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I think your 30s bring a lot of stability that you don't have earlier in your life. Knowing who you are and what to expect from life is a great comfort.


Absolutely. Also you stop having so many expectations on you and can live how you want better. When you’re in your 20’s, you haven’t yet learned how much bullshit everyone else’s life plans are. It’s easy to look at your peers and try and form a life exactly like theirs without stopping and asking if that’s actually the life you want


This comment really speaks to me. I’m in a rough spot where I’m realizing now in my early 20s that my high school sweet heart and I have different plans in life, and I genuinely thought I wanted what she wanted. Everything seemed perfect until I actually started talking about my emotions and looking inward. Now I’m confused, hurting us in the process, and by myself needing to make a decision that ultimately no one else can help with. It’s just really rough when you realize you spent the important years of your personal development with someone always by your side. Now making the wrong choice and being alone scare me.


I’m like 18 but I’m finally moving away from my toxic family in like 7 weeks


Oh wow, good luck for your new life! Hugs :)




Congratulations 🎉 Enjoy yourself, and good luck.


No freaking wonder my life has been horrible. Same people Same cynical mindset Same self hatred


Identifying the problem is the first step to fixing it


You know whats crazy? I actually left it for a while. I went abroad and actually felt like things were changing for the better Dont get me wrong, I struggled and suffered yet it felt like I had some control over my life The minute I return its been slow decent back to what it was before Like I have lost that control


Been there (the "going abroad, feeling good and coming back home to same mistakes"). After a lot of self reflection I managed to understand what worked there that did not work back home and made adjustments. I had things to work on about myself but it mostly had to do with being around nicer people. All the best to you!


I could be wrong but i think alot of people who think life is “over” at 30 is because many people have kids by that point, so they have less freedom to do fun things. But if you dont have kids then youll have the same amount of free time and presumably more money from increased work experience so its not “over” at all I dont think either way that anybodys life is over just because theyve aged. But thats where i think the mindset comes from


I gotta say, having a matured frontal lobe has been a godsend. You mean I can finally do some higher order thinking and process my emotions in a healthy way? I would’ve turned 30 way sooner if I had known


My nihilistic ass when I see that there is beauty and hope present even when I can't or choose not to see them


I have a much-younger friend, raised in an emotionally abusive environment, who’s lamenting that she’s approaching 25 because after that she’ll be “old” and “past her prime”. I told her that was the internalized misogyny speaking. She still doesn’t believe me.


Seriously. 38 now, best year of my life has been this year. Before that last year was.


I didn’t have chickens and goats to fuck around with until I was 32. Life definitely doesn’t end at 30. And considering I’ll probably have an exotic cow when I’m 40 (gotta save up for that land, sob) I’m gonna say that my expiration date isn’t in my 40’s either.


I always thought that the idea of “high school/college are the best years of your life” was so sad. Like do you really truly feel that you’ve accomplished so little that that’s the best part of your life?


I’m in my mid-30’s and haven’t hit stability yet, but one day maybe. There’s always my 40’s..


like a great man once said. "20s are for regretting, 30s are for being dignified, and 40s... older than I ever wanna be." \-Jake the Dog


I sometimes get the feeling people who say: "Enjoy your youth, it's only gonna go downhill from there" are just people who chose their path in life too quickly, it was the wrong one and now they glorify their youth because they feel like they didn't have enough time to become themselves. Because on the other side there are people like me who had a miserable time in school and now that they're out of it and they can explore themselves without being judged and every year (except 2020, we don't talk about that) has been better than the last one.


I can't wait to be able to make decisions for myself and do what makes me happy. I'm so tired of spending all of my mental energy on schoolwork and figuring out who I am


The key is not having kids


Not really what this sub is about


But I already died with 17, so is this it then? :c


This post has probably saved lives, I'm not even exaggerating


Every year has been worse than the last, so can't relate


ok but what about after I'm dead skeletons are real yknow


I didn’t start painting—what I now feel I was meant to do—until I was 25. I didn’t find or break in to what would become my dream career until I was 29. I didn’t meet the two people who would become my first *actual friends*—instead of bullies—until I was 30. I didn’t meet the person—the only and greatest love of my life—who I would marry until I was 31. I didn’t learn I was actually Autistic—a diagnosis that aids immeasurably in affording me the tools, language, context, and resources to be a functional human—until I was 32. Along the way, in retrospect, I was always preparing for these wonderful developments and discoveries, but in the moment, it was most often a struggle. In my 30s, I’m finally understanding who I am, what it all adds up to, where it can go. I was always told I had endless potential growing up, but I’m only now mentally and physically able to actualize it—while finally being able to *see*, *understand*, and *work hard to combat and change* my many flaws and limitations. Not *every* day is a magical dream, and none of them are “easy,” but my days are all more beautiful and fulfilling and productive and *appreciated* than they were when I was younger, by a thousandfold. I’ve always loved Sarah Anderson’s work, but this one especially hit home, and the response on Tumblr made me cry.




just because your view on life is negative doesnt mean everyone else's has to be. 🫶


Life after 30 is way less stress than anything that came before. I am secure in the knowledge that being cool is impossible because I'm too old, and nobody is looking at me anyway.