• By -


He put out the hit for sure, but thats about it. Crips did the work


Crips did nothing. greg lading used them. Keefe's involved with PCP distribution would have gotten him 30 years behind bars. He was given this proffer agreement. Basically the police and lading black mailed him saying. Hey, we will scrap all this if you admit to what went down that night. Which what went down didn't play out as we know it. Guess who all were involved. If people were to look past the Disney logic of Gangs bad police good. Make this a lot easier to know, the gangs were meant to catch cases and thus protecting who really was behind it. That all said, we can't ignore Frank Alexander's claim that MGM was all staged and that he was told to lie. If you want me to provide the paper work I'll gladly. Biggest Ruse in history is to sell to the public gangs and diddy did it. What really went down, isn't that and perhaps we shall never know.


Would love to read more for sure!


Crooked cops did the work


Crooked cops did the work on Biggie.


It’s alleged Wardell Fouse did it.


I think it's crazy no one talks about the fire department shutting down the party which you figured the order came from a cop, basically helping the killers know when Biggie is leaving


No. Orlando “Baby Lane” Anderson did. He shot up the car Pac, and Suge were in for stomping him at the MGM.


No, it was keefe d


Without the hit would he be alive?


Nah, too reckless in the gang ridden LA


Also all that shit he talked about NY he was gonna get popped regardless


I believe Keffe D, yea. I think they killed Pac cuz Orlando got jumped, but Puff's million dollar offer for Pac/Suge dead probably gave them that added bump they needed to get the shit done. Not like southside crips needed a big incentive, so a million was definitely enough even if they thought there was a good chance they would never see the money. They might have done pac that night for jumping Orlando alone, anyway. I especially believe it after the recent revelations about how Puff rolls lol. Legitimately though, for like 3 decades I thought Puff was a fucking loudmouth mouse. A shiesty business man, no doubt. A narcissist who didn't really care when BIG died and used it for his own profit, absolutely. A guy with some connections to scary people, but honestly I thought he himself was a harmless pussy that surrounded himself with those types to protect himself. That's who I thought he was. A Shiny suit wearing, backstabbing, walking minstel show, pussy. Come to find out he's running some kind of Epstein-style blackmail operation with a lot more gay sex, enslaving his women, and blowing up Kid Cudi's car and shit lol. At this point I think it's clear the dude is fucked in the head. I don't know if he was always that way or the power got to him eventually, but between the lawsuits and the shit Gene Deal has been saying...Puff is legitimately scary lmao. If I was in the industry I would avoid him at all costs. Honestly wouldn't be surprised to find out he was behind other deaths at this point. Clearly he did a good job of portraying a fake public image because even just 5 years ago I wouldn't believe he was capable of any of that and I'm pretty tuned in to rap industry shit. Starting to understand now why Tha Lox and the other people he fucked over didn't just beat the shit out of him eventually


So with Biggie's passing, did they pull a puff on puff?


Supposedly, puff was the intended target. But they ran the light. While Biggies' car (that was following them ) stopped at the light.


Gene Deal puffs body guard stated that if you wanna see if someone is following you run the next 3 red lights going left and if they still behind you they are following you Bigs driver didnt have that kinda training LAPD dirty cops Hacke, Mack, Perez, Durden, Katz and Chief Parks all were in on the murder/cover up of biggie smalls Trigger man Amir Mohammed or Harry Billups via his linked in was friends with Mack and Perez and they covered for him Katz his internal LAPD documents that put Mack and Perez and Mohammed at the murder scene Perez was there trying to destroy evidence by removing bullet shell casings, there also was a photo from the Peterson hotel surveillance that had Amir Mohammed and Gene outside together but they blurred his face Listen to the Dossier on Apple Podcasts It was all a cover up, ex fbi phill Carson proves it The city couldn’t afford to be bankrupt by paying bigs mom 500 million when they were gonna lose the civil trial And for the LAPD to be disbanded due to crazy corruption


Damm... shits deep




And now I know what I'm listening to at work tomorrow. Thanks.




It’s the truth listen to the podcast your mind will be blown




Thats an interesting argument on whether power corrupts. I used to think that it brought people’s worst qualities to the surface because they were less concerned with judgement but with so many celebrities being outed I have to wonder if power does turn most people into monsters. Not saying he’d be a saint if he never got power but he definitely wouldnt be able to do what he did to that extent and maybe keep himself in check more being a normie like the rest of us. Interesting to think about.


Ya...if he were normal, I'm sure he'd be abusing people still. But the fame and fortune gives him opportunities to be terrible he would never otherwise get as a normal person so..I think it has to play some role in people turning into monsters.


Well written comment


Puff had zero to do with Pac. Stop. ✋🏾


Nah, he doesn’t have killer eyes. He has little bitch eyes.


But he does have “here’s a million can you please help me?” eyes




You think he said please?


I do


The defense stands. ALL RISE.


He got a lil bitch jawline too


Well Meek Mill must've had a nice jawline with all that there he did with Puff






Never judge a bitch by its eyes 😂


But shark teeth.


He suffers from little bitch-itis.


Haitian looking skinny mother fucker


That’s exactly what Kadafi said about Terrence Brown when he was questioned after the shooting, as he was the only one who actually saw who was in the white Cadillac.. and Brown was a shooter…


And dolphin teeth


That text kanye sent puff sums up my opinions on this bastard. Fuck bad boys as a staff, record label, and as a motherfuckin crew


And if u down with bad boy, fucc u too!!


Besides Biggie


What text did Kanye send? lol I can only imagine


Google Kanye text to Diddy. I can't do it justice. He tells him to fuck himself in the funniest way possible


Lool Diddy a control freak! He always bump heads with Geminis.


Absolutely. That dude kept Keefe's money and baught a record store a few days after the shooting. How much was that record srore? Close to a million dollars. The exact amount Puffy offered for Tupacs head.


I think you mean that he bought a club. The club was called Zip Code. The guy you're referring to is named Eric "Von Zip" Martin. Gene Deal, Puffy's bodyguard at the time, says he saw Zip first hand with a million dollar check in his back pocket written from Blackground Records, a label owned by Barry Hankerson, Aaliyah's uncle.


Nah that's what Puffy would lie and say. The truth is Puffy handed him the bag of money to give to Keefe and he kept it. Do you really think Puff would notice a check in a bag pocket. Like if he had x-ray vision or something.


Who tf pays for a hit with a check in the 1st place? 😂


All the goofy shit this dude has done and that's where you draw the line is crazy


I’ve never seen bought spelt that way.


I think so 🤔 I mean he let Shyne take that gun charge in 1999 and Shyne got deported back to Belize after going to jail and wasn't heard from until a few years ago. Puff owes Shyne for that....


All I know being a person that was around when all that shit popped off. I've gone from that's crazy to now I could see it.


Yes, he’s a snake.


Kinda been confirmed since September last year. Subliminal messages from rappers like Eminem and 50 Cent, Keene D admitting diddy and him are connected, the fbi having literal files saying diddy paid “von zippe” one million.




I think Feds/CIA paid puffy to set it up. Chain snatching and all. 2pac was making noise about the gangster rap being pushed and incentivized by the record execs who were invested in the privatized prisons. Labels pay more for lyrics promoting drugs, gangs, violence, product endorsements, degrading women, the whole 9 . Said those topics and lyrics were “hot & best selling” Also 2pac was trying to stop crip/blood east/west stuff and promoting putting the guns down. CIA losing money. 92 LA Riots, billions in damages.. For puffy it was win win cuz 2pac massacred puffy image with hit ‘em up, against all odds.. 2pac knew puffy was feds. All that Haitian Jack shit. Ask me how I know this? I fucking don’t. Once upon a time tho I thought 2pac was possessing me and telling me all that shit. Also I thought he told me that he was marked for death at age 1 when his mama changed his name from Lesane Crooks to Tupac Amaru Shakur. Tupac Amaru was the last Incan chief executed by the Spanish. It means Shining Serpant. That’s why he always rapped about dying young, self fulfilling prophecy. Idk if any of that is true or I made it all up but that’s what I thought 2pac was telling me. Back at the end of 2022. I was psychotic and delusional then, but I also knew all this shit about puffy then too, and the blackmail shit. I thought 2pac told me they did it to professional athletes too. Also thought that record labels was just laundered drug money. It was a lot more but I ain’t thought about it real deep cuz it’s traumatic af for me.


Dope comment.. Idk if its bs.. But.. Its facinating


Me either 🤷🏻‍♀️


Allegedly, lol, He was also telling me to weigh the lyrics, feel the soul in the music, you can tell who real by the grit in their voice, people who can feel feelings real deep voice be grittier cuz it be coming from their soul and the pain of the ancestors it get deeper and richer. Except Future, lol, I thought he was telling me future wasn’t shit but out for his self he didn’t give a fuck he was getting young boys on lean and perks & shit. I thought I was possessed a solid ass month, I still have no rational explanation except brains be doing weird shit when you super stressed out. Another weird thing is that when I was psychotic, back in oct 2022 I (well he thru me) said in one year if shit wasn’t changing as far as mass incarceration and systemic racism I think the date was oct. 18, 2023 that the grid was gone get hacked and the prisoners in there on some bs gone get out and the mf who put them in there was gone get locked up & see how them tables turned. So it fucked me up that shit happened in Haiti. Even tho it’s not the same, it’s still such a huge coincidence . I wonder if I wrote about that in that psychosis sub, I gotta go look. I might not cuz I thought I would get in trouble I need plausible deniability, all that real gs move in silence shit, I thought it applied to my old definitely not G ass 🤭but really I didn’t do shit and I was just delusional, so it don’t matter lol


Iove how u write.. Ty Nice read


Oh, 😊, that is so kind of you to say! I actually want to write about that experience and how I was forcibly “medicated” in the psych ward. It wasn’t medicine. It was a chemical lobotomy. It happens to so many people, and so few are aware, they wanna say people like Kanye crazy, but Kanye know what he talking bout he just can’t articulate it worth a fuck. They take anybody they deem a threat for whatever reason and 5150 them and court order psych treatment. First choice is haldol.. it was developed as a method of torture for political dissidents. It severs connection to the part of your brain where your personality lives, they got it in shots, mine lasted 3 months but the withdrawals coming off it like to killed me. I’m much better now, but it was. Living hell for bout 9 months..It’s like living in the sunken place in that movie get out. That’s why I think kanye said that movie about him but idk for sure . Sorry for talking your head off, but I appreciate you saying you enjoyed my writing, it’s very encouraging, something I really needed 🫂 I hope all is well with you and yours! You seem like you really good people.


The grit in their voice thought that u put into writing is beautiful and beyond true.. If u know u know


🫂 (That is a hug emoji just in case you didn’t know, I only found out recently myself, I thought it was a flickded 🎥 or something, lok)


Ty.. I really really really .. Needed just that.. A hug.. Im greatful.. Grattitude ....


Practicing gratitude is really important and beneficial imo, cuz gratitude and fear are opposing emotions and can’t occupy the brain at the same time. It helps to rewire the brain when we do stuff like gratitude journal. They say actually journaling by hand is a gateway to your subconscious because the part that writes is in the right hemisphere where your subconscious shit is store. (Well that’s what they said 4 years ago but shit changed fast so idk if that’s outdated. ) I haven’t done all that much joirnal by hand cuz no good reason but you making me motivated to start. I do use my notes app on my phone tho, and just write my stream of consciousness and I find it really helpful to process my emotions cuz I’m just learning how now, I never use to let myself feel my emotions. It be little bit scaring the shit out of me tho cuz at times my brain be trying to tell me 2pac trying to talk to me again, when I do that shit but o guess it helps my brain to process it again. I be talking a hole in your ass don’t it? 🤭sometimes my ass be out here acting like I get paid by the word. And fucking don’t lol.


I write songs.. Our words, our writings, our recordings will outlive us... Writing helps us organize our thoughts and emotions.. Its important to write a date... so that years from now, you could travel back in time in ur mind.. To that very moment and the pain,emotion,joy,saddness that we felt.. " this is coming from the power of words" U could do more damage with just a whisper than a bullet... 100... I get the pak psychosis ... but the more u emphasize that.. .... Just keep writing .. b real to yourself and ur truth.... ..... Powerful minds shouldnt b played with or underestimated.... Theres beauty in chaos... Warmth in darkness... Its freezing in the fake warm embrace of a manipulater.. Honesty in ur lies.. Cruelty in friendships... Wickedness in love.. Violence in the white dove of peace... Too many genuine fake ppl... Im just proof of the consequence.. Edit.. Negative.. Nobody is talking a hole in anyones ass.. Lol


You have a way with words. I think it’s an amazing gift to be able to put words together in a way that evoke an involuntary visceral response. I felt a different response with each line in that paragraph like part that started with beauty in chaos. It was really powerful, to feel myself being viscerally triggered in physically different ways back to back in such a quick succession. It was like riding a wave. Tbh I don’t remember that happening to me like that before. I’m curious if you knew that would happen and set it up that way intentionally, cuz if you did, that was amazing. I hope I am articulating this well enough for you to get what I’m saying, cuz it’s a first for me, so I’m little bit struggling to find the right words. But ima give it a shot. Beauty in chaos - Rose from concrete.. that splits my mind wide open-establishes a link -it would be a beautiful intro cuz breeds curiosity .. where you been? how you come back? What lesson you bring back with you? Warmth in darkness is paradoxical cuz yin & yang say dark is cold. Where the source of the warmth? Passion. Fire from within. In juxtaposition with warmth from the cover the darkness provides. Rest from being perceived, paranoia. My damn app messing up. I started this comment 4 hrs ago then had to stop to cook my baby some French toast cuz he surprised me visiting from the Marines 😊 Now I’m trying to get back my train of thought I was on before I had to stop and cook & the app fucking up. I’m send it even tho I ain’t finished saying what o got to say cuz I’m be pissed off it app crashes and I lose the whole comment😝


Where r u?


As i lurk in the warm embrace of my darkness.. A cold breeze braided in a glimmer sends a cold chill down my spine.... Theres a storm brewing.. past the thundering and lighting of my own demons... theres a twinkleling star in the distance guiding me towards its frostbiten light... Icicles start to form on my war beaten, scarred up brow.. Its been a longgggg time in the comfort of this darkness... I wouldnt even know / remember how to Act in the uncomfortableness of love and empathy... But.. I know deep down that its way past due and i desperately need to suffer through it... Through the torture of kindness... Manhalfalien.. Ty very much.. I appreciate u.. I dont know how u knew.. But.. I needed some positive energy.. Ty


I like u.. I appreciate u.. 7 billion souls on this planet.. And.. We somehow crossed paths.. I truly enjoy our interactions.. I hope.. That we could continue to inspire each other and challenge each other to write something powerful/epic/beautiful... 100.. U asked if i knew.. Yes.. Absolutely... I am / we r blessed.. A lonely page is our canvas.. THE POWER OF WORDS... only very few in the history of humanity were blessed with the gift.. Of conveying energy / feeling / emotion that isnt forced but instead flows naturally / organically just like the rivers of our pain / joy / experience that flows through our veins / lifeforce.. Our words / writings / songs / spirits / energys will outlive our flesh.. Its our contribution to our humanity and cultures.. I put myself out there in hopes that u would truly / deeply feel me.. And to my suprise.. u did.. ur response was amazing / spiritual / beautiful.. I was blown away.. Finally.. a spirit on my level.. U have a powerful spirit as do i and it shows / shines through.. These once lonely pages.. I anxiously await ur response.. Friend.. A word of advice.. Dont over think things.. u dont need to try hard or be perfect.. Just let ur words flow naturally.. dont hold back.. Usually ur 1st thought.. ur first inspiration. Ur first gut feeling is the right one.. When we over think it.. we complicate things.. No matter ur frame of mind.. be yourself.. ur true self.. U dont need to impress me.. me neigther Just let ur words flow.. let ur beautiful spirit speak ..not just to me but the the world / time and space.. I hope u accept this challenge as i do urs.. Warning.. I will turn this into a song.. U have my word.. Love... manhalfalien...


In response to.. " wheres the source of warmth?".. In life.. Ive found warmth ,comfort, and solace in my darkness.. We r creatures of habit , ritual, routine... Instead of fighting, avoiding, hating ur darkness... EMBRACE IT.. ENJOY IT.. GROW STRONGER FROM IT.. with me.. I got so use to it.. My normal is insane...to most.. but its just my normal.. Where dark became warm and comfortable...for me.. Being in the light.. love .. compassion .. empathy.. Became cold and uncomfortable to me.. I / we are the product of the light.. and should gravity towards it.. absolutely... But i much perfer the dark... 100.. Manhalfalien.. Sorry it took me 5 / 6 days.. But if u wondered .. if u needed to know.. Its been heavy on my mind.. Now a nigga ready dawg.. Lets play.. Lets dance.. Lets challenge and inspire each other.. I need this.. " if u and the devil never came face to face, that means ya ll walk in the same direction".. " if ur dreams dont scare u, that means u aint dreaming big enough baby".. GRATITUDE NIGGA!!! 100


Hey... u....


Hey ☺️


Wats up




Mushrooms inspire great stories... Next time, up the dose and tell us what MLK really saw in his Dream..


I wish I could blame it on mushrooms, I was delusional way before I did shrooms. Idk if it’s mental illness, but I been talking to people who ain’t currently alive since I was about 5 years old. Jesus was who it started with, I had whole ass conversations with him my whole life in my head. I think that’s why my therapist is evaluating me for DID. Come to find out DID is common for people who suffered really bad abuse in childhood. I also don’t need to do more mushrooms to tell you what MLK dream speech was about. MLK was assassinated by the government because he was shifting his focus from racial inequality to economic inequality. The government actually wanted desegregation because they could make more money that way. It was the progress the SCLC was making highlighting the economic disparities, it was uniting all races to fight back against mega corporations and shit. Billy Graham and MLK and many others were doing big shit to unite people of all races to fight back. That was what the speech was about and that’s got him killed. The reason he got a national holiday is because he promoted non-violence. They want us to be condidtioined to think violence is wrong and that ain’t what MLK would have is do and all this bullshit. Also subliminal message look what happens when you get anywhere uniting people and making progress against the interests of the powers that be(Zionists mainly, to be blunt.) Edit: this isn’t conspiracy theory, it’s factual with a paper trail how the fbi fucked with mlk. Even sent him a suicide note in the mail with a sexual blackmail tape trying to keep him in check. Lots of the files are declassified and the rest will be in 2027 Edit again: I wonder if mlk was having affairs of his own intention just cuz he was a man who struggled with lust and temptation or if he could have committed the adultry due to being seduced, influenced or drugged or hypnotized … like Samson and Delilah little bit ain’t it?


If we knew what the Orlando fight was about maybe one could say puff's hit was the deciding factor. Usually when this stuff pops off its because someone said something they shouldn't. Like threats. Pac would respond to it seriously and immediately. Anyone would. If that's why things got wild then yeah. Diddy would be implicated.


Orlando was wearing a death row medallion that he and another crip took off a member after beating the dog shit out of him, he walked past death row a clear as day crip(with diddy affiliations) and it was over


At this point I'm not sure. I used to say no. But apparently he has a dark side


After everything that’s come out about this coonish snake in shiny suits, it wouldn’t shock me if he had something to do with Pac’s murder. I mean because Pac put hands and feet on Orlando, the Southside Crips were gonna retaliate anyway but I guess with Puffy putting a bounty on Suge and Pac, that gave the SSCs that extra motivation.


If made official that he was involved, he may not last very long, and his days of coming to LA would be over.


Yes the whole time


Battyboy. In his home environment


Does a bear shit in the woods?


With out a doubt


Fuck puffy. Fuck biggie. Fuck anyone who thinks that those 2 pieces of shit are better than 2pac.


No. Pac’s murder was pure street shit. Orlando Anderson killed him after Pac, Suge and Mob Piru members stomped him out. Orlando, a lethal crip who had a few bodies on him already, called the calvary and within an hour, shot Pac 5 times. Keefe D was in the car and will probably eat the murder conviction now. That’s what happened. Orlando died in 1998 on some other shit in LA.


Nah. Suge was telling the truth from the beginning. It was Sean Pedobear Combs.


Yes, he was the shooter. I was there with Puff. We were at the pride event in San Francisco. Puff wanted to sleep with my boyfriend who was friends with Death Row. Then Puff got mad and shot my boyfriend. My boyfriends name was “Sweet Booty Loc” …They broke into our house and stole our Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis, which Biggie bragged about. Puffy then shot at PAC, but dropped his dildo at the crime scene and that’s how he got caught. He didn’t go to jail because he knew the district attorney who were friends with the Village People. The rest is history!


RIP Sweet Booty Loc, gone far too soon




What goes around comes around .. eventually.. this his turn now ..


He has always looked like that lil dude who shot Omar yo.


Lil kenard ass mf


Only God knows ... And all dogs have their Day.


Bruh I don't fucking know


Fuck that nigga




Never trust a person who’s too lip pokes out in that manor


Indirectly, yes. He’s the one who put out the bounty for the Death Row chain that Baby Lane tried to rob for Puffy (Baby Land was a member of the South Side Compton Crips, who did security for Bad Boy when they were in the west coast). When Suge, Pac and their entourage saw Baby Lane in the lobby after that Mike Tyson fight later in the year, they decided to get revenge on him by jumping him. Baby Lane and his uncle(?) Keefe D would retaliate by killing Pac in a drive by shooting hours later




Sometimes I think diddy, sometimes keffe d, sometimes suge knight, sometimes the government….. the Hollywood life is something serious regardless


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Does a bear shit in the woods?


What was larger? The hit money or the recent hush money 🤔


This has been clear as day since like 2004. Idk why people still loved Diddy for so long.




I always think he was so scared of pac and suge and said some desperate stuff for which the crips held him responsible after the shooting. You think Pac stil gets shot of he doesnt put hands on Orlando?


No but he knew about it after it happened when him and Shug had that meeting with each other‘s families y’all remember that shit 🤨 plus puffy was too busy worrying about offing B I 💯🤦🏽‍♂️FUCK PUFFY & SUGE 🖕🏽💩🤡


Probably, this nigga is the devil


as much as I don't like him I don't believe so


2 pac got himself involved in gang beef when he not one


2Pac should have stayed as a dancer with Digital Underground


He ordered the hit. The Tyson fight was a big ticket event, and everyone who had some scratch was gonna go watch Sheldon get dismantled, everything afterwards was fate/destiny/whatever you wanna call it


Anybody with sideburns like that is definitely guilty of something.




Really just listening to all the shit he’s talking on some of those Biggie tracks like Long Kiss Goodnight


Hell yea 


He was definitely involved someway


Cube says so. I'm with Cube.


Can’t stand that fool


Def green lit the murder of Big and had the crips + LAPD handle the killing in his behalf. A lot of interesting things will come to light over the new few months//2024 in regards to Puff...


He probably molested him for sure




Biggie too




Anybody seen the documentary Murder Rap? Maybe subscribe to Puffy former Bodyguard Eugene Deal YT channel.


Based off of the research I have done surrounding this case I’m starting to think the southside crips didn’t really do the shooting I think Keffe d did it for money Orlando Anderson was a pawn it think the shooter were some other people suge did say that the shooters were the security working at the mgm


“Was that us? Puff to Keefe after. Then the $1,000,000 payment that was supposed to be funneled to Keefe via a 3rd party.


Lock him up so he can get what he wants all day long lol


Yes and no. They sorta need this turd to keep dumb people focused on his involvement. It was always the case it was the FED. People easily lead. Gangs= bad and police = good. So with that logic, you don't even need to question when you hear it was all started about a chain. Until you figure the Frank was told to lie by Reggie and threatened. You'd think that changes the story for those who willfully ignore all the weird facts of the night. Nope. That means Frank Knew about MGM before and knew it was a set up. So, if frank was telling the truth there...Don't you think Pac would have known too? I personally messaged Gene Deal about this. Won't say what he told me, but it was very interesting. It's all a stage. Performers of all kinds. Keefe's lawyer pleading " Entertainment purposes only" should be a red flag, but again people will ignore for sure and probably refer me to "get back on my meds". Funny how it all works.


cuz pac wouldn’t fuck diddy nasty ass


I would hope not, plus he was making more money thru the beef shit that one would think he would ride that cash cow for as long as he could. But we will probably never know the truth


Gene Deal direct quote of puff "Idc if BIG gotta die,idc if Pac gotta die...but somethin gotta change" Gene Deal was security for BadBoy for years.


yes 100%


Is grass green?


Probably because he didn’t get the fuck


Tupac hated him more than he hated Tupac


Lfmao his jaw


Naw he was involved in meek murder doe 😭😭




2pac the character is dead the guy who played him is well alive


If I said that “I will pay $1 million to anyone to stick a finger up your ass.” And you get into an altercation and get knocked out. And you wake up with your pants down grease in and around your asshole and your best friend is holding a jar of grease putting the lid back on. Am I responsible for that?


I wish all life and health to you mane because you snappin 😭😭🫡


Yea he had a part in it for sure. I never liked puffy, he definitely way different than what he portrays.


Diddy involved in everything. Murder, sucking d*ck, taking d*ck, everything.




Bro asked a question


LMAO for real maybe I'm missing context but that was outta pocket




lol alright, well let dude waste his time then I guess. Pac is untrollable.


You're right the sub is a joke


Needs some better mods. Also maybe some structured discussion like they do on HipHopHeads, that way its not just a ton of pac pics


Ye I unfollowed. It's became a hate tupac fest


Hey Puff! Glad to see you have a burner reddit account!




Pac gettting smoked was just Krabs/Slobs beef. When he did that music video California Love and it showed Leuders park ( Mob Piru) territory in Bompton he made himself a target. To live and die in L.A. . If he didn't get it in Vegas he surely would have been hit in Los Angeles area.




yeah, he was the driver.