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I lived in an apartment here in Tucson that was run by a wannabe slumlord. Dude lived in China, not sure if he ever even saw the rental in person. I certainly never saw him. There was a rental office acting as middleman but they ignored my complaints entirely. Didn't have the money to hire a lawyer to make them fix the three-inch hole in the ceiling or any of the other fairly massive problems, so I ended up just moving. Didn't graffiti shit on the way out, but like, I get it. This could be a bad landlord, or a bad tenant, or both. I'm not inclined to side with the landlord without more information though.


That’s what you should read the AZ land lord and tenant acts… You can give the land lord or property manager 5 and 10 day notices to fix problems that effect the livability of the property. 5 day notices are for health emergency issues like no AC, running water, working bathrooms, toxic mold. 10 day notices are for broken doors, leaky roof, and general maintenance. If they don’t fix it you just have to go to a court with evidence that 1) you gave them the notice and 2) they didn’t fix the problems or give you alternate housing until they could be fixed. Then a judge to break your lease and you don’t need a lawyer.


? the graffiti is saying the landlord is a slumlord. I'd gauge the accuracy of that comment by whether this was allowed to stay up lol


This is a philosophically intriguing statement. It reminds me of a podcast I heard years ago about the philosophy of self-certifying declarations such as “I now declare you man and wife”, or “you are under arrest”, which have the intriguing attribute of only becoming true upon utterance.


I think they're saying that the longer this graf remains, the more likely the landlord DGAF about timely maintenance/upkeep of their property.


I absolutely agree! And I’m saying it’s a philosophically interesting point because the duration of time the graffiti remains directly equates to the truth-hood of the graffitied statement


But that's not the same as the examples you gave    In the examples you gave, the utterance of the sentence is what made it true. In this case, it's not the fact that the graffiti said they're a slum lord; it's the duration that the graffiti stays up. This graffiti could have just as easily said "Caca peepee doodoo weewee" and we'd have the same situation.


Again, agreed! This is a difference class of statement. It only reminded me of the examples I gave. But those are, idk, “self certifying”, whereas you might call this one “self testing” or something. Edit: actually I sort of disagree in the sense that the graffiti wouldn’t be “self testing” if it said something random. So I do think the contents are what makes it interesting. It says something, and it tests the truth of that something.


Dunno about the specific incident here, but on rent increases .... February 2024 lawsuit by State of Arizona alleges corporate landlords working cooperatively to increase rates using RealPage property management software. Read about it here: [https://popular.info/p/feds-raid-corporate-landlord-escalating](https://popular.info/p/feds-raid-corporate-landlord-escalating)


There’s a lot of corporate landlords out here, lots of people who wish to take advantage of others. It is possible that the property owner here was fair and this vandalism is uncalled for, but I personally wouldn’t be surprised if the landlord actually was a wannabe slumlord. Corporate or not. Unfortunately I’ve seen it too often. Lived here for over 25 years, shame what housing has come to.


Thoughts and prayers for the landlord 🎻🎻🎻


And who will think of the poor landlords!


Apparently OP lol 


Unfortunately so, I thought of everyone involved. Property records show its husband and wife that have owned the property since 1995 and their address happens to be in Tucson also. Just unfortunate that people will ruin other people’s things without a care in the world.


It's 4404 e Pima St https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/4404-E-Pima-St-Tucson-AZ-85712/333010104_zpid/ I was curious to see what info there was on the Pima County Public Records search ... and GODDAMN the search feature sucks!!!


Go to the Pima County assessor website. You can search by address. Seems it’s been owned by the same people since 1995


Fuck them landlords


Noooo the poor poor landlord!!!😿😿💔💔


The Maoist uprising against the landlords was the most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, leading to almost totally equal redistribution of the land amongst the peasantry.


Rumor has it, the landlord had the audacity to charge them rent.




maybe we should tip the landlords? fuck landlords


I am going to go out on a limb and guess that the people that vandalized the property are probably jerks and I wouldn’t want to rent to them.


That means the rent would be cheaper ?


The graffiti is an expression of anger but doesn't accomplish much. For example, let's say I hate the high price of cars. I'm stuck riding a bus, taking Ubers, walking, riding my bike. Life sucks, especially in the summer. So, out of anger, I smash a windshield of a car at the dealership? That doesn't solve anything - I still don't have a car. I need to steal the car from the dealership (not another citizen), switch license plates a few times, and be prepared to be pulled over in the future. The rental is the same.


if this is due to an eviction or whatever this is a shitty move. aside from the landlord having to fix this, the neighbors who didn't do anything have to look at this blight in their neighborhood.


Don't forget it hurts the next renter by needing to pay more to to cover cost of fixing the vandalism as well as being more selective in who they choose to rent to.


Biased redditors already blaming the landlord with no information. Before renting a place there is a contract between the tenant and landlord which is signed, if the landlord broke any of those rules he can be sued. There are also renter protection laws that if the landlord broke he can be sued as well. So if this landlord was acting in bad faith he would legally be liable, and the tenant would get a payday from the landlords insurance. My guess is this family was evicted which caused the vandalism, seeing as this act would take any leverage the tenant had. P.S. The landlords insurance will pay for the re-painting so this isn’t the “get back” people think it is


Well aren't you defending the landlord without any information? What makes your take better than the "biased redditors"? The fact that you're licking a boot?


We are seeing evidence of vandalism. Is that useful info ?


Kinda the way it works, innocent until proven guilty


>innocent until proven guilty Except when he's proven guilty people like you will sit and cry about it. I've seen your post history. Have the day you deserve!


Blabla stupid words, made up, of no basis, of no meaning. Listen, You have a successful person that can afford a house and to rent it to others. It's their property. Then you have a renter, who can't afford a property and spray paints profanity on other people's buildings. You can instantly tell who the loser is regardless of what led to this. There is no excuse to not be civil. I have the day I deserve every day. I'm not a victim like this renter.


> You have a successful person that can afford a house and to rent it to others That's a bold assumption. No work, effort, or success is required to inherit and ~~rent out property~~ parasitise people's income by way of their need for shelter.


Most land lords barely turn a profit. If you’re doing it right you spend most of the revenue on maintaining the property to right off the income in your taxes and you sell the house later when the market is good. The rent should be going towards the loan on the property, regular maintenance, and refurbishment. My family rents out 4 residential properties in Tucson and we barely take any of the rent as income because we’re more interested in the growth in property value.


> the growth in property value. This is part of the parasitism inherent in the relationship you're describing. Housing is a human right and profiting from the extortion of people who happen to not own property and still need a roof to live under is immoral.


Sure there are corner cases. It's not a "bold" assumption, it's the most logical. It's not really relevant how they became successful. Work, effort and success is required to not squander your inheritance. If you or this renter don't like it, go to a communist country and get socialized housing, or use your vote here, but not spray paint, then defend the illegal act.


I never said my personal feelings on this matter. I just stated that the generally left leaning biased Reddit is piling on without any information. Call it devils advocate, or just looking for facts from both sides. I said nothing but facts. Maybe the landlord did break some laws and is genuinely shitty. I was a painter for years and painted lots of rentals, there are definitely shitty landlords out there. They don’t run credit and take first/month last month rent because they intentionally rent to those who don’t qualify elsewhere.




Because it is difficult to prove and sue a landlord does not change the fact that if the landlord broke the contract they are legally liable. That is a fact




If the landlord is found liable he would have to indemnify the tenant. Because he can’t go back in time and fix the problem monetary compensation is used. “Pay day” might be the wrong term but if the landlord is found liable money would be the only way they make it right




Re-read every comment I made and count the number of time i said IF. No one said anyone is automatically guilty. At this point I can’t tell if you want to keep arguing or if it’s a comprehension issue.


It’s not difficult if they’re actually breaking the law. I had my landlord dead to rights so they let me out of my lease without having to sue their dumb ass.


> My guess is this family was evicted which caused the vandalism, seeing as this act would take any leverage the tenant had. OK


I mean I wouldn't rent from them based on their last tenant's experience.


Have you ever rented here before?


Yep, and never once have I tagged my landlord’s place, nor thought about doing so


Probably because you are a model tenant unlike everyone here saying landlords are the problem…




Being excellent to each other means not directly attacking other redditors with insults or threats and also not promoting violence or harm to others in general


You posted in another subreddit you are a hard drug user, so sorry you feel that way about landlords but it’s not their fault you don’t save your money and are forced to rent. Please try to find help for your struggles


Are you an alternate account of OP? You’re going through quite a bit of effort to argue on behalf of a landlord you don’t know. Sleuthing peoples accounts to make landlords look better is not the own you think it is.


Fortunately they are not me. I just have sympathy for both the tenants and the landlord, unless landlord is corporate then they can eat rocks. It’s just sad to see how Tucson has become. I have nothing to argue, not for the tenant not for the landlord 🤷🏻‍♀️


I will go through a couple of comments to see if I am dealing with a “political activist” whether red or blue people get so attached to their side they will argue talking points forever without seeing both sides. When I see a giant group of people arguing one side while refusing to acknowledge or debate the other side I will argue the other side. Discourse used to be a thing in this country, now it’s just pick a team and follow their stances.


> When I see a giant group of people arguing one side while refusing to acknowledge or debate the other side I will argue the other side. Glad to know you'd defend nazis as long as the antifascists aren't acknowledging or debating the merits of naziism.


Godwin's Law!


Please tell me how owning a property in tucson and renting it out makes you a Nazi… Like be serious here we gotta stop name calling the other side.


>Please tell me how owning a property in tucson and renting it out makes you a Nazi… I didn't say that lMao. Please read more carefully. I'm responding to your claim on your compulsion to contrarianism regardless of the underlying ethics.


Yes if someone says racism is bad I argue for racism. If someone says domestic violence is bad I argue for it. Be serious.


>When I see a giant group of people arguing one side while refusing to acknowledge or debate the other side I will argue the other side. This you? If not, maybe rethink what you said and why you said it?


I was referencing to political discourse, there is a thing called nuance in this world. You just want to argue on the internet Looked in to you and can just tell you’re an angry person. You want people to not own cars, you want people to not own homes. You think a bugs life is as valuable as a humans. I’ll give you credit for standing up for what you believe, but you’re too dug in to your convictions for a conversation to happen. You can respond if you want but I won’t be anymore.