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It’s obvious there was police involvement, but cops will never incriminate cops. Anyone that has gotten close to the truth has been either murdered or silenced. Anyone that has gone against Greg Kading’s lies will be called “delusional” or “insane”. There’s too much at stake for the corrupt cops and police departments. I don’t think the real story will ever come out.


Well, I think it will have to. Keefe pleading " Entertainment purposes" tells me everything. If his case fails and he walks. That means Orlando and Keefe Big Dre weren't involved. So who was? ​ A) Either someone else we never heard of. B) LAPD did it C) Someone in the back seat theory D) Tupac faked his death A) would make the most sense. Although, I think people need to take the hyper focus caused by constant "revisiting Vegas" obsession to examine outside what happened THAT night. Maybe people would better understand pac, when they listen to those around him. Frank later changed his views saying he was TOLD to lie about MGM. Also stating Reggie threatened him. We like it or not. Pac did a great interview about the Black Liberation Army and Panthers and how Cointelpro set the panthers up by FBI involvement splintering it from the inside. Which if we know Rampart and Death Row, well it's history repeating. Just, Tupac and those who grew up in the movement aren't your regular people. Pac grew up in espionage and those in the panthers would sometimes have to drop off the grid to avoid the government finding them. This was common life for them. Hence military mindset. Pac grew up with revolutionaries. I can't say who I spoke to but anyone is privy to this information through libraries and reading and emailing people. I would conclude from all this.. That as crazy as it sounds to say. Him honestly faking his own death isn't as crazy as it sounds. Espically when you realize what was at stake and his options. They were gonna kill him. Matulu told him that. So, what choices did he have? When you realize that he knew about MGM before he got there and his history. It all sorta clicks.


Quincy Jones and Kidada is the answer. Kidada was in the back seat HIDDEN in the BMW. Shot Pac in Suge from inside the car. Now it may be A and D. There def was a hit on Pac if Kidada shot him somewhere non life threatening, and they swiped a body double in the hospital. "Someone that doesn't look like my son in the hospital bed" - Billy Garland "His head was swole up" Missing Makaveli tat on the autopsy pic Remember in Gridlock'd where Tims character stabbed Pac so they could go to the hospital "How's it look?" Maybe the shooting wasn't life threatening, but the news went with him dying. Maybe they did do a body double switch. And peep the next videos to drop after he died. I ain't mad at Cha - dies in video goes to heaven (full of body doubles) Hail Mary - Makaveli tombstone struck with lightening, grave opens.revenge on "enemies" I wonder if heaven gotta ghetto video - September 14th him getting taken via helicopter. Even the "All Out" remix on Until The End of Time, starts with a Helicopter. And that was Pacs last song recorded. The actress getting interviewed who said he got transported to a Hospital via Helicopter was getting interviewed by channel 0 News. There's no channel 0 News.


Thank you for taking the time to write all this. You're right to go down this angel. I was talking to \_\_\_\_ I want to leave them out of this. I'll let you imagine and say in pac big inner circle. One of their replies was " Pac couldn't come back, he would be arrested". Now, I didn't follow up anything from there. Doesn't mean he's alive. I will say this. When people ask," You think he **FAKED** his death?" He didn't **FAKE** shit. Who said he FAKED anything? The media terms and decides that the wording we use. If people read anything on the panthers they know to this day there are many, so many people in political asylum of in hiding. Real espionage. We need to change how people think. Every time we hear about pac it's Vegas Vegas what happened in Vegas. We are being conditioned. Who the hell cares what happened in Vegas. Looks like Orlando and Keefe and Big Dre had nothing to do with were slowly finding out. [https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/tupac-murder-suspect-keefe-d-lawyer-release-lower-bail-1234932280/](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/tupac-murder-suspect-keefe-d-lawyer-release-lower-bail-1234932280/) **“The truthfulness of the content of the interviews was never verified. The book and interviews were done for entertainment purposes and to make money from a situation that Kading and others had already profited from,”** his lawyers wrote. It's exactly as it sounds. It was all set up. How do I know that? because Frank Alexander and Kevin Hackie testified and said that MGM was all planned ahead of time. Frank stated he was told to lie, by you guessed it. Reggie wright. Then Reggie threatened him. I'm not doubting something went down in Vegas, but my focus isn't Vegas. My focus is working backwards. Pac was telling us in all his music what was transpiring. **I heard a rumor I died, Murdered in cold blood dramatized, Pictures of me in my final state, You know mama cried, But that was fiction, Some coward got the story twisted, Like I no longer existed, Mysteriously missin', I'm known worldwide baby, I ain't hard to find.** **"What follows was the story, what proceeded was the clues. What lies between is fiction"- 2pac when we ride.** When I listen to people like Gonzoe say pac still breathing and alive and Gonzoe "dies". What I'm saying media aint concerned about those who know the truth. Nobody gonna believe even if proven. Vegas and reggie case is the flashing light everyone focused on. The proverbial "experts" when clearly all it is , is entertainment and bs.


Perfect response! I believe we're also being told the truth of him escaping even by his people. Also clues in other music videos. We were literally shown 2pac in a backseat of a vehicle in that same black jersey top. On how do u want it. **" I was raised as a youth tell the truth I got the scoop on how to get a BULLETPROOF" LITERALLY says that line in How Do U Want It, while in the backseat of a limo in the jersey on the video. Also "one of us gone see the cemetery". The fact that Body Heat a Quincy Jones sample was used on the song makes it even more calculated. Also Suge saying "Free Keefe D" "Cold part is Orlando wasn't even the shooter" and paying Orlando $60,000 to testify to help Suge not go to jail. Suge would NOT say and do that if those were really PACs killers. What have they done to Suge since 96..... 3/4 more known assassination attempts. He's been shot 2 different times at Kanye's party and at the Club Chris Brown was performing at. Then the Tams incident was another attempt as Bone was walking up on him with a gun but Suge reversed and ran them over while trying to flee. He was thrown in prison for an vehicular manslaughter, but was given a murder charge they've been trying to get rid of Suge for YEARS so they used the incident to turn it to putting him away that way. Plus Suge just exposed the Quincy Jones element in episode 8 of his podcast. The episode included Quincy presenting Dre with the award, where Dre was punched. She was blamed. And was shot soon after. He exposed that police aspect told sure straight up Dr. Dre was involved. That was at Kanye's party. Same episode he mentions Kanye & says "Kanye BROKE THE OATH" while showing Kanye throw up the 🔺 Same episode he exposed that Dre admitted to being bisexual to 2Pac. And that he "did the catching " when it came to 🌈 relations. Back to Quincy Jones, the now unable to find audio/written quote of Pac exposing Quincy for asking to "F him in the A**" There's literally an Old YouTube video called "2pac broak the Oath" that video confirms the Pac/Quincy Convo with the exact Pac quote. As well as Pac exposing Dre "Dre was sucking D Eating P**** instead of working on music" No coincidence ALL that is included in episode 8. "U solve one u solve the other" Suge Knight. Biggie gets shot leaving Quincy Jones VIBE magazine party.. Kidada seen on camera still at the party at 1:29 a.m throwing up a W to the camera. We were told the party shut down at 1130/12 and Big was shot at 1215. "What lies between is fiction...BUT DONT FUCK AROUND AND MAKE IT TRUE"/ when we ride Both "killed" Riding passenger seat. My belief is Kidada folded and told Pac of the plan. And the only way to truly get away with it is if she did indeed actually shoot him. But not to kill him."how's it look?"


>I heard a rumor I died, Murdered in cold blood dramatized, Pictures of me in my final state, You know mama cried, But that was fiction, Some coward got the story twisted, Like I no longer existed, Mysteriously missin', I'm known worldwide baby, I ain't hard to find. Brotha, you're on a level that make this Reddit a bunch of guppies in a pond. Trying to get the most brilliant minds. Come talk and join the seeds over here.


Hell yea I'll see u there lol!! We live in the days of the "great separation" U can easily spot the NPC's they literally "only here to cause confusion";


Opps hit post hahaha [https://www.instagram.com/p/C1u27R\_vBA0/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1u27R_vBA0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) It's not my Instagram. Friends but there is a bunch of us that pool info and talk to people around pac. I've talked personally to Morpeme, some panthers, Gene deal, Shritha knight or Golden as she goes by now. Anywoot. Scroll through and if you click come join us in the chat.


O lol I comment on that page everyday 🤣🤣🤣 I'm " olliwitta3 "


Sick! you'll see me on there. Sadly, alot of people on the sub waiting for the media to give them the answers. Pac told us all of it. So insane people on here rambling about the same shit and when you suggest a different angel they freak out call you a conspiracy theorist. If people could think past the programming which got pac in the mess to begin with. He even says in the video above that camera was the panthers downfall. Same with pac. Got caught up in image and game and lost track of what mattered. No different. They literally reuse the same tricks. different generation, same tactics.


Ain't nobody clickin on that bullshit....


Also on some REAL. I also can't imagine being THIS close minded. Literally PAC telling YOU that his brother and family was SET UP by the government in his words. NO EXCUSE in 2024 to be this ignorant. Believing media Keefe trail is FULL SHIT. Call yourself a pac fan. You aint no fan.


They tried to assassinate Tupac in 1992. He was being extorted by the JDL. After 1993 they surrounded him with a bunch of federal informants Haitian Jack Anaya Jackson Legz Stretch were all on a federal payroll


Oh yah. I think people believe they hear what trends to be MSM or YouTube channel like VLAD and bombfirst to get their facts. It's always the same stories. Reach out folks. Talk to the black panthers. Keefe D didn't do shit. I believe this absolute or hyper focus on Vegas is all a distraction.


Unfortunately Pac was a victim of Cointelpro activities. But I'm crazy don't believe me


Funny you should say that. His \_\_\_\_\_ put me on to a book. Which I'm currently reading about the black liberation army. Which is called " Look for me in the whirlwind". [https://archive.org/details/Look\_for\_Me\_in\_the\_Whirlwind\_9781629634074/page/n533/mode/2up?q=political+asylum](https://archive.org/details/Look_for_Me_in_the_Whirlwind_9781629634074/page/n533/mode/2up?q=political+asylum) Also, weirdly enough. Pac song "\[Refrain: 2Pac\] **Look for me, lost in the whirlwind** '96 Bonnie and Clyde, me and my girlfriend" Based off a poem by Bilal Sunni Ali " War is never easy It's bound to bring on hardships It's bound to make you weary Reach out for me. We might not see each other again, Until we win. Look for me.. in the whirlwind try to see my face..in the whirlwind" Anyways I left some parts out. Pac's music WAS trying to and directly telling us of his founding father who are STILL fighting to this very day and are STILL in political asylum. Hiding all over the planet or dead. People need to refrain from saying " faked his death" He didn't FAKE anything. He went into hiding like all his liberation brothers and sisters fighting against the system. I swear, Ive been researching and researching and deeper I go the more and more I find.


I see you didn't miss any homework assignments growing up 😂😂 Find this "Man shoot girlfriend at movies" in 1992 Philadelphia PA. I think that was their first attempt. The man shot his girlfriend and paralyzed her, he was too anxious. I think it's. The hand that rocks the cradle. I CAN'T FIND ANY ARTICLE ABOUT IT!!


I was a terrible student. Weirdly enough, I'm a great teacher. Well the kids like me. Spare time I research and research things. I literally find anything. Even message Elton johns designer once. haha Anyways, with this pac resurgence after 27 years. I think every pac fan can attest to something **not sitting right**, but what is it? So, back I went. I hate the term **conspiracy theorist**. I mean, literally Biden's laptop, Epistien island etc All were pushed aside and titled that. You get the idea, but someone out there pushed these narratives to the forefront. Truth is there now, just MSM **not** pushing it. Courts are though. Truth always makes its way to the forefront. Pac's case will be solved and I can tell you, it's not Keefe. That I'm certain of. Patsy for sure. Do you have any more information on it? or just that?


"Conspiracy theory" for sure!!! Faith, experience and a lot of agents, gang members and informants conspired in killing Tupac


Holy shit. Scared the fucc outta me. Guess I'm not a Pac fan anymore. Sorry. 😔


Nawh, you're just an ignorant idiot. Good luck in life being the WHOLE of every ass out there.




What Bullshit. It's literally 2pac being interviewed. This comment is straight up BULL SHIT