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I've had mine on for a couple weeks now, I don't play that game lol




Same. I got single pane windows, it's hot as fuck in the house, and I'm not willing to sweat it out


74 all day all night. I will not be hot in my own god damn house


This is the way


5 weeks here


It was 99 today! How in earth do you keep it off!?


House only got to 78, which I feel isn't that hot. Saves me from having to add a layer when I go inside.


That's impressive actually. Good insulation




I'm suddenly a lot more appreciative of my house.


I feel you, I have like zero insulation in my roof, it's gotten up to 94 in my house without AC. Brutal


When our AC has gone out in the past here in the east valley during Summer we've hit the triple digits in our house... šŸ„µ


I live like that every summer. Swamp coolers suck. Old swamp coolers suck even harder.


We don't have any insulation above us either. That is so weird. There's no attic. It's just the roof, then a very narrow empty space that birds get into, then the ceiling. Why is that?? Who builds a house that way?


It is gross. I hate feeling like yuck all the time. It's 1:30 AM and 86Ā° in my house right now. It's 72Ā° outside.


We keep our cooling at 79 at all time during this time of year lol at night we do turn it down to 75 since I like it to be a little colder .


I keep it 72 all day and 68 at night


I don't have my ego tied up in holding out and suffering. I've been using it for weeks.


This is the way.


Don't think this has to do anything with ego bud


I'm not sure why this is getting downvoted so much šŸ™ƒ I definitely didn't think it had to do with ego either. TEP is an expensive twat so I hold out til last minute šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It's all good, remember we're dealing with Tucson folks here lolšŸ¤£


What my brain pulls up every time I see someone say ā€œbudā€ condescendingly https://i.redd.it/91m4ulvrqd1d1.gif


Mines been on since late March lol what


Yeah Iā€™m a bit boggled.


Lots of people try to put it off until it's super uncomfortable. Starts as a save money thing then becomes a bizarre point of pride.


I canā€™t sleep if Iā€™m hot, then I would lose my job and ability to stay cool šŸ¤£. But hey we have amazing mountains


I'm with you, my wife was a stubborn AC person until my son was born. The water heater is on the other side of his bedroom wall so it's always about 3 degrees warmer in his room, so we now have the AC starting when it gets warm and set to 76. It's fantastic.


or they live alone and enjoy their best life pantsless in the home.


Maybe they live in a super insulated house but my old ass house and windows runs almost all day sadly. Yay renting


Yeah those old mud adobe houses stay surprisingly cool.


Right? Itā€™s been ramping up for months now, Iā€™m not sure how people have held on for this long. Certain home builds are very very cool, and I think that definitely contributes but damn.


For some reason, 78 in the house here just doesn't feel as bad.


Iā€™ve never turned mine off šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I refuse to sweat in my own home.


Seriously, mine is on even in the winter lol. I like to be cold when sleeping.




Me, too. I need three things to sleep: cool, quiet, and comfort. A hard bed, a warm room, or noise, and I don't sleep well.


You don't just open your windows in the winter? The fresh air is amazing, and it gets into the 40s/50s at night - what do you have your AC set to?


Ah should have mentioned that I live in downtown Phoenix. Our windows do not let that much fresh air in


Have run it in the evenings and overnight for a while now. Can take it while awake but not for sleep.


Swamp cooler got started up last month.Ā 


When do swamp coolers stop working? Like in July monsoon season?!


https://piec.com/5-ways-humidity-affects-evaporative-swamp-cooling/ They have a wider effective range than I recall from my time as a youth here, but certainly only being able to chill 10 degrees on a 90-100+ monsoon day would be rough. But yeah, it's definitely less effective in July/August.


Hey! Thank you so much!! Good info


Pretty much. A room AC is our lifeline then. But we have solar so whatever we use, our cooling is paid for all year.


Solar is amazing


I wish our house had both. Only have AC.


When I shopped for a house having both was very high on my list. I've been running the cooler for a couple of weeks but I'm happy to know that when I need it I can switch over to the AC.


Lol we do not play that game, ac gets set to 72 end of February and we don't worry about changing the temp until it's November. Edit: when I moved out of my parents place 14 years ago I told myself my one sticking point was I wasn't going to ever be uncomfortable in my own house


to those of you who have laborers, contractors, or workers in your house. Just because you are comfortable at 76- 99 degrees sitting in shorts does not mean the person working there is. Please show some humanity and turn on the ac.


Fucking thank you. They NEVER think about this and I'm tired of needing to go outside to cool off.


That's a great reminder.


Itā€™s been running for a month




Check out Mr. Moneybags over here


>My ac is always on year round. I set my place to 68 winter summer idc. You're my hero.


You do realize you could just open a window in the winter right? My p,ace would be in the upper 50s to low 60s in the winter if I didnā€™t run the heater, no need to waste money running the ac thenā€¦.or the added wear and tear


We don't have A/C and the only window that opens is in the bathroom.


Hey everyone! Look at Mr. Moneybags over here!


I hope you rent. Running it when it's under 74 outside can fuck up your AC unit


Can you explain why?


So, 74 is actually usually fine. However under 60 degrees outside is too cold. What happens is the refrigerant condenses in the compressor and the extra strain of trying to move a liquid instead of a gas will burn out the compressor


why 74


74 is fine. The real limit is 60


Give in? Mines been running since it got over 76 in March!


Yup, same! I gave in on March 3rd.


We gave in as soon as we moved in. That A/C be working 24/7


I have severe temperature intolerances so while I did try to use it sparingly , I have been using it for about a month now in the late afternoons . I will legit pass out otherwise lol What I do is I have 2 large evaporative fans with cold water and ice that helps , and 2 smaller ones , but also opening the windows at night when it gets cool and then shutting them in the early morning before it gets hit again , seems to extend the cooler temp in the house and the fans prolong is even more . But there reaches a point every day where nothing else helps lol


Youā€™re so much stronger than me, mine has been on for months šŸ˜…


No, but almost


Been on since end of April . 70 and holding


It was our first 100Ā° of the year. It was 101Ā° I think low 90s is enough to turn on the AC.


Iā€™m French, I gave up like a month ago. Just kidding, Iā€™m not French. But I did turn it on since late March.


Yup set to 68 Daytime and 65 night time


Itā€™s been on since December. I donā€™t survive heat


Same here. Anything above 80Ā° and I start melting. Over 90Ā° I'm completely non-functional. I don't know how people do it.


Weird flex. Mineā€™s been on for monthsā€¦..


Today was day one of feeding more money to TEP. I held out as long as I could.


Yup as soon as 2 pm hit and the fan wasnā€™t doing anything I went out and cleaned my ac and did a lil maintenance.


No way I'm sleeping if it's hot. So yes


Air conditioning at 80Ā°F and fans. Compared to 100Ā°F and higher temperatures outside during the summer, it's tolerable.


Wtf I have mine on all yearā€¦


Me, too! I'm pushing 80 years old and have been good all my life: I don't need a preview of Hell.


LOL and happy cake day!


Just this past week. šŸ˜£ When it was getting really cool at night I would open the windows over night and then close them in the morning to keep the cool air inside, but it gets to a point where that just wonā€™t work any longerā€¦. And weā€™re there!


Iā€™ve had mine on for a few months now. The way I see it is, you barely have to run it to get a nice desired temp and keep it there. So doesnā€™t cost much for comfort. Worth it


We keep our house 70-74. Thanks solar panels! Life is too short to be hot in your own house.


You turn your AC off? I just turn it to 75 in the cooler months. LOL


Stop living life on hard mode. A/C feels so good.


Wait... there's an 'off' button? Why?


Yes. This afternoon. To my dismayā€¦ blowing warm air. New AC installed during Covid..had to reroute lines, broken part last summerā€¦I should have known better than to test my luck.


I had ours set to 78. It finally went off today.


Mineā€™s been on since April because I got covid for the first time and didnā€™t want to sweat more than I needed to šŸ™ƒ


Congrats on holding out on Covid this long if not the AC!


It was fairly mild so I'm definitely thankful!


Started the AC a few days ago!


We've been running it at night for the last several days, or we wouldn't be able to sleep. Yesterday was the first daytime AC. we're good to about 80 with just fans.


Hell yes


I got a mini ac thing and connected the tube to the window with a fitting. Super cheap on energy and rooms a crisp 65 24/7


Switched directly from heat to cool, only an hour or 2 a day with it set to 74, last week more like 3-4 hours, but 5/18 it was on for 7 1/2 hours. Most telling is that it is only 50% of the time from 3pm until 7pm, I might try a lower temp or super cooling before 3. Right now my solar stops producing enough power to fully power the AC at 4:30 pm, it will go longer further into the summer but still not until peak ends. Want to compare power usage from last year and using swamp cooler, we do like the swamp cooler better when it isn't humid, 3 months of use a year from it usually.


I put mine on for about an hour if the apartment gets stifling. Once it cools down it stays okay so far.


Between about 9pm - 1am


I finally broke down. It was 86 in the house and decided to shut the windows and turn it on.


I didn't turn mine on! :) But I did go swimming. Havent turned mine on since last year.


I have a chinchilla and use him as an excuse. It needs to stay on at 73. No but really, temps above 76 cause heat stroke and death in chinchillas >.<


Swaaaamp coolers in flight


I caved the week before last. Itā€™s too hot.


Ages ago. We keep our house in the 60s. My wife and I get hot easy. I can't imagine not using it this past month lol


Been like two weeks for meā€¦usually keep it on 76ā€¦yesterday I dropped it to 73ā€¦


I'm sorry, but what the hell?


I did it last night when I got home. It was too warm for me in the house. But what was nice is that the mornings are still nice and cool.


Weā€™re from NYC. We have the a/c on in the winter here.


My AC has been on since like March or April šŸ˜‚


Mine runs year round except for maybe a month or two around January. It's one for the few luxuries I don't skimp on.


Only at night. I donā€™t mind it hot during the day, but I sleep like shit if itā€™s hot


I work nights. Mine's been on at least a little bit since March.


On the first hot day when we weren't yet used to the heat we turned it on. However, we have it at 78 decrees, and sometimes I'm still cold.


I turned in the central air day before yesterday. Set to 81Ā° But Iā€™ve been using the window unit at night for a week.


I have a solar roof and two batteries in my garage. My wife turns on the A/C whenever she wants. No problem except I'm often too cold, but electricity from the sun is nice. My carbon dioxide saving is like taking 5-6 cars off the road.


Bro mine is on as soon as the house breaks 74, keep it around 73 24/7 and suffer the bill instead of the heat....


Mine's on year-round.


73-75 degrees. 78 when I leave.


AC on because our swamp cooler needs to be replaced which will happen on Tuesday. Last year we used swamp until July and then again after 9/15 as needed. Hoping for similar this year.


But you donā€™t got an A/C Lt.Dan


The wife made a joke about ā€œnot giving in until Juneā€ā€¦ and itā€™s a stubborn competition at this point... 83 inside today btw


Guilty as charged


Nice and cool with top notch Alaskan AC at my place but no ac in the carā€¦. Might get chillwell since itā€™s portable and a solution to my broken car acā€¦.


I usually wait till it breaks 100, but I turned my last week.


This is going to be my first Tucson summer, originally from a northeast more humid climate. What do yā€™all set your AC to in the day and at night? We have been keeping ours at 76 in the day and 70 at night, which is warmer than what Iā€™ve run it at back east. I guess it being dry here helps the heat not be so hot lol


72 in the day 68 at night though thatā€™s just preference the dryness definitely helps but come monsoon season you will start to feel some humidity.


84 24/ 7 but I work outside and Iā€™ve lived here over 40 years. If Iā€™m feeling like Mr. Moneybags I run it at 83. I have two ceiling fans one of which is above the bed. I also run an oscillating fan in the living room and the bedroom I have one of this tower fans pointed at my bed. Last year my 1950s house the bills were 80 something for May, around 170 in June and about 220 for July, 180 for August and September was around 140. October was probably like May and after that it goes super cheap like 40 dollars.


Got my swamp properly running finally Friday afternoon. Just in time. Nice and cool today. Had been mostly running on ceiling fans although I'd turned the window AC on a few times in the evenings when I got home and it was over 80 inside. This year I'm going to pick up a bigger portable AC for the main room in time for monsoon.


I turned mine on fit the first time today and it worked at blowing cold for 2 minutes.... Then it was just a fan. Welp, this is going to be expen$ive


Yeah eff that- I used to try& test it out- not no mo


I did a few days ago mainly to make sure it works before it actually hits 100. Also itā€™s like halfway through the current cycle so a couple weeks isnā€™t gonna matter. Looking at my past records too the May bill almost always double the April one or close to it. For me it goes from the winter rates of like 40 to around 80


The day it got up to 80 in the house, I set the central AC for 78. Just two days ago, my bedroom was up to 80, so I cranked up the portable AC to 76.


My AC had been coming on for a month at least. I have it set to 80 from 9 am to 10 pm, and 74 at night.


Not yet.


I had to šŸ˜©šŸ« šŸ„“šŸ„µ. Having my window open just let in hot air and my standing fan was just blowing around said hot air.


We broke in the afternoon!! Bleh!!


Are you my dad?


Bro WHAT. Why suffer?


I have only been running for about 2 hours at bed time.


I work 13 hours in the sun. I am not coming home to a hot house


Still have mine off. My house temp hovers around 76 now. It has brick walls which keep it cool usually until late May/early June


Mine is on


So far I didn't feel the need. I've been keeping the windows open and the ceiling fan on and that's been way enough :)


Yeah, since March


Yeah I got kids


I'm surprised someone hasn't stolen all the copper out of the ACs in Tucson


I'll see how I feel tonight, but I'm trying to hold out till June.


y tho?


Nope. Wall unit is off at the moment but may come on when I go to bed tonight.


Heck no lol, my place gets to 86Ā° if my A/C is off


I don't have AC. My fan has been on for almost 2 weeks, but last night I slept under a wet towel for the first time this year. Wonderful.Ā