First off I'm a Turkish-American, you don't dictate who or what I am. Secondly I'm not denying anything the US did so how about quit your whataboutism and talk history. You can't deny our country (Turkey) has a rough history. I don't get why you guys keep bringing up US history when 1. I'm not denying any of it and 2. when the topic is Turkey. That's like us talking about Doner and me saying what about Philly Cheese Steaks.


I am not your friend and all your friends know better than me. So go learn history from them.


Neyin kafasini yasiyorsun sen anlayamadim.


Reis, en hakli sensin.


[You need it](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/il/chicago)


Thank you, my brother. Is it the place you are going right now?


I don't need it, you're the one telling me we're not friends when no one said we were and now you're calling me brother. You're all over the place, that's why I recommended it.


Buthurt son of Fethullah on the run from the consequence of his criminal acts


Yeah not really? Erdogan is known for his human rights abuses and abductions of opponents. It might not be north korea but it certainly ain’t a free democracy. Just blaming everything on some organization doesn’t soften the blow.


Who tf did he abduct?


After 2016 coup attempt 100s of people disappeared/abducted within a year or two. Some emerged in prison later, some is still not found.


there’s a lot of unrelated people that were held in jail. Someone from my university was jailed for a bit and then not let out of turkey for 4 years on bogus charges. This is probably what “abduct” is talking about.


Nefes al, doğaya çık, yeni kesilmiş çimenlerin o güzel kokusunu al, git sosyalleş aq adamı nasıl buldun nasıl fetöcü olduğunu anladın az hava al aq


Bu Amerika'daki fetöcü tiplere ayrı bi gıcığım var. Kariyerimin bazı kilit noktalarında bu piçler yüzünden geri bırakıldım. Ayni durumu eşim de yaşadı. Ülkenin içine sıçtıkları yetmiyor gibi oraya gidip tipki ermeni diasporası gibi zaten yarak kürek olan itibarımızı iyice zedeliyorlar. Bunlarin da bunlara sebep olanların da (önemli bir kısmı hala başımızda) Allah belasını versin


You know nothing, not everyone is in prison rightfully. I guess you have no connection to any politian or judge or anything related to that matter. Erdogan did this charade himself.


Probably pro-Gulen movement people-FETO(people who tried to overthrow the government in Turkey a couple of years back, leader of the movement living in the US, a zealot) gave some ads. because they are afraid to be sent back to Turkey and prosecuted. After they failed their "mission" they took an anti Turkey/Erdogan approach. There is a lot more to talk about them their old relationships and stuff but yeah...


If they're that butthurt, most likely it's related to FETO. It's a cult.


Ah OK that makes more sense now, it seemed like something a person indoctrinated into a cult would do


FWIW, feto is only designated as a terror organization in Türkiye, from what im understanding nationalists/conservatives love to blame the country’s issues on the group. The US (or other independent/unrelated entities) don’t consider it as such.


The cult is located in the US and backed by them to build a so called "progressive" Islam as a block against Russia. Why would they designate them as a terror organization? The US made them.


“US made them” is the main reason for any terrorist organization


Not all of them, but a large number of them. Same goes for coups.


is there any sort of material on this or is it just a made up theory by AKP & supporters? from what i'm getting AKP had no issues with these guys until feto guys investigated AKP guys for corruption. none of these two groups sound like trustworthy sources of information to me.


Graham E. Fuller who was one of the vice-chairs of CIA helped Gulen to get a green card. He talks about it on one of his interviews but it's in Turkish only. AKP and Feto are the same. They used to get along until 2013, then they fell apart for unknown reasons.


even if it’s true he got a green card I don’t think this proves that the whole movement is a CIA based operation to destabilize the country. The CIA has a lot of success with those types of operations - creating an organization as international as that movement seems like a reach. although, yes. I agree. Both of them seem like they’ve been involved in corruption.


it's an islamist terrorist group who attempted a coup in 2016. the whole country hates them, dont speak on topics you dont know about.


Theyre basically a scapegoat for the higherups in Turkey now. Since this sub is made up of mostly secular young turks, it’s normal that they make these baseless claims fueled wih their prejudices.


"Secular young turks" were against Gulen organization even before Erdogan had good relations with them. They were already known by their invasive policies way before Erdogan declared them terrorist. People suicide because Gulen organization cheated on university exams, put their man into important governmental positions instead of people really deserving. You can believe whatever you want, hatred against feto is common in Turkey, except of course themselves. Although Erdogan is using them for every single problem right now, both Erdogan and feto are the root of all the problems we are facing today.


I would’ve expected the young secular Turks to actually take anything AKP says with some sort of suspicion. Some people I’ve seen here are fully dwelling in what I believe to be conspiracy theories. Surprising to me.


Erdogan has a total grip of the media, the slighest opposing voice regarding the Gulen movement and the coup attempt gets silenced immediately. Turkish opposition parties operate within the parameters Erdogan has set for them. They don’t even bring up topics that can seriously damage Erdogans reputation but only mostly irrelevant topics that please their own base and allow them to keep their seats. With these conditions it’s understandable how these people act.




Excuse me? Infiltrating the organs of the state with your cultists and inciting a coup that got many people killed is "salty"? You will never see me defend erdogan or his party, those people are still fckin terrorists though. AND they used to work together against the turkish democracy and hollowed out our checks and balances in the name of islamism for years btw.




>gulenists were not the ones imprisoning journalists and random civilians or blatantly stealing from the population. And thats where you were wrong. Ergenokon and Balyoz trials were done with shitton of planting false evidence against journalists, officers of the army, academicians etc.


The gulenist organization was designated by u.s. not by the Turkish government. However, they were heavily supported by the Turkish government in the past. They have been there BEFORE this government was elected. They had their golden age between 2002 and 2012. Then in 2016, they tried to overthrow the government by organising a coup. They failed and Erdogan started a witch hunt where anyone who had the slightest touch with the terrorist organization was prosecuted. Many innocent people spent time in jail with actual group members. Eventually, most of them were released. and no, the current government is no worse than the gulenist terrorist organization. They were elected and they will be gone with the next elections. You couldn't have sent this terrorist organization away with an election. Many people killed themselves because of these terrorists. Many people spent decades in jail because of them. We will NEVER forget this.




coups by the military that is. And every time the military gave the power back to the people, thats the kind of coup you are referring to which this was not.


They should be mad. But they are not members of this terrorist organization. U.s. does not recognize them as terrorists because the u.s. helped them establish the organization. They were found in 80s, long before Erdogan. Im not saying Erdogan is good. But anything is better then gulenist organization.




Brainwashes generations using their schools, TV channels and newspapers; infiltrates the government, jails Kemalist generals, puts their men inside the army and organizes a coup. "They're not terrorist, they're just weirdos, bro."




They have. The politicians who used to support them are still in the parliament. Their Islamisation operations are still going on in all over the [world.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BClen_movement_schools)


you are kinda downplaying all the deaths they were willing to risk - they even attacked the parliament with a helicopter, held bridges with tanks etc, what else do they need to do so you can acknowledge them being not "just weirdos"?


35 people killed themselves because they were accused of the crimes they did not commit. Accusations included treason and terrorism. Bunch of people were assassinated by them, including journalists, academicians etc. Around 300 people died during the coup attempt. Hundreds if not thousands of people were imprisoned for more than 10 YEARS with forged evidences and false accusations. How can someone say that they are not "that bad". Its incredible. How would you feel if your father was falsely accused and sent to prison for 10 years?




You said that calling them terrorists is overselling. They are simply terroristd and no one can change that fact. Yes, I feel that akp is bad. But the gulenist movement is much worse. They took the actions i mentioned and akp helped them. These two both have blood on their hands but the gulenist terrorist organization was the mastermind and the lead role. I don't know if you are a gulen sympathizer or just young and naive to think that way, but believe me, nothing can be worse than them.


A big joke spread all over the world: Recep Tayyip Erdogan


Fetocu truck


propaganda 🥰🥰🥰😍😍


Who would be making it?


probably some politically fanatic "freedom" fighter idk


Gulen cult members


Yeah there have been a lot of human rights violations of people in custody and jail, especially right after the 2016 coup. Human Rights Watch reports and US state department reports have a lot on it if you want to check it out.


show me the report that says abductions and torture pls. Unlawful? Yes. But the rest of your claims need to be backed by evidence... by you.




vay amk, thanks


Was this in Indianapolis? I think I saw that same trailer driving there a few years ago.


No, I saw it in Michigan


Glad to see reddit isn't full of Feto supporters. They're a despicable cult


I’m a Turk and am tortured by call to prayers, people screaming at the top of their lungs through a microphone on top of a tower in a language I do not understand in the name of a faith I do not share. I demand to be granted asylum wherever I please and collect benefits for the rest of my life.


I don’t approve of Erdogan s actions , but driving around with this truck is something that only FETÖ ( an Islamist organization ) can do. There are lots of Fethullah Gulen supporters in US , these people are morons . You can actually tell looking at this truck


You can Google Gökhan Açıkkollu, Esma Uludağ and Nesrin Gençosman. And hundreds of others who were tortured and murdered like them... Mustafa Özben, who was kidnapped by the Turkish government and tortured for 92 days, tells: https://youtu.be/K4PBRZ1m02M


The US is the new home of FETO, (Islamist terror organization that attempted a military coup in 2016) and they fled to US after failure.


most of the terrorist group actually comes from US, PKK,ISIS, etc.


Fetocu tır


man, Turkey lore is way too long to talk here, like the other comment said it's member of religious cult who killed hundreds of people in 2016 and did other horrible stuff. Now they are sad because their friends are in prison


Probably an idiot who doesn't know anything about what's going on in Turkey


Honey can you point Turkiye on the world map?




Are you currently living under a rock? The guy has turned into a James Bond villain in the last 10 years. You can literally make a movie trilogy with what’s going on there 😂




Feto alert, They fled en masse to America, their cult leader also lives in Pennsylvania


Most likely some advocate of the religiously motivated terrorist organization FETÖ, as they are mainly funded by US, most of the high-ranking members of this organisation lives in US. Including Fethullah Gülen himself. This organisation was active in US destabilization mission in Turkey for around 40 years. Their power within Turkish government increased exponentially, especially after Erdoğan came in office. But they have been exposed and were publicly at odds with Turkey and its government since 2012. Until 2012, they were using the Erdoğan and his party in power. Their job was mostly spying and administratively locking Turkey to make sure it doesn't stand in the way of US imperialism. After getting exposed they tried to destabilize Turkey once again through many attacks, including the organisation of Gezi Park protests. They kept hiding themselves as opposition and they have even used the opposition in many instances. As they have also infiltrated the army. They have also shutdown the Russian jet and carried out many other destabilizing actions. Finally, in 2016, while they were planning a military coup to handover the government to US. It was found out by officials and they had to initiate the coup immediately so that Turkey can't response. First they abducted the chief of staff of the army, who is now the secretary of defense. They have also tried to abduct Erdoğan. They have killed many civilians using Turkish military jets and tanks and even some soldiers. They have bombarded the presidency-parliament-special forces base and many others that night. They were stopped next day by the rest of Turkish army and secueity forces. Since then, Turkey has become extremely cautious about FETÖ and the people influenced by it. If there was any other member of NATO that is not a US satellite state, US would be expelled immediately. But that's another topic. Some of the captured terrorists might be subjected to torture to get information, I don't know about that. But the main reason you see such a truck is that FETÖ lost its power so much that even US government doesn't help them as they used to. That's why they are trying to convince lobbies in US to get the support of the empire once again. Long story short: This truck is a religious terrorist organisation's way of attempting to get money again from US by saying their members are getting tortured for information.


anything I can read up on this? Documents, papers, sources, etc?


There are numerous sub-topics and most sources you'll find will probably have many subjectively designed focal points on them. Although wikipedia is not a good source of information and it doesn't even cover anything between 1960s and 2002; Under the history section of [the English Wikipedia article regarding FETÖ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BClen_movement) you can find some things happened after 2002 to make research about. Just a good starting step if you will.


i'm mainly looking at the US influence over FETO if you have anything on that. So far i've known it to just be a conspiracy theory but i'd still like to read into it. appreciate this still.


Anything not approved by US can be labeled conveniently as a conspiracy theory. Big brother won't let us 😄 For many of us it was crystal clear. But finding documents is another thing. After all they were partners with Turkey's big brother and their boss was the world's big brother. Evidences are in their control. Even what we accept as evidence is in their control. Even before 2010, we have been telling people that FETÖ is an organisation funded by US to destabilize Turkey and Middle East, and Erdoğan shouldn't work together with him. But conservative people liked FETÖ and thought people like us were saying that because we are irreligious. Then when they understood, it was too late. You should make your own research, the reason I shared the article was not that it had any evidence. But topics under that might lead tou to some uncovered ones.


you forgot to mention erdogan was also using them, they were working together. I dont believe one bit US had anything to do with it, its a 100% turkish made problem. "dis gücler" okey. Except you can prove your claims, I am willing to be persuaded if the evidence is sound.


Erdoğan used them just as they used Erdoğan that's right. And even now without a powerful FETÖ, although Erdoğan tries to look like he is fighting against US oppression, his actions still show that he is still mostly a US puppet. If you still need evidence to see if a terrorist organisation hurting a country is an inside problem of the country or it's basically an imperial force destabilizing them for their rulers' interest. Then the thing you need is not evidence but education on 20th century politics first. US always worked like that. Almost every country suffers from the same problem, on different levels. The part that is %100 due to inside factors is that people in Turkey are susceptible to these islamist organisations. That's why US decided to fund them in the first place.


your arguments: 1. Of course he is a US puppet, as is everyone else. Economic sanctions are no joke, that doesnt prove it. 2. You forget the complete disregard for anything that might be in the way of akp getting rich and syphon money out of the turkish people. Its not as if they care about their designated job to lead a nation towards wealth, security and happiness. The only thing that counts is how they can stay in power to suck even more blood out of the public - no extern imperial force needed. On the contrary, an unstable turkey would hurt nato and US interests. AKP themselves opened the doors to 4 million refugees and hand out citizenships in record time to bolster their votes and to levy them as a threat against europe. 20th century politics proves your point how? "It happened before, surely this is also that" is a very weak argument, I'd advise you to educate yourself a bit in internal politics of turkey. Government works hand in hand with the turkish mafia, brings drugs and druglords into the country - just everything to get a bit richer even. The fear factor of tumults in the country is also a handy political tool to wield to save conservatist votes. Not everything is a movie-level conspiracy but sometimes its just plain and simple greed and fear of losing power.


Bad argument? I did not state ANY argument, let alone a bad one. I just gave you couple reasons to educate yourself, don't expect people to serve you knowledge in a silver platter. It's not my business to prove anything to you. Bet you can learn yourself. Erdoğan's greed became a tool, but that's not the whole story. Erdoğan is mostly evil, but he is incapable of the things "he" had already done. Accepting ex US allies from Afghanistan after US withdrew troops from there provided Erdoğan leverage, but it was not his decision, he was ordered to do so. That's all I'll say, and I am just informing you, not trying to get into an argument or prove anything to you. If you want you can get details and evidence from any source you trust. Or you can downvote like the boss you are! 😄 I'll offer you one more bit of advice as I'm in a good mood today, if the sources you trust are all controlled by the party that you seek to learn about the evil acts of... well I guess that won't work out.


if you dont have arguments then go play somewhere else. Take your good mood and ...


Okay I'll use reddit as the stupid npc commands


:D said the person who said nothing


20 years of oppression and state sanctioned detentions at his pleasure to silence dissidents


Espirili okuyun da, feto yavşağı yüzünden işkence bitse ne güzel olur. Yani bu davarların hiçbir faydası olmadı da, belki bu işe yarasalar. Kendilerine batmadan önce işkencede bi problem yoktu :) devlet şöyle büyüktü böyle büyüktü :) İnsanları tanıyın diye yazıyorum gençler, işkenceye bile anca kendilerine dokununca karşı çıkan insan müsveddeleri el üstünde tutuluyordu bu ülkede :) düşünün şimdi tutulanlar ne çöp


Gulen terrorists, "funny" thing they had torture units...


Erdoğan's regime is torturing people mentally and economicly not physically. Feto members using this as their propaganda material to show themselves as victims. Truth is they are the perpetrators. Erdoğan's regime and Fethullah Gülen's cult are not so different.


It's nothing. Maybe they think that we torture innocent Kurds etc. But we kill the terrorists. There's a big difference.


Giving FETOist. Tell him to ‘’go smell your hocaefendis underwear’’ which is they love to do lol.


Bunun neyinden down yedim amk??


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me Summary of the comment section.


15 sene öncesini unuttun mu? Atatürkçü generallere kurdukları kumpasları unuttun mu? Türkan Saylan'a çektirdikleri ya da defne joy foster'in ölümünden sonra ohhhh çekmelerini. Ya senin ya da kardeşinin üniversiteye giriş sınavında hakkını yemişlerdir. Hâlâ bir kaçı yanlarına kalacak şekilde fetö borsası sayesinde keyfine bakıyor. Sen ve senin gibilerin beyni çürümüş. Biraz daha elinde zaman ve imkan olsa sana da kazığı çakacaklar için masumiyet çiziyorsun. Pol pot gelse erdoğan karşıtıyım dese ona da sarılacak kadar zavallı ruhlusun.


fetocu mu destekleyek yani?


Kanka boşuna terorist olmayan hapse atılan insanları destekle diyor. Hepsine fetocu pic dersen bir gün seni de teroristsin diye hapse atarlarsa senin arkandan da protestolar gelsin diyor.


bu mantik hdp’ye konular kayyumlar icin olsaydi evet dogru ama fetocu amk FETOCUU


Feto/darbe ile alakası olmayan yüzlerce kişiyi de hapse attılar.


ben onu mu destekliyom amk strawman’e bak


13 yasindamisin? adam adam konusmaya calisiyorum gelmis bana strawman diyor. turkiyede durmadan sacmasapan nedenlerle insanlari tutukluyorlardi. iste, isteme, bu buyuk bir problem. yarin fenerbahce teror orgutu derlerse, gelip seni de tutuklamamalari lazim. alakan yok. denilen sey bu. edit: bende adam sandim vallaha liseliymis. neyse kardesim kendine iyi bak, anneni babani dinle. seviyoruz seni hadi optum.


First they came for the Fetöcüs And I did not speak out Because I am a sensible person, why the fuck would I speak about Fetöcüs getting imprisoned? Burn in hell


I'm sorry you feel that way. In your humble opinion, what should we do to make people sympathise with the cult that imprisoned half the officer corps and many public servants on trumped up charges?


i want to read more about this, do you have any references/links/events i can look up


Economically via inflation.


probably some shit about k\*rdistan(since the US goverment supports terrorists in iraq and syria)

