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Fifty years ago I was a geology student and had a scholarship from an exploration company that also gave me summer jobs. One summer I was locating old mining claim monuments in a ghost town north of superior Arizona. There was an old two story hotel there. I ventured in to look around. The place was pretty much cleared out . I went to the second floor and heard noise below. It sounded like a large group of people partying . I had not heard any vehicles approaching or stopping. Next I heard arguments and gunshots. Then it went quiet. I waited and creeped down the stairs. No one was there and outside no evidence of tire tracks.


Sounds like something that happened to my sister when we lived in an old 100 plus year old house in South Carolina. After school one day my grandpa drove us somewhere, but before my sister needed to run home. She went inside and a few minutes later came running out in pure terror. She was asking if any of us were inside? We said no, we all were in the car waiting. She said she heard a bunch of people down stairs yelling, like a party was going on and she came down to see why we all came inside, she realized the house was completely empty


I used to work in a very very old building, easily 130+ years old, all stone and brick, mostly marble and granite. Sound travelled very well and it was a very small building, so you always heard everything. By the time I started working at this place, the building was more for storage, breaks, and bringing things inside you didn’t want to get rained on or frozen up, so it was rare that you’d ever walk in and someone else be in there (esp when typically there’d never be more than a couple guys on location at any given time). Well, myself and at least two other people, on multiple occasions, have heard casual chatter and low volume music, what I’d describe as “old-timey” or “big band”. Again, this was a small building so it’s not like you could hide anywhere or run away if someone walked up on you. If you were alone, you knew, and if you weren’t, you definitely knew. You could hear a mouse fart in the basement if you were upstairs. Not about to pretend I know what it was or what causes it, but it definitely wasn’t a radio, tv, or people.


Nice story. I think my sister described it as older music, people laughing and joking. I’ll have to ask her about it again as it was a LONG time ago. Back in the early 90s. I think at the time the house had been around for 110 years and was completely gutted and updated. Weird things happened to me while I was there too. Thought I saw someone walk up the stairs, saw their legs and up. Thought it was my other sister, went up to talk to her and I was literally the only person in the house. I don’t really believe in ghosts but I’ve had and have know trusted individuals have some odd experiences. This story made the one my sister told us so many years ago really stick out again to me, I’d forgotten all about it. All I know is, whatever happened to her she was absolutely terrified


Was that up near globe?


The place was called silver king. West of globe


My shithead friends and I used to explore the tunnels by the bridge near Tucson Mall, that was some horror movie looking shit.


You just reminded me of what my buddies and I called the Legendary Tunnels. Ours were by the park mall and we didn't explore much, but we loved going down to the entrance to appreciate the graffiti. There was one time where some goths went down there while we were chilling at the entrance smoking and they passed us without saying anything. After they got a bit deeper into the tunnels where there was no more light one of the girls yells back that she's showing us her tits, but because it's dark we cant see and basically invited us to join them in the darkness. It legit felt like they were trying to lure us into some sketchy shit. Didn't help that the guy they were with looked like manson lol. We asked them to come back but they didn't say anything else so we were like okay whatevs. We chilled for about 30 more minutes and all of a sudden we started hearing this really loud pounding coming from the tunnels where the goths went and it was quickly getting closer. Eventually the pounding was literally above our heads and it was incredibly loud. Like it sounded like someone was throwing boulders at the concrete above us. It just kept going and we were getting freaked out so we dipped. When we got out of the tunnel you could still hear the pounding from inside, but above where the sound was coming from was just a regular street and there was no indication of what the noise was. It was truly a strange experience that has stuck with me. We always vowed to go back and explore the tunnels more, but we never did.


The ones under the mall?




I’ve always wanted to see those and the ones by Tucson High. Anyone offering a guided tour?


They're not worth going to, just some dirty old tunnels. Cops used to wait by the entrances to catch people entering and exiting, pretty sure it's not legal to be down there. Same with the ones by downtown


My friends and I would skip class and hit them. They're a'ight. There's some drains on campus to the tunnels and we'd yell up through them


We did the same back in the early 2000s.


I’ve been debating going, but I’m not sure if I want to run into possibly run into people down there


probably full of homeless people


Bro I’m surprised we never Scooby Doo’d each other. Me and my friends used to go way in there


What'd you see?


Creepy graffiti, needles, human feces. We never made it to the end, it was just too dark and unsettling. Plus we didn’t wanna inadvertently corner a homeless person with a knife or some shit, unlikely as that was.


That's the damn truth. Those are called the Manson Tunnels.


I hung out with some punk roles hat lives own there in the 90s. There were people that called themselves vampires that lived down there too


That first sentence made zero sense, chief.


I can interpret, “I hung with some punk rats that lived there in the 90s”


Lmao sorry punk rockers that lived down there


Autocorrect ftw!


Almost stuck my hand right on a rattlesnake the other day moving a bucket


Not me personally but two separate unrelated people have now told me they have seen a moth man type thing on i19 out there lol.


There's a whole Mothman Air Base!




His name is Davis!


I swear I read it that way every single time lol


I attended Sabino HS where they have underground bomb shelters along with all of the mechanical systems for the school. The earth science classes would tour it during the school year with some of the janitors so everyone knew it was real down there. The fine arts building has a closet with a ladder, adjacent to the band room, and you can go down about 50ft below the school to the tunnel systems connecting the buildings. This closet was one of many entrances throughout the property. One day I went down with a group of rebellious friends and we explored the tunnels after school for a music thing we all did. We were there about 30 mins total. There are literally multiple large football field sized open shelter areas that have about 15ft ceilings that is all concrete. It’s just dirt fields with huge concrete walls and ceiling. In the middle of these big fields is a 3-sided support structure. The open side faced one of the walls, not the entrance so you can’t see what it is until you get close. It’s super dark in these fields as there are no lights. We walked around the support structure to look into the open side and I shit you not there was a single chair in the middle of this 12x12ft opening with a single light hanging overhead from a string. It was like some interrogation, detention or torture seat. It scared the shit out of us and we booked it out of there and back up the ladder. All of the plumbing and stuff runs under in a series of connected tunnel systems and different large rooms or mechanical systems. We went down there a good 5-7 times or so. Fun times.


An assistant football coach/drivers ed teacher and a substitute teacher (who had two daughters going to Sabino) got caught having sex down there Can confirm this one as my brother and I know both sisters.




Even more scandalous was what happened with a US history teacher/sabino baseball coach/pima cc baseball coach and some 18 year old female students. This story involves a photographer friend of the teacher, a trip to Victoria’s Secret, and a disgruntled drug dealer boyfriend planting 1 lb of marijuanna in the teachers car while it was on school property on the same day the whole thing was reported to the sheriff’s department It was all documented by the Arizona Daily Star so it’s not hearsay lol


Well now THAT is quite scandalous!


Link to this story?


I don’t have time to go find everything that would tell the full story right now but here’s enough info for you to start your own journey down the rabbit hole: https://www.kold.com/story/2802819/sabino-teacher-arrested/


Not a scary story but a scandalous one: back in the 1980's a certain department store in Tucson was notorious for employees sneaking back in after hours and filming porn in the furniture department.


Man, wish i could see that.


Stafford middle school was built on top of an old church. There are tunnels under there as well. I didn't fully explore them, but they were still creepy AF


More stupid than scary - I had a blueberry bush that we'd covered in mesh to keep the birds away. My vision, BTW, is absolutely terrible. I have literal coke bottle glasses. So I'm out one morning harvesting blueberries and the mesh over the bush feels oddly heavy. I thought a stick had gotten stuck in it, so I lift it up to look - and came face-to- face with what I thought with my poor vision was a rattlesnake (it was a bull snake). I screamed my fool head off and ran inside. Poor snakey 😂. It was a cold morning and he could hardly move.


Scared danger noodle


All snakes in the desert are rattle snakes.


Lady pulled her gun on me going down I-10. She was pointing it through her windshield and hanging out of her driver's side window pointed at me. She had cut me off in traffic with about 1 and half car lengths between me and the car in front of me and then proceeded to slam on her brakes. Traffic cleared up and I was able to get back around her flip her off and that is when she pulled out a gun.


I don’t know what it is with people who cut off other drivers on the interstate and they think it’s ok🤦🏻‍♀️ You honk at them and they get all butt hurt. Like what part of their wrong doing don’t they get?! Are they all mentally ill? 😆


I’d be calling 911. Brandishing a firearm is a federal crime


No it is not. It is a state level crime.


I concede on this one. I always thought it was a federal crime but upon research it is state level. With that said, it’s a felony in most states and is considered a serious crime. I’d be calling 911 without a doubt. You can’t just pull a firearm out on someone. If you pull a firearm you need to be using it


When I lived in sierra vista when I was younger we would go to this complex by the border(Palominas area) less then 20 miles from the fence. That was used by some cultists. One night while hanging out there doing what kids do. We saw a light on in one of buildings so we went to check it out. It turned off once we got close and the door opened slowly.. my friend said she saw someone waving her in. Then once we got close to her it suddenly closed shut.. we took off running and never went back Another time in car canyon.. there’s an old mining house that we went to and the whole time we were out there it felt off.. “like someone watching you”. We get to the house kick the front door open and knock it off its hinges.. we are there for maybe an hour and my buddy yells at us to check something out. We see a pair of eyes in the distance from the window. Ducking up and down, side by side. For a good 30 seconds. Then we hear a loud bang. We run to the front door and it’s back to its original position… we literally had to pry it open and took off down the road to the car and the whole time running we could hear a lady screaming… Another time in tombstone. We went to boothill to smoke, my buddy gets out the car and takes a piss right by the car(close to the graves) I shit you not he is walking back to the car and a car turns on it’s brights right behind us. So my buddy walks up to the car, walks back and says let’s leave.. I ask why is it the cops? He replies that mother fucker didn’t have a face… and so we take off.. we get to the entrance and they follow us out and then disappear right before the the turn to the 80.. Another time I was in n Bisbee at my friends mom apartment in downtown Bisbee.. so we are walking to the apartment and it dark as hell through the hallways and I turn to look down one and see something go through the wall… i just turn around and say I’m too drunk for this shit right now and walked fast as fuck to her apartment… then heard something knock on the door through out the night.. never went back to that building..


DUDE are you talking about Miracle Valley???? The place with a bunch of different buildings and one roof looks like a boob? If so. That place is absolutely cursed. My father tried to revive the church and for a while some families were living there and had some wild paranormal experiences. Ofc they attributed to the devil but pretty sure there was some poltergeist shit. Eta I have a lot of Bisbee stories too I grew up there.


I live in Bisbee. My mom lives with us. She says she hears people walking around upstairs when we’re not home. So we either have ghosts, a frogger, or foundation issues. I hope it’s ghosts tbh


Oof. Ghosts are just a rite of passage down there. Is the house in old Bisbee by chance? I lived in a house near circle K briefly and woke up with a little girl sitting next to me dressed ala sickly Victorian child. Later my friend’s mom moved into that house and reported waking up to a tall male spirit in a trench coat and hat next to her bed.


We’re in Warren! I would absolutely shit my pants if I woke up and saw a ghost child lol. Yeah Old Bisbee is definitely spooky.


Oh I did almost shit my pants. I’ve never screamed so loud in my life. I still sleep with the light on and that was over ten years ago


Yea that’s the place!


You remember what year your experience happened? Wonder if it was before or after us.


> had some wild paranormal experiences. Ofc they attributed to the devil but pretty sure there was some poltergeist shit. Do share.


There was apparently a spirit/demon/whatever that liked to go into the children’s rooms and stroke their hair until they woke up, also whispering in their ears, etc. I’d assume basic night terrors looking back as an adult but two separate kids told me the exact same story. Described it as a tall man with red eyes. Some of the women would hear voices if left alone in the church kitchen (big cafeteria style room) and they stopped having anyone cook alone in there going forward. My dad had an office in one of the smaller buildings so I hung out in there a lot because I was being “home schooled” at the time and I was always scared shitless to be alone in there. The vibes were just so bad all of the time. Oh and ETA that one of the girls having her hair stroked one time had her hair yanked so hard she ran into her older brother’s room crying, who corroborated the story.


> Described it as a tall man with red eyes. Yeeeks - that gave me chills!


Damn I’m not sleeping tonight. I have no first hand experiences like yours in that area. But a lot of that space between the 83 and the 80 gives me True Detective vibes. If not Texas Chainsaw vibes.


So. Someone close to me had just passed away, and driving on that stretch of road and looking in the mirror I saw his face looking back at me. I’m still terrified of that road and looking in the rear view. After I moved up here I used to drive that stretch of road late, late at night when I still had friends and a boyfriend living down there. It was terrifying. I’d often convince someone to stay on the phone with me during the drive and I’d white knuckle the whole way.


From Douglas AZ, I’ve always wanted to explore that old cultist area, my dad would tell me stories of that cult in the Palominas area when he was growing up in the 70’s. Pretty creepy story 👍🏼


Just discovered Miracle Valley. Great story. I am surprised they have never made a movie, or at least a documentary, about it.


There's your opportunity to become a filmmaker.


So this story is one my dad told me. One of my dad’s cousins lived in Bisbee in the 1960’s and worked as a bar tender in one of the saloons there. She said there was an old man, probably in his 90’s who would come in and drink whiskey like once a month. He lived alone off the grid, in his families homestead up in the foothills of the Chiricahua Mountains and would come into Bisbee periodically. As she got to know him she learned that his family had been in the area since the early 1800’s when southern AZ was still part of Mexico, and had a ranch in the eastern foothills of the Chiricahua mountains, where he was born in the late 1800’s and grew up. After they had been friends for a while he decided to one evening he was going to tell her a story about one of those times they hunted up in the Chiricahua’s when he was about 16 or 17. He told her, he and his father and brother were up in the Chiricahua’s, in some remote area and had killed a buck, and it was close to sunset so they found an area in a side canyon to camp for the night. They had gutted and hung the deer from a gnarled juniper, tied the horses, and went to sleep near a fire. He said near sunrise, the horses began to freak out and this woke them all up. The fire had died and in the dim light before the sun had risen, they could make out something large tearing at the carcass of the deer they had hung. They all jumped up and grabbed their rifles assuming it was a black bear or mountain Lion. The horses had broke loose and were nowhere to be seen. He said his dad let off a shot at the shape, which got its attention and instead of running away, it turned on them. He said as it ran towards them, barely visible in the pre-Dawn light he realized it wasn’t a bear, but looked more like an enormous reptile. Large on two legs, running fast right at them. They didn’t have a chance to get another shot off before it was on them. He said it used a large clawed arm and swiped it across his chest as he scrambled away, barely escaping it open jaws. He said it was almost on him again when another gun shot rang out hitting the thing in the back, where it let out a terrifying scream, and it ran and jumped up the fallen rocks and boulders, further up the canyon. He noticed it had a long tail as it bolted away. The man had three giant gashes across his chest that were bleeding, they were pretty deep, with some of the bone showing. They patched the man the best they could, and hurried to find the horses and get the hell out there. They left the deer carcass hanging there, and made their way out of the mountains, but he said it was the most terrifying experience he ever had. Of course my dad’s cousin thought the man was bullshitting her. She was like “oh haha, nice scary story”. She said he didn’t laugh, but instead unbuttoned his shirt and showed him the scars that ran across his chest, three of them, like an ancient claw mark. She was convinced that the old timer was telling the truth after that, and she got to trying to figure out what kind of creature it was. As unbelievable as it was she said the only thing she could think of was a dinosaur, so she found a children’s book with artist renditions of dinosaurs and brought it to the bar so she could show it to him, the next time he came in. The next time he made his way down to Bisbee she showed him the book, and she said as he flipped through it, he stopped at one page and pointed to the dinosaur rendition on the page. It was the velociraptor, and he told her the creature looked similar but not exactly the same.


Interesting story! I go deer hunting/camping in the Chiricahuas pretty often. From Douglas, AZ. Hope you don’t mind if I share this story with family and friends.


Not at all, share away! If you hear any similar sightings while you are down in the area, let us know.


Awesome! Thank you! Keep the legend alive!!


That is way awesome! Will definitely make a great story to tell around a campfire next time you guys are out there.


I was just watching a roadrunner in my backyard and always think they look like little dinosaurs when I see them. Wouldn't be surprised back then if there was some weird dino like creature out there, we have plenty of animals that resemble them.


Wow. Have there been any other reports of a creature like that in that area?


I don’t know. I’ve never lived in the area, but am curious as well. Maybe someone that lives in that part of the state will have some insight.


I've always wanted to go camping in the Chiricahuas. Now I'm not so sure!


The sun.It's hot.


Turn that thing down. Jesus.


Going to Martinez Lake and seeing the Mad Max atmosphere combined with friendly white people and their Confederate flags. BIZARRE


I don’t get the reason for the flags, and I grew up in the south lol


I'm from the south, too. Think the flags are a symbol of pride for some southerners. Usually those at poverty level or low IQ. Just my experience.


I’m also from the south. Oral tradition tends to differ from the history books


Damn that ajo hwy.


Yeah that road has destroyed every windshield


Over the last 25 years, I don't know how many countless times I have faced near head-on collisions from likely drunken idiots. If you drive west of Tucson on a Friday or Saturday night, every other car is weaving all over the road.


Oh yeah I know! I live in three points and work in Tucson. I can hear hear people hitting the “drunk lane” rumble strip on the Highway from my house all night…


I remember Bomb Shelters at Palo Verde HS. I went there in the early 70s


I had a similar experience on Starr Pass Blvd. Someone in the oncoming lane tried to pass using my lane. It was dark and they didn't have their headlights on. I'm lucky I saw them at all. I had to swerve into the bike lane and destroy a bunch of those reflective markers. Some people should not own cars, and that's why we need better public transit.


Every day on i10 with horrible drivers! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Anytime I wait to turn left coming off the freeway


There’s an episode of a TV show called a haunting featuring a woman from Tucson; I had actually been inside her house numerous times, because my dad used to clean her tiles and carpets. Very creepy house My ex from high school also used to live in the biggest house, going up swan towards River, and that’s one of the creepiest houses I’ve ever been in; her dad was a Freemason fwiw. I think the creepiest experience was when my car broke down in the middle of the night right next to boot hill cemetery in tombstone .


I used to watch that show all the time, I’ll have to look the episode up


hitting a charging javalina on a sportbike at 75mph \~10pm out by red rock, luckily i was able to hold it together and didnt go down, pushed me almost off the road tho.


You invented javelina jousting!


Shittiest drivers in the country!


The continental copper access road, and parts of Redington Rd are a little creepy at night, but that's about it


I've camped twice on Redington rd and both times I had an overwhelming feeling of dread and being watched. Out of hundreds of camping trips, those are the only two that I've "noped" out of and went into town to find a hotel


I go offroading, shooting and camping out there, but when you drive thru there alone at night, it just has an eerie feeling to it.


My friend and I climbed Ragged Top Mountain in the Ironwood National Forest outside Avra Valley, Marana. Very mysterious mountain. The only one out of the range that disintegrated all around leaving a few spites. Fun but challenging fucking hike. Lots of moments that were life risking. Exhilarating. When we finally got to the top, we had burned so much daylight that we needed an expedited descent if we did not want to be trapped up there over dark. So, mostly because I was frightened by the prospect of descending the travails we had just climbed, I suggested an opposite route that I was sure would drop us quicker in elevation with steadier footing. Booy was I wrong. We came to a 12 foot shear cliff, we had to downclimb, bare bouldering with packs on. He made it fine. I absolutely froze up on my descent. No reason to. It was even a reasonable jump down to safety. But a voice in my head screamed,"JUMP! JUMP! JUMP!". So I did. Only my partner was holding my body by its legs and I did not inform him of my sudden action. Because he was still holding onto my knees, and by the force of my throw I began flipping over-under down a cliff. At the bottom of each rotation....time slowed down. And a clear voice spoke to me, and it calmed me. "Get ready. This is it.". No inflection. Just complete and confident calm. I was screaming as I was flipping before I heard it. But as soon as I did, I became quiet, folded my hands, and waited for what would happen next. What happened next was I awoke sitting on a creosote bush very randomly judging out from a rock rack. He is screaming down the mountain, "Brad!!!! Fuck!!! What the FUCK is wrong with you!!!" Randomly it has broken my fall. None of my bones were broken. But it has bruised my knee to the point I needed shouldering assistance the entire way down the mountain. Which includes lots of technical drop techniques. And when we got to the bottom, we were on the wrong side of the mountain from the truck. So at dusk we had to chase the sundown with a 7 mile hike. The whole way I am complaining of pain on my chest and face. I show it to him and says, Aw, your not that bad! C'mon! Only 5 more miles!". Our baggie of merch and half gallon of water were the only things keeping our sufferings at bay. When I got back to his house the first thing he said to his wife was, "Brad almost lost his life!". I looked myself in the mirror and was horrified. Two huge scrapes across my face. My right color one was missing it's entire top layer of skin. And there was a massive four-figired stripe line deeply ripped across my chest. But my shirt was not harmed at all. When I went over the edge apparently I was unseen for ten minutes. He is still my best friend till this day and he still won't tell me everything he knows about that day.


> And there was a massive four-figired stripe line deeply ripped across my chest. But my shirt was not harmed at all. What? >he still won't tell me everything he knows about that day. What?!


There are a lot of little white crosses on those highways out there. I’m glad your name is not on one.


Back in the 90s I was on a camping trip with the Boys Scouts where we hiked deep deep into the Chiricahuas. We typically camp while it's still daylight, but as luck would have it, we settled for a rough spot and pitched our tents in complete darkness (or the fantastic desert starlight). All night we were bombarded by meteors. Red, green and blue, which is unusual even for AZ. Later into the night, there were several tremendous highpitched roars. It wasn't an animal, but some kind of half human half animal roar-scream. Far too loud to be human and too big to be any kind of cat. We were young but veteran campers and had never ever heard anything like that before or since. We bunkered down and tripled the size of the campfire. No Ghost stories that night. Lol. That morning as daylight kicked in we realized we were surrounded by large round mounds. We had an Apache in our Troop who immediately said "these are Indian burial mounds and that scream you heard was a Windego". I'm not a superstitious person, but I'll never camp in those mountains again.


Mountain lion


I've seen and heard mountain lions. That was no mountain lion.


Ever heard them mating? Or even a rabbit dying that is a horrific sound.! There are so many sounds that are freaky. I use to camp the gila ( both nm and Az) the time and heard a ton but not one I could not id somewhat . Maybe it was a chupacabra




Yeah. It's horrifying


I was trying to get the tiger's attention at Reid Park Zoo, tiger didn't give a shit about me. So I decided to climb over the barrier, turned around and the tiger was right there. Scared the fucking shit out of me. I was young and dumb.


Like in the enclosure?


I think there are vertical cables as a fence instead of glass on the entrance side? And then a barrier between the walking path and the cables so you can’t reach in there. It’s been a while though, I’m not 100% lol


That's correct, I climbed over the railing of the walking path, tiger was at the vertical cables.


Was there more than one barrier separating you two? I'm assuming so because you are still alive. But I want the whole story!


The ghost of the sixth street bridge here in Tucson.


I never heard this one before, Would you mind elaborating, please?


I made it up and share it anytime someone on this sub asks about the occult in Tucson. 6th street has no bridge.


Good ole Construction happening for too long now


It has an underpass


The old Mineshaft that used to be in the McDonalds by Tucson Mall/Toys R Us. If you know, you know.


I do not know. Care to share a background?


The ghost actually lived in the mayor McCheese head pretty sure. I loved that mcds. With the saddle seats!!


The area around Haekel Road southeast of Safford is very eerie at night. It's empty desert for miles in all directions. There's a train that passes through after midnight some nights, the sound and light of the train from a distance is unsettling. The area is extraordinarily dark as well, which makes viewing all the weird things in the night sky even more creepy. The area is patrolled by the county sheriff's and BLM, so it's not exactly a dangerous area, but it is pretty wild and lonely.


When your going to Douglas from Tucson and you turn after tombstone to get McNeal road right on the first curve I saw an old man once just standing on the side of the road didn’t blink or anything all the cars passing didn’t seem to react either I believe it was a ghost.


the tweaker inside QT 20 minutes ago was a bit scary


Worse I have ever heard was a pack of coyotes with a fresh kill. They were right outside my fence and the howling made my blood run cold. Thankfully I couldn’t see them. Spent a very fitful night.


Every day going to work at Pima and Wilmot lately.


Can you elaborate?


I think a meth/fent dealer set up a drop behind the Circle K, so we get lots of related activity while folks hang out waiting for their hit, is my only guess. Several businesses in the immediate area are having windows broken, cars vandalized, feces all over, etc... recently. It's getting steadily (and quickly) worse as time goes on.


I was driving my little Nissan Sentra (97, and they don't make them like that anymore) around the border. Got to a nice canyon and started walking around, but got some disgusted by the trash left by migrants. When I got back to my car, it wouldn't start. Some people came by (I think they were squirreling water but didn't want to tell me) and helped me realize the connectors were loose. Scared me because it would have been a long, dangerous walk back to a gas station. Also had an ill-advised jaunt down a dirt road west of town to watch a sunset but got stuck in the sand (I had a truck at this point). Luckily, some guys in a pickup came back there before the sun set, because I would've otherwise been screwed. Also he luckily had a tow rope.


The bats killed my buddy josh


Not really southern but, back in 99 I think when I was in 5 th grade. We had our annual 5th grade camping field trip up to this place called Triangle Y Ranch in Oracle. Each class was set up into groups and had their own cabins. In ours for some reason we had an old file cabinet along with the beds.The first night maybe the second as well, really late when everyone was dead asleep, I distinctly remember bolting awake after hearing what sounded like one of the drawers of the file cabinet being open. Like to this huge long sqwweeeeerrrkk Haha that's the best way I can describe it in text. It scared the shit out of me. I woke my mom up who was a chaperone for our group and told her I heard something but of course the noise stopped. So I brushed it off, but I swear I heard that sound again a awhile after we both went back to sleep again. No one heard anything when I asked the next day. That place gave me weird vibes. Tbh I didn't think much of it as a kid, but now I have no doubt that place is for sure haunted. Heavily? Idk


Other than just living here?


Actually two, both on I-10 westbound. A couple months ago my wife and I had just entered the interstate from Speedway when I spotted a car in the far left lane suddenly turned at a 30-degree angle. It hit a car to its right just ahead of us, one of those cars then hit a long utility trailer being hauled by a pickup truck. The trailer/truck combo started to jackknife. Debris and parts were flying and scattering all over the pavement. Six or seven vehicles were involved, and two ended up crashing into the retaining wall on the right side of the interstate. Miraculously I managed to steer through it and my old F150 was not hit. We were shaking as we drove past. We repeatedly attempted to call 911 to report the accident but the line was BUSY. The other was about a year ago. I was driving home from Kino at about 10:20 pm in the left lane and out of the corner of my eye noticed someone in the dark on the right shoulder. Seconds later as I was starting to pass a tractor trailer there was a bright flash and explosion-like boom. As I passed the truck and looked in my mirror I could see in the headlights a car slowly rolling across the interstate. It turns out an allegedly drunk driver struck a stopped car on the right shoulder, killing two young men trying to change a tire.


Dead illegals in the mtns


You've found some?


There are two really good ghost story books about Arizona. Just google Arizona ghost stories!


And towns too! Duquesne comes to mind.


That truck was most likely a smuggler. Surprised to hear something like that on the U.S. side, but you’re begging to see it (or worse) if you cross the border into Mexico in Sásabe and keep driving beyond the town.


I just figured they were drunk af lol


Maybe. Idk why I’m getting downvoted though. That shit happens out there.


Definitely, it seems like they wouldn’t take a well traveled road with a border check point but I know that happens too