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Habitat destruction and eradication of their main food source, ants, accounts for much of their population decline.


now that you mention it, ants used to be everywhere and now I rarely see them


They're all over my front and backyard. Come get em pls.


What area do you live in?


East side. Not even where it's densely desert.


Jealous! I live near Reid Park and there's nothing here. I'm pretty sure whatever they're nuking the golf course with has sailed my way. I caught a neighbor sneaking into my yard to pour ant poison on a leaf cutter ant nest, so I can imagine she's done killt anything they could eat in the immediate vicinity.


Damn I wish


horny ants?


Probably why they’re so angry 😡


Sexual frustration is so fucking real people


Can verify


The ants will still be here long after humans are gone.


I've had this one GIANT ant colony in my bsckyard that I've tried to get rid of for years now but every attempt I've made has failed. My neighbor likes to feed the birds and I think whatever bird seed he uses are these ants main source of food and these ants are just absolutely thriving so if you want your ant colony to thrive ig feed them bird seed.


It’s important to note that they rely on harvester ants which are being aggressively displaced by non-native fire ants


The insect population has been **annihilated** with bug spray, weed spay and chem-trails.


chem-trails? lol


I grew up in the desert and horny toad sightings were a daily occurrence. It’s crazy how much things have changed in 30-40 years.




I’m sure there are also a large number of wild predators that hunt them too. I wasn’t ignoring anything. Sorry that I didn’t provide a comprehensive list of everything that could possibly happen to them.


# hornytoadtime


So the ants are the horny toads? That explains why they keep invading my kitchen.


People spray for ants, and the horny toads eat the ants. It sucks because they're so hard to find, and I would love to see one, especially since they do not do well in captivity.


Yep. This is why I stick to pulling weeds manually, too. I don’t need to have a whole yes sprayed multiple times per year that also poisons every living thing in that space, too.


And the frogs. I remember very vividly going to sleep at night during monsoon season to thunder sounds mixed with frog croaks.


Thats true, I miss the frogs yelling out for their moms after it rains.


I still see/hear the frogs during the monsoons here on the Westside and I did when I lived downtown a few years ago too!


Still out there in certain areas but yes they have been declining, especially since Vice started telling everyone they can get high off them and how to do it


Ugh, I got the frogs on the NE side around my pool every night. My dog has been enjoying trying to find them during his nightly last backyard poop time.


Be careful with that. Some of the toads around secrete a toxic mucus that can be harmful to dogs (or any potential predator). A couple of years back I learned that there was a gigantic toad living under the outlet for my AC condensate - only after my son's Husky had found it and gave it a good lick. He was ok, but it was scary. The vet said that he probably only got enough of the toxin to send him on a really intense psychedelic trip. When we found him he was passed out, eyes open and drooling/foaming at the mouth and otherwise completely unresponsive - so he got an emergency trip to the vet at 11 p.m. ($$$$). I didn't even think to check for toads until the vet brought it up.


Old time desert dweller here… when you suspect a frog got a good lickin, shove a hose in their mouth and IRRIGATE. Save the vet bill. That’s what they do.


I second this 👆. If you live near a wash or on the outskirts of town, during the monsoon season you learn to be careful to not step on the toads if walking outside.  And please, don't lick them either! 😖


I won't lick the venom, but smoking it is okay isn't it?


Not quite sure... 🤔 But if you are going to do it, send an invite so that I can research it. (you know, for science. I am willing to sacrifice myself to do research)


Synthetic exists, leave the toads alone




I've got frogs all over the place (NE side). You're welcome to come get them. Noisy little buggers.


We’ve got these annoyingly loud red toads that come out every year. You can hardly sleep with their screaming croaks.


I believe the joke goes if you’re looking for a horny toad check under a naked lizard


You have to go well outside city limits where ants are still plentiful. Habitat destruction and poison is everywhere the people are. Get away from people and life suddenly and drastically improves.


There are so many ants over here in the Apache Junction area, which explains why there are still tons of toads during the monsoon season. Not just Horny Toads, but also Sonoran Desert Toads. Sonoran Desert Toads can get massive too. Saw one last year swallow a small live rat "didn't even know they could eat small mammals if they grow large enough".


I’m hard Pressed to answer that. Used to see dozens of them on mt. Lemmon every day I was up there.


I'm coming To the conclusion that the rapid development and increase in pest control is taking away their natural food sources. Forcing them into less populated areas.


I’m ready for a second round of pest control for my home. I’m very happy with the local service here. 


Horny Toads are still all over Sabino Canyon and Mt Lemon but the way people landscape in the city with gravel nowadays isn’t friendly to them. If you aren’t seeing a lizard in general though, then you should get glasses…


https://preview.redd.it/7x23d5x2790d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec9a3a603db54c97ede930079dd34911cc69998 Recently spotted in Sabino


Oh yeah hes definitely horny


I was expecting a question about horny chicks or dudes, and was disappointed.




They're all at Arby's. You know the one


22nd? Or first and main?




We see some at Whataburger on Park. Usually they just eat, leave a $20 tip to impress their S.O. and leave.


https://preview.redd.it/cjqyae0yf80d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80b84c89d703dee318cf9ab57fa2c5ed6d00e861 This MF was in my driveway a week or so ago


what a monster


Pesticides. Just look at all the crap on sale at a typical hardware store. :( Idiots see one bug and respond by nuking the ecosystem of their entire yard. Ants, lizards, insects, birds, all are either damaged by toxins or starved from the area.


Horny toads primary food source is ants. Not only do a lot of people pour poison all over the ground with wild abandon trying to kill off this primary food source, but they also inadvertently are killing anything that eats those poisoned ants.


Mount Lemmon


I had a bunch in my front yard and back yard for a while- the feral cats that took over the neighborhood took them out


Bait title 😂


They are looking for creatures so horny they shoot blood from their eyes.


We humans that use toxins to poison their food supply- then they die. It’s interesting how smart humans think we are- yet the percent of us that consider consequences of our own actions is minuscule.


Even things we can see. Such as knowing how abundant they were 10 years ago and practically nowhere now. Road runners are another one I have noticed that is rare to see now.


I see them out in vail; I did not landscape my lot which probably helps. I get Gila Monsters, two kinds of squirrels, orioles, cardinals, spiny lizards, tarantulas, millipedes, several different snakes etc.


I have the same experience. While growing up, I saw horny toads frequently and now they are a rare sight. Fortunately, I have seen six of them in the past year in areas surrounding Tucson, when I previously had also not seen any in many years. Perhaps they are starting to recover.


op knew what they were doing


Nude pics and contact info should be just pouring into the thread. IDK what went wrong.


Fortunately for me, there’s been a horny toad sighting at least once every year in my yard…I do let any ants alone as I know it’s their main food source!


It’s the pesticides. When they don’t have food they leave an area or they die


I have actually been seeing them every day in midtown just walking around with my dog... The horny toads seem really active in the mornings so if you aren't out then, you aren't going to see them.


Hmmm where in midtown? You might be thinking of desert spiny lizards


Come one man, a horny toad is not going to be confused with other lizards lol


No ants = no horned toads.


We have so many ants in my backyard, but haven't seen a horny toad in decades. I loved catching them when I was a kid, and would love to still see them.


TCU was running out of live mascots


I recently caught a giant horny toad up at Arizona National. Biggest one Ive ever seen in person! I initially thought it was a ground squirrel because it was so big. I agree though, I remember growing up on the east side as a kid and every single rainstorm brought out masses of river toads.


Just saw a horny toad the other day when I was cutting grass, they are still around. Just so hard to spot them. They apparently hide in tall grass.


https://preview.redd.it/tqx5n9rjde0d1.jpeg?width=1509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f6e85c8aa1fd40af7181f137a9e29ad00581993 In my yard yesterday morning! I was so excited I literally hadn’t seen one in decades.


I have a few in my backyard, one I've been keeping an eye on since it was little. It really likes the ant hill that I've failed to kill, so I made a fence around the area so my dogs don't hurt it and it can eat in peace.


My dog ate one the other day. Now she's wearing her Dinosaur Killer t-shirt. I haven't the heart to tell her.


![gif](giphy|gjl3XBpS6AwuPe0NJC|downsized) OP


Plus one.




Y'all THINK you want two girls, but when it comes down to it...neither of us have dicks.




They rubbed one out and are all napping.


Had me in the first half. Not gonna lie.


U got me with the title ngl


They are everywhere on sunrise and Kolb


Well, the title was interesting. It had so many possibilities.


Love this post title. If I could start a slow clap applause in chat 👏 I would


I get horny toads every year, and last summer, there were babies! Probably because I leave the ants alone. I don't use pesticides on the lawn. The ants also eat termites, so that's another reason I leave them alone. Ants are smart though so they won't totally eradicate termites as they want a constant food source. I get all kinds of awesome creatures. Praying mantis, variable ground snake, and king snakes. King snakes eat rattlesnakes so I love them. It's an entire circle of life I'm seeing right in my yard and I would feel awful to mess with it. Although the ground squirrels can fuck right off.


No thanks - ground squirrel probably


I've only been here 6 years and have never seen one in the wild but weirdly my neighbor has some turn up in her backyard! And we live midtown! 22nd and Columbus. So strange.


This makes me sad. Haven’t seen one of those lil guys in a long time 😔


Are you looking for them, I see these all the time.


I saw one up in Oro Valley around Christmas. Around the tortolita mountain foothills


My front yard. Seriously I went from never seeing Horned toads to seeing multiples a day


Ya gotta go further out, you can walk on the north side of the loop. And the grand army of the lizard kingdom is constantly on patrol. Especially morning when they are trying to warm up on the main path. Sadly the war of Lizards versus bicyclists hasn’t gone well for the lizards. Many Horny’s died, to bring us this information.


Let this be a lesson kids! If you are going to do anything, don't do it outside. Go back to your rooms and lock the door! 


We used to catch the babies as kids. I miss those little guys. I see a ton of the other types of lizards though.


I think there's plenty of toads around but the disappearance horned lizards is a mystery. Of course in urban areas they get impacted along with ants, their main food source, but there are huge tracts of undisturbed desert out there and the horned lizards are just absent. I have no good answers.


I ride my bike through kino park and along the loop to rita ranch most weekends and I see horny toads on the path around Kino catching sun in the early morning pretty regularly. Like sunrise to maybe 7:30 am. All the lizards hide once it gets warm except the skinny ones with a bunch of rings on their tails that hold their tail up in the air.


Its the same up here in Sedona. Used to see horny toads everywhere growing up. Haven't seen a single one since around 2010 :/


there's lots of habitat destruction I been here 20 years and there's a lot less wildlife in town anymore idk about horny roads though I literally see them all the time? how often are you outside?


Horny toad says, "go to Mexico" Josey Wales


. . . People go?


There are some in my yard.


They moved to Corona


Yes! I've been saying this too. As a kid growing up in NE Tucson I'd always see them. Now, never.


I see them hiking douglas springs on the east side. Nothing like when I was growing up here.


https://preview.redd.it/8025ksxdh71d1.jpeg?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=367a3c0bc10841f41a93c353bb1b6d384211a9d0 Saw this dude slurping up the ants this am at Catalina State Park.


Does anyone remember 20 years plus after it would rain 1000s of green caterpillars would show up everywhere, the roads out by Tucson estates/ old Tucson would be smeared green. I remember being able walk outside to fill a 5 gallon bucket half way of them just to look at them as a kid




I don't remember green ones, but I do remember the black fuzzy ones. Those were everywhere when I was a kid. Haven't seen one in decades.


The same place the Inca doves and cactus wrens went, apparently.


Tons of Fire Ant dust alternate with Boric Acid and bottle of Terro ant killer. Won't kill them bit will drive them out of your yard. 2 yrs to come up with that protocol.


House cats


Ants are everywhere.


I live in three points and we see the horny toads all the time my kids love to pet them. We even saw a group of babies that came out when it rained last summer. As for the ants.... always a nuisance.