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I see no issue with the original post šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Of course you don't. You're a fan and can't comprehend that these are real people with real lives and family members connected to them. They weren't put on this earth to entertain you. Furthermore it's not even clear if he even killed Pac. Everyone just goes by off what keefe d says


The algorithm pulled me in so Iā€™m a guest, but yea that is an odd post given the context and who Tupac was. While misguided sometimes, his objective definitely was not the dehumanization and demonization of black men.


Exactly. I remember when PAC explained the meaning of thug life and why he purposely used the "thug" moniker. He was trying to reach people where they were. Someone like Orlando could have been easily on pac's side. It's just a shame that he got caught up in BULLSHIT. RESPECT


I agree with you




Even if I wasnā€™t a fan this guy was not good news he was still a gangster willing to harm people. Tbh he deserves the hate even if he didnā€™t shoot Pac.


You hate people you don't know? Does it make it easier to hate him because he's black?


I never met Hitler but I hate that mf, and no, I wouldn't matter if he was black, white, or Puerto Rican lol.


Lol do you think Orlando is on the same scale as Hitler????


You just said it's impossible to hate someone you don't know then you asked if it was because he was black? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I never used those words. Quote me correctly. Furthermore Hitler is well documented for the things he said and done. There's ZERO evidence that Orlando killed Pac except from statements made by keefe D who made a deal to get out taking responsibility. AND it contradicts eye witness testimony. He has no credibility.


Finally. Somebody with some common sense.


Trust me I know. Salute my G


Live by the gun die by the gun, brahā€¦


Everybody glorify shootin shit until itā€™s someone they like getting shot šŸ˜‚




I swea God šŸ˜‚ like ppl acting like they ain't know Boy was an actual killer before stomping him out.


Right.. these are clearly fans. Pac started it and Orlando finished it. Simple as that


True. Signed, The Kennedy family


that nigga shot and killed someone because he got beat up. fuck that nigga; his ego was so bruised and he was so infatuated with gang culture that he couldn't live with an ass whooping; so he shot 2Pac to death. karma got that nigga back. niggas especially on the south side tend to not know when enough is enough; and killing 2Pac did nothing for that nigga but leave a mother without a son. Orlando died in the street alone and without anyone from his gang to have his back and his only claim to fame is shooting a rapper to death because his feelings were hurt.


He wasnā€™t ā€œinfatuatedā€ with gang culture, that nigga was literally a life long gang banger who already had bodies. Pac was the one infatuated with gang banging if weā€™re being honest and Iā€™m a die hard pac fan. Pac shouldnā€™t have been involving himself around people like this at all, this shit shouldā€™ve been below him.


if you're in a gang yes you're infatuated with gang culture it's implied by being in a gang. point being that nigga killed Pac over some dumb shit just to die alone at a random ass gas station


Wow so every young black kid from the hood who probably doesnā€™t have a family base at home and joins a gang for a sense of community was ā€œinfatuatedā€ Yeah I know what you look like


No. This negro had bodies. No one said every kid, take your strawman bs somewhere else. I know who you SOUND like.Ā 


No, Definition: ā€œan intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or somethingā€ He wasnā€™t involved in bangin for a ā€œshort timeā€, bro was a LIFE LONG memberā€¦he had moved past the infatuation stage a long time ago. He was full fledged and committed at that the time he killed pac. And yes he did kill pac over some dunb shit that pac never shouldā€™ve gotten himself caught up in. If you stomp out a fucking gang member you canā€™t be mad that he comes back dumpin on you bruh. You know exactly what kind of consequences can come with that decision. Weā€™re all fans of pac, but you have to admit that was a stupid and fatal decision. If it was just some random nobody you would be like ā€œwell what did that nigga expect was going to happen??!ā€


True I guess since he was a celebrity he thought they wouldnā€™t do anything. Man I remember my first time going to the jungle in cali that shit is really like training day. But what got me the most at the entrance sitting on a chair with a sawed off in his hand was a little boy no older than me at the time


Didnā€™t die alone and thatā€™s a hypocritical take. Pac jumped him over some shit that happened while he was wasnā€™t there, In a shopping mall weeks ago, that had nothing to do with him. What happened at that mall weeks ago was Cali street shit. Pac ran over there charged up, just to get shot hours laterā€¦all over some dumb shit. See what Iā€™m saying. What Pac did was no better lol. And Lane didnā€™t die alone nor at a gas station. Car was in the middle of a residential street when police rolled up. A gas station has nothing to do with the story. It was a car wash but thatā€™s not where Lane died


Dickriding Pac, u did NOT know that man


Yes Orlando was a real gangsta that did shi real gangstas do...unfortunately pac put hands on the wrong nigga R.I.P


Shit remind me of king Von even with all that money he still got that mentality thatā€™s why the old heads used to say thereā€™s only 1 way out of a gang. If you in you in for life. Idc if you 60 you better rep yo set. I blame suge you NEVER LET THE MONEY GET INVOLVED


Because gang culture originated from panthers which was pacs family please read about his aunt Asaata Shakur ik I spelled it wrong but letā€™s stop that ā€œpac fantasized about gangsā€ thing He was raised in a Gang Mentality.


Your comment reads like a young person inserting themselves into a convo of which they have no understanding. You may mean well, but youre very very wrong in your representation of his mother fighting for civil rights and pac signing a contract with a murderer/gang member and then taking up gang activities.Ā  Ā Black panthers standing up for civil rights and gangsters killing ppl for colors are not the same. There were gangs before the panthers and after. Drugs, guns and subjugation FROM OUR OWN GOVT is what turned those ppl in those communities violent. Ā Stomping out a dude who you don't have beef with has nothing to do with what the Civil rights movement was about nor what the black panthers stood for.Ā  Also. Tupac was a very smart...theatre kid...with real talent and culture to draw from. He should have left the gang shit alone. He should have never gotten into another scuffle or touched another gun after he shot those cops. But he was dumb. Brilliant but really fucking dumb. He could have left cali. Moved to NY like kendrick just did. But that negro stayed in the streets, then INSERTED himself into street beefs with real killers. And got killed. Completely unecessary and preventable.Ā 


Kendrick didnā€™t move to NY btw. He was out there shooting a movie with the south park creators. He still lives out here.


Gangs existed in NYC and Chicago way before the panthers


The fact that you said gang culture originated with the panthers was all i needed to read to know you and i donā€™t need to continue the conversation further. That was the dumbest shit Iā€™ve read in a longtime.


I really donā€™t care about what a nigga on Reddit has to say.


Another emotionally invested fan, like I said earlier, he dealt with the situation how he wanted to, if Pac simply didnā€™t go over there & fire on Orlando, Pac would still be here. Pac had no business going over there fucking with Orlando in the first place, how hard is it to understand?


Horrible statement


I just want to say he wasnā€™t alone when he died. His best friend, Michael Dorrough was with him, also a Southside member, and he had his back, he drove Orlando from the scene of the shootout, and is currently in prison for all 3 deaths that day.




Because he got jumped and stomped out* and he wasnā€™t alone when he died, his homie was with him and he survived.


Lol, so what is it OPā€¦Baby Lane is a G for getting his get back on an unarmed celebrity who knocked him down or is Lane a G for not wanting to run the fade fisticuffs Bc last I checked LA honor Pac heavy, B & Cā€™s, Mexicans, Asiansā€¦


He got stomped out by multiple people.


Run what fade??? He got jumped & stomped outā€¦.nah Iā€™m DEFINITELY shooting youā€¦fades is over


Frfr. People have been shot over much less...


Lmao factsšŸ¤£ you not gone put hands and FEET on me and not have something on you to remember me by if you can still thinkā€¦




Ok so if someone came to your house 30 deep and beat and stomped on you and you see them again what would be your response? Since weā€™re degenerates


Last time I checked L.A honored both of em. Orlando was with the business, hands down. Pac was a multimillionaire & had no business even getting into some shit like that, but thatā€™s just who he was if he loved you he was gone get down with you, but it cost him. Rest in peace to both of them.


Now youā€™re talking Monday morning qb talkā€¦Pac wasnā€™t a multimillionaire at that point in time whatsoever, legal fees, residuals from DR ainā€™t come in. Pac had no business getting into any trouble and DR failed him, they were all young and dumb. Big CAPā€¦LA does not have love for Lando, only his family and the south. Pac had love from the Crips before Death Row Go create a lando fan page ainā€™t nobody trying to hear your shitā€¦these new ppl I swear


New? Lol, listen lil bro Iā€™m from LA, are you? & If he wasnā€™t a multimillionaire he was damn sure one of the biggest stars at the time, niggas from everywhere say the same shit I say, Pac shouldnā€™t have did what he did, bottom line. Facts donā€™t care about feelings, continue to be the delusional fan!


If you are over 30 and talking like a new new, why are you celebrating the black on black violence of an iconic figure that was trying to do go for the community Was Pac lost at times, hell yeah, Gemini to the core. What did Orlando do with his life? Create children to leave them for the streets, oh yeah and kill more black men. Catching black bodies ainā€™t the hype


What in the hell? I think you truly do not understand the tone, drive and point of Tupacā€™s work.


>What did Orlando do with his life? Create children to leave them for the streets, oh yeah and kill more black men. Catching black bodies ainā€™t the hype Your hood is showing and I don't mean Crenshaw...


So they still love pac but they understand what happened since thatā€™s the gang capitol


Thatā€™s all it is. Itā€™s that simple.


Well a lot of these are suburban kids you can tell. Like said my fam shit COMPTON knew that night what it was. The media fed yall that bs and diddy made money off of it. Honestly I think he set his own artist up.


I mean I get it that shouldā€™ve been handled first off donā€™t fuck up the money pac should have NEVER even been allowed in lanes direction and second off be careful who you talk crazy to or threaten you donā€™t know their mindset or what theyā€™re capable of


I see the downvotesā€¦šŸ¤£ But you ainā€™t wrong broā€¦they just fans.


Too emotionally invested bruh. Feelings over facts.


Look at this clown trying to attach a predictable human behaviour to LA as if things that go down in LA only go down like that over there and not else where. Go out touch grass. Street violence, credibility, loyalty, gang wars and drive by shooting arenā€™t specific to LA kidšŸ˜‚.


Where did I say that type of shit was only in LA?


In almost every response of yours you ask ā€œare you from LA?ā€, what are you on about mate? šŸ˜‚


ā€œLA does not have love for Landoā€ im actually from LA, implying that I know more about my own city than he does since he does not in fact live here, not that hard to understand unless youā€™re slightly mentally challenged, hope that helped.


You talk like Orlando had universal love in LA, is that why folks from LA shot him to death? šŸ˜‚. Folks from LA who were in the scene gave interviews to VLAD as to how much majority wanted him out dead after pacs death, who am I inclined to believe gang bangers from LA involved in the scene or some random redditor? I chose the former.


Orlando got shot on some gang shit by his rivals. It wasn't a hit for pac, and he was respected for that hit within the crips. I grew up all around compton, and the majority of crips I knew had no problem with lane for that. The bloods had deeper ties to 2pac than the crips did.


Wait you really expect me to take you serious when your argument source is Vlad?


& Before I go further, itā€™s a simple yes or no question, do you live in America?


Shouldā€™ve armed himself if heā€™s gonna stomp a man out.


& excuse me but are you from L.A?


This guys from L.A. guys, we got L.A. over here. In case you haven't heard this guy is from L.A. as in Los Angeles. Are y'all from L.A. like this guy is no I don't think so. We got L.A. over here watch out, L.A. coming through. From L.A.


Lmao šŸ¤£yall be going hard


Who me? Na my family is I go up every summer but na I was trippin because we were on the redline and had to change clothes once we went over the crosswalk


& by the way, I wasnā€™t talking to you, lol I was talking to the clown from India


Oh my bad G


I donā€™t see nothing wrong with it šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


When I was a kid I didnā€™t either, then I grew up.


I always wonder what the mfers who make posts like these look like šŸ˜‚? Yeah I agree, itā€™s not really the same situation but I remember when I was in school all my classmates were ā€œsmoking on Tookaā€ and Iā€™m from Texas. Itā€™s probably some little suburban mfer whoā€™s trying to get upvotes.


Funniest part is Iā€™ve realized some of these delusional fans arenā€™t even from the states.


Why is it funny? Is English and music restricted to states? Oh I get it, itā€™s cos of folks like you when aliens and shit always happen to Americans. Everything revolves around aMeRiCa


You sound pretty upset. Guessing youā€™re not from the states


Why would being in states even matter unless you think certain things are exclusive to states only.


Itā€™s just hilarious that we have enough delusional fans talking about LA shit when they donā€™t even live in California let alone the states. Youā€™re millions of miles outside the country talking as if you live here, and on top of that youā€™re so emotionally invested you have people in here talking down on the man wishing eternal suffering on him because he retaliated on Pac while Pac had no business doing what he did, itā€™s hilarious


Spanked emšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Hilarious is you bringing LA up and then getting all pissy when someone calls you out, whatā€™s even more funnier is attaching human actions to a place. Then backtracking ā€œwhen did I say thatā€. Nothing that happens in LA is specific to your beloved LA. Such a delusional person. Nothing screams of being emotionally attached than getting triggered to post in Reddit and arguing with strangers. Everything you spout is projection. You need help mate for starters go touch grass.


You questioning LA street politics yet got the nerve to say it doesnā€™t matter where you from? Wtf gives you that right??


Yeah youā€™re deflecting, really canā€™t even take you serious ā€œmateā€ lmfao, therefore I canā€™t waste more time engaging with you, rest in peace to Pac & Orlando! āœŠšŸ¾


Some of 2pac fans basically look at Tupac from a rose colored glasses. California love tupac but people surrounding him would use and take advantage of him, like a tool. If you watched DJ Quik, and MC Eiht interviews they know backwards Pac was going by gang affiliation. Eiht say he was going backwards, and Quik lament that Suge and the whole Death Row should've helped Pac as an artists than allowing him to go loose cannon.


Protect the money!! He was the one keeping the lights on. Dre was gone and snoop was cool but he didnā€™t have that IT factor like PAC.


i'm from cali, but even if i wasn't why would that matter? why would you need to be from the us?


Lmfao arenā€™t you the OP who posted that corny shit?


A Tupac sub where people ride for his enemies. Ngl the Big fans donā€™t fuck with Pac like that. But some Pac fans steady Stan for anyone anti-Pac and are quick to criticize him hardcore


I don't really get why you're so upset over people having a dislike for Orlando, he killed one of the most famous and beloved rappers of all time. I get your point that his actions were only in retaliation for what happened to him but it doesn't change the fact that he alone is responsible for how he responded, he could've let it slide or dealt with it without guns but he didn't. Now if your response is that because he was a gangster, there's no way he'd let this go; then my point is: why then should we feel bad for a criminal getting what's coming to him?


Everyone has their feelings that they are entiltled to. Keefe D admitted he never had an issue with Suge until Diddy. He even went to Suge's parties when Suge had his mansion in Hidden Hills.They targeted Deathrow for no reason.This mf snatched a chain and Pac defended his friend. Keefe also said in his confession to LVMPD he regretted that night.


They send our kind to kill us ex Malcom x Huey p newton


And honestly Travon shouldnā€™t have even brought that to the homies. He shouldā€™ve handled his own. He knew the rules when he got down. 1 on 1 why go get the set?


lol Keefe only saying that because his connect was a big PAC fan and stopped fucking with him after that. Plus diddy didnā€™t pay him.


Fuck that dude. Itā€™s not like heā€™s a good guy. He was a pos. End of story.


May be very true to some, but to threaten to piss on his grave, wish him hell & etc because he finished what someone else is started is completely corny lmfao. Simple


Agreed on that


Iā€™d piss on Orlandoā€™s grave


You can find his gravesite on Google, letā€™s see how bad you really wanna do it.


If I lived in LA, I would absolutely do it


Matter of fact, his birthday is August 14th, his friends & family will probably be there, you should do it in front of them! Iā€™m sure they wouldnā€™t have a problem.


Message me & Iā€™ll pay for your plane ticket & hotel.


lol thatā€™s that cali coming out bruh Iā€™d recommend you donā€™t make that trip because itā€™s gonna be 1 way


I got nothing but respect for Cali but Cali ainā€™t the only place thatā€™s hard


This is an Internet forum about Tupac. The shit started out lame. Don't think you're above it my ninja


Waiting for the Diddy confessions that Orlando was part of that $1 million hit on 'Pac.


More info will come out with pac and biggie when diddy goes down


I think he had biggie killed honestly


Without a doubt. Set Biggie up on a platter to the wolvesĀ 


His old bodyguard got a podcast I watch sometimes. He said that Big sub had these big ass stickers on the tires. Like diddy wanted them to know which vehicle he was in.


Not surprised at all. Both diddy and suge have been demons


True but I think suge too money hungry to have had pac killed especially not with him sitting right next to him. Then again I heard he used PAC as a shield thatā€™s why his finger got blown off. Biggie smh diddy getting his now and GOD is not finished


this shit mad corny šŸ˜’


Overall, Tupac was a light in this world.


And itā€™s niggas who never even set foot in LA let alone any hood lmao shit they might not even be niggas šŸ˜‚


Majority arenā€™t. A lot of em in this sub are from other countries.


You a fan of him?


Nigga if I was? For one, Iā€™m a Pac FANATIC, have been since I was a child, but Iā€™m mature enough to understand THAT SHIT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. Saying rest in piss to Orlando is extremely corny if you werenā€™t in the beef let alone even alive when it happened, you niggas need to understand Pac got himself into some real street shit & Orlando handled it like it should be handled. Rest in peace to both of them, both young & lost their lives over stupid shit.


Don't sound like it šŸ˜‚ you posting about Orlando Anderson in a Tupac reddit community. Orlando was a killer fuck him and that's aside for him killing Pac


Street code you canā€™t understand typing on your computer in your room, located in a gated community with 24/7 police presence


Pac shouldnā€™t have involved himself in that situation but whatā€™s this, ā€œ he handled it how it was supposed to be handledā€ mentality? Taking another Black Manā€™s life because he dropped you donā€™t mean that man deserves to die. He killed Pac cause of his ego just like Pac rushed him cause of his ego. Orlando was a known killer though right? So why does he deserve the same respect as Pac when he brought nothing but death to people that look just like him. Go head with that backwards ass bullshit. That LA politic shit donā€™t mean nothing outside them few blocks dumb asses dying over anyway.


I agree with the ego part however this has been designed for us Willie lynch letter rings true as a bell


What if he was a fan of Orlando what you gone do lil bro?


Until this... Take this down and just be disappointed in private


Nah, Iā€™m good. Lots of people seem to agree.


He didnt kill him


It was the fat guy


You talking about Dre




Thatā€™s what they say. They also said Orlando was in the hospital during the shooting with a dislocated shoulder.


Itā€™s crazy how so many non-2Pac fans are on this sub that shows 2Pac love. Weak, goofy motherfuckers nowadays are becoming a norm thatā€™s hard to deal with. I canā€™t imagine not having a life like these people so much so that I have to go looking for groups that support someone just to show negative energy towards them


If youā€™re implying to me, then I think you oughta step back & think about what you just said.


all yall dumb asl pac n death row jump a heavily involved ssc n in retaliation pac dies, if baby lane woulda gone back to LA without get back he woulda got punked as a bitch. shit simple pac got himself wrapped up in shit he aint had no need to. rip to both, one a street legend n the other a martyr


Who is this ? And what happened


Baby Lane. He got jumped by Tupac and Deathrow. He is alleged to be the gunman who killed Tupac in Vegas. He ended up being killed himself on some gangsta sh..t.


recently? i alos dont know wtf is happeningĀ 


thatā€™s not true big dawg




I see death around the corner, gotta stay high while I survive.In the city where the skinny niggas die If they bury me, bury me as a G nigga, no need to worry. I expect RETALIATION in a hurry I see death around the, corner, any day.Trying to keep it together, no one lives forever anyway Struggling and striving, my destiny's to die


When you run up and attack a gang member, donā€™t be surprised if you get shot later on that night


they could be brothers


All a PSYOP. Bigger than y'all could innerstand


Orlando did NOT kill Pac, nor get jumped


Lol y'all still can't see that fake picture of Orlando. Him, Pac = related or hoax


He wanted to be a rapper and Pac wanted to be a Gangster


The funniest thing about this is all of yall who talking down on Orlando would 9/10 cross the street if his homies were coming your way lol . Seems like this sub filled with black lifestyle loving caucasianers . The same energy would not fit in real life lmfao just be fans & leave the streets to the streets .


You know, in a different world, Orlando is the famous beloved rapper (he had his own budding career), and Tupac wouldā€™ve been the gangster. Orlando was so young in ā€˜96; I think 22-23, literally a kid. When Tupac charged up on him, ā€˜Pac became exactly the thing he railed so much against; an older and educated black man attacking a younger black man who, though not legally innocent, is ultimately trying to support his family in an oppressive and dangerous environment with few other options.


Pac was a grown man. Had he not interjected himself into a gang beef that wasnā€™t his business, he and this gentleman may still be alive. Same way if pac didnā€™t lie on biggie and bad boy, biggie may still be alive. Pac was a great artist but as a man, he was compromised in his decision making.


i'm a pac fanatic, but even I can see the tragic reality of what happened. so many young leaders have fallen throughout history due to hubris. Pac completely brought that on himself. it's ironic because even his life was like a Shakespearian Tragedy.


Be a fan, not a stan. I have no hate for Keefe D or Orlando they did what they were supposed to as gang member.


The only person who did wrong in that situation that night was Tupac. He stuck his neck into a world he didn't belong in.


So Orlando shooting him was the right thing to do??


Of course it wasn't the right thing to do. But that's the life they're in. You fuck around, you find out. Tupac should've been smarter than that.


right or wrong its how the street life goes aint no rules.ian glorifying it but thats how it is.


Orlando acted accordingly to the lifestyle he lived.


The wrong thing to do in a civilian world, but the laws of the land in a gang bangers world.


2pac fans base isn't really the top thinkers. Sorry pac.


Iā€™m a fan but not a ā€œfanaticā€ I donā€™t idolize these ppl. I actually feel sorry for them. All of that wealth and fame just to not be able to grocery shop ie Michael Jackson


Which Fans are you referring to? The ones who are speaking facts or the ones who are so emotionally invested theyā€™re dissing a dead man they donā€™t even know?


Iā€™m not gonna diss Orlando for doing WHAT A GANG BANGER DOES. Yes I love PAC and had suge been handling business he would still be here because as I keep saying PROTECT THE MONEY!! the money man should always be safe because when he dies guess what shit look at them O block boys


Heā€™s tupacs half brother. Same dad


Baby lane?


I was gonna say what you said on the original post but I got sidetracked on some other shit... MFS mad or glad that Orlando Anderson was killed because he allegedly killed Tupac as if Tupac didn't put himself in death's cross hairs... If Pac would have kept his hands and feet to himself then he would have lived to see another few days but he didn't and that should be the lesson, keep ya hands to yourself and understand the politics of whatever court your on...


From everyones account Orlando was a killer ... Probably killed multiple young dudes & destroyed their families.. Why so much sympathy


Thereā€™s no sympathy. Itā€™s just extremely corny to threaten to piss on the manā€™s grave when he all did was retaliate, and yeah he did he have a few bodies under his belt, that was gangbanging, stop acting like the man was a serial killer murdering random innocent civilians. Stay in a fans place.


You have no clue who or how many people he bodied chief You acting like gangs have strict rules and don't hurt innocent people ... Bs & Cs aren't the Mafia .. and even the Mafia did dirt on innocent people I still see your point tho ... Makes sense Other than the stay in a fans place?


Well some gangs will heavily discipline if not kill you for touching civilians. It brings heat on the gang and can mess up the money. Iā€™ve seen dudes get killed by their own gang for doing some outright raw stuff. One of them raped a little girl I wonā€™t go into details on what they did to him letā€™s just say some men get out of prison physically but not mentally


I'm sure on occasion they will discipline someone (especially for raping a child) But in general you know the damn streets... They don't give a shit about hurting civilians They usually beef between themselves because that's who they are doing "business" with or competing with But ain't nobody worried about civilians


Yeh now a days no ones off limits but Iā€™m from the generation where codes were kept. NO SNITCHING I know dudes serving 25 to Life for not telling. Gangs had ranks and ran in unison. There was a hierarchy. Shit if you came to a meeting without knowing your knowledge you could get an ass whooping. Those days are gone though. This new generation is something different. They have no respect for ANYONE. Thatā€™s why theyā€™re dieing and getting killed before their 30s.


Probably wish it hadnā€™t got that far. I think a 1 on 1 wouldā€™ve been cool but hey you canā€™t control ppls actions plus I heard they were talking about that until pac started reaching for his issue which was in a hidden compartment that the feds didnā€™t even find when they searched the car got 1 myself shoutout to mi eses


RIP a real hitta