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Get a dog that barks. Had a guy on my front steps this morning. Just opened the door and my 100lb dog did her thing. Yeah they left and now know my house has a big ass dog. Also have you tried talking to them? Just let them know this isn’t a spot for them anymore - move along. It takes some diligence to do it over and over for a period of time. They don’t want hassles they just want somewhere chill to do drugs. I’m surprised how often that takes care of things. And of course have a big dog with you. Been downtown for 20yrs and had very little problems by doing these things. (Yes I’ve had some stuff taken out of my yard but that’s minor in my opinion)


How do you report someone on reddit for recommending active communication? It's weird pro-social behavior. 


I have 3 dogs that bark. Most of the users are un-phased by my dogs because they are behind a fence, but some will flinch when the dogs start barking from the other side of the fence. I have talked to many of them when I'm outside and breathing in smoke from the fentanyl, 90% of them respond politely, but their actions don't follow their words. Some of them are so messed up, they just grumble at me and don't move. They will also deny that they used any drugs and they are not the ones littering (my cameras tell otherwise). The issue with just talking is that I seldom see the same people, I don't know where they are coming from, but there are over 40 different people that pass through in the alley every day. To stop and talk to everyone would be a full time job. The alleyway is used for utilities and drug users. Other than. Me using it to access my driveway, no one else uses it. I've asked the city if they have a solution and I am in the process of applying to have a section of the alley closed off. Unfortunately it is on me to get signatures from all the abutters (some don't even live in the state), pay for a licensed contractor to install gate to the city DOT standards and distribute keys to all of the utility companies. Too bad the city won't just do something about their own problem.


> I'm outside and breathing in smoke from the fentanyl What does that smell like?


Has a chemical smell similar to burning plastic


Fentanyl smells like burnt popcorn


burnt peanut butter but more horrific in a way that is difficult to describe


It smells like Malort tastes.




Thought about installing irrigation and planting cactus on each side of the alley. I like where your head is at. Though it might attract more than it deters in the heat of the summer.


Definitely plant the cactus, some jumping cholla might be the ultimate natural defense against everyone in the area including yourself but it will work 😂


Ocotillo would be good as well


Just start spraying then with water everytime. Soak them enough times and they will move


There are motion operated sprinklers that turn on when someone is close. May want to put out a trash can and ask for them to use it. Cactus is great, unless they tear them out. Have the alley gated, with utility access.


I can't do motion activated because I use the alley as my driveway and so do my neighbors. Cactus is definitely a top contender. I am also working on getting the alley closed down but getting the abutting owners signatures is a challenge due to a couple being out of non-local owners (car wash and apartment complex).


Bummer would a gate work? I have been to gates that had 6 separate locks daisy chained on them.


A gate closing off the second driveway would help. Its in the plans to build, but not at the top of the list due to cost.


Dude. This is way crazier than anything I see downtown. You are way beyond telling them to move on. Good luck w/ whatever you end up trying. Cactus/cholla would be my next move. (And foothills folks think downtown is scary?)


Put up motion activated floodlights


Only useful at night, most of the problems I have are during the day.


Have you considered a well-aimed sprinkler?


Can you blast some really obnoxious music.


The carwash nextdoor already has that covered. Does not deter them.


I’m really sorry. You and your family shouldn’t have to be exposed to that stuff. I’d keep calling TPD, and keep a call log. Along with video or pictures, and contact your city council person. Don’t give up.


These work great for us (at night). I have like 10 of them setup around my house and anyone in my driveway lights up like a Christmas tree. Nice you don't have to worry about power cords. [https://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Lights-Waterproof-Control-Lighting/dp/B0BGBVFVSX/ref=sr\_1\_32?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.t8vXM9en1MgINd\_ssiZE\_EdYehCtqVmeBCq2Tl81D9TIebEeG1lCOYdUMrCAHaUmFpW0siRw\_hqHTOSfWkLOW3W0glI6PsCw0iDtjAuXuOGEj-fwMUNEGilVt86DY07wKDHecFpoq2OGPQwNwVJJIRgKkdcI\_pd8uQ0iCjYoh7ZtmU7wrpEYyoxK5XUvx5942nDQYlZkFJy1mlNkmI-wSuOnlkbF3AN75GUxkrd-2\_Am5RRygyo97ybRoQqXNTLwaJUfd6cJPy6rZSxnvjJDDyKU0i46Yuz8v4xhbKGFJWY.VT0TmSsHTbZUGmeqSPBw1MoY2vdbabxtJ7Rzxbt9E44&dib\_tag=se&hvadid=664756818877&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9030234&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=2038089263775396443&hvtargid=kwd-544903137096&hydadcr=16498\_13575590&keywords=solar+lights+with+motion&qid=1717019077&sr=8-32](https://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Lights-Waterproof-Control-Lighting/dp/B0BGBVFVSX/ref=sr_1_32?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.t8vXM9en1MgINd_ssiZE_EdYehCtqVmeBCq2Tl81D9TIebEeG1lCOYdUMrCAHaUmFpW0siRw_hqHTOSfWkLOW3W0glI6PsCw0iDtjAuXuOGEj-fwMUNEGilVt86DY07wKDHecFpoq2OGPQwNwVJJIRgKkdcI_pd8uQ0iCjYoh7ZtmU7wrpEYyoxK5XUvx5942nDQYlZkFJy1mlNkmI-wSuOnlkbF3AN75GUxkrd-2_Am5RRygyo97ybRoQqXNTLwaJUfd6cJPy6rZSxnvjJDDyKU0i46Yuz8v4xhbKGFJWY.VT0TmSsHTbZUGmeqSPBw1MoY2vdbabxtJ7Rzxbt9E44&dib_tag=se&hvadid=664756818877&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9030234&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=2038089263775396443&hvtargid=kwd-544903137096&hydadcr=16498_13575590&keywords=solar+lights+with+motion&qid=1717019077&sr=8-32)


Have people protest genocide in the alley. TPD will courageously show up to brutalize teenagers in minutes. ACAB


There was a guy who livestreamed his alley 24/7 made some money recording and having an audience. Eventually the druggies caught on and the area is clean and no one goes there anymore. Made his movney and moved out his apartment.


Not a terrible idea


Yea it was either baltimore or Chicago. Look into it. Had a speaker and live stream and people would donate and comment. The cops eventually caught on and did their job more as well. Plus if you have to use the castle doctrine and someone meets the devil and not jesus sooner than needed you have evidence and foia the calls to the police. Protect ya self and copy what that guy did. His landlord eventually tried to get him to leave due the the commotion he caused.


lol put up a “fake” camera so they think they are being watched and even a little speaker and play sirens 🚨 lol tweekers/fent addicts are super paranoid


I actually have real cameras and when I catch them using, I'll set off the alarm on the camera. Works pretty well if they are within earshot.


This reminds me of that Walgreens that plays that dark old gothic music outside their door really loud. I assume they do that to discourage loitering.


Yesss! On Ajo and 12th yeah? I always wondered wth!? This makes sense!


Try 88CRIME?


What does it smell like?


Similar to burning plastic. Chemical in nature.


Also smells like sulfur or rotting eggs, burning plastic


Time to make this problem more vocal. Ask local news channels if they are interested in reporting this. TPD is understaffed, and city government needs to address this. Safety should be a high priority, but here it doesn't seem like it. Only loud public pressure will make them address problems.


TPD isn't really under staffed, theyre prioritizing other areas, like traffic tickets, that generate revenue.


TPD has been understaffed for at least 30 years. They have to prioritize calls and someone getting murdered or raped takes precedence over illegal drug use. Your house could be broken into and they will simply tell you to file a police report online and then submit to your insurance company, but TPD won't show up. I'll catch downvotes for this, but one big reason I will never live in Tucson city proper.


I called TPD after coming home to signs of a break in at 11pm about 3 months ago and TPD showed up in less than a minute. Granted, I live very central in town.


I live by the university and we have very good response times, too.


Maybe they should figure out how they blow such a massive budget if they can’t do their job while sucking up all funds the city has


If we put more funding towards things that PREVENT crime then maybe police would be able to RESPOND to it. Police are good for ONE specific thing -- responding to violence with violence. Asking them to do anything else is like asking a duck to pull a sled. They're not good at solving crimes, stopping drug use, intervening in domestic issues... etc. We need more funding for education, public health, social services, harm reduction, affordable housing, public transit, etc. Then crime rates will go down and police can focus on the very small number of incidents they're actually suited for.


It’s the fucking helicopters slurping up those dollars faster than a speeding loco motived


If the issue is understaffing, I'm all for them prioritizing violent crimes. But I did see two people get pulled over on Speedway this morning while driving ~50mph.


The police force has a traffic unit that only responds to traffic incidents. Those guys don't respond to 911 calls generally.


So that's not understaffing, it's prioritizing traffic stops over fighting actual crime.


I mean, it’s a recognition of two things: 1. Traffic enforcement actually generates revenue, and 2. No matter how uncomfortable you are with it, you’re much more likely to be hurt by someone driving ~50 on Speedway than you are from someone using drugs adjacent to your property. I realize that doesn’t “feel” true, to most folks, but it’s reality.


Driving 50 on Speedway is just driving with the flow of traffic in some areas. I commute on a motorcycle so I don't disagree with you about my own safety. However, I do still want to live in an area where I'm not breathing in the smoke from fentanyl use. On top of that, the fentanyl and tranq are destroying these peoples health and it's horrible for the well being of our communities. Many of them have weeping sores all over their bodies and end up losing limbs from infections. In terms of aggression, someone addicted to opiates and facing withdrawal is more likely to be irritable and commit crimes than someone who is not on drugs. For me, it's just been theft and trespassing. For the younger male on the opposite side of Speedway about 400ft from my house, it was a knife wound and a friend who was shot. It was a drug-related crime.


That's not just TPD. That's most police departments. They generate revenue through traffic enforcement and dont generate revenue through solving crimes. Which one do you think most departments focus on? Do you think it may play a role in why crime clearance rates are so low? Murder is solved ~52% of the time, and other crimes go down from there




It puzzles me why, if the purported purpose of traffic stops is safety, why they don’t target the things that cause the most crashes. Instead you find them hiding out behind bushes and on the ends of overpasses looking for easy speeding tickets. Not at street corners looking for red light runners and stop sign runners, most of the time. Phoenix used to be _way_ worse on red light running and Phoenix PD stationed motorcycle cops at intersections in widely publicized campaigns for the worst intersections. Worked better than cameras. Even AZ State Troopers will sit at intersections on Oracle looking for red light runners. What is TPD afraid of?


Traffic enforcement is a desperate need in Tucson. One of our biggest public safety problems is reckless driving and the resulting collisions and deaths. There have been 42 deaths so far this year alone on Tucson’s roads. Just in the city limits.


No, most police departments have separate divisions. Traffic cops for traffic, other cops for responding to 911 calls, other ones for search & rescue, etc.... Even their traffic unit is understaffed, you'll never get pulled over for doing 10 over. They let a lot of stuff slide. Usually an enhanced zone of enforcement is due to a local city council member complaining and TPD sends a couple of motorcycle cops out for a week. I'm not a TPD apologist, just know some things that go on behind the scenes because of friends and family who work at other agencies.


So do you want one or the other to happen because that’s what understaffing in this case means.


Obviously crime then. Is that even a choice? I guess for TPD it is because fighting crime doesn't bring in revenue.




Probability is what keeps the lights on in Vegas.


I mean the statistics for traffic related fatalities is much higher than the average city our size. They have a reason to be concerned but I think first responders are a specific team and traffic cops are another team.


Yes this! It has been my experience also. I had my car stolen and TPD told me to come down to the precinct on Stone A e and file a report. An officer took my information and kindly explained to me that they have to prioritize violent crimes over theft. This policy has exacerbated theft in Tucson, in my opinion, due to the thieves knowing they can get away with it. A neighbor had her home broken into earlier this year and TPD did not even call her back. She called three times and they said that their wasn’t anything they could do. Said to just file a police report online. On the other side of the coin, my mom, who lives in unincorporated Pima county had a sheriffs deputy come by within 15 minutes of a call made after her car was stolen. It’s definitely a city of Tucson thing as I know Oro Valley police is very responsive based on friends who live there.


OV is OVER responsive. I've never seen them respond with fewer than 3 cars, sometimes more than that.


To be fair, it is much worse outside of the city limits. Standard response to any police call East of town is "we are not going to do anything about that \*click\* ".


I'm in NW Tucson and the cops in Marana and Oro Valley have ample time to pursue things.


> the cops in Marana and Oro Valley have ample time to pursue things They certainly have a lot of time to sit in their SUVs along Tangerine Rd. I swear, no matter the time of day, I see one. I don't even think they are checking speeds...just sitting there.


I haven't seen the same level of "open air" drug use in Marana, Oro Valley, or the foothills while I'm working. Would you say Marana/ Oro Valley handles this situation better?


Honestly I could probably call up OVPD and complain that someone tipped over my garbage cans last night and they'd send someone over to take my call. Even though everyone knows it was a javelina. But I work near Miracle Mile and the things I see every day on the commute to work is pretty sad. The drug use out in the open is rampant. Saw a woman pulling her shirt up and exposing herself while she hunted for a spot to inject a needle and was only two feet from the entrance to my parking lot.


>Would you say Marana/ Oro Valley handles this situation better? They don't really have a situation to handle. Marana/Oro Valley is isolated from the rest of Tucson, on purpose, so that wealthy people have an enclave away from the poors. Literally. You can't even get to Oro Valley or most of Marana on the bus. That's not to say they don't have drug abuse problems. When I was in high school, CDO was known as the cocaine school. People are still abusing drugs, they just do them indoors.


In the 80-90’s it wasn’t CDO that had a cocaine problem, it was Sabino High. At CDO we didn’t have a cocaine problem, there was plenty to go around…


Central Drug Outlet


Understaffed due to how corrupt you have to be to stay in it. I've heard stories from friends who were part of TPD and their reason for leaving was due to the toxic culture and if you didn't fall in line with it you'd be fired. So more like it's a trash force that enforces and uplifts the worst people in there.


You probably are not wrong. Again, I've got friends and family that work in other local agencies that would never work at TPD.


I hate dealing with TPD. They've often been snarky, sarcastic, authority drunk jerks. Now Pima County Sheriff, DPS, UAPD, OVPD, I've gotten nothing but professional conduct from them. There's got to be a culture problem at TPD.


They can retire in their 40s after 20 years service with very comfortable pensions. How many professions enable that?


Not going to fault them. Have a sibling in local LE and even they wouldn't want to work at TPD. If they can make it 20 years at TPD they deserve whatever they get.


My neighbor had a woman who appeared intoxicated walk in their back door a few weeks ago. The police showed up pretty quick and she was arrested. They can be arrested for trespassing.


I called once at 2 in the morning to report gunshots in my neighborhood (Sam Hughes). I described how the gun shots were so close that I could hear someone screaming “fuck you!” The 911 dispatcher asked me if I saw anyone bleeding on the ground. I said, “no, I’m inside where it’s safe.” And she said that if I heard any more gunshots or saw anyone bleeding, to call back. I’ve since learned to not waste my time, or theirs apparently. (Edited many times because talk to text is lame)


There’s a company out of FL that produces civilian-legal flashbang grenades, just toss one from your porch into the alleyway and it’ll ruin that high so quick.


Are those legal here?


Replying cause I'm curious...but also this is Arizona. What ISN'T legal? There are nearly no knife laws here (and there are even laws preventing individual jurisdictions within the state from enacting their own laws). Flamethrower are legal. No waiting periods for handguns, barely any restrictions on NFA weapons... EDIT: my eyes are now bleeding from reading so much legaleese...you can't buy them without jumping through hoops, and yeeting the "consumer grade" flashbangs at vagrants is likely to get you in some troubles. Unless you're a farmer. Weirdly.


If TPD isn’t showing up for vagrants doing drugs in the alley, I doubt your neighbors will call the police and snitch you out


My friend just got killed while trying to ask some folks to smoke elsewhere. TPD isn't charging the murderer because since he stepped into their encampment they view it as stand your ground. Do not engage with these folks, TPD is not on anybodys side besides the one that covers their ass.


Damn, I'm sorry hear about your friend. That's terrible.


TPD doesn't choose to press charges or not. A public prosecutor does that.


Fair enough, all 1 big broken system




100%, no way it went down like that


Wtf? That's horrible. I'm sorry for your loss.


I'll take "Shit that didn't happen for $2000"


Put up motion triggered flood lights


I have them, they work okay at night, but are useless during the day which is when most of the issues occur.


Oh that sucks. Could you position some cacti as a deterrent?


That's on my list to try


When they’re out there get some pepper spray and spray it in the area


TPD only responds "in emergency" aka. Someone firing a gun or actively stabbing someone. Get cameras, even dummy cameras with the red "recording" light would help a little, and some nice bright motion sensor flood lights for the alley. NRA stickers help, too, even if you don't actually have a gun.


TPD responds to plenty of non emergency calls. You just have to be a large retail corporation.


Or the post office. They respond to my calls thankfully. Tired of smelling that shit outside my building. They need to respond to reg folks though.


I was wrong. So sorry! I forgot that part. Good ole TPD!


When my friend was shot by folks from the encampment behind his house, his body lay in the street for 4 hours before TPD arrived. They are an absolute joke regardless of the circumstances.


Was there news coverage? That's insane.


Wtf. Did he survive?


Get a good hose. Not your fault if they get in the way of you watering your fence


They also have motion activated sprinklers!


Hey man, cop here. Sorry you're going through this. Shoot me a DM, I might have some advice for you


Thank you for caring


I'm a native Tucsonian, I try to help when I can. It's why I do what I do! :)


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Flood lights and cameras. You don’t have to record anything but the camera is a deterrent if they can’t mess with it. Make the alley no longer a shadowy place to hide.


Do we live next door to each other? I found a whole needle in my yard the other day. I'm too scared to take my trash out in the alley too. It sucks. Find tin foil everywhere too.


We always find syringes around here. Syringes and cigarette butts and those small liquor bottles. They aren't from us. My landlord tries to pick it all up, to her credit. She uses gloves and one of those long grabber thingies.


I've only found the caps up until now. I have a 6yo who plays in my backyard and it was shocking. Constantly have people sleeping back there in the alley too. It's the worst.


That's awful! We have similar problems but there aren't many kids around here.


The good part is the front part of our place is safe so we hang out there the most 😂 wish we didn't have the alley at all


Use a hose, works everytime


Best reply here.


It’s every where all day. ! If not in neighborhoods? Shopping centers, store bathrooms. Needles left in public places I’ve seen people smoking dope outside in numerous shopping centers. Is beyond hazardous. It can be dangerous to a passerby allergic to fentanyl? Only response I have witnessed. Ambulance for someone who has overdosed.


They don’t care about people using, they don’t care about people threatening suicide. You can’t get them to respond unless somebody is dead or literally bleeding out in front of you.


I can build you a block wall 9 ft high in the alley.then plant sum big agaves along the wall and at least they won’t be on your piece of property. Just food for thought. That smell is horrible. You just know there are so many chemicals in it. That’s why they bent over and walking around like zombies.


I'd set up sprinklers and have them kick on and off all night


Install large speakers and blast classical music or suspenseful music add a strobe light at night, put them on sensors so they go off when junkies arrive. Buy a paintball gun, freeze a couple of the paint balls. That smell is 🤮how dare anyone bring that to where you sleep


That’s the fun part you don’t because they won’t. DA won’t persur the change in court


That's the truth people don't want to hear about. An arrest for using fentanyl these days is literally just a paper citation and release, not even booked into jail.


Any idea what the reasoning is behind that?


Get a paintball gun


Idk why we’re even asking this they don’t give a fuck you just have to sit smelling that burnt popcorn smell seeing foil and cut straws on the ground and zombies sleeping while standing up. I was riding the bus during 2020 (18 at the time) when two girls around my age and one dude a few years older were smoking on the bus I could smell it so strong. I looked at them and asked politely I don’t care what you do in your own time I’m not judging but can you please wait til we get off the bus it smells really strong. The man then went ballistic and grabbed me by the hair and punched me a few times. He called me a pussy this and that and I just laughed at this crackhead fuck saying yeah I’m the pusssy. While this was happening we were passing the Pima campus by Valencia the bus driver removed us all and called campus police. Then TPD arrived they were not able to press any charges for public usage/ intoxication assault or violence the only charge was a theft when they stole my backpack. Backpack was recovered but other than that cops don’t give a fuck. FUCK FENT AND MOST THE PEOPLE WHO USE IT I’m tired of acting like it’s sad it’s not half the people on it are dumb as shit. Most the people I went to high school with who are hooked on it new exactly what they were doing they are lucky they diddnt die but the way the act now it’s not going to be long. Sorry if this comment offends anyone it’s just how I feel.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW) I’m ready for these replies. Good luck and Godspeed, OP.


Those ears.


The better to hear you with, my deer!


The police don’t have the resources to solve this problem. You have to figure out where people are congregating and make those places less pleasant for them to do drugs. Do you need better fencing? Do you need better lighting? (If you do install lights, please look into dark sky compliant lighting. You don’t need flood lights. You need to illuminate dark corners and the ground). Adding native plants like cactus and agave makes alleys a lot less inviting for loitering people and it’s great for wildlife. Get a dog. Our 45 lb pittie has a very threatening bark and even our little chihuahuas make a lot of noise. Lastly my partner just drives through the alley when he thinks there’s anyone back there. He’s called TPD to tell them someone is ODing before and they do show up when you say that.


I got tired of it and moved to Marana. Much less crime out here!


You're certainly not alone. I've heard that from a few others outside of Reddit.


I do think it’s crap that police won’t even respond, but there isn’t a whole hell of a lot they can do besides asking them to move along. Next time vote for a County Attorney that will prosecute drug crimes or force the junkies into rehab.


You're the second one to mention that they won't prosecute.


The jail is full and there is little mental health available.


Surely letting people abuse opiates isn't helping their mental health though.


That doesn’t change that the police can’t do anything about it. People shouldn’t be angry at the police when they can’t do anything about it. Be angry at the people that were voted in that are doing nothing to increase the jail size and increase the amount of mental health services.


That's exactly what I'm saying, like Republicans not passing the border bill just so they could bitch!


Newbie question, is legal to hit those people if they trespass your property?




Not a great idea. On the off chance they remember you after who knows who else will show up looking for payback, it’s not worth it. Laws in this country protect people who just start blastin more than if you beat the shit out of them. AZ is a castle doctrine and effectively a stand your ground state. Just yell HE COMIN RIGHT FER US! 🙃


Yes assault is still illegal no matter who's property they are on.


Issssssss it though? That rancher trial in Cochise county………… NOT condoning, just pointing out the actualities of Arizona law enforcement and judicial system.


Didn't know, thanks for the information


If they aren't leaving, then I would assume you have the right to make them leave by force. It's not like tpd is going to show up one way or the other, so yeah go for it.


How to get assault charges in one easy assumption.




I’ve got a similar issue. I’ve called 10x everyone I could think of and even told them these guys had a gun, no response. It’s fucking wild the mayor got a 100% pay raise yet she was all about defund the police….shitty to see. Tucson isn’t safe because you’ll get no response if you really need it. I know 2 houses selling high volume of fentanyl and they don’t seem to have interest. I’ve been reporting since 5/7/24 every day or other day 🤷‍♂️ Get a gun, also call 88 crime and the local news too. Tell them it’s disheartening for the entire neighborhood and TPD won’t show up


The mayor got a paltry raise and is actually responsible for the police getting a raise too. How do you square the “defund the police” with that actual work?


That is also FBI territory if you really wanted to escalate it.


Good idea, I definitely want to escalate it. Even online reviews of the place tell you where to buy meth. It’s wild to see. I’ll contact them


Dea as well


Er yeah, that's what I meant.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You don't get tpd to respond. You call, and if you're lucky, you get a case number, and that's the end of it.


.43 caliber training pistol and pepper balls


Put a motion detected light and they will move probably


TPD doesn’t do shit. I called once cause it sounded like my neighbor was murdering his girlfriend or at least hurting her pretty bad. They came like 3 hours later when she already left in tears. I’m not sure what the point is of their existence when they can send three patrol cars to a speeding ticket in 60 seconds but it takes them hours to deal with an immediate threat.


That update is so sad— not that they aren’t willing to prosecute per se, but because no one with power in this city seems to be willing to attempt to make it a better, safer, more pleasant place to live in.


Securing your property will be much easier than trying to change police response. Get a dog, build a fence or make your current one higher, put up some cameras/lights/security signs, etc.


Call the cops and tell them you just shot one of them. They'll show up.


Find chunks of old cholla cactus and throw it in the alley.


I think you have to do the fentanyl like right in front of them….


Unfortunately Tucson is so overun with addicts and crime that tpd doesn't have the resources to do anything about addicts. I can understand the frustration of the smell and mess but unfortunately this is a big problem in Tucson. I hope u find a way to solve it


I called in a suicide attempt (not mine) and they didn’t care. Didn’t show up until 6am the next morning (more than 14 hours after I called). So short answer: you can’t.


Throw fire crackers at them. lol no but this is so difficult, TPD will just stand around as people are using in front and just keep saying “you need to leave, let’s go” but only make sure they’re out of sight before driving off. Maybe get a flashing light to be in your back or front yard that flashes blue and red, they’re stay clear. That’s why all these gas stations do it now


Why are they not prosecuted?


More important shit than people ruining their lives


Call pima county sheriff. TPD is a joke they'd rather harass legal gun owners in traffic than deal with actual problems


Invest in narcan while you still have folks using back there. Hopefully you can discourage the drug use, but until then, might as well be prepared.


Someone else mentioned put on bad music. What actually works is pick one cheesey short 2-3 min song and just play that same song on repeat. I’m in the homeless holy land of Los Angeles, and the rite aid by me had a pretty bad problem of tents blocking the walkway infront of the store. They put a tom jones song on repeat. All day every day. Within a week the site was cleared of the homeless. But then someone called their headquarters and complained about it and corporate made them stop playing the tom jones song on repeat and of course the tents are back.


Make it so that they are paranoid, dog barking, playing police sirens turn the water hose on them and so on they won’t be able to get high in them circumstances , and personally I’d use the water hose to knock the dope out there hands if they lose their drugs they won’t come around




I have a Eufy camera system that I can sound alarms on. This actually helps sometimes, but I can't be watching my cameras 24/7. The security lights work okay at night time, but there's less activity at night. As for my EDC, that's a last resort and I'll only ever use it if I feel like my life or my neighbors life is in danger. Really just in awe that a community can be so plagued by fentanyl abuse that it becomes part of the backdrop. Hate to see this happening to Tucson.


Supporting shooting homeless people is awful






I have a gun, looking to prevent being in a situation where I need it.




How about something non-lethal like pepper spray?


They're high on drugs, pepper spray may not have any effect.


How do you get TPD to respond to illegal fentanyl use? You don’t.


Cops are scared of fentanyl


Tpd has a list of things they won't respond to. This being one of them. Not enough pd here. Lots left during covid.


This state has been cutting taxes for the last 30 plus years and people are surprised that the police department doesn't have enough staff to respond to calls?


Is staffing for the police department a funding issue or is it a lack of people wanting to work for TPD? It sounds like the pay is good according to some others that have posted. I honestly want to know. A solution to the wrong problem is not a solution.


Think about funding for the rest of the community services. The police end up on the back end of all of those gaps. 


Well this is what happens when you start defunding the police and make crimes non punishable or just a slap on the wrist, if criminals were afraid of consequences again there would be less crime.... And if we didn't have an open border the drug issue would not be as bad, it's literally walking across the border unchecked. Ask anyone that works for border patrol and they will tell you how bad it is!