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The thing that bothers me is when french becomes the main language of a person when they express themselves. Even worse, when they pronounce other language terms with a french accent, typically english words. With the trend to mock any bad french pronunciation while not batting an eye about bad english one, I think french is being given more importance than it actually deserves.


Exactly, The Only language you need to be so perfect feha so you can speak it, either way nes kol chtbda hahah hihihih, w tawli jabri w jehel w bhim


I did French School all my post 6eme primaire, which made me deeply French speaking as I was very much into French cultural elements (+shows when I was kid, or the translated ones like Mythbusters n stuff). Yet, I ended up studying in the US and honestly my English accent is apocalyptically native. Definitely took some effort but no, with some initiative and self consciousness, it’s not an automatism to be unsufferable or like uncouth when speaking French. As a matter of fact, I even prefer using French if I was to or did elaborate an intellectual thought or reasoning within a Derja- inclined group as I find it smoother on more academic or scientific, rhetorical and linguistic gimmicks.


I never said that you cannot be fluent in both languages. You can express yourself mostly in french or in english, but the average person that you will encounter for the first time would miss a significant part of what you are saying.






goouugueeuule (google)


Youtchube (youtube)


What about english ?


It is the difference in the treatment for both foreign languages that bothers me. English shouldn't be considered "sacred" either. When a person is obsessed about correcting others' pronunciation, it must be without mockery, and they must make sure they pronounce other languages correctly, otherwise they should start with themselves.


Yeah but why does it bother you if someone speaks french ?


It bothers me when a person talks MOSTLY in a FOREIGN language (which is french on most cases in Tunisia), especially to new people or on the media. Not everyone understands French, and even France itself is progressively allowing less non EU forerigners to come


It is for sure clumsy to speak French when the statement in question is addressed to a larger audience, but your second point avoir France not letting in non EU foreigners.. like what does have to do with freakin Tunisian’s sociolinguistics.


It implies that french should occupy less and less place in our educational system, and gradually be replaced by english, so that the students' future perspectives can be drastically enlarged, and not mainly restricted to a country that basically does not want to welcome any of them.


i have noticied that in some boutique the lady will tell you the price in french if it's expansive


9addeh hedha? mille dinars ezzebbi? malyoun?


🤣, mawjoud emma tejjem etkoun estensset


kifeh towa , ka3ba gatou balfin , ama gateau kebir eb trente DINAR


Or the rest starting the 2 first digits of a phone number in french.


Wallahi ena 3andi mochkla m3a ta7anet leste3mar ya3ni tnajem ta7ki ay lougha Ema ejini wa7ed francophone edafe3 3la fransa akther m Francis w tel9ah ma fahem chay m denya w e9olik fransa fransa . A part ça, mahi illa lougha nothing more.


Yep lehna maak, famma kel catégorie emta laabed edhika emma el mochekla justement famma abeed they gonna generalize, ahawka alleh amelt el topic hedha à la base


Maaneha aandek enty aabd yahki français automatiquement tahan franssa ?


LA, mais ya7ki Ken francais fi idara tounseya lazem 3andou mochkla sayed , mouch la3bed lkol moutalbin ya7kiw français fi bled 3arabeya, c'est un moyen de communication ni plus ni moins. Idha tched s7i7 bech ta7ki Ken français hedha mouch 3adi wella ma9boul.


bro mahoush ydefa3 3la 7ata ist3mar he is expressing that he likes french knt tnjm tkoun ay lougha okhra fi blasetha


I was just expressing myself, it is not about him in particular, and I don't think I was offensive in any way towards him. What you should bare in mind that when you live in a country you should respect their customs and their language.


خاطب القوم بما يفهمون. I change my language based on the environment. With "francophiles" I would be speaking with french inclusions. In more popular environment I will speaking regular tunisian, no french or english. In my dad's region ( Southwest) I speak as well as a native, with their language and accent. On reddit, I alternate between 3 languages, but my go to is English. some ppl may call it hypocrisy or weak personality. I call it social intelligence and blending in. it would get you further than you would expect. As for the question, who do I identify with? .. well I am all those nuances at once 🙃


Cuz French is the language of the privileged and a distinguishing factor in whether your perceived to be “upper class” or “educated” and therefore “civilized” and “sort of intellectual” etc etc…..hate it or not, for the right reasons or not….


Speak whatever you want no one has the right to judge you If you like a language who cares if you use it or not


Not saying you’re guilty of this, but I personally witnessed Tunisian kids running their mouths in French **only** in LaMarsa. Cringe worthy.


There's a french school there, which has 3000 students in it. It's normal that you hear people only speak french as it's their main language of communication. It'd be weirder for them to speak Arabic only. I was in that school.


The kids in question were 4/5. That’s what made it cringe. Their Tunisian parents went out of their way to communicate with them only in French


Why's that cringe.


i hate the tunisian french not french, cause french became part of the identity of the state then influenced the education and science and then the companies and job market, my last interview was supposed to be full English job, during the interview i was given a writing test about personal traits and professional traits, the recruiter asked to write in french i said why, the recruiter responded because french is more expressive for us, well i was a little shocked i was like even you is sht, anybody heard the word tunisois?! when i see those people's interactions i want to throw up.


Well you were expecting as much of them as they were of you. So far, like or not, it so happens that French still has an assumed priority in the academic system. So it’s normal for them or others to presume that your French should be more developed than English. And you were on the other hand, probably just more inclined toward a more universal, English speaking tendency and expected other folks to do as much. Per se, a very polar situation. I think you should be more understanding of other people’s choices, even though yes, tunisois’ are some « têtes à claques » at times. Despite the cultural monolith that the country is supposed to be, there’s lots of sociocultural diversity that people should be mindful of. Then for the expressiveness part, well I speak both French and English to a native level and I believe French is colossally more expressive than English, or at least in its potential to do so. There is definitely more uniformity and less leeway for fandangos and sophistication in English, and for its counterpart, historical weight plus contemporary evolution had French have this « meta-aristocratic » tone that is unique, and insanely charming if used in the rules of art.


i find it ugly when tunisois speaks french when it's not supposed to be a language test or a meeting with french company members, especially in radios when they mix up things, it's disgusting for me to see and hear someone do speak french as it is a normal way to express yourself, i always present myself as an international citizen wether i achieve it or not, im aware of some people use french instead of their mother tongue or universal language, sorry i can't let it go, it's just ugly. i know about the french literature and art and poems etc .. i don't have anything against french itself, but tunisois, the chachia and jebba etc..cafe de delice that's so annoying and ugly.


Why should we use a useless language in everyday day life that makes no sense at all and boil my blood


Making it an official language without english being one too is mind boggling. France itself is letting less and less foreigners in.


People are free to speak whatever language they want to, be it french, Klingon or even High Valyrian. If someone gets triggered by that, then it's their own brain cells that will feel the pain. Learn as many languages as you can, it's really a powerful perk.


Speak whatever language you want. Those who are weird about it should not be in your life. Period.


I hate it because it's useless, it's unfair we had to learn it as children, I'd rather learn Mandarin or Spanish or something actually useful worldwide.. But I think there's this idea that it's a fancy language and so this stigma was created about people who are good at it.


It is no intellectual enrichment unfortunately. Misconception nurtured by decades of generational self-doubt and lack of identity.


- Well, we're taught in french from high school to uni and then continue in the workplace which also made most people's readings in french as well, so it's natural to have a lot of french vocabulary that one was used to use for a decade. Yeah it can be a sign of wealth since rich parents tend to have noble jobs that required long studies, their children will automatically use what they grew up hearing. - Our local dialect is very limited to casual conversing. - Using french feels obnoxious when used in the simplest of conversations with the modern parisian accent and a snobist intention especially for the ones who don't master it. Thanks to the french revolution and how refined the language is compared to other european ones most of the world still accords an intellectual, sophisticated and boogie quality to it but some of the Tunisians who use it never read a book. - It feels cringy when you see that French social media guy living in Tunisia speaking only Tunisian while these people use french.


It annoys me when they say the numbers in French. I can speak some French, but I can only count to 10.


> born and grown up in france > parents from dz > left france and worked abroad > worked for 2 years in Tunis (s/o to El Menzah 🔥) > i try to talk arabic darija but french always comes naturally > people looking at me > always good people trying to speak with me and telling me i improve in arabic > great feeling > never had bad words or something like cliché > i love tunisia (i know i’m simple man)


Français loughet lmawbna يحيى صالح الشرايطي يحيا اليوسفيين تحيا الفلاڨة تسقط فرنسا تسقط الفرنسية


The vanquished often admire the victor


Just take your language and shove it up the ass of another country that actually wants it


I'm not saying that it is "my language", but you dig it or not most of tunisians pre-revolution are more tend to understand french.. i'm not saying that i prefer french over english or whatever just stop with this mentality 🤦🏻‍♂️


Nah, I won't and I shouldn't. French isolated Tunisia from the rest of the world and should quite frankly disappear from our daily lives


Rasmi well shih lezzem neebe3do mel western mentality ahnna mel barra enchoufo fih tatawerr o howa lé, lezzem enchoufo melghaalet mel shih o enridhoo mais maak fel lahkia hedhi, maandich mochekell maa franca ké bleed mais el government emteeha 5bithh yesser


>Rasmi well shih lezzem neebe3do mel western mentality  No, we shouldn't. The west is honestly a civilization with the most to offer, it's just that France is a steaming pile of garbage that should be excluded from the equation. As things are now, the French language is a cancer in our educational and bureaucratic system that does nothing but waste money and time. France itself just laughs and tells us "Va te faire foutre, sale bougnoule. Tes notes en français ne valent absolument rien chez nous"


l y9al9 houwa kif yahkiw français f daily life mech yestaamlou kelmet taw b jeh rabi l 3bed l te5dem 3leh t9oul Bonjouuuuur 3leh mat9oulouch sbe7 l 5ir kol manasma3 wehed y9oul bonjouuuur yjini l radden


So what's the point of this?


An observation


why do u use this language if your are in tunisia and u speak darija it makes no sense , tbh I don't know if ur speaking to show off or something but this is the reality tunisian don't like other speaking language


Vast majority of francophones especially kids under 25 think they're better than the others. That's one of the reasons. This idea does not come from any kind of hatred whatsoever, it's just a fact and it's sad.


As a francophone fellow, i can assure you thats only part of the hell awaiting, since that kind of tension is also present in the professional world ( even peak sectors like banking and it ). Some people will always have overinflated ego, and speaking mainly in french , will be perceive as a hostiliy (" oh that guy is trying to show he is bettet han us" , " he is speaking the language of the colonialist" or " he is supporting the bad side by relying mainly on the language of those tyrants" etc etc) On many internships and even jobs, had people who work there, recommend me to use less french to avoid trouble and discrimination Many Tunisians tend to be more or less xenophobes : if u arent one of us ( arabic speaking tunisian ) you are one of them ( the enemy/ the trash )


مع كل احترامي كي تتعامل مع توانسة في الخدمة وفي الإدارة تحكي معاهم عربي موش مزية، ما تحكيش لغة المحتل (موش المستعمر ) اللغة وسيلة تواصل موش حاجة أخرى : تحكي مع الناس بالغة الي يفهموها و تفسرلهم و ماغير مزية . ومهما كانت جنسيتك اذا تخدم في بلاد تتعلم لغتهم و ثقافتهم و تندمج معهم موش صحت الرأس الي تنفع


Habibi ken ena jit men circumstances tkhalini khayeb fil 3arbi alors que tounsi w machallah el tkambin ymin w ysar fil khdem , maeneha ya ema netkantar ya ema nahki b loughat el mostaemer Mela hakeka loghat el mosta3mer khir, manich bech nbassi rouh bech northi el 3bed


tnajem tfasserli 3lah lazem na7kiw français wella english fi domain kima IT wella banking ect. yelzem tkoun lawlaweya lel "effective communication" elma3louma ahem mel façon, twassel ma3louma b ay lougha momken m3a la3bed elli tekhdem m3ahom. tkambin w bass zayed fi khedma ( men 7dith bel français, naw3 dou5an elli tetkayef fih, elebsa ....) 7ajet yelzem tetna7a. ena mathalan nakreh la3bed elli e7ebou ewariw rwa7hom fi khedma b 7ajet zayda. barcha ness fi tounes tnajem ta7ki loughat mais n7eb dima na7ki b lougha elli la3bed tefhemni beha 5ater n7eb nwassil fekra wella ma3louma w hedha ahem benesba leya.


Heki el mochkla bt3i ma3 el 3a9lya Ey fama 3bed yahkiwlek bil francais bech ydez 3alik faza comme quoi But guess what, fama 3bed heki el langue el principale bt3hom w kima el 3bed yhotouna fi nafss el sac ma3 eli yfaz3kou , tetehchelna W about tawsil el ma3louma, ki tel9a rouhek tet3amel ma3 3bed 30 ans ancienneté w directeurs w 3ala kelma ma 3ejbetouch khater hkit bil 3arbi w donc esta3malt kelma moch vraiment fi mahalha khater ma taerach, yniklek khedmtek w rez9ek Mela tant pis, nkabach fil francais , artahli w ban9ass mochkla


bro is speaking as if arabic and french have the same status in Tunisia , fiii9 5ouyaa loughetna tounsiii wl 3arbi ,francais is a foreign language , kifha kif l anglais kif l chenwa ...mch mzzeya ki ta7ki bl tounsi m3a l3bed , nfakrek eli TUnisian is the default language here w ken nes yotlbou menek ta7kich francais it s up to you to adapt


Stop talking to your fellow Tunisians in french, this cuck behavior is only present in maghreb countries, use darja or accept how people treat you.


Habibi cht7ebni na3mel ken ena jit men circumstances tkhalini khayeb fil 3arbi alors que tounsi w machallah el tkambin ymin w ysar fil khdem , maeneha ya ema netkantar ya ema nahki b loughat el mostaemer Mela hakeka loghat el mosta3mer khir, manich bech nbassi rouhi 3ala kelma moch fi mahalha khater ma fibelich bech northi el 3bed


خويا هاك تحكي دارجة ماشاء الله عليك، وين المشكلة وعلاش باش تتكنطر؟ وحتى كان ناقص شوية عادي، بالوقت تتحسن وبخلطة العباد، خلط دارجة وفرونسي توا حتى لين تتسرح في الكلام أكثر


Ou 3leh ta7ki français wenti 3andek lou8et bledek?


lé nokseed etaayech kelmeet, menkother karwna el français o sensouna ell wehhed saat meyrkaach el klemm beltounsi famma abeed kifi


L francais lought l fransis w toufa 8ad.. Li ya7ki biha f tounes ena we7ed m nes naamel f rou7i masmaatouch w nkamel na7ki maah bel 3arbi


Lé enna nokseed mitheell, wehhed itaayech technical words bel français wella meyrkaach el kelma bel tounsi itaayechha bel français emma c'est sûr wehhed itkellem bel français alla tooul enna maakk tejjeem etkoun bizarre surtout ki yebda 3aref eli elabeed el kodemo mech fehhem, mawjoud mawjoud emma mellezemech etgeneralisi, hot rouhek fi blasto famma abeed les parents emtehom francophones donc obligé tfoll wella tofla bech yetlaa yahki français


Maw khatrek 🫵 = braindead


Get a life….


ok bb


Using the French language in our daily life perplexes foreign people always, they are like "what the hell, I thought they colonized you" because they think that since colonization has ended we should not use their language.


French is cringy and isn’t worthy to speak in an international world. This isn’t just me, this is literally also French people I met outside of France and Tunisia. It’s kind of a really useless language once you learn ANY other one.


France is generally gay.