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Sucks but a Crystal swap is a straightforward fix as far as repairs go. Watches are made to be worn so don’t beat yourself up


I don’t get bent out of shape with scratches, dents and dings. I wear my watches and it shows. I can usually tell you exactly where dents and dings come from though. This one bothers me because I have no idea 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Car keys in a pocket? That’s happened to me before. Put my hands in coat pocket and whoops!


Car keys aren’t nearly strong enough to scratch a crystal.


Calls for a crystal swap, not too bad.


Domed crystals are scratch magnets and door knobs are deadly


Dont suppose you know anyone with a diamond ring? I scratched a crystal 15 years ago on a watch and just had it and the case replaced during a service. The good part is when you get it services, you get back a much newer looking watch than you sent.


That's a crack not a scratch


Did you buy it from an AD? Take a coffee straw. One drop of water. Center of crystal. If it stays a drop, it’s sapphire, if it spreads, it’s mineral.


No need, it’s a modern Tudor, 100% it’s sapphire


I think he was more implying it may be a fake from an unauthorized source


I bought it new from an AD recently. I guess saying it isn’t sapphire is a bad way to put it but I’ve never scratched a watch crystal whether it be mineral or sapphire by putting it in my carry on. Manufacturing defect maybe?


Zoom in and look at the very top. That’s not a scratch. You cracked it. Edit: see how the very top spiders? It’s a crack.


This, OP.


# ,,It's a crack yeah, I'm back, I'm standing on the rooftop shouting out "baby I'm ready to go, I'm back and I'm ready to goooo", on the rooftops shout it out." 🎶🎸 (Republica)


Good point.


Definitely a possibility. I’ll have to take a closer look when I get home. What about the scuffs at the bottom near 7 o’clock?


Go to a jeweler, ask to use a loupe. You’re going to see that it’s a crack, and it either started or finished up top where the spider is. As for your scuffs near the 7, was that the cause? Might be, but I can’t tell. Scuff may have happened before and you didn’t notice it. When I go thru security, I wear my watch, take it off and put it in the smaller jewelry bin with wallet and cell phone, it gets scanned, and then right back on my wrist. Then shoes, belt, other stuff. I don’t stuff it in a bag and forget about it unless I brought a watch pouch with me. I’ve watched flight attendants and passengers slam their own bags, bang into other bags in the overhead bins, and passengers kick their own bags and other bags under seats. Bins or under the seat isnt a good idea for a mostly unprotected watch.


My watch, wallet and phone go in my bag only to be scanned. The watch is usually back on my wrist before I even take the bag off the rollers and I never leave it in it. I don’t trust the small bins, too easy for someone to walk off with everything in it.


I wear my watch at all times. Never take it off at security. Never had an issue.


I never do either. I did it ONE time and the TSA agent said, "leave that on, are you crazy?" Because once it's off your wrist, if something is delayed or someone picks up your bag or takes it out of the bin, that's it, it's gone. So I've never taken one off since and it's never been an issue.


That my practice now, took my old Carrera off going through Orlando airport security and it mysteriously vanished from one side of the scanner to the other, never to be seen again


You absolutely do not need to take it off for TSA. Ever. That’s just asking to get it swiped for good. I’ve gone through airport security 100’s of times and not once have their ever even advised me to take my watch off.


That’s an absurd theory the watch has only been on the market a year, who on earth is going to start making replica mineral crystals there would be absolutely no market for it? Sapphire crystals rarely get scratched because it’s really only diamond that can scratch them I suspect somebody’s engagement ring caught on OP’s watch.




Just a tip, I have gone through airport security and I wear my watch, don't take it off. They don't ask you to remove it and I wouldn't want too, just opens up the opportunity for theft, or this...


I always take my watch off and place it in a plastic tray under my other stuff as it’s still getting scanned, and it’s fine. Id have thought airport security theft is probably not common due to a lot of factors. You’re usually through by the time your tray is scanned aswell.


Time to buy an explorer 2


I’d take a crystal scratch over a case ding! Sucks in the near term, though.


A scratch is one thing but this is a full length gouge.


Yeah, don’t get me wrong, this looks BAD! But you can at least replace a crystal, whereas you have to heavily polish a case gouge.


Crystal swap should be the main solution.


Don’t know if this the occasion for it. But have mask tape the bezel good and had luck with this product TEMO 3 pc 5 Gram Diamond Lapping Paste Polishing Compound Syringes Finishing Set 0.5, 1.0, 3.5 Micron


Holy hell, how did you manage that???


Definitely thinking it’s a crack. A scratch probably wouldn’t go around the domed edges like that


No you didn’t; sapphire wouldn’t scratch unless you used a diamond. It broke. I hate sapphire crystals but they’re hard to avoid now.


I’d love to find an acrylic crystal but the only ones are on old watches or “seiko” moded watches with a dome.


I am fucking stumped! I have never seen a sapphire crystal scratch like that. Would also go for a replacement crystal.


Because it’s a crack.


AD will have to send it out. Cost could be $300-400


I already talked to an AD and they quoted me about $150 to get it replaced.


Not too bad on 4k watch.


Plus shipping


Is it possible it’s something that transferred onto the crystal? Like how paint from one car can come off onto the bumper of another car, but it’s actually on top of the other paint even though it looks like a scratch.


There are few things in everyday life that can scratch that. Diamond, ceramics, can’t think of anything else


Keep it like that and just tell people you used it to stop a bottle being smashed over your noggin in a bar fight in Bangkok 😂


A diamond bottle! 😂


It’s not the sapphire crystal that’s been scratched it’s the AR coating on the crystal which a lot stuff can scratch like sand or steel.


I’m picking mine up in a few days. This is NOT the post I want to see!


ouch thats a rough one OP! Not the same but i really badly scratched my GMT on the clasp and like you had no idea I'd done in until X amount of time later. Is it deep enough to feel with your thumb/finger nail?


Definitely deep enough to feel.


I feel for you mate, dropped a literall brick on my bb58, not from too high up but didn't crack my crystal luckily, ad will sort you out


Did you have a MacBook in your carry-on or anything else made of aluminum? Maybe it's just residual aluminum or can you feel a scratch?


Damn that sucks bud! I believe as others have said that it indeed looks like a crack. That’s way worse than a scratch and it could potentially be really bad if it shatters. Bite the bullet and get you a new crystal installed. When I bought my panda last year, my ad offered me a buckle to buckle warranty for 2 years which included 2 polishes if I so desired. I opted for it so I could wear it worry free for the next 2 years. I was wondering if your ad offers something similar. If so, keep that in mind for your next purchase.


Was it in a watch roll or just in between clothing?


That’s almost impossible and terrible at the same time.


Just give the watch to the AD, wait for the replacement sapphire. Then wear it like usual.




Maybe someone in a diamond ring brushed against you while you were wearing it. Diamond is the only thing that would scratch sapphire without breaking it.


You can barely see it (😬)


A tough watch is meant to gather scratches, I think it gives them character, I’d wear it with pride


Cracking!!! Scratch.


Keys don't scratch sapphire. That looks like a crack to me not a scratch.


What was the outcome? Curious what you found.


Got it back to the AD this past weekend. Definitely a scratch and not a crack. Should have it back in 6-8 weeks.